
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The Coolest Stuff at CES

you CES 2017 has come to a close and when you guys were at home I was in Las Vegas pretending I didn't have a cold there was a ton of stuff we saw that God announced the highlight for me was definitely the automotive front there was a ton of autonomous cars that were showing off and announced but the best fancy and perhaps most vaporware eous of them all came from faraday future and their FF 91 this thing looks to be a beast if there's an automotive future technology chances are this has it got a Tesla beating 130 kilowatt hour battery it's got a range of almost 400 82 miles assuming you're driving at 55 miles straight it's got over a thousand horsepower it's got facial recognition instead of a key it looks like a concept car it drives like a concept car and chances are it's going to always live its life as a concept car but CES 2017 will be known as a year faraday future at least show to something they intend to produce mobile gaming was also really big I don't think any other company brought the Thunder like Nvidia did with their new shield this is a big update for Jen to forty percent smaller nougat base handles 4k HDR streaming service lets you stream up to GG x 1080 quality games right to your television set the big news though is google assistant is built in the new shield cost the same as a / gin if you know what that is you are a nerd like me it's 199 bucks could include a brand new remote as well if you consider yourself a pro like to pay for it it's also a version for 299 bucks five min gigs of storage critters are going to ship later on in January and if CES 2017 is gonna be known for anything it's the year Alexa got super with every single company LG's got Alexa Volkswagens got Alexa mattel's got Alexa Lenovo's got Alexa I feel like Oprah being like you get elected you get Alexa everybody gets Alexa it's in it's in almost everything here at CES I never looked at like my fridge and stove and thought it was dumb but Samsung and others are trying to let me know that I need some smart appliances and we saw a lot of those here I know it might not be the most sexy the world of the washer can handle a load up top and a load down below and stop laughing and the dryer can handle a delicate load up top and then a bigger load down below in fact if you want to snicker with us all through CES Samsung is so proud of the amount of loads their washer and dryer can handle they put a gigantic banner outside of CES stop laughing he's a real things TV's also were huge here at CES 2017 and often from Samsung was they weren't showing anything oulad they were telling everyone who would listen that's her new cue led the queue standing for quantum dot is the best thing since sliced bread which is a weird thing to say about a TV and from led to hey welcome to the OLED party Sony they are here with a nola TV set so give it up for Sony the TV's looks really nice and if you've been thinking to yourself that your TV is just too damn thick and it needs to look like wallpaper then LG is the answer for you with the LG w7 TV w standing for wallpaper it's crazy crazy thin almost looks impossibly thin but just like Samsung's TV you gotta have a cable that connects to an external box but this case a component box is actually a super awesome surround sound sound bar but you can't mount that flush on the wall it has to be sort of sitting on a shelf of course you can always pass through and just use it as a place to plug in all your stuff and I put some robots robots are fun and futuristic they were everywhere here I think LG had some of the best robots they had robots with Alexa they had robots are gonna be roaming the airport in South Korea very soon you just show it to your boarding pass I'll tell you where to go just robots everywhere a lot of experience things I gotta do a Navy SEAL experience where I gotta pretend for like a hot second I was a very fake Navy SEAL shooting very fake nerf bullets of things but I did get away night vision and that was cool BMW also has a huge presence here as well as showing off their late always kind of fun to see what they think the future is and last but definitely not least probably the coolest thing that I saw at CES 2017 came from Panasonic and if you just look at it from the wrong angle looks just like a regular glass window look at it dead-on realize the thing is a freaking TV and it looked awesome and it made me feel like I need this in my house as well as a flying car so panasonic maybe maybe help on that it's obviously a ton of stuff happening at CES 2017 it's kind of just encapsulated the highlights a cliff notes version of everything that we saw what do you like the best about ces 2017 leave in the comments down below and let us know will help discussion about it be sure your notifications turned on so you know when our CEOs videos are coming up until next time John Ranger from TechnoBuffalo
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