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Super Mario Maker: How to create a course!

hey everyone this is Joey Davidson the gaming editor here at TechnoBuffalo calm and I'm doing something a little bit different today I'm actually going to live make an entire level of Mario maker for you guys normally I tend to record these videos like I record gameplay and then I record audio that's not what I'm gonna do here because I just want to kind of like narrate this as I go along so this is completely off the cuff we'll start by deleting the level so I still have stuff to unlock as you'll see here I think I have like a day or so left after nine days you unlock everything you have to play in the course editor for at least 5 minutes every single day for 9 in order to get all this stuff and then there's also other things that you can unlock through play but I did just unlock one of my favorite features from Mario Brothers 3 and that's the track creation tool let's do Mario makers my heart more you make it let's do Mario Brothers 3 we're gonna do an outside level ok so I'm going to use the sound effects for this and everything and we are going to just start by moving the goal line a little bit already yep that's right I have my hands set as a cat paw you can actually change that yeah let's do that cat paw for now ok so let's go to the start and I want to build a level that features some tracks but I want to give Mario a little bit of a starting runway here and a place to get all powered up when you shake some tools they change so you just saw that mushroom change colors think there's only three colors available on this one so I want to give Mario the raccoon tail right away well let's get some enemies here pretty sure the green turtle just walks right off the clip right he's just gonna keep rolling I don't want that red turtle he's a shake away cool and if you're a standard standardly decent Mario player you know that sometimes you'll see whoops not those this lets see a block kind of standing on its own on the ground you'll like woman how do we get that well you can use the turtle show or you can use your raccoon tail what you'll get here let's go ahead and give the players one up right out of the box so the way 1ups work in this game if you're playing 10 Mario challenge or 100 Mario challenge you can earn 3 1ups per stage no more than that like you may earn more than that but they only carry over there's only going to be three of them and they'll add to your total lives so if you're doing the 10 Mario challenge and you have eight Mario's left and you get three 1ups in the stage you'll be brought back up to ten you won't get 11 you won't get any more than the cap so you won't get any more than 100 or any more than 10 so it's it's you know you see people like flooding stages with 1ups like it's kind of useful it's kind of pointless do that asked I keep doing that and there we go okay so one up right there to get our player there our cocoon so let's toss some coins in here just for good measure okay so then they'll jump over here they'll get their one up and then it's off to the races right so I'm going to start with some track okay cool let's put some hazards on that track too and undo the platform type that only moves if you jump on it if I were to do brown it would be constantly moving like this blue one it'll it'll stay so let's do this to kind of encourage some jumping I don't know if he's gonna be able to reach some so let's see what that feels like and it's gonna catch up to me huh okay that's fine okay obviously it can't be that simple so let's toss a Goomba right here I mean what is this border those guys love flies flies oh man I just don't want the fly swatting minigame all right so this is random this wasn't supposed to happen you guys get them here I am just build a Mario course what did I get for that silliness a little - I'll be settling oh man what's going on I gotta keep on rolling here oh all right final look at them get them he's kidding hey what happened they lose might have lost however maybe I was supposed to flick those bombs into the big bug anyway I scan how glad that happen here for you guys escapes so random let's try and keep that goof in there I'll see what this plays like NBA I can't get over it I think I'm supposed to flick those bombs into that dude so don't don't play like I played there spazzing out okay that's no problem cool so you got this raccoon seal maybe we should introduce kind of like a flying bonus area put that right there so you'll bounce down off those and then when you get down to the bottom here let's scoot a little little flying space here but clearly not uninterrupted okay so you'll kill him yeah some space to fly right it is move that down okay so that's high enough right let's toss some free stuff up here just to be a jerk let's put a lot key to up here or Lackey to is I've heard other people say I drives me nuts all right so if but if you don't have the raccoon tail we need a way to get over there and let's make it like a not very nice way there let's do this so you'll scoot over there I'm kind of like show players like hey conveyer belts you guys know how these work but then let's just be jerks I hope this works if you want to see how something plays out you can just hit play and Mario will float in the air I love it all right leave it it alright how's that is bigger let me get can I make that jump probably that's easy okay right there so all the goombahs will come flying in boy boy boy I've gone I'm such a jerk okay okay see how that plays I don't want it to be like soul-crushing hard oops I don't want it to be like soul-crushing hard or anything but I do kind of want players to get to the end in which that they had haha okay they all kind of look there that's not that Oh rocky - okay forgot about him uh I don't like that it just sort of gaps there so I'm going to introduce another hopper please see what happens here so yeah if you were just to wait if you were just to wait right there like the goombahs will just fall to their death oh no they won't the fall down in there oh that's perfect there you go so it's not going to crush you either way all right then I'll just create a couple floating platforms here just for fun so I have changed jobs yet no I don't it's probably big enough jump in get that guy this is one one of the only annoying things about Mario maker if you want to make blocks that connect to the start and finish it of course you get those lines right there you see that line now let me let me see if I can anyway you see what I'm saying here I used to love it when they did this to just drop like a flying broom in there at the last second to mess with you okay let's see how this plays so we've got two one ups over the course possibility for three if you get all the coins I think I don't know if I cashed domitor coins or not that'd be nice a coin counter I probably didn't do 100 but if your coins actually carry over from all playthroughs if you're playing Mario No huh idiot the Mario challenge let me as well give some more points out here and let's just save it and upload it I can be I know I can beat this so what are we gonna call it uh hmm let's just call kuba stack its rip uploading and playing is really easy too so like you just save it like that go back to the course bot click upload it's going to be like bro you need to beat this before you can share with others and you'll say yeah okay I can do that let's see what happens it's not gonna be stupid challenging I mean I have made a few levels just to kind of be a jerk to my friends just one like if you get someone who's pretty good at Mario in here and then they start playing and they see like oh god this is so hard that can be kind of fun lucky doesn't really mess with you there at all there you go that's how you make a course Mario maker now I can be a jerk here if I want to um and I might actually try it just see what it's like but I do like sometimes I'm gonna upload it as is and it's really easy to upload - like does this little workout thing it gives you the course identifier and then that's it really right now it's going to give me an error okay there we go it's really faster than that so you could if I wanted to I can mess up the times because I didn't really use too much time there so let's bump that down at 300 and then I can even put in like an auto scroll see what that chicks I used to hate though like all the schooling levels as a kid man nothing to commend drove me more ducks than that get out of here although the autoscroll isn't too bad here oh now what now what am I gonna do okay yeah it's easily let's go the bottom route happens stupid goombahs ah okay there you go so I'm actually gonna upload it as is it's gonna make me plate again isn't it okay oh yes clear it again see if I can just get that raccoon tail and zip right through the end although now that does this auto scroll I really don't I can't zip too far haha okay there's a design flaw right there No awesome maybe don't be an idiot maybe how about that that was really close I almost didn't make that jump there I don't know I think I liked it better without the auto' school actually but I'm gonna leave it here his firm can you fly with is it gonna mess it up you know it's a shame all the levels that you're seeing built here during this like review period so if someone's one of your favorite streamers is may be streaming it or another reviewer that you like is uploading content like this you're not gonna be able to play this level these levels when Nintendo releases the game this is all on a review server with review code there's it's not the retail build I think it's like identical to the retail build but it's not the the retail copy so all these levels are going to be gone stupid mountain gumbaz what were you thinking Joey okay there we go cool so thank you guys for watching again I'm Joey Davidson and I would share this level with you Goomba stack or whatever it's called but you guys only read it play it I'm sorry thank you guys for watching though if you want to see anything else from Mario maker let us know and we are actually actively streaming the game - on Twitch in the afternoons during the week so you can check that out - the channel name there is TechnoBuffalo that's it so until next time I will see you guys later
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