this episode of technobuffalo is brought
to you by full sail university hello
internet and welcome back to another
episode of ask the Buffalo the show
where you can ask me Ashley ask ever any
question you might have from the wide
world of technology every tuesday we put
up a call for questions on TechnoBuffalo
calm you can leave your question in the
post comments otherwise you can send
them to me anytime of the day or night
on twitter at technobuffalo or at Ashley
ask ever but make sure you use the
hashtag ask the be so I can see it
usually every show I answer between
three and five questions so let's get
answering cuz this is ask the Buffalo
josh asks hey Ashley I was curious which
character thus far announced for super
smash brothers we use / 3ds will you
play as I'm a big super smash brothers
fan all the way back to the original but
I always play as metroid samus iran and
will continue to do so until i die or
they remove the character although this
summer on i may take a spin with pit
from Kid Icarus cuz I'm a huge fan have
a little nostalgia for Kid Icarus if I
had a dream character for super smash
brothers that I could add it would
either be Sora from kingdom hearts or or
and this is my favorite mallow from
Super Mario RPG on Super Nintendo I
don't you guys remember this game but
seriously how amazing would be would
combat with malo be it would be the best
thing ever he's like that little
marshmallow dude with the long arms
Sarov asks ashley now that Apple iPhone
5 is being discontinued do you know what
Apple did with the remaining stock any
chance we'll see them for sale in the
near future via any third party seller
this is a really good question and I
think a lot of people have this one but
on my end pure and total speculation but
I would imagine that any iphone 5s Apple
had in house would be dismantled and
repurposed for the iphone 5c since they
have the same guts in the same
dimensions of the five they just have
that polycarbonate back I don't know
that we'll be seeing any like
third-party retailers get like a fire
sale of stock of the iphone 5 it's not
really how Apple sort of functions but I
do think that you are still at this time
able to sort of
I and iphone 5s here and there if you go
to the right place oh yeah I have a
feeling there anything anything Apple
has in stock i have a feeling are being
repurposed for iphone 5cs twitter user
Kevin Driscoll 13 says do you think
apples ibeacon will overtake NFC or do
you think it'll fade out an apple will
support NFC later this is actually an
awesome question because certainly this
is a battle of you know different near
field communication projects I really
think this is going to be a case of who
makes a killer application for either
tech first not necessarily an app but an
application so a real-world use case
that is amazing super compelling and
basically makes it mandatory to have
that technology and a phone there's
really not one mega reason to have NFC
right now or I beacon and the first OS
to utilize their respective technology
is gonna likely dominate so think of it
like the blu-ray and HD DVD war at some
point one has got to give so I
definitely think at some point we'll see
who wins the war on it I think I beacon
on one hand has a lot of really
interesting potential applications but
NFC does too and is already in use like
relatively and it's not proprietary or
locked to just Apple devices so it is a
toss-up and don't forget apple doesn't
necessarily have a lot of success in
terms of like I add for example has not
really become like any kind of industry
standard so it's definitely up in the
air I don't know who's gonna win but I'm
really curious to find out I think we
will know and maybe the next three to
five years app geek 98 asks when did you
start getting interests in tech stuff
and gadgets that's a sweet question I
have been interested in technology ever
since I was a kid I got my first
Nintendo when I was three years old so
my first NES my first piece of major
technology was an NES and I remember
being super excited about it I remember
playing Simon's quest ever playing
castlevania to with my mom I thought she
was such a cool mom for being able to
beat castlevania to I thought it was
amazing I have always loved technology
I've always wanted to have the latest
and greatest I started building my own
pcs when I was a teenager I still do
that to this day I love buying all the
parts buying a new case putting in a
gather it's just such a nice feeling to
be able to sort of do it yourself I
think that I also ended up getting right
on the cusp of like when we started
getting the internet when we started
seeing video games really come into its
own so I just sort of ended up in the
right place at the right time in terms
of technology coming up when I was the
right age to really appreciate it I
wasn't young enough to take it for
granted but I was definitely not old
enough to sort of understand the
implications of it later or be afraid of
it so i know that some older people are
like afraid of technology but thank God
I'm not that old um but yeah that's when
I got started so three years old I've
been in a tech since I was a kid I gotta
interrupt this episode really quick with
a little shout out to full sail
university obviously apps right now are
huge they are everywhere and we've all
had these ideas that make us safe oh my
god that should totally be a nap uh so
full sail University's online mobile
development bachelor's degree program it
teaches you how to make an app from
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launch marketing even better you do the
whole thing the entire course from the
comfort of your own home via full sales
online education platform well full
sails mobile dev program you learn both
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your app once it's complete ah but
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all that expensive coding software well
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a full sail dot edu slash technobuffalo
well that's it for this week's ask the
buffalo thank you so much for watching
if you enjoy the show please give it a
thumbs up and be sure to check us out at
technobuffalo com for all the latest and
greatest tech news um and that is it for
the show I'm Ashley skele and we'll see
you next week
hey guys Ashley here just wanted to let
you know that if you liked what you just
saw we've got two other shows that go
live every single week red injures ran
swear John totally goes nuts about
issues that bug him across consumer
technology and rumor roundup where he
tells you all about the best rumors in
the world of tech so click the text
below that says subscribe and if you
want to check out either of those shows
click right over here see you next time
thanks for watching
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