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Siri's Greatest Hits

what's going on everybody John render from TechnoBuffalo here a little while ago we ran a story that series got some beatboxing skills but her sense of humor and style goes way back today's and should we tell you where to bury a dead body so I'll show you some of the fun responses Siri has and Charlie's for yourself because we give different answers depending on how many times you ask repeat after me I'm an intelligent assistant John not a parent with beautiful plumage what's 0/0 imagine that you have zero cookies and you split them evenly among zero friends how many cookies does each person get Steve it doesn't make sense and Cookie Monster is sad that there are no cookies and you are sad that you have no friends you mean Siri you don't know what came first the chicken or the egg I can't say Oh Siri okay glass just so you know I don't do anything when you blink at me John thank you guys Lincoln okay sir read me a haiku sometimes they don't make sense you got jokes Siri I'm naked you maybe I got just enough where's Elvis Presley my sources tell me area 51 but that's classified what's your favorite animal I would rather talk about your calendar and dinner plans John can I borrow some money you still haven't returned the lawnmower I lent you Ceri why do you vibrate it's just me doing a little jig inside here talk dirty to me I'm not that kind of personal assistant how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood so there's a lot of things you can ask Siri which will tell you a funny story jester until you joke tell you a bedtime story she's got a sense of humor but she is not the only systems a sense of humor you want to know what Google now is God or what jokes Cortana's got in store or maybe you have one of them singing you a song which they can do let us know down below if you want to see it give video a thumbs up close appreciate it until next time I'm driving under some TechnoBuffalo I'm gonna go find out why Siri won't make me a sandwich
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