
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The TechnoBuffalo Show Episode #041 – Amazon Dash, coverage maps, OnePlus and more!

and welcome to episode 41 at the TechnoBuffalo show I'm live your to host for today Sean ani editor and chief of the site i'm joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton everybody how are you doing today Todd I'm good it's our favorite day of the year yeah april fools very hard to write news because you don't know you have we we're always very careful TechnoBuffalo we always double-check everything but on this day we sometimes trip triple check quadruple check ya thang a couple years ago I got I got fooled it was somebody had like a nokia phone and i think it was like loaded running Windows Phone or something which at the time was like whoa this is weird you know and it was an april fool's joke but i thought it was real and now I mean of course obviously okay folks run Windows Phone yeah mm I don't know this day is always tricky and yeah some of the stuff is just not funny yeah it's kind of hard to laugh at it too because you're like are all right you know like come on I've other stuff to do but yeah exactly exactly I mean I used to love on phonescoop every year another site they used to just always on April Fool's just had like eight fake news stories and I don't think they're doing it this year I checked this morning and I kind of liked that because you expected it it was there if you wanted you go there and they had like their other site to that was kind of fun but did you go to Amazon this morning I didn't uh going to go to amazon right now if you haven't been there yet it should work what are we seeing you but we'll we'll wait wall oh wow let's cool amazon old-school have us haha remember when it looked like this so do i well i don't know why they picked 99 though it's not like it's anniversary year or so out of night odd but yeah that uh that made me laugh when i went through this morning as what green because they honestly the for those that follow our deals posts on on the site I always check the deals every morning so I have to log into a system to take a look at those and I went over there I was like where's my login wait wait what what's going on as well I get a look at the deals for the day but speaking of april fools jokes 1 plus in the drone yeah that was weird I mean they teased it for so long that it didn't seem like it's gonna be like an April Fool's joke and it sort of is but it's not they're like well it does exist but it's like super limited quantities you have to wonder like did they just build it for fun and then you know happen to launch it on today and say it's April Fool's because they don't have a lot of years to go around you're like how does that work i don't i don't get the joke behind it really um yeah well like know gaming says here the one plus joke was a little funny it took some planning yes I agree it took all I can't believe how long they played the joke out right yeah so like our fans upset then that like is this is the announcement like they were kind of teasing something and then they're like oh it's just this well I mean you could immediately point to the fact that that the drone is sold out as fans weren't upset but for all we know there were only 10 of them right exactly yeah we we don't know and for those that don't know the situation 1 plus had been teasing that there was going to be a drone released they even confirmed it yesterday it's called the dr one and then when it showed up this morning it was about it could fit in your hand it was so tiny right and they went april fools but is it really in April Fool's joke if it's really yes I yeah the good thing is if you can't get that there's like I was actually randomly looking at drone Chester on amazon just to see what you know what their price at what kind of stuff they have there's tons of really small ones that you know are affordable pick them up but my thing I feel like if I get a drone I'd want one with a camera so you can kind of see like that's the whole fun of it to me right right and no game he also says that the draw was just a one was just a one plus branded cheer spencey x10 oh there you go well if kind of real kind I don't know is very odd odd joke I joke but speaking of jokes and I have seen some people in such a mahal asks your would you want amazon dash buttons to be a real thing to the best of our knowledge they are yeah i did some i had heard you know some people go oh it was an april fools joke but as you know USA Today is claiming it's not a joke the verge is claiming it's not a joke that I many many publications are stressing that it's not a joke I don't think it's a april fools joke at all um maybe I'm wrong but I think it's a really cool idea and it seems neat I mean just this little button you can put anywhere and tap it mean you know new paper towels or new detergent and then it syncs with your smart phone over Wi-Fi places the order and then it's delivered but it's in a closed beta right now but they're free even if it is a joke I think it makes a lot of sense i think you know yesterday a lot of people were like this is incredible it's it's a great way for amazon to receive orders from people when they're not here they're phone I mean it's simply just tap the button and then it comes one of the concerns that we were talking about yesterday is like well what if you know your kid goes by it hits the button 100 times and it only registers once and it won't ship more than that until the shipment arrives I guess and you can always easily cancel it so right which I think that's a great system because that actually had been one of my concerns yo lo billee walks by and Oh mommy look the I could press the button too right yeah and you end up with 20 pallets of paper towels right yeah but no it's an interesting idea is it something i will actually use I don't know because I'm a little too price conscious I mean there are times where a third party seller on amazon has a better price than amazon itself you know i'll choose to go with them instead so the eye dia I mean yes it's very convenient but the idea of just blindly ordering something is not super appealing to me right and i noticed that i mean amazon for those kinds of products to you'll household things they have subscription services and you save if you if you subscribe so like i was actually yesterday looking at dog bones and i think it was like nine dollars for the pack but if I subscribe to have it delivered once a month it was like eight dollars then I don't think you know this would play into the subscription model look no it was agreed i'm on several subscriptions you know for like i have oatmeal every morning for breakfast so i have a subscription in my oatmeal oh really yeah and it's far far cheaper to order via the subscription hmm you know and if you are you know running ahead of yourself for whatever reason you can go in and tell them I need a shipment now and you still get the subscription price right so this seems great for people especially if you live maybe you know 15 20 minute drive from the store or something like that and you could you can wait that extra day or two days and then just delivery and you're expecting it and you need it though but like for me I live in a city I could just walk downstairs I'm gonna live above a shop where i can buy all that stuff so I don't know that you know I would use it that often no I agree with you there i mean this you know amazon really changed the game for living in a small town such as i do where you know we have to grocery stores we have a walmart we have a midwestern chain called hi be and so there's a lot of products they don't carry you know if you are reading a recipe calls for something even the least bit off and the only way to get it is to mail order it right you know so yeah amazon was a big game changer for us especially when they did start selling household products you know so yeah I can see where this would work better for that that type of situation but like you're saying you know you can just walk downstairs and you know by your thing to go right back upstairs right we got to do that with paper towels yesterday yeah so yeah I don't know I don't know it's gonna be interesting I i find interesting they're free though I'm wondering if there's going to be limit on how many you can have I know yeah it seems like that and like can you switch them out you know like can you just register it to order shaving cream instead of paper towels when you're like oh I don't really need the paper towel it seems like you could using your phone but it would probably still have that label the brand right right and I don't know it's going to be interesting to see where this goes yeah uh the other topic we want touch on today is coverage maps so you know t-mobile made this announcement this week that they had the the best coverage map out there because you know it was based off of real people and all that yeah yes so well here I thought it was awesome because I was looking around and it says you know around my apartment here I can expect 7 megabits per second down but at the beach you didn't really have anything it just said like coverage is there and I was like oh you know that's good to know me you know i'm not going to rely on tmobile then for the beach and stuff but you're saying and this is customer data it's as they pulled in twice a month I think so you can really see the average scores but you're saying you found the scores are not true okay so now when you're looking at the map there are little hexagons checkmarks that show up that say those are customer verified there is no check mark then it's not a customer verified well in my area my specific address you can see my little road on the map it's showing me a full 4g LTE coverage and all that I have never once gotten an LTE signal I don't get t mobile signal period you standing outside the only bad did she even say that yeah so I don't know ya know it less done to me means that the map is almost useless because if you can't rely on it and yeah but I do love the idea if it was to tell the truth I think it's something all carriers get benefit from and should you know mimic let's put it this way when when I do want to make a phone call like let's say I've lost power or you know since I use internet phones here if my internet goes down I have to use my cell phone to call my cable company to get them to fix it I have to drive up to the head of the road yeah a cell phone signal that's insane yeah yeah when I'm inside I you win the internets operator i'm on Wi-Fi calling right but yeah if I need to go off Wi-Fi calling I gotta drive up to the end of the road right so you know you can say that your map is yo super accurate and all that I'm just one use case that i can tell you you know and the one thing that everybody should know in general and t-mobile's fixing this a little bit with new spectrum rollouts but in general t-mobile signals pretty bad indoors and so this map wouldn't reflect that either I mean you wouldn't be able to go to this map and say hey I'm gonna have LTE in my home because it's not necessarily true and that's why they have the Wi-Fi routers for fruitier the deposit yeah yeah which I did pick up one of those routers you know I called him and that's you know been great it's a good router so i don't know i just found an interesting yo that because i was like oh let's go see what they say about where i live that's all totally not true haha yeah it's been sorry but it's not true from some chambeaux hall since we were speaking about all these April Fool's jokes since today is April Fool's Day was been each of your favorite april fools jokes that has gone on by tech company IE google samsung etc honestly I find a lot of them really weak yeah I don't like him I mean you've got the okulu pets which is yep what's really funny is hulu pets happened and redbox did a pet box joke so that shows how hard it is to come up with a good April Fool's joke and t-mobile did uh you know undone carrier for pets so they really yeah so I guess every okay so you've got three companies that did pet jokes yeah wow you know yeah I every year at TechnoBuffalo we discussed do we why do an April Fool's joke and it will toss around a couple ideas and then we just go you know what this just it feels too forced yeah it does feel forced you know and so that's why we die me we've always come up with different ideas like you technobuffalo is rebranding itself is knitting Buffalo and it's going to be all about knitting and one joke that was tossed around this year was that we no longer felt the Buffalo represented us as the correct animal we were going to go on a hunt for our new spirit animal and by the end of the joke it we were going to be called techno platypus you know but at the end of the day it's just like you know we we like to be taken seriously yes we like to have fun but we also like to be taken seriously and so many of the jokes just feel forced yeah of course I mean look I I guess it's good for consumers are going out there and stuff but it's also our job to write the news and it's hard to write the news when everybody's kind of joking yeah yeah although I will say if Google Maps wants to keep the pac-man feature parties I'm all for that yeah you guys I'm sorry you got to go to google maps and on the lower left hand side there's a pacman game it's like a level it turns your streets into pac-man's greedy well when I what I've been doing is making myself go to towns where I know they have really screwy streets haha you know because like New York City don't fight you're on a grid system right yes I'm going on to all these places i have like diagonals hahaha it's free me yeah you should make that in half you know just launched it so you could always play it yeah exactly from brezin Franco related to the to the pacman google maps thing what was better last year's Pokemon maps or this year's pack maps I think this year's pack maps it's a little bit my i love the polka maps but the pack maps seems to be a little bit more it appeals to everybody yeah Pokemon was fun they're like looking around for them but uh and people found them all right this year yeah yeah well I found 150 of them what I didn't know was that they had a hidden one that wasn't on the chart what and so I missed that on getting 150 first that's awesome now I don't know if you've seen this April Fool's joke going around from Dominique Webber m estas for phone best thing ever I did see that this morning Microsoft that one did make me chuckle yeah that's that's true because it was kind of like a throwback just like Amazon's homepage I like that it's kind of like oh like here's what look how far we've come home most is the way I see that you go to Amazon's homepage you're like holy kallik that's what we saw in 1999 I know and seeing with ms-dos for phone yeah well here here's my question though is where did Microsoft find three and a half inch disks I don't know we have a warehouse of them still I wonder if anyone's pop them in what's actually on there yeah I want you to because I what was that they held three point four megabytes yeah I want to go right into pious numbers but it's 3 point something yeah I care they were so small I i remember when i used to buy like um like Star Wars x-wing the video game it was like now install now insert disc 18 yeah that's like I used to flip flight sim game on that on the floppy disks yeah yeah you'd have to sit there and load each disk to finally load the entire game moving on to more general questions and I'm I'm really fascinated by this product from such Mahal what do you guys think about the sous chrome bit I thought always need I really want to play with one but it's basically yeah stick that has chrome OS loaded on it I think it's prices like a hundred bucks $99 coming later and then runs Chrome OS when you plug it into like a monitor you know so like that's the whole computer which i think is really neat ya know the i have' seuss's chromebox the i think it was a hundred nineteen dollars I don't remember how much it cost I've got that hooked up to my my main television so like you know if I want to sit back and watch movie trailers or whatever it's super easy for me to do also maybe using a VPN I can sometimes much other countries um but the idea of it just being a stick really interests me yeah it does just toss it your bag I mean I'm kind of like do I need a chromecast if I can have a full computer it's a lot more but I didn't think about that think about when you're in a hotel yeah oh yes you'd have to carry a bluetooth keyboard and just all these days I mean I have a couple of portable ones that I've bought all right I always had this dream that I'm gonna use like my phone or a tablet as my computer and I've tried I just can't get there but you know so these bluetooth keyboard see work ya know I well I actually i use a apple bluetooth keyboard for my chrome box and because i said all the way across the room i actually for the first time ever i bought one of those mice that's just the trackball on the siding you move with your thumb oh yeah which I now see why I've never bought one of those before but it lets me set all the way across the room so yeah that's nice but uh no I'm very very interested by the chrome bit i really want to try it out when it comes out yeah i still need to get a Chromebook um I don't know people are saying was reading recently there was another journalist saying you know it's performed much better than windows and OSX computers like much faster I mean obviously it's super-limited but that's compelling because next to me I have a Windows 8.1 netbook that I've talked about on the show is like 140 bucks but it does run out of memory like all the time it'll say like if I have too many tabs it would be like running low on memory which is annoying so I think I want to try chrome OS and get that going have you ever hooked coming up with hdmi to a big screen I'm curious how it looks uh yes I have it looked fine good yeah we'll do it look fine the well my chrome box is also it's hooked up via HDMI to 55 inch television well there you go yeah it looks just fine works just fine you know it I mean the only probably like when you're seeing all the way across the room sometimes you're like what what's that say okay yes no you need to blow up the text some sometimes but uh no in general it works out great yeah I now the also yesterday they announced though and I I was on one hundred percent clear on this is there one Chromebook that is going to also be converted to a tablet yeah I think so I wasn't really sure on that either I didn't dig deep Jacob wrote the post for us right I I'm most attracted by the prices one starts at 150 which i think is among the lowest prices for a new one that we've seen yet yeah i mean the tab it's not much of a tablet interface so i'm not sure that it would work very well let me throw MOS in general i think you still need a keyboard and mouse for to make sense right yeah exactly uh from brazen Franco who got the highest score on pack maps and i can't believe i'm using my data to watch the stream on the train well thank you for being so dedicated to the show yeah um I don't know who got the highest map gade in my area around me terribly two roads going up and down throwing away what was going to echo what was going up and down I could get away from the coast no matter where I went so I think it's somewhat determined by how densely populated getaway streets they are yeah exactly exactly it took some get used to figure out where okay if I go up this one I'll show up down yeah weren't you come in that was one of things i had and i have a curved Road near me and as I was going up it would hit like the arch of the road and then stopped as if I was at a corn yeah hit the up arrow again yeah yeah same happened to me because actually I went over to Manchester England because I knew there were some really crazy streets there and so I was playing in Manchester and I was I hit a circle drive I was like oh oh man when I lived in figs I lived on a cul-de-sac I should see what happens with a call to see what does happen there might just end like a dead end yeah that could we're getting way too oh good grief uh from such a Mahal what apps do you guys rely on the most for your day-to-day personal lives and your work lives at TechnoBuffalo are pretty simple um everything google for work and personal using both on Android and and on my iPhone so that's gmail we use Google Docs long time so sheets and stuff like that and then Twitter for work feedly through work they follow all the RSS feeds instagram for personal and then facebook kind of tracking people but my apps aren't that exciting um you know and I've been playing two dots the game which is really fun it's like a puzzle game where you got to connect the dots and that's that's pretty much my day-to-day like my must-have apps I think I'm a weather fanatic yeah I always think I'm gonna be and i buy that i buy them a lot but I never actually used I only use the free ones but I constantly am checking whether I don't know why because I never go outside dark skies be my fever but I got a new one on the iphone um that says funny things like based on your weather what's it called it's uh it's got like series voice it's called carrot five I guess let's see if she says anything right now are conditions that cloud looks like a rhinoceros a gate says the cloud looks like a rhinoceros I don't know it'sit's tries to be funny but it's the three blocks are whatever I paid for it but but like you thi I all the google apps you know Google Calendar Google Mail and all that which i use on an iphone i know it the the the the joke is not lost on me yeah what else trying to use a daily basis i love them i use fantastical on my iphone fantastical to and then i just wrote it up for the site I haven't body yet they gave us like a demo that actually ends today but I've been using it non-stop it's great as an awesome calendar app on desktop in the iphone and yeah i can write things like you know meeting at five on april twenty third and it just drops it in there so it's really easy to do um but it's like 40 bucks i think right now and then it's gonna be 50 bucks on the desktop so it's a little expensive but yeah i've used no I've me it looked really interesting but I just I can't see paying that much for a calendar app yeah yeah but I think it's like it's a lot cheaper on the iphone and it works just as well yeah um you know I've actually started using a lot of is and it's just such as simply as the Apple notepad oh yeah I love the fact it syncs across you know all my devices yeah yeah so I always have all my notes and fri man's as you know well no Todd I love taking notes on yeah I oh thank you and I've been using it for years I've always used that Apple notepad and I was with other journalists and a dinner once and I said you know I love this and they're like you trust that like they've had I guess experiences where they've lost everything so they've since moved on to Evernote and stuff like that but I've never had a bad experience with notepad my opinion I have any aunts not like I'm keeping you state secrets in it right right yeah from Dominique Weber just as an idea for next year's April Fool's you could do something like good mythical morning did today where they dubbed their entire video in Spanish for a site like ours it'd have to be something like klingon yeah i I just I i Wasi as you know I want to see John speaking with Klingon yeah that'd be hilarious yeah I i will say that if you got over and look at think eeks I haven't yet today but I know every year they have some great products that they've got some they've got some real winners subscribe they do every year I love the fact that sometimes they become real products yeah wasn't like the pixel tie once an April Fool don't know if it was but they've had products that were april fools and people really want well i know the ipad game cabinet started offices that's right yeah yeah now last year you know my love of nerf I want the nerf nuke yeah to be real really bad but uh yeah uh from tobor o or tobor zero can't quite tell hi guys what's your thoughts on the new Chromebook pixel too thanks I don't believe either of us have got to try it yet no I haven't seen it but like the price is just so out there for what it can do that you know I'm not really interested in it and I know it's it's probably not for me it's probably for developers or you know enthusiasts who really want the best hardware to go with chrome OS but for me you know if I'm spending that kind of money I need a real computer you know at least go some intel core processor and stuff like that but and I know it has that but I just don't feel like I'm taking advantage of yeah exactly but maybe I mean the thought that I was thinking is maybe google i/o or later the later this year maybe not during that that they're going to announce new features for Chrome OS that really take advantage of that power I mean why I put that kind of power that computer it's not really a glorified web browser so yeah uh from brazen Franco Chrome OS hdmi dongle raspberry pi 2 android hdmi dongle or newer laptop who's the best option today to replace my old notebook as a TV media center whoo i am using raspberry pi um i'd say anything with expandable storage because you probably wanted unless you're streaming it from somewhere else on your home network but you probably be nice to load it up with a lot of movies and stuff it it's not always streaming yeah i know that's a tough one because we kinda need to know I are you gonna be streaming from somewhere else do you need local storage as we kinda need know a little bit more so otherwise I'd do it just get a roku you know yeah exactly hey because as we all know we love the rokador engine uh from such humble hall and someone else has to question somewhat related to this so we will get to them just second from such a ball when do you think the 1+2 will be announced when was the one plus one was like June lasher's last summer maybe this summer I really don't know when it's going to be announced and I don't know that they're on that kind of product cycle and stuff like that so we'll see but I'm most interested to see whether or not one plus keeps the same pricing model this time yeah yeah and from rockster 103 related to the 1+2 do you think that one plus we'll do a better job of making their new phone more available to people than they did with the last phone um we can only hope I don't know that they would because I think their business model with the oneplus one was to create a device and then build it on super thin margins what I mean by that is they're not making a lot of money off of it and then while selling it making sure that they're actually getting rid of the products they have so they're not sitting on you know unsold phones because they can't afford to do that so I think the whole way they did the invitation system was on purpose so that they were getting rid of what they're building and making sure that everything's sort of profit and I would expect that they do that again because I don't think you're sitting on a boatload of cash yeah yeah I don't know it's going to be interesting to see what happens i would hope that it would be more available but Todd raises all excellent points also from Rockstar 103 do you guys think the gold i watch is a better alternative to Rolex nope no I think the Rolex name still has its base well I think there's a couple things here you know first off the Apple watch relies completely on the iphone and so well not completely but close enough so the technology is going to get updated you know let's say we get to three years down the road and you got a new iphone at that time it may not work with the Apple watch also the fact that it is just a digital watch at the end of the day the rolex brand name the Rolex work you know craftsmanship all that that's what adds up to the Rolex being valuable that's not to say the craftsmanship and the Apple watch is bad it's just it it's almost like comparing apples and oranges to be honest there are two very very different products but you do see enough where the Swiss watch market is reacting tag you or announced they're making that Android wear watch and stuff like that I just feel like I mean a Rolex is especially like a gold Rolex has sort of been you know like that retirement gift that people get then it's passed down through families and i don't i don't know but i don't see the apple watch sort of being a family heirloom you know yeah sure it'll always have value because of the goldens in it but maybe just to melt it down value no I don't think it's yeah uh update from brazen Frank on his question I need storage in addition to my current Nass then you're going to need to go with a laptop yeah yeah Yuri regret well also a lot of people have had success using Mac minis as media centers yeah you might look into that there's a lot of online guides about turning because you don't even have to get a current mac mini you can go out and find a used one from a couple generations ago and I've seen a lot of people have success with that route matter of fact we actually have an article on on our site where a former employee here turned a original apple TV the big gray one into a media center for like 40 bucks that's cool yeah so yeah but you definitely need to do something more than like an hdmi dongle it sounds like oh let's see what else have we got here oh that this is a could be a hot-button topic here d from rocks or 103 do you think the concept of one port on a laptop brought upon by Apple will catch on I don't know maybe eventually but I don't it's not enough for me I mean it's hard because when the macbook air launched we were kind of thinking like oh there's no CD drive remember DVD Drive and that seemed like a big thing because we were still relying on all that media and now Apple's argument is that everything is sort of wireless and cloud storage in your streaming anyways you're not attaching all these you know hard drives and stuff because you could you know you'll have not as network attached storage and all that kind of stuff but I still like the option to have more than one core and without a bunch of accessories and dongles exactly exactly yeah i mean i'm sure it'll catch on i well yeah I recently inherited one of the older well not older but a year or two ago macbook pros from the company and I was so excited that I had to displayport you know because I could well I know I'm sorry has one display port or doesn't have to i don't know i was using one display born one hdmi but the fact that you know now I could you know do my three monitor setup you know when i'm traveling if I'm mirror other monitors man you know I had a USB hard drive attached as well and I was using a mouse and all that the idea of also having to carry extra dongles now just does not appeal to me yeah I mean if it had USB type-c and maybe one other either that one more or one more regular USB or something i'd probably be sold on it but yeah because I i'm sorry i don't i like to use a physical mouse I'm I I'll use a touch pad when I have to but I prefer to use a physical males yeah in the same way now I'd call me old-school I don't care but uh oh my goodness from know gaming what do you guys think of the new gear vr g s6 s6 eversion and the future of mobile VR I'm still not sure that it needs to list oh I think it's so cool I love the the gear vr s really need um I don't use it all that often but it's pretty it's just stunning that this is your phone sort of providing that experience and the new version for the s6 s6 II I love that they added support for the edge as well and in addition to the s6 and then they added on its own charging port so you can go a little longer especially galaxy s6 battery oh that's kind of me so that's good and then the future I think there's a lot of future with this and I want to see where they keep going samsung and oculus together but it's a lot of fun one of the things I wish and maybe I'm crazy is that you can get notifications when you're wearing it's like if you're watching a movie it'll pop up and will say like you have a new email and stuff it would be cool if you could interact with that with your voice or something you know yeah responds then it brings up to email and they'll be really deep even though we get on the road well I think my big problems with is the fact that the gear VR so far are specific to certain phones mm-hmm you know if i buy a gear VR I should be able to drop any phone any samsung phone fine there let's restrict it that much but I should be able to drop any samsung phone into I shouldn't have to buy oh I'm sorry is this the gear VR for the note for the note the game or for the ED it would be good if it just had like adapters to fit the phone sighs because one of the things is it has to snap in you know said you fits perfectly but yeah right is that could all be handled with adapters yeah yeah I just uh let's see also for know gaming what do you guys think about the surface 3 with it running full windows it is on my watch list the fact that it's running full windows makes it a bit more intriguing I'm compelled by it but again I it runs on an intel atom chip which show does my processor on my netbook here which is 140 bucks it has a real keyboard and not to say the surface keyboard I don't know I'm not crazy about the surface keyboard but some people like it and it's you know 140 bucks and not 500 hours but i think that the surface 3 looks nice i like the pen support stuff like that just five hundred dollar see so expensive to me for the process of getting until Adam's not super powerful but up you know power to them for getting rid of windows RT that was awful yeah now a Windows RT was horrific from Dean Norbit what do you guys think about Nvidia shield console about cloud gaming errands crysis 3 um i am still not convinced by cloud gaming hey you know if you get the slightest bit of lag time you know I matter of fact I just last night I was playing destiny a pvp in the crucible and I had a situation where I shot a guy he didn't die he shot me I died and then it registered my kill on him that's annoying yeah and I had not you know it wasn't a post-mortem you know for those of you that play destiny you know sometimes with her grenade you can kill someone after you died it wasn't post-mortem kill it just simply finally registered my killing of him hmm you know and so that still tells me that even now they're still situations with cloud gaming if you're playing like a platformer which can you know takes precise jumps and things like that i'm just still not convinced by cloud gaming until internet speeds get up to being faster see I've use the shield tablet which you know it's running the same cloud gaming platform and it works really well but I do have a really nice netgear Nighthawk x6 router which it's not cheap and then I pay for pretty good internet speeds at home so if you're if you have the equipment that supports it it runs pretty well but otherwise yeah I think you run into you might run into lag issues and stuff like that but in my experience with the nvidia shields cloud gaming haven't really run into any problems that yeah and I yes I also know that internet speeds aren't to be all end all when it comes it's more about ping but still you know internet speeds do factor in as well right we've got time for just one or two more questions here to do from Benjamin McDonald I'm buying a moto 360 what apps do you recommend for Android wear I haven't used android wear in quite a while actually so I'm not sure my favorite inside an app it's the watch face it's like google street art one I really like it's I guess famous artists or something i have created street art and just pops up different backgrounds they change throughout the day that's probably my favorite one the one I always install first I don't really use that many apps on it there's some good weather once and stuff because I'm always afraid battery life kind of drains quickly when you load up some of them so I usually just stick to the notifications and i'm getting from my phone and then just you know the different wallpapers watch faces if you look okay all right a brazen i I'm read all your questions and their way over Rs on some of the computer stuff I apologize for that but that's just if Joey was on this week's episode he probably could answer a lot of these uh so I think that is going to do it for this week as always we appreciate you joining us we do appreciate if you can go over to iTunes and search for the TechnoBuffalo show and write a review us that does help out the show you can also subscribe to us there you can also find us on pocket casts you can find us on the stitcher app which means you can listen to us anytime anywhere or you can subscribe to our RSS feed with basically anywhere you can find podcast you can find the technical Buffalo show until next week I'm Sean ani I'm the editor-in-chief technobuffalo and I've been joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton hi everybody until next week take it easy talk to them
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