what's up everyone jon rettinger from
technobuffalo here and I've got an
unboxing for you of Snow Leopard now I
know what you're thinking unboxing a box
la dee frickin duh but maybe you want to
see what's in here I know I would be
curious if I wasn't upgrading to snow
leopard I thought maybe you guys might
have that same level of curiosity so i
pre-ordered the family pack so I got
five licenses it shipped from AI which
is kind of interesting and now Apple
international Allen Iverson wherever in
mira loma california is the cardboard
box doesn't sound like anything's in
here maybe they shipped me nothing we'll
see I assume this is Snow Leopard since
I was waiting for it to come today and
this is the package it showed up let's
go ahead and dig in so if those you that
might not know if you're watching a
software in boxing you probably have
some idea snow leopard is the new
operating system for mac OS 10 and there
it is indeed it is Snow Leopard comes
all plastic wrap heed up here let's go
ahead and just pull out the plastic this
is sort of like another unlock all right
and I'll become wow I really love and
boxing you can clearly tell by the fact
that this is what I am unboxing but I do
enjoy it and thought maybe you guys
might as well so here we go Mac os10
snow vo pard you got a picture of the
Leo pard right on the front with some
snow on his hairs all a little bit cold
but it's got that first so he's looks
like he's rocking it all right family
pack up to five computers needed a
little bit on the back refined from
insulation to shut down new core
technology support from Microsoft
Exchange Coco 64-bit goodness a lot of
pictures and doodads let's go ahead and
see what you get inside I'm assuming
it's just a disk but let's check her out
go ahead and use this unnecessarily
large knife for a piece of software one
of these days you guys are going to get
a unboxing and also going to get a
bloody finger swear I'm going to cut off
my thumb so pull off the plastic snow
leopard let's see we also got and
Dunstan Wow / a boy California this is
what they designed by Apple in
California you imagine that conversation
how about cardboard that's the size of a
DVD they're like brilliant you can see
Steve's like that's awful go back to the
drawing board start over and bring me my
tablet so just a little sleeve with all
of the what have you in there let's
check out what that what have you might
be there's the disc snow leopard and on
the back it looks like a disc let's say
I make sure I don't have any suitable
number of business going down here but
snow leopard installation features and
refinements I'll do a full review on the
insulation how it goes and all that
business but all kinds of stuff
QuickTime 10 Safari blah blah blah and
support information that's it quick
unboxing for you of Snow Leopard stay
tuned to the channel for all kinds of
snow leopard goodness installation
features and all that other crazy stuff
that maybe you're interested in so be
sure to stay tuned for exclusive content
sure to check me out on twitter
twitter.com / john for lakers they call
think about maybe giving out a few free
copies of Snow Leopard so check out
Twitter for that information and to
learn more about technobuffalo check out
technobuffalo calm and i shall see you
or you'll see me in the next video bye
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