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The New 2019 Mac Pro?

so that was actually one of my very first Apple vents I ever went to I was sitting right in the front actually I was ending in the second row I was behind Al Gore and it has a motion sensor so when you turn it it even lights up to show you where the i/o is I was like starstruck is sitting there and the event was good and then they came out Phil Schiller came out was like can't innovate anymore might like look at the Mac Pro my dreams kind of being able to have this mac that suits my workflow as changes instead of having to have change in my workflow for the computer already had and this is kind of a departure I think for Apple apples mantras kind of been will tell you what you want and then you'll be happy with it does Mac Pro think it might be the first time the apples gonna let people build what thing rumors an apple go hand in hand the rumor mill has been going crazy recently we got 6k displays 16 inch MacBook Pros wireless charging air pods and different colors and all that's fine but one rumor in particular has got me more excited than I've been in years the new Mac Pro this behemoth is how the Mac Pro's life actually started as a g5 power Mac and it stayed this design for over a decade until Phil Schiller took the stage and we got this and then it came out and yeah you don't innovative design we'd never seen a computer that looked like that but it was clearly like a design first function second Apple was banking on like thunderbolt all the things and adoption happening super fast clearly that wasn't the case and in the name of innovation in the name of design they went for two smaller GPUs instead of one larger one I kind of backed themselves into a thermal corner it got hot airflow was bad and people just wanted to put in a normal big GPU but they couldn't inside of that like circular trash can and speaking of that it probably didn't helped it like it did clearly look like like a trash can so that's the case I think an apples fallen victim to this in the past I would like the cube it was form over function hopefully they learned it's been like I said almost 2000 days what's next modularity is what's next this isn't just like a rumor that I picked up off internet I wanted to share this is actually coming from Apple executives coming from Phil Schiller and Hair Force One himself cred Federici in an interview said modularity will be a cornerstone of the next Mac Pro and that's significant they said next Mac Pro so as I said earlier Apple needs to innovate Apple needs to find new revenue but it'd be nice to have a truly innovative product he's getting worse Apple seems to be spiraling down the drain faster than anyone could have imagined so narrative on Apple is that they don't revolutionize anymore and I'm gonna argue that Apple's doing what Apple is always done revolution followed by years of evolution look at their history let's take it back to 1977 with the Apple to this beige box changed computing and they made that the same design for years until we got a new beige box that changed when we interact with computers slip rub and every now and then Apple thinks completely outside of the box all right guess cube in this instance and then apple doesn't they've always done revolution evolution till we get something brand new that typifies the direction of Apple for the future the iPod this changed the way we consume media and music then it's they the same for generations until it didn't it's like today if you want to build your own PC I mean it's technically modular you're putting all the pieces together but I think a lot of people don't need for either have the knowledge or the wherewithal to actually build a PC there's also you know there's a time element to building a PC it takes time maybe you don't have access to like a Micro Center you don't want to drive to Best Buy you can't wait for parts to be shipped to you you can go to an Apple store take something up and just drop it right on so the modularity example here is easy as you know buttoning your jacket you just take your module and pop it right on and you are good to go there's no no screws to have to deal with there's no motherboard you got to worry about you just drop it on and your vision for what you want your Mac Pro to be just kind of is limited only by you know your wallet how you want to spend and your little base can get taller and taller and taller so you've got the perfect set up for you then when you're done just take them off and go back or sell them or rent them whatever you want but computers are gonna it's gonna work for how you want it to be it also kind of takes the compatibility question out which building at PC is this Ram gonna work with the motherboard it's a processor gonna work with the motherboard you're inside Apple's walled garden for better or worse so you know whatever you buy with that logo on it it's gonna work with your modular Mac Pro so you want random to think about brand you just buy more RAM you want more i/o enough to worry about thinking if the mother worked in the supported you just buy the i/o module whatever you want you know it just gonna work out of the box that's kind of what Apple has been really good at so apples not the first company to have this modular PC idea a few years ago at CES razor had project Christine it looked like we might actually get it and then never heard anything about it also what's really exciting is a potential for third-party modules on this that was not always known for opening things up but if they do imagine what there could be things like gaming modules if you're an audio and you've got all of your i/o built right in the options that could happen when you have the foundation and if a plus-size to embrace more of an open environment could be incredible it seems like Apple is heading to the inevitable merger of Mac OS and iOS you can see how advanced the iPad is getting I think the Mac Pro might be one of the first computers we see that bridges that gap obviously as architecture concerns Apple and start making their own silicon or maybe they're sort of an Apple made processor you can put on there where you can use iOS apps it seemed like something like this that offers flexibility for the future can prepare Apple for that future might be and even if that is sort of a merger of their two os's having the word pro and a product for a police released recently just means expensive it doesn't mean necessarily made for professionals something like this so could kind of bridge that gap which you like prosumer and professional who makes their living on their computer we've got youtubers that are editing on 75,000 dollar cameras those are professional users in professional use cases this Mac Pro can appeal to everybody if you need the extra horsepower to you know edit crazy 16 K raw you just drawn a few new modules if you want to edit a video and you're doing in pro res where you don't need that much horsepower then you don't need that extra modules this is a pro computer that can scale up or scale down to the user so where are we now in Apple's history are we at the evolutionary phase like the third generation iPod are we finally gonna see something new a brand new categories app let that revolutionary time or get something like the next iPhone I'm surely hoping it's the latter but I guess only time will tell
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