powered by the 2013 cmax
the official car of CES what's up
everyone Jon render from TechnoBuffalo
here live from CES 2013 and we are at
the Intel booth taking a look at the
sony vaio tap it's one of the new line
of Windows 8 PCs it's called a tap
because but obviously you can tap on it
so Windows 8 was bill with multi-touch
in mind so you've got full 10-point
multi-touch on this guy first blush
looks like a standard touchscreen not a
giant deal but this thing does a couple
of cool things first you can lay it
totally flat you can use it for for
gaming or for sharing photos like the
old Microsoft services before they got
all tablet II this guy's kind of cooled
to that you can actually completely
untethered it's got 3.5 hours of
complete battery life so you're taking
your whole computer with you this guy's
being powered by a core i5 it's a pretty
impressive thing but what I wanted to
ask what's something that you guys would
use I'm thinking about this thing how
would I use this computer would actually
take it with me what uses would you have
I'm thinking it might be kind of fun to
have something like this in the kitchen
for example to have recipes and such up
there I think it's one of those examples
something that's really cool in theory
but I'm having a hard time figuring out
the uses of it so I'd love to know what
you guys would think how would you use
something like this eight to take you or
take with you just be an added benefit
and maybe you would just use it as your
dedicated computer so once it hear what
you guys think this isn't a first look
at the Sony Vaio tap just want to know
what you guys like it don't like it what
use would you have for something like
this for now I'm John Retton Jeffrey
TechnoBuffalo I'll see you next video
thanks again to Ford
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