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TechnoBuffalo Plays - Star Wars: Battlefront! (Beta)

how's it going everybody Marber Steiner here with I am jon rettinger have you guys ever seen this guy before he's in a few of our videos so if you guys are familiar with the gaming space star wars battlefront it's a big thing and it's coming up very soon November mid-november 15th or 17 or 17th of this year neither of us have played it at all before we figured we do a fun little like clueless gamer type thing neither of us are terribly clueless but oh yeah come on inland hey come on in alright well that was fun that was a great how was your meeting it was good yeah it was good I for some reason to not make it to my calendar holy fine totally fine Baumbach experience things post post meetings I feel I got my my post meeting you hi Simon I feel properly in case I need more hydration I've got my bottle here excellent well we're gonna play some battlefront together we're gonna do a clear mission so I think you're gonna go ahead and pilot us straight behind and I saw this at e3 for the first time it was so very excited may for like 30 seconds but I mostly unplayable so we're on to training battles or survival I think it's not a build these aren't into beta so I think we gotta do co-op survival which is I believe its horde mode so we're not doing any story there sorry I spoilers it's what mode Gordon I never heard of a Ford not Oh porn all day in the opposite side so let's do so split screen a partner local local co-op all right we're gonna do this is just like this is just like Cowen's is the same thing uh am I the clueless gamer I just know maybe we'll do normal difficulty alright survival on Tatooine so every time I hear a tattoo mean I think the original rebel assault always remember the beginning the opening monologue a rebel assault the old game was morning unplanted tattoo eat wet consoles what's on a console man assault that was on was on computer look like old-school game Wow if you guys remember that if you remember that little girl all right so what are we doing here I have no idea I'm neither person ever to last over hands a bladders okay so last year's what are we holding here we've got a couple of options we've got a blaster blaster I feel like I'm a heavy blaster if I'm gonna go blaster rifle blaster rifle seems like that seems like a good mid-range choice I liked a really high impact like really high damage low fire rate we're gonna go with the 11 where's the gala harm there's no that's my one destiny word I know oh yeah first product for 30 seconds and people thought I knew about destiny they got excited like if you had known he was pronounced yellow for Hef envy sure okay so hands personal shield anion shot I should I should probably say just give myself a little bit of cred I got a two-year-old at home and another one coming so he goes to bed like 730 so I leave work I only get like two and a half hours to like be a dad and I tried to be like fully focusing dad's I'm have much time to play video games unfortunate I've seen this I've seen the police daddy it's true crew chief Kravitz look ridiculous axel swing be true I don't know Nene does anyways there I don't know I'm not goofy foot will just roll with that filthy for maneuvers okay yes you can see the map and yet we're given my upper left if that way okay all right there any way to shoot them yes I just right to kill you I don't think you really give the other reload or sit position here she I might be I thought it but they are shooting bullets Heathrow can answer him whoa that's what these guns don't do that so I'm not terrible I know you know we have the location of the curve you are my destiny so this every little everybody knows the controls maybe they feel better and definitely judge you think about that you are crooks alright i'm not a bowl I'm gonna cool chart here oh here i just want to shoot together cata gently escape pod oh my god that students where guys don't sing why are you doing I dude you owe me a thank you yeah I got it not all about destiny bro I should mention that we're also trying this on nothing porque mattered but at the UHD curved TV look it looks really good oh you did hands on this TV just the LG super long name subscribe oh don't worry the way they got it right John here I'm take it easy I'm gonna go first you can take all the fire I just got extra life yeah I picked up the hard ones we didn't hear you don't go Owen in here said some sort of the Star Wars character is he like 00 with dr your tiny little yoga acute angle yellow dot really split up no you're right there I see you you turn into a tiny little owl tiny little super gay oh hey you guys you're gonna answer it phone ok Google ok I don't know where I am I have to wait five minutes left for Alexa life did you say don't die yeah do you like that with you I'm sorry bro hof behind you we had me you could have told me I look on your screen skipper getcha without you yeah you're also morning yea Raj I've got an eye on tortilla those are words that was fun we didn't die like really early on though like we died at the right time did okay and we dieded the boss battle basically that's not bad did bow did we get another we didn't do as well as lieutenant underpants lieutenant underpants is good yeah he's pretty good well thank you guys so much for hanging out with us what we play just a little bit of horde mode in star wars battlefront hope you guys enjoyed it John's first foray into video games ever he's never played a video game ever its life so my first time super super fun I'm always gonna remember it yeah it's gonna be a great and it's gonna be great memory for you i'm sure i'm hoping yeah it's gonna be fantastic thank you guys again for watching there's a like button there's subscribe and if there's other games so you want to see us play and be terrible at then we can do that we can definitely do that thank you guys for watching and we'll catch you next video
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