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Terminator Genisys Movie Review! (Spoiler Free)

what's up everyone John Ranger from technobuffalo here and as I like to do from time to time I've got a movie review for you I had the opportunity to go to the Terminator Genisys world premiere here in Los Angeles I wanted to share my thoughts and opinions on the movie and I'm going to do my best to go completely spoiler furry I'm only going to talk about plot points that you can see in the trailer so I'm going to assume that you've seen the trailers at least I can talk about things that are least in there and give my impressions on the acting a plot and really whether or not you should spend your money to go see it terminator genisys so let me give the preface that I love terminator movies I love the first Terminator always remember when my dad took me to do see terminator 2 I even was like marginally ok with Terminator 3 I kind of lost a little bit of interest in terminator terminator salvation the trailers for Genesis looked absolutely awesome so a couple cool things about the movie first it was cool to have Sarah Connor back certainly missed the Linda Hamilton badass from t2 but Emily a Clark does an average job in it you can definitely hear her accent coming through a little bit and it was also nice to not see her wear just a horrible blonde wig nice to actually see her normal hair color watch Game of Thrones you know I'm talking about that wig that we looked bad it looked very very bad Arnold's who I think was a weaker part of t3 was actually really good in this movie they made accounts for him aging and looking old they may joke too bad i had a sense of humor he was the arnold of old the arnold that we all loved in arnold that we all grew up with he was probably the best part of this movie completely so the general plot I guess that I can sort of talk about and give away of course there's Judgment Day which is when Skynet could go senti it and four blows up the world if there's a battle team humans and Skynet and ultimately the timeline that we saw in Terminator one Terminator 2 and I guess Terminator 3 I don't even count salvation gets reset there's a brand new timeline which is obviously they're setting up for many more movies there's a trilogy planned so a new series of events a new date for Judgment Day everything you knew about the previous Terminator movies has been completely reset so forget all of that the acting is relatively decent Jason Clark as John Connor at that was pretty good hi Courtney or Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese thought was great if you guys used to watch a Spartacus TV show he was read the blonde curly hair I couldn't figure out where I knew him from how to go look at IMDb immediately while the acting was fine the plot of the movie is beyond silly and taking out the part that involves time-traveling robots the plot just made no sense talk about trying travel there just like time travel words Nexus and things have been reset they make no account for things not making sense there's just plot holes that you could fit well I guess like a t-1000 through making the movie very now made hard to follow but really hard to appreciate foot is 0 and actually move the action scenes were awesome special effects were great I will say though there's a t-1000 here which was same to 1000 that we saw on t2 it looked as good as it did in t2 which is to say that things looked awesome back with him whom you first came out but it was neat to see that again to sort of see the liquid metal stuff happen the whole plot point about John Carter nice Alice in the trailer so don't yell at me sort of being a robot esque was weird and I don't know why they give that away in a trailer I was sort of the big turning points or making him kind of the big bad guy I was interesting but there were scenes of the movie where Skynet is talking like Skynet itself is like this talking I won't say what it said but that is just it was just weird didn't make sense as a fan and kind of I guess a purist of Terminator movies I wouldn't waste your money the theaters for this one I'd wait till it comes out on on netflix you want to buy it on blu-ray or download it it just wasn't worth seeing the best part of the movie we saw it with Dolby Atmos the sound was incredible but that was kind of the bed just of it the pre was also in 3d in the 3d I felt added absolutely nothing to it if you are going to see in theaters lacey has a couple of bucks and don't bother sing it in 3d Arnold was awesome so if you're an Arnold fan you wanted to see and make jokes and give awkward smiles go see the movie if you're debating whether or not to go do something else or tomato Genesis I pass on it they do explain why it's called Genesis and why it's weirdly has a lie in it and not spelled the way you'd expect so if you're worried about that like I was they explain it but it still doesn't make much sense at all the movie for me gets a big like see ya its passing it as an action movie but it's not passing is anything that really want to spend my money on and I recommend you don't and if you guys would rather see these movie reviews with spoilers let me know I could do that too it'd probably be way easier than keeping everything spoiler free but I love the movie reviews we're not going to do them all the time I know you guys subscribe for tech stuff we've liked the movie reviews pvp video a thumbs up always appreciate it I've sort of my love's in life aside for my family our tech cars sports and movies so to get chance to talk about sort of movies on this channel as an awesome opportunity and I'm thankful for it I hope you guys enjoy it i'm trying to get better at movie reviews it's not a bad i do all the time but I'm learning and I'm taking your feedback to heart so suggestions download always appreciated if you guys are checking out the B shirt and you want to pick it up for yourself hit the link down below its a limit edition run by time you watch this video the shirts might already be gone they're only available for just a few days so if you want one of these these be guys with the logo in the back to the link down below again generator Genesis you should just go by Sega Genesis and play that instead
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