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Should You Buy an iPad Pro?

it's been like a ridiculous four and a half weeks in the tech world in that time span we've seen 17,000 phones get announced we've seen concept devices that can fold we've had new iPads there's been a ton of stuff so I thought it'd be fun to kind of bring back ask the Buffalo so before IQ you're a let me thank our sponsors world of warships so if there's one thing almost all games have in common they cost you money but what if there was a free online strategy game that wasn't gonna cost you a cent but was it's also kind of fun let me tell you about world of warships it's kind of similar if you guys have ever seen like World of Tanks and World of Warplanes you have several types for ships and do different roles and you can team up and vs. and battle each other you can also choose different countries if you want to be the US or German factions or Russian you can you pick your nationality the world of warships is also always getting updated so it's consoling you game's mission ships new stuff is just always showing up so this sounds like something that you want to check out again totally free and no pressure hit the link down below you can use a code play warship 2018 to receive a bunch of free stuff when you start so again a big thank you to world of warships are sponsoring this video and generally making all of this content happen and I promised that I was gonna cue your egg nashandra asks was thinking about buying a MacBook Pro or an iPad pro for school which do you think would be best to buy first so I got a ton of versions of this question the iPad pro is an awesome iPad but it's still running iOS so until there's like a pad os or an iPad OS that makes it more of a desktop replacement by a PC by your MacBook by your MacBook Pro or bio Windows laptop at least for me I don't want to have to change how I use the device to suit the device like I have to with the iPad for iOS wanted to use it as a full computer Mac OS or Windows 10 you can just sit down and do your work I get that might not be the most popular opinion here but when someone asked me what's a PC I tell them exactly what it is it's not that bad santino two one three the pics 3xl cause the same as a1 plus 60 which phone you recommend to an average person I think I'm gonna give away that versus video in a question stay tuned that is coming I'm actually working on that script so add ready Freddy asks how do you find balance in your life really the honest answer is I don't I put this out on Twitter last week but I've long suffered with insomnia and anxiety it's been hard for me to try to find balance I think what I've succeeded in doing is is masking it better than most but if there's one thing that helps me calm down at least as much as I can it's just being with family next one comes from inadequate Chi galaxy full little smartphone gimmick for the future the Note edge seemed like a gimmick but now it's become a staple so everybody's looking at the full double phone that Samsung showed is like this is a product they're going to release this is more like a concept of what things could be and the internet was linked as internet tends to be like super mixed on what to think of it I think it is going to the future is some sort of foldable technology will be the future the giant bezels they showed presumably will not be there hopefully but a device you can open up that there's multiple purposes I definitely think is going to be the future at undvik tendrĂ¡ if you had to choose one company to make all the tech what company would it be and why if there was like hypothetically a question that I wouldn't want to touch with a ten-foot pole maybe a 30-foot pole it would be that question so next my friend Anthony min Ogoni at Red Socks 2009 asks what is your dream Android device so I'm gonna do like a Franken device of like parts from different phones we're gonna take let's start with the sexy sexy single camera from the pixel 3 XL we're gonna slap the screen from the galaxy note 9 on it we're gonna put the in screen fingerprint reader from the 1 plus 60 we're gonna take the face ID from the huawei mate 20 Pro USBC 38 hundred million power battery to keep things like really realistic slap 6 gigs of ram in there android Pi and I'm realizing that I'm mostly just running off what is the May 20 Pro so right you'll have Cohen asked what do you think about Apple moving USBC on the had from business standpoint for customers it's great but do you think Apple make more money if they ditch the Lightning port listen I'm gonna tell you I'm not gonna lie but I guess really you're not gonna know I was shocked when Apple really went USBC on the iPad pro not because consumers love it and because you can plug in a ton of accessories and it's almost universal now but because Apple makes a butt donkey ton of money from licensing lightning and if they're gonna give up that but donkey ton of money for the iPad but I was wrong so I'm happy they did it if they did it on the iPad I can't see how eventually it won't happen to the iPhone and they'll give up that donkey ton of money and licensing lightning I would imagine it's probably at least one to two generations away but one cable to rule them all will be really nice before Apple just ditches the i/o entirely just lets you wirelessly charge and sync your stuff our next one comes from at John M 140 you have one phone to choose for the next year which phone are you choosing and why alright so what's a QA or that business of people off let's do it try to pick one phone to use for the next year I am walking into an Apple Store and I'm picking up an iPhone and 10 s max don't at me it's best for me but that's be right for you that's what I'm picking and at least I'm admitting it on camera right now so there you go and maybe something will come out they'll change my mind but right now and it's max we had some questions I made some horrible jokes you gotta know a little bit more about me personally I love doing these ass to Buffalo videos I want to bring it back if you guys like to see get the video a thumbs up to let us know I appreciate it until next time Jon render from TechnoBuffalo I promise I'm done you and you're a
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