
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The TechnoBuffalo Show Episode #034 – Tablets, Galaxy S6, HTC One M9 and More!

and welcome to this week's episode the techni Buffalo show I'm live your to host for this week Shaun ani editor-in-chief of the site and i'm joined as always by executive editor mobile Todd Hazleton hey everybody you know I deputy me oh yeah I apologize i forgot yes he is having every managing editor right my apologies Todd I did not know your your new title from you yes Todd is now our deputy managing editor which means he's still pretty much Todd yeah to document but you know I didn't say the name of the the number of the episode when we started because I realized I had no memory of what the number was it's 34 it's 34 so yes our apologies for no episode last week as i mentioned in episode 33 it's difficult at times gathering up the troops in with Todd out of town on a assignment it was I was just like I give up we try our best around here though focused and I actually thought about doing a solo show I was like that would be the most boring thing ever hey Shawn what do you think I'm Sean back yeah I finally revealed that I have multiple personalities at screen yeah why not so on this week's episode we're going to tackle a couple different topics the the first one being so tablets they're doomed yeah well we just saw that there's a report out for the first time ever I think it was comscore I forget um first time ever tablets their sales decline in the fourth quarter which is which is compelling because it's the holiday buying season so you think usually sales are up but annually I think they were still up a slight percentage and I think we were talking the other day why or why are they down I think it's because you know we both saw the ipad air 2 we were like we don't need that it's sort of like you get to this point where there's somewhat of a saturation where you don't need to upgrade a tablet so frequently perhaps not as frequently even has say your smartphone and I think that's why we're seeing sales down a little bit but people are still bullish on the coming years I mean and you see and you see sort of reasons why this might change rumors about the ipad pro so if they have a bigger screen with split screen that gives you a reason say to go by that tablet because if you already own an ipad and you can't do it with that one then maybe you'll switch it up great and then with windows 10 coming out i think a lot of people are going to see i'm actually testing it on my desktop so not on the touchscreen but i think a lot of people will see some pretty nice advancements there the people will like and in one example is a office office suite was released yesterday it's finally touch optimized so you can touch around it and that'll that's the universal version that will kind of expand between tablets phones and your computer but there's also going to be an office 2016 which microsoft hasn't really discussed yet though being hall in the sort of keyboard and mouse well i think part of the issue also a look this is not a fanboy comment it's pure fact the ipad leads the tablet market hmm and there was little to no reason to upgrade this year if you had not even just an ipad air but you know the previous generation I've had before that you know I think a lot of people myself included yeah I was like well I'll just waiting to it's in the ipad air three yo it i will i wasn't going to buy a new ipad simply because it had a faster processor and you know touch ID that just wasn't worth it to me yeah and thinner but like at what point do you really need that much thinner to upgrade you know an existing tablet it's already pretty darn thin at the same thing i mean when you look at Samsung Samsung and Apple together totally dominate and I think you know they had the Tab s both of those think it was 10 and 8.4 range are great tablets but again it wasn't sort of a fourth quarter upgrade time for anybody um I don't yeah so no I I think that you know i just i find interesting how many you know i'm talking mainstream media you know like CNBC you know they were shall do is the tablet doomed no it's not dude I mean yeah sales were dead but we're still talking about companies selling 18.4 million tablets yeah people are still buying the thing is that I and I have to say this too um ever since i bought the six plus they usually use a note for also i don't find myself using my ipad mini watching i know a lot of other people sort of felt that way too though you know it's sort of like maybe maybe mini upgrade maybe many owners will upgrade to sort of ipad large and I'm ads in the next year because I just don't see the need for that much of a bump over my iphone 6 plus well I I think you have a very good point there you know the because the 6 plus is so much larger you know and it's in the phablet category the the iPad Mini is technically not that much larger than your iphone 6 plus but do you think the same would be true if you had a ipad error air too would you still find yourself not using it as much I think yes so I think yes that's also true because I have like a nexus 9 and some other tablets that I just really don't use my wife uses the nexus 9 from time to time because it sits on my desk but I yeah I guess it's sort of like I'm starting to find that even with the bigger phone screen I'm not just going for the tablet like my phone is enough for me in a lot of places even when I just traveled actually I usually I used to pull out Yuma tablet for games and books but and movies and my iphone sort of is just big enough for a whole red right now I get what you're saying I still use my iPad a lot especially when I travel because you know I I stock up on movies before I get on a plane and watch those you know so yeah me I I could technically do that on my iphone 6 plus but as I for the bigger screen plus I found if I've been the cover back I can stick it in the soup the sea couch in front of me it just hangs there for me so which is nice you know everyone's while the stewardess your your ear phone cord can't go across the aisle oh ok so I wait oh she walks my head but I'm back on but so it's not supposed to block between us technically no it's not supposed to block but because when you have the C tray out and then you I know it makes absolutely no sense yeah you know you she doesn't tell me to put my tray away why is she worried about my headphone cord right yeah and trust me if the plane starts to go down the headphones are coming off my head pretty darn fast but wasn't the music and your final moments I just have to hear American Pie one more tough so now I just I think it's interesting you know I'm sorry if a company is selling 18 million of any type of device you know it's hard to say that it's doomed Yeah right I just think that there's there has been a serious decline for you know apple's ipad sales quarter over quarter over quarter over quarter so i think people are saying like wow nobody's upgrading and they're just noting on that decline but right 18 lanes to live units right well here's a kind another reason to buy him here's a comment from a viewer benjamin mcdonald i'm still using my galaxy tab 2 10.1 exactly there you know with tablets there's just not as much reason and osseo we say there's not as much reason there's not as much reason to upgrade your phones every right or every six months as some people do you know let's face it we're all just slaves to the upgrade cycles you know no matter which phone you're using bao iOS or android you know I although I I have a very good friend that's using a galaxy s4 and you know I told her when I saw her there day the galaxy s6 was coming out she's like that's nice haha cuz I'm perfectly happy with this yeah right yeah you see people I mean well we're fan you know gadget fans I'm you like to see the most advances but I think a lot of consumers are happy with their devices for a longer period of time then we exactly exactly yeah they may get device in me but you know most people are able to control those urges and shurz us well but speaking of phone upgrades there are it was leased it appears that there are two very exciting devices coming out and I love the fact that the rumors indicate that they're both going to be announced on the same day which seems counterproductive to me but so yes it does appear that I'm march first we're getting the galaxy s6 and the HTC One m9 yeah I'm neither a deist right maybe more yeah exactly you know neither of these are one hundred percent confirmed yet we're just working off of rumors but the rumors seem to be pretty consistent right and last year in Mobile World Congress useful we saw the galaxy s5 so it's pretty seems pretty plausible will see the six this year and I think HTC's teases enough that we're going to see that too yeah exactly exactly so yeah and we've got a couple questions here like from Sasha Mahal what would you like to see in the galaxy s6 and will there be a galaxy s6 edge I think the edge is looking pretty likely at this point yeah I think even the invites were suggested although the curve on the invite was was interesting it wasn't sort of works to you on the note edge it drops off the optus yeah which i think is still going to be the same it almost seemed to help at the top on the end by which i thought was weird in any case it should be if there's an edge it should be about the same width and everything as on the note 4 because it makes sense for developers to create the same apps that apply to both devices and searched yeah umass so I think you know there's probably an s6 edge maybe on both sides right like something was said but who knows well you know the thing is last time I was out the office I played with the Galaxy Note edge and it was a very odd experience at how you hold it mmm like I was trying to keep my finger tips below the curve yeah you kind of like yeah on the side you don't hold it the same exactly and now so they're going to do this on both sides supposedly the Hound the world there's not going to be a natural feeling way to hold this yeah you just have to hope you're not touching the screen with your fingers all time and that it sort of detects when it's supposed to be tapped and not yeah I mean I wasn't holding the the note edge that way out of any sense of safety I was holding it out of a sense of I didn't want accidentally activated a nap right yeah I don't know I'm not crazy about the note edge i like that it looks cool and stuff like that but actually prefer the note to it I'm not sure why but I think it's because of that sort of ergonomics of the screen on the side there it's a neat idea though and I think obviously Samsung trying to push it forward with the s6 edge if that really comes to fruition what else I'd like to see those carry over some of the design elements we saw the note for metal edges real premium feeling a smartphone although I'm kind of sad to see rumors that they might ditch the water resistance I thought that was a pretty nice selling point of the galaxy s5 sort of making with this lifestyle device for everywhere now here's my big question though will Samsung have learned from their previous precedence and not have the awkward banter no it'll be the exact same charity specialized European press events can I'm sure it's going to be an exciting show those banter moments are some of the most painful things never to watch yeah the last one I think was an ephah and saw the note 4 announcement yeah yeah which I don't even you because you're sitting in the room yeah just goes on forever so there was a it was when I first see as I went to the Microsoft keynote and there they brought out an executive to talk about her experience with the Windows Phone and how it changes her life and all that and I was I imming with a other writer friend of mine we were trying to figure out which one of us had the sniper shot on her she was painful yeah how it was banker its oh yeah Samsung is famous for that but moving on to HGC so the one m9 looks like it's a definite here I the rumors on the other versions online keep seeming to the other one I'm not sure I'm not sure because in the past we saw the one max and that was with the m7 came out later so i don't know if it's going to be on track for the same time or it might be a couple months down the road if i had to guess I'd say a couple months down the road I'm not sure because I think they're going to try to probably highlight you know the m9 right now instead of doing two at the same time you don't see a lot of people doing that I mean Apple did it because they only have one refresh cycle here but you don't see Samsung announcing you know s6 and note for at the same time I think HTC would be wise to stick to them one at a time so we'll see although I guess rumors are saying 1080p screen which you know it's fine doesn't really excite me as much as some of the 2k displays to and then I think they're going to carry over a lot of things that have done well for them with the front-facing boomsound speakers let's see if they improve for the third generation and then I want to see what they do on the camera front if they really do bump it up to say 20 megapixels or something like that I think that could be really good too right yeah i just i think that uh i think HTC is going to stick to just one phone samsung you know there's so much that they released me hear that they can't help but do or the one divided it a time right but with HTC i think they're just gonna focus on the main m9 and then maybe a month two months later we'll see some other variation of it right exactly or I mean it could even be as late as September say later down the road Eva I have to apologize for the thumping in the background there's construction like my eyelashes going up all around me hey I feared you were you're doing some light drumming under the table or something no I do that all day uh-uh people wonder why i like living in the middle of nowhere but so moving back to tablets for just a moment we have a question here from nishant patel should we expect the next iPad to be with stylus I if the rumors the ipad pro are true that the larger 12 inch version I could see it coming with a stylus or what I'm sure that I can almost guarantee you Apple never utter the word stylist yeah I was gonna say I'm not sure so sure Apple it's not that kind of sexy thing yeah it'll be like yo the Apple pan or something like that I who knows yeah I think that if the ipad pro is real i think it could come with one I don't see them doing it though to the normal iPad or the ipad mini yeah I don't know it just doesn't seem like jony ive's design language to have like a stylist anywhere whether you know it inserts into the side of the tablet or it's like another accessory that you lose because you don't have that insertion point I don't know hmm right like the microsoft surface pro 3 doesn't have a slot for it so you have to have it on an accessory and i think that's kind of wonky okay what happens my metaphor doesn't really well I just don't see that kind of designer let's say it's magnetized just sticks to the side of the ipad I suggest you reconsider I think it's stuck to the power thing on the side well I just want them to do that just so we can hear Johnny I've say it's unapologetically magnetic I I just want everything now ever since the iphone 5c video i just want everything that Jony Ive's talk about i wanted to say it's something unapologetically something the iphone 5c is unapologetically plastic i think if you look at you know current iPads there's plenty of third-party options that you can use as a stylist mmm Norman with apples can change that you know and I i we were sent a sample pack of a bunch of different third-party styluses and I used one for two minutes it just it didn't feel as natural you know I could note I could launch apps with it i could write with it and so on I just I guess I'm just so used to using my finger now just didn't feel right to use anything but I don't know so moving on to some other topics I see several questions coming in about the Apple watch let's see here uh from Sean the man 34 do you think that we could see more from the Apple watch another keynote and what would you like to see I think another keynote is a given yeah it seems like you know there was a rumor that it was going to happen in February which was then shot down and it but if you look back to 2012 when Apple announced yeah yeah thank goodness because we're going to be immoral Congress and that's going to be crazy but if you go back to 2012 Mobile World Congress in February Apple sent out invites for an event in early March where it announced a new iPad and so it's plausible that apple will do that again this year especially if you have samsung no announcing a new flagship smartphone there Apple might want to kind of do its typical thing and try to disrupt the show a little bit so we'll see but I think a keynote seems possible I mean Apple can go over the prices of the watch how you're going to interact with it through the software we just saw the icon for the management application that will come in out and in iOS 8 point to all the updates to that and then maybe you know even that rumor 12 inch macbook air might make an appearance so I think there's enough to talk about if they wanted to oh I definitely think there is as well and you know there's all the rumors of the ipad pro could launch in the spring so you know they got out as well but yeah I think there's this is choosing the chromatic lunch for there not to be another keynote and also the fact that you know what we saw previously was just the prototype so they're going to want to show us do the finalized everything yeah you know and I want to hear about that battery lights yeah might not be as good as you know we're all hoping exactly um funny thing though was yesterday when the rumor first came at you and I were you know discussing februari 24th was just not going to be a good date for us yeah which Apple does not consult us right and you and I were going through our theories on why Apple wouldn't choose that date and I think the one that held the most water for me was the one we were saying about apple doesn't like to go before somebody else because then that allows that company to overtake the the news cycle so let's say that Apple did hold a press event you know just a few days before the announcement of the galaxy s6 and HTC m9 well then once those were announced you know everyone would immediately go back to talking about those rumors then everyone would talk about those phones and the apple announcement would be lost mayo and the river so what I've found over the years is that Apple likes to okay you have your little party you announce your product boom here's our invite and we're now going to control the news cycle for the next seven days right yeah I think that's more likely yeah and so my gut feeling is I think the invites are going to go out during mwc it seems plausible to me although I I don't since March versus a Sunday I don't think they'll go out that day and try to steal the thunder right then but sometime during mwc the invites are going to go at all but that's a prediction everyone does not not not even a rumor by the fact cure speculation because I know somebody will call me on it shortly thereafter jumping over 25 days ago you and I got a tweet from Connor furlong asking us if you could be the CEO of any existing tech company for the next two years which would you choose reason I'm looking over here folks is this is the screen where Twitter's so I I actually been thinking about this during the show so I'll let you go first I would what company would you love to be the head of I don't know I said simply Google because I think they have you know their hand all across the industry from yo self driving cars to wearable is to mobile to search to sort of everything and I think maybe an expanding the internet around the world I think you just be exciting to see all their projects and then you know their secret stuff project eggs you know all this stuff that they're working on and nobody knows it out I think that would be pretty exciting I actually I was thinking more that I'd like to be the CEO of like a small company like say a 1 plus for example because then you wouldn't have as many expectations on you you country yeah you could be a little crazier you know and yeah google has no none of the marina ya askin say ya know and you have a ver I mean if I could be the CEO google and just focus on the moon shot stuff Oh fantastic but yeah I mean if I could be the CEO of a small company that was willing to take risks and try something absolutely new and had the money to be able to do that that would be fantastic yeah I have it yeah or whatever company would just pay me a gigantic sum of money for two years of me sitting around on my behind but exactly exactly but an interesting question something we had definitely never thought of before and that's just a note to everyone if you ever want to tweet Todd and I questions during the week don't go nuts you can reach taught at at robo Todd and myself at Sean piane and go we'll see if we can't use them in the following weeks show going through some other questions here which we have a lot of here all we didn't really touch on this from a sasha Mahal what would you like to see in the HTC One m9 is there any feature that you're really wishing HTC would do um yeah I think it's just a camera i'd like to see step up his game i do like the ultrapixel stuff but i just don't like that I can't really assume in you know later so I'd like to see them pump 2 megapixel count um and maybe you'll get a little slightly larger screen be good for me that's why I think maybe depending on what we see with the m9 I might be more excited about the m9 post you know if you listen to the show you know like phablets so I think that's those are two things i think the m8 was great and still isn't great smartphone now they made us great phone hey there's not a whole lot I would change about it I was very happy with the m8 you know faster processor is always nice though yeah oh here's an interesting question from tony yayo what's the difference between the Apple watch at Microsoft band they're very different creatures I think yeah well for one the Microsoft beans available now starts at two hundred bucks has a small screen but it's touch screen you can go through and choose yeah it seems to have most immediate that does have a focus more on sort of fitness but you can also get your notifications which is nice from Android iOS and Windows Phone which is different in the Apple watch only be iOS and it does have apps sort of there's a starbucks hat which is the only one that's like a third party for the venue's it's really great I like it the battery life solid i get about two days of battery life with it but i think that's sort of like the main differences it's not an app portal which is what I think the Apple watch is going to be I mean your developers already working with watch kids develop apps for the Apple watch the Microsoft band to me is sort of just right now you know fitness and notification sort of SmartWatch health day yeah um speaking of Apple watch we've got a couple variations on this question oddly from Sean the man 34 wet model and color Apple watch are you going to get and I know I saw somewhere else yeah from Sasha baba are maybe going to get the Apple watch when it comes out in April as it stands right now I'm not i think i will because i'm interested in it and but if i do it would be probably the metal one because of them to spend that kind of money on device i kind of want one looks nice and really good instead of plastic but I you know I'm really going to sit on the sideline sort of and see what the battery life is like if it's hours there's no way I'm buying it because I already you know I take off my wearables all the time because I end up having to charge them and then I just don't put them back on again and until I have them charged and really get back into it and I'm you know they're not using him and i just think if battery life doesn't get you through and a full day and I'd like to see longer than that and i don't think i'm going to spend that kind of money and let let us be very clear that we are talking Todd and I are talking personally here technobuffalo will of course get an Apple watch geo to test and review and all that but on a personal level I just unless I hear some very me yes everything we've heard about the battery life up to this point has been rumor but if any of that proves to be true if it's less than a day I'm just not interested yeah yeah I don't need another thing in my life that needs to be charged every single day yeah and it's useless without battery exactly I that you know I've had at the end of the day like I'm wearing something and it's dead like oh like why it because the last thing you want to do is what you know yes a device may be wonderful wall it's charged up as soon as it dies you're like why am i carrying this around yeah the other the other thing is like they have all these use cases that you know look cool on a commercial that are like you know use your like my moto 360 for Delta check-in and I actually tried it um I think I'm the way to CES just for kicks and like this scanner just wasn't picking up the barcode and I was like I forgot to just use my phone like I don't want to hold up the line it's one of those things like if it doesn't if everything doesn't work really well then you're kind of like okay can do cool stuff theoretically but not well all the time and at that point you know that forget it yeah those um let's see here interesting question also about the Apple watch from Sean the man 34 are you a little concerned that Apple watch pre-orders will go out and people will have to preorder order without ever seeing or trying it on follow I think that'll I think that'll definitely happen that's how Apple Louise I mean yeah probably announce it and say you know orders today and people didn't want to buy it can it seemed with all of the products they sell and there there will be lines outside the apple stores of people that have never touched one right just like all of their stuff so yeah serio geez that's sort of maybe they'll have regrets I don't know we'll have to see you before we say that but I think they will probably be except for you sir yeah uh from Jonathan in a no do you think Microsoft will release a flagship phone along with Windows tend to replace the 930 I'd like to see that um there was the rumors I forget what it was called but the you know the the new one that was going to replace a 1020 and and that I guess was cancelled but I think they need to have something you know push something bigger better out there what it is I don't know yet but we'll see I think so here's a fun question from Benjamin McDonald the LG G watch costs $119 and anyone since USD in Sweden is it worth it the pebble not steel is twice the cost boy that's a as it's a hard situation um that's about what i sold my G wash for so yeah gineering I sold it oh hey I hate to put it this way I mean if it was any other watch than the g watch if it was like the G watch our I'd say go for it yeah Jewish person great yeah the G watch itself was it more of like a reference design square I mean in terms of what you can do with them the pebble can do more but Android where's you know growing in popularity there's more apps for it now you can change the watch faces it's becoming a lot better but you know if anything that price is going to go down so yeah I I would hold off a price it's tim panels they just said that yeah yeah yeah yes and we do have some questions here about pebble let me find that from Sasha bahal thoughts on 1 million pebbles and new step from pebble in 2015 I'm very excited to see what they've got planned I as you all can see I'm wearing a pebble right now I never picked a pebble steel I just didn't see a whole lot of I'm quite happy with the original pebble I I want to see what's going on I am I hate to say I mean anyone selling a million of anything is awesome but that does seem low to me I think it took two years to you right so yeah but it was a Kickstarter and now it's sort of a success story built out of that but let's see what it can do to compete I mean when it launched the competition wasn't as stiff as is you know as it's about to be and so I think pebble needs to maybe maybe it'll go with some kind of color screen but one that lasts longer would be a good option and they really need to have a better design I think pebbles feels good looking it's definitely not as good-looking this other watches out there other smartwatches out there so I think whatever they have next has to prove that they're still in the game and you can take on apple and all of googles partners which is gonna be tough examples gonna sell you know humiliating a lot of quicker than peplum Justin yeah um question from mark Elaine I was looking to buy a moto 360 John mentioned how one might be announced q2 does that mean release think YouTube because the previous Moto 360 was announced pretty early but came out much later I think in this case it would be announcement much closer to the launch the original moto 360 was announced just because Google want everyone to know that there was more Android watches coming hmm i think in this case if it's announced it's going to be you know maybe a couple of weeks maybe a month but i don't think it's going to be anywhere the weight the original 360 was yeah I agree yeah but I think typically what we usually see his announcement followed by launch not always immediate so I would you know maybe cutie though I mean a quarter is three months so you could announce it early on and have three months to get it out okay well this next question is a bit of a hand grenade but since it has the most up votes right now from Sasha Mahal what do you guys think about net neutrality huh I supported I think it should be the utility as FCC chairman wheeler said yesterday I think it makes sense but I understand where other you know companies have said that it could prevent innovation I'm not sure I agree with that but I can see the argument I I can see the argument but my feeling is that data is data I don't care what that data is doing and the idea to restrict the flow of any data it's all ones and zeros every last bit of it ones and zeros just because my ones and year zeros are more popular than someone else's ones and zeros doesn't mean I should have to pay you for the right for my ones and zeros to get through the pipeline yeah but when the and here's the other side of the argument that I understand sometimes it's when there's when they're talking about speeds or something like why does comcast need to offer you faster speeds and Verizon like they're saying they're putting all this money into their networks and of course the argument for that is that competition in the market will you know continue to push both of them you know to do that what they're going to say well then we have no reason to compete if everything is sort of just governed by the government in that way so I don't know I think about is a good hey in general I think many a as with anything there are gray areas you know the the world is that unfortunately not black or white it would be lovely if it was because I could just go I don't like you go away but there's there's gray areas with net neutrality but in general yes I agree with it yeah okay now that that hand grenade is out of our I think what about I think what we want to say is like it would be terrible if your internet service provider had the option to say you can't for example get netflix or you can't because we don't offer it and we want you to use our service and that's why I supported you Joe exactly uh from Shawn the man 34 what company would you like to see Apple by with all of their cash hmm you know I've thought about this a lot I don't know I don't know something with good cloud storage very true very true yeah I'm not a big fan of iCloud these days and I'd like to see them boost their presence in that market right I mean they are going to spend two billion dollars on this data center in Arizona which happens to be in the building of a failed project yep that was the oddest situation I think I've ever witnessed industry oh my but um they are sitting on a war chest that people can only dream of having yeah but I think part of the way they've gotten to this war chest is that they are very very meticulous and what they do with their cash they don't go out and just buy companies to buy them and I think every purchase they've made has made sense now what I will say is surprising is you know just yesterday we wrote up the story about the samsung will start probably start producing the a9 for the next iPhone why has an apple invested and starting their own ship production I think they did you see right and yes they used to yeah but they're relying on so many third parties that a good example my father used to work for a company years ago that the man who ran the company started to think about it and he went why am I contracting out to other people to do these things for me and so he started investing and he needed some sort of giants and furnaces for his business so he went out and he bought a company with Sam furnaces he allowed them to still contract out to other people but his orders always took prior 30 mm and so then he had full use of the Sam furnaces whenever he needed them but he was also able to recoup some of that investment by allowing them to contract out and so I've looked at apple and I wonder why do they continue to go to why haven't they started their own glass production why haven't they started their own ship production all right well I think they tried to do glass a little bit with sapphire with GT advanced in there now going with Foxconn as a contractor but I don't know I mean maybe it's because these companies you know have fabrications to build these processes for plenty of clients and so when Apple should sort of buying one slice of what that these factories can do I they would have to be willing to build these factories and sell the other people as well I mean when you look at displays right like if they buy displays from sharp sharps not just making displays for Apple they're making them for other right in Pettitte errs and for themselves and I don't know Mimi Apple this more cards for ugly people yeah I know I just it's I know there's a lot of questions around it it just it puzzles me because I've seen this business model work you know so it just it's curious to me I guess is the way to put it the apple hat Oh still does rely so much on third party companies but as for ready-made companies that they could step in and buy I don't know I mean beats was kind of a surprise to me yeah you know so maybe Apple's going to do something else that surprises us but I do agree with you Todd I would love to see them invest more in cloud storage and improve iCloud yeah and I don't know what the right company to buy in there would be but then I know yeah exactly like go presence I don't think the watch Oprah yeah I don't know oh that was a movie let's see what were the three billion dollars with there yeah exactly from marc lanes these people have said no prob people said samsung is about to buy blackberry given window tens push for enterprise and Internet of Things focus should Microsoft by blackberry and would that let them dominate the enterprise market I think Microsoft probably looks at blackberry ins he says it you know is leaving the industry maybe and in that case Microsoft will just continue to try to take over but I don't know what Microsoft's plans for the enterprise market I mean we know that Windows 10 the operating system and i don't mean the phone is free for consumers but not for enterprise which seems weird if you want to get them you know back on your sisters but I guess windows seven is still really popular um in terms of mobile and I think we're gonna have to see sort of what Windows Phone Windows 10 for phones offers and what their strategy is moving forward but I don't know that they're worried about BlackBerry's probably my answer and that's probably what yeah I honestly I could see why Samsung would want to buy blackberry because they really don't have a foothold in the enterprise market Microsoft does and I think at this point I think Microsoft just don't to see blackberry go away that's my guess my my gut feel and this is not a political commentary or anything I my gut feeling is blackberry is eventually going to go away I think they've got so set in their mind that they can revive this that they are just going to continue to dance on the low piece of wood left floating in the ocean until that piece of wit disintegrates yeah I mean which I just rode up to kantar worldpanel hada percentages for the first out here in the United States which is dominated by iOS and Android iOS roll excuse me I'm sick was ahead by a point zero one percentage points but then followed with a sliver of Windows Phone and then other Shino includes blackberry but it was not even a slice of the pie really it wasn't one percent right so and that's just that's not enough well folks I think that is going to do the for this week as always we do appreciate you joining us as always you can find the technical Buffalo show on the I a chicken store where we do appreciate you free rein review us you can also find us on the stitcher app you can find us on pocket casts you can subscribe via RSS feed anywhere that there are podcasts you can find the technical Buffalo show until next time I'm Sean honey I am the editor-in-chief of talking about I have been joined by deputy managing editor Todd hazleton bye everybody it will see all next week till then take it easy
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