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Should you buy the New MacBook or Apple Watch?

this episode of TechnoBuffalo is brought to you by citrix gotoassist the number one global market leader and remote support what's up everyone walk back the pursuit of retinues riffs oh it's kind of like riffs and rant so what call Retin Jers rant diffs i am fresh off the plane from the Apple event I've been back in the office for like 20 minutes and I got all kinds of thoughts about what got announced and why things only have one port and what evolutionary revolutionary and what's just another way to sell your stuff so if you want to know what I think about Apple products let's go ahead and jump right in let's start with that new MacBook so let me start with what it's all about it's all about fitness it's all about lightness and it's all about portability which for me sounds exactly like what the MacBook Air is all about or at least was all about so why would you buy a macbook air right now that Apple just upgraded as well look at the MacBook Air just like those bezels they're huge you've got a non Retina screen you look at the MacBook that's got an almost bezel as gorgeous Retina display you don't have that on the MacBook now the only the matchbooks out going for it is a not mobile processor more configurable options and more than a single port but Apple's ever been afraid to cannibalize their own product line with their own products but I can't for the life of me figure out what the appeal to a MacBook Air is now why would I will do that to their entire product line so moral being if you're good-looking about getting a MacBook Air I'd probably wait a few months until it gets updated to look like the MacBook we're gonna go away with it or maybe the Mac what's gonna go away I don't know but speaking of MacBook let's talk about IO shall we input/output and I guess I'm done to put a plural there they're not inputs or outputs it's just just a single single USB type-c port so this it's all about portability it's all about travel it's all about a wireless world like I get that and I get that it's for the future more thing you're gonna use USB see I understand all that but in the world right now where you're gonna buy the new MacBook it's gonna be available what April 10th or so in the US how many USB type-c things you have is your thumb drive USB type-c or external hard drives USB type-c I'm just gonna wager life you like me they are probably not so you're gonna need a lot of adapters to go with that think of port so you're gonna have to buy if you just want a USB port like a normal USB port 20 bucks if you're gonna want to plug in a monitor that's $80 adapter but you're also getting a USB port on there and then another USB type-c port so that's cool my fear and worry is if I'm traveling to an event what if I forget an adapter what if I lose an adapter what if I heaven forbid want to plug in an SD card to get pictures off of an event I'm not sure what you do in that situation you got to make sure that you are carrying accessories after accessories to go with your computer this argument might sound very familiar remember the very first MacBook there had a little door the pop down single USB port it was annoying but at least that had a separate charging ports to go with it you didn't charge through that as well so if you're out of juice and you also want to plug in a thumb drive you don't have an adapter you sir madam are screwed it's a very tough pill to swallow and taking all that out outside it's got a mobile processor in it I'm sure it'll be fine for like emails and they'll be fine for watching videos not sure about what's gonna do with 4k videos despite having a retina splay I don't know yet you can pretty much take gaming at the equation I can certainly take any significance from a video editing out and anything maybe it's not iMovie is that out of the equation Photoshop probably at the equation - at least you have to worry and think twice about we're gonna use that computer for words you don't maybe with something like current generation MacBook Air and certainly the MacBook Pro what it does have going for it is oh it's so pretty looking it is so nice and impossibly thin if I can sound a little cliche the trackpad is awesome you can push it harder or softer and vibrates it's great Apple made a big deal about the keyboard with the new butterfly mechanism but the reason that they had to make a new mechanism because things too thin to have a normal keyboard clicking 'us so you don't have that same throw that you have with the normal keyboard it's so fine you push a is gonna show up but you don't get that gun satisfying quickie type feel that you're gonna get I have no way to think about this new MacBook I'm excited to get it in and try it the colors certainly look nice but it is a very expensive experiment for Apple and I'm not sure what its gonna do to the MacBook Air stop real fast thank our friends at Citrix with go to remote support you can provide live or unattended support to any computer or mobile device sign up today for a 30-day free trial no contract and no credit card and you did visit go to assist com click the try it free button now and since everybody loves free stuff if you purchase go to assist annual plan before March 31st you sir madam will get a free Galaxy Tab 4 as well but that wouldn't do anything that Apple talking about they talked about the Apple watch obviously and I had a chance to play with all three versions of the Apple watch first like you I was kind of floored by the price I got a few concerns first what's the upgrade cycle gonna be is it gonna be every year I looked online the Apple watch I would get there was the price wasn't an option is almost $1200 for just a regular Apple watch with a pretty cool looking steel band that is a lot of money for a watch that's going to be obsolete presumably in 12 to 16 months the sport looks great it's less expensive you get the same functionality you should get 2 bands in the box that might be the better way to go for a value proposition if you can give it's a value what I don't understand about the watch at least as it is right now there's nothing revolutionary about it doesn't do anything really that Android wear doesn't do save for being able to maybe send little drawings to your friends or send your heartbeat to your friends or someone else that has an Apple watch I'm not sure what the reason to get it is yet there isn't that killer app that's gonna push app mass adoption now what it does it does very well the UI is super smooth it looks really nice the screen is gorgeous you know they say you're gonna get keen hours battery life which is nice it's got a magnetic charger it's got a lot of stuff going for it but there isn't that killer feature and I think phones for a lot of people are almost sort of a necessity nowadays and I say light necessity obviously the food shelter that cast up a real necessities but a watch doesn't fall in that category so I'm wondering what Apple's going to do and how they're going to dress that to get people to try and migrate over maybe the profit margins are so huge maybe I only need one out of every 400 iPhone users to buy an Apple watch I don't know or maybe there are eight cycles gonna be two years maybe they're not making much this year but its component costs come down next year it'll be a huge profit for them I I don't know what that's gonna be most of Apple's new products have been a way to sell you more apps soon believe you'd be able to buy more apps put on your watch and that's where they're gonna make money sort of a Trojan horse model but I'm not sure what the use case is for the watch yet it looks really pretty I'm excited to test it if I was looking to get one you know would I I don't know for 1,200 bucks not only could I buy a brand new unlocked Nexus 6 I could buy like eight android wear device and find one that works well for me so it's gonna be a value to you and what's sort of worth it or not if there was an idea that Apple products are premium and expensive the Apple watch is only gonna push that notion way further than perhaps before I'm really curious though if it's going to sell or how it's gonna sell it's gonna have line inside the Apple Store or after that initial launch if people are going to jump on board with it I just don't know the answer but like you I'm probably pretty curious to see what it's going to be what do you guys think you want the new MacBook do you think it's silly with one port is it awesome to you it's the Apple watch like your next thing it's gonna be on your wrist I'd really be curious to hear your thoughts on it cuz I'm not sure what I think about him yet and I've had a chance to see them both in person and if you like the video please give it a thumbs up we always appreciate it until next time I'm John Anderson TechnoBuffalo if you want to get more TechnoBuffalo videos hit the big subscribe button right here we'd love to have you till next time see you next video you
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