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The Google Experience

what's going on guys Ron Currie to hear from TechnoBuffalo and today I'm gonna be taking you guys on the Google experience this week was Google i/o and I want to show you guys the before is the apt is the behind the scenes of the in-betweens of what it's like covering a Google event now given the war based in Southern California and Google is up north you have to wake up at a disgustingly early time if you're going to be making it the day of so I found myself up and aware at 4:00 a.m. as did John both driving from our houses to the airport everything that happened in between was really a sleepy blur but once we got to Google campus it was such a cool experience because you hear so many things about the Google campus and it's huge now given how edgy TechnoBuffalo is as I'm sure you guys have noticed we decided to show up at the event and sit down literally two minutes before the event started and my oh my what a venue they chose it was at the shoreline amphitheater which is not really a traditional venue for a tech keynote but I really loved it it felt like you were almost at a ballgame or like a rock concert this is my first Google i/o but John mentioned that as every year goes by Google seems to be upping their keno game so good for them quick couple things announced during the keynote that I am super excited about our Google's new assistant which is getting kind of really creepy but amazing which is essentially a very weird spot were in with AI combined with Google home which is their Amazon echo competitor in the bigger scheme of things I found myself thinking during the event for the first time that everybody keeps calling Siri and Google assistant these personal assistants but obviously they could never do the things that human beings can do as a personal assistant if you have an intern or something but it's getting so contextual and getting so personalized that I think we're on the cusp of almost having it be a personal assistant replacement at least for those of us who can't afford to hire actual human being moving on there was a good amount of conversation around Android and with productivity multitasking multi windows notifications all that good stuff but what stood out to me was the conversation they had about VR now if you guys been following my videos you know that I won't shut up about VR from apps like vrsc to the HTC vive what Google has done here could potentially be another huge step in the direction of making VR mainstream which is create a whole OS which is what Android n is that is completely compatible top to bottom with VR in addition they're also releasing a headset and a universal remote which is based off of what seems to be a hybrid of the Apple remote and the HTC vive needless to say I love the design of both and I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on it and last but not least we have Android instant ABS when you click on a website or a function something that has an app version it'll automatically instantly open up that app from the app store and you can use the app without ever having to download it it seems to be extremely practical and is just gonna make the Android experience smoother moving forward so very excited for that and I'll leave it at that let me know what else you guys want deeper dives into and we'll make videos covering those things giving you guys our thoughts and having a conversation about them but the rest of the Google experience was pretty awesome after the keynote itself Google had opened up this huge area they were calling the sandbox where they had these product demos everything from project tango all the way to Android web 2.0 they had a ton of art sculptures and these installations that looked amazing it was such a pleasure to just walk around and see everything that they had set up the only thing they could have done to make the event better would have been to cool it down by a couple degrees and control the weather which at this point wouldn't really surprise me if Google did that either so that's it for this video guys let me know what you guys think in the comments down below of this format this will experience if you guys feel like you came on this journey with us that's the real goal here let me know if you guys have any questions down below I will answer all of them give us a thumbs up if you like this video it's the best way to show your love and we love love hit subscribe for more unique tech coverage I'll see you guys in the next one thank you so much for watching
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