
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Smartwatch Buying Advice and LG G4 Upgrade Recommendation

this episode of TechnoBuffalo is brought to you by what's going on everybody look right there pisode of ask the Buffalo I'm your host Jon ventures to show you can ask me whatever question is going on your mind if you don't know what tech to get your not sure when your rash you're going to go away this is a place you can ask let's jump right into the questions the first one comes from ads vino 4261 who asks at john for lakers is the LG g4 worth upgrading from the LG g3 if camera is the most important thing to you are one of those important things to you about a phone and yes it is absolutely worth the upgrade screen resolutions say the same though it does look much better on the g4 getting a faster processor but the g3 is still playing plenty fast if camera is your main focus if you want to take advantage of having ridiculously awesome camera in your pocket pocket then yes the g4 is definitely nice upgrade from the g3 next one comes from eugene's gb ass at john for lakers this is a question I get a variant of quite often my school junior and aspiring tech journalists hopefully going to Yale humble brag what would you recommend to major in college as if you want to talk about the writing side of things anything that's written intensive so you want to write for a tech site whatever is going to make you do creative writing is awesome you don't have to be a journalism major ellesse always preferred any sort of liberal arts or creative writing English it's a great way to go if you want to be more on camera major matters a little bit less anything it's going to sort of make you talk take Speech and Debate join debate class anything gets you in front of an audience you comfortable talking learning how to talk on your feet how to improvise is really important join an improv troupe those are all things least that I did in college as i enjoy public speaking hopefully that will help you guys you look to advance your careers if you've got that idea for new website you want to start you've been itching to start run on the shower or domain com has you covered it's a place to go when the next great idea hit too it's a one-stop shopping for all of your domain and web hosting and email needs plus did list of extensions are growing like crazy so you can now have not just calm you could have ninja NYC dot website or a ton more our friends at on hook you up with a great offer save twenty percent on domain names and web hosting when you use coupon code technobuffalo all capital letters one word at domain coms check out you think domain names think next one comes from ats raising hope 121 @ john for lakers i'm searching for a good SmartWatch to buy should buy that moto 360 or should I wait for the next generation Moto 360 wait Google i/o is next week presumably we will see a ton of Android wear updates this is like the worst week to buy android wear do not don't buy anything don't be enticed by any discounts chances are they will get even bigger next week if I was a betting man up known role of dies every now and then I would say we will see the next-gen moto 360 announced and probably giving or given away to attendees at Google i/o next week so just wait chill out sit calmly no you're going to get something new something fancy something that is probably a little better processor a little better screen and probably running a new version of the OS wait just your credit card down step over your computer it will be fine on another note if you guys want to see more behind-the-scenes stuff we do a technobuffalo you want to hear my thoughts for example why I'm embarrassed for my Apple watch check out my behind the scenes channel and personal vlog channel at inside John's mind put a link to it down below again thank you guys for watching hope you enjoyed until next time I am John range from technobuffalo he's a video a thumbs up we always appreciate it see you guys the next one
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