
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The TechnoBuffalo Show Episode #044 – Star Wars, OnePlus and more!

and welcome to episode 44 the TechnoBuffalo show I'm live your to host for today Sean ani editor and chief of the site and i'm joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton hey everybody how are you doing today Todd I'm good if they were all I know we're both waiting for this this news about Google wireless service yeah well if the rumors true but I am feeling it is it's I don't know I I'm excited for it but also puzzled by it yeah I mean I think even even when they confirmed it's coming it sounds like right now at least they're not going after the you know big for wireless carriers obviously because they don't have their own towers and stuff the idea is to be a mobile virtual network operator so MVNO and operate on sprint and t-mobile yeah so it's gonna be kind of like boost or virgin mobile they're not going to own their own network right so oh no be interesting to see how this plays out you know depends on how much it costs and able to see if it's real or not yeah exactly but speaking of carriers there was some interesting news this week from one plus that yeah they now have a carrier partner yeah that was pretty interesting we were talking about this yesterday sort of I mean one plus came out as this you know startup and I still very much consider them a start up with this invite system you know mainly said they could probably make sure they had enough units other video they didn't have too many units right so that they weren't building too many phones and had nobody to buy them and then all of a sudden now they're like they have a carrier partner in Malaysia they're going to be selling these direct from a store from the Malaysian wireless carrier store and you can buy it with a contract there or off contract so it's a very much at first for on plus which you know otherwise still in my mind is this sort of very small smartphone maker no successful very successful but definitely I mean they have one phone right and the battery that's great I think that qualifies as small but uh no it very successful and it's a great phone you know but it's just been interesting that they took this tact for so long that you know they weren't working with any carriers and then all of a sudden they do work with the carrier and it's one that I i will say that those of us in the united states are not familiar with yeah i think it was Maxis or something like that but it's the largest I guess in Malaysia you have to wonder if this means because the CEOs comments suggest to that this is the row they want to go down does this mean we're eventually going to see it you know start to hit US carriers I don't know I think it's really hard for companies to do that even well established companies like one of the reasons lenovo bought motorola mobility was to get a foothold in the US wireless market so if Lenovo had a hard time doing it you have to imagine that one plus can have a hard time either white but you know I think carriers are probably going to say like hey this is successful phone and if it continues to be then maybe it has better shot yeah I we love 1 plus we're all excited for the 1+2 whenever that is finally announced you know and we'll we'll see what changes are coming with this year and speaking of such of the hall has a question related to that what was the one plus one missing um I don't know I mean it was a great phone when it came out right I still look at it like yeah to me it's sort of losing its its attractiveness as all these other new phones come out although it's still break ice and I love that you know they continued to update the software and there's two choices now at the Holly pop I think the first thing I thought was missing was wireless charging but I don't even find that like a huge deal but it was noticeable to me for some reason maybe because to me it felt like I know it's not a Nexus device but you know this unlock device it just seemed like it could be something that packed wireless charging I don't know that's the one thing that check well I'm paintable storage / not so much it's missing I just I definitely hope they've worked on their battery technology battery has definitely taken a building over the am I was never really good which is weird because I know a lot of people have said it's fantastic now uh I don't know it's Esther was missing I really don't think it was missing much yeah everything else you'd be pretty good especially for the price which is you know I think that's what they were trying to do like they have very slim margins so they buy the hardware put the phone together and sell it for not much more and make that little bit of profit off of each one so I think to keep the price down I obviously had to make sacrifices and whether that was you know quad HD display which was still very new technology last year this year I feel like it needs to be added and wireless charging and maybe a better camera although the cameras okay yeah oh god another relevant question regarding the oneplus from sahal Raja I have a one plus one and it doesn't have saiyajin at the back of it does that mean i won't get the update because i have been waiting since last week for the OTA and still haven't got it i'm not sure what you mean by the back of it the branding no you should still be able to install either that or the other software they release I mean I think you can pick a choice but I know it's a couple people Roy Roy one of our editors is also still waiting on it I haven't gotten it on mine but I haven't been checking yeah I haven't rec'd mine's already again you can tell you what I will definitely be checking mine later to see if I've done the update yeah otherwise there's oxygen OS too but I know if you want cyanogen urge that right going back to the Google story we were talking about just a moment ago from Brisbane Franco is google gearing up to conquer the world with and crush every carrier I would jump in in a blink of an eye if Google brings international phone calls the same prices google voice well we know they're going to be discounted but we don't know what that pricing is as of yet yeah we don't know we don't really know a lot at all except for that it's supposed to be coming today that's what the Wall Street Journal just said and and that apparently internally it was called Project Phi I don't know if that's going to be the final whole name but I guess you know it's supposed to hand off between t-mobile and Sprint network switch ever has the best and then also hand off the wire why by pretty seamlessly to but I have we have no idea about what the prices are going to be like I think you'll pay pay-as-you-go data we'll just have to wait and see but I don't think it's going to go out there to conquer and crush every carrier because again it's relying on networks from existing carriers and course there's also the rumor that it's only going to work with the Nexus 6 for right now right right so unless you own the Nexus 6 you know I I don't know how many people are going to be able to jump onto that and I definitely want to try it and we will it's just that I'm so afraid I'm gonna like it and be like oh man another monthly bill because i already have two lines of AT&T I don't plan on can't sleep yeah but I have two lines with t-mobile and I keep debating whether or not I really need that second line I the main reason I have two lines is because i want one on iOS one on Android you know to make life easier when I need to do testing but I'm just like right I just I don't know yeah I'm exactly the same way so yeah it's a toss-up but the other topic that we want to touch on this week was of course the star wars celebration was this past weekend in California and there were a couple of large pieces of news number one being the reveal of the latest Star Wars The Force awakens trailer and then there was quite a bit of news about Star Wars rogue one which I don't think anyone was quite expecting that to be revealed in the way it was as for the Battlefront oh yeah and battle for well we already knew about model from but yeah yeah yeah but uh as for the force awakens trailer I think I watched four times before I could you know form words hearing Hans voice in do saying Chewie we're home was just a little bit more than I could take but boy was it weird though seeing an old han Solo yeah that was weird for me too and I went back and watched a new hope earlier we can so I'm trying to rewatch them starting with the first three well the original three yes originally not a technical first three right right but yeah it brings back and I think we were talking about this too it brings back a lot of memories you know watching these with my father's you can I think that's why it's special to a lot of people some people I saw on Twitter to talking about like Star Wars who cares that's a stupid and then there's like the people who grew up with it and I feel like it has a special place a lot of people's hearts for that I definitely a difference I mean you know there's a lot you know a lot of people you say Empire Strikes Back is the best one yes but as a film it is the best one but I have so many memories so many emotions connected to a new hope that there's no way I can't consider my favorite of the film's right you know and I think you're a hundred percent right I think anyone that grew up with Star Wars you know especially those of us that were around for the original release back in 77 you know it's there was nothing like it there it was literally mind-blowing and I'm fine i SAT there in that theater as my mother describes that i SAT there with my jaw open for the entire two hours haha I I did not move I did not speak I did not it was unlike anything I'd ever seen yes I was six years old you know but so it was I knew I was seeing something different and so yes it's Star Wars holds up very are they great films no no I but in the context of the time they were something very special now i will say i'm super excited and I don't know if you followed this news at all Todd on Sunday they had a panel about standalone films that are coming up that are not part of the main right now I saw that but I don't follow it I didn't follow that well what's intriguing to me we already knew that was called rogue one they announced the standalone films why should be called Star Wars anthology subtitles so this will be Star Wars anthology rogue one the storyline is going to deal with the rebels that stole the plans for the original Death Star well something we've never known anything about there will be no Jedi in the movie and they are aiming for it to be a war film and that excites me beyond all reason because I've always wondered you know we yes we always saw the big heroes you know we saw han and luke who were the people that were in the rebellion right who who were these people that decided to stand up against the Emperor and that fascinates me I'm so excited if they want to do that sort of thing with the standalone films I'm there well I know yet I because this is supposed to it's after the Revenge of the Sith so order 66 has been given the Jedi have been wiped out that there's only a few Jedi in the galaxy at that time right okay so this is a chant and the Jedi there's an old Greek term called dos x mashina which means literally translates to God in the machine and it's a writing crutch where when you can't figure out how to get your characters out of something you just drop in something magical basically the Jedi kinda came to be that oh look the guy showed up with their lightsabers and take care of all the problems so that interests me too they're not going to have that crutch right okay yeah there's going to be nobody yo force choking anyone or right anyone across the room you know it's going to be ground troops doing their job so that interests me it interests me a lot I don't know how this is going to play with the general populace though I mean everyone wants to see lightsabers right yeah I feel like when you think Star Wars you kind of think about Jedi and lightsabers but exactly you know so while it fascinates me I'm your heads going to fascinate Joe Q public walking down the street that ill has attained gentle interest in Star Wars right but Anna will see i eivol on board I'm off mood let's get that movie going and those are 2016 right i was earning a little bit about it Ryan yeah that's December so force awakens is this December then one is December 2016 and then episode 8 is may 2016 or may twenty seventeen so it's only an 18 month gap between episodes 7 and 8 and only a six month gap between rogue one and episode 8 nah nice I I think what I think they're trying to get the ball rolling to where we will have to Star Wars movies a year that's awesome well it's I mean I still can't believe marbles getting up to three a year yeah that's a lot of movies to be freely induction any serious right yeah yeah exactly dare double just got renewed yesterday for season two have you started watching dare w no I haven't but I need to hey let me play to you this way as soon as I finish watching it I was watching it with my family my father goes so we're gonna start over right ah just rewatch it yeah he oh he and he's not a comic book guy he was way into daredevil yes yeah he would yeah I know it was really good it's well done show moving on into some of the questions we've been getting what do you think of bb-8 now Todd in case you don't BB eights the ball yeah the new jern I saw okay and Spiros making the toy which is awesome yeah which I'm already like trying to figure out how many of those i want to buy hahaha i think it's cool i mean i love the Doran's I think when I look back at stars we were talking about this I think an episode or two ago you know who are our favorite characters and rewatching it you know I gotta say I'd probably change it to Han Solo but I said Darth Vader because it always reminds me of Star Wars and along the same lines through the r2d2 and c3po they just remind me so much of Star Wars so I think another girl is great but I am I computer there's a long power strip and I can't turn the Cape the computer around to show you guys so those of you watching on the show this is just two of the 45 different astromechs lined up on the power strip 45 I yeah and I that's not my entire collection I can't put them all on the power strip where do you buy them just as they come out there just do the regular hasbro toys that's awesome but yeah and there are no repeats in those 45 on the power strip they've released that many different a stroke victim see you need like a stand for bb-8 though right yeah i know i'm not quite sure how you're going to display bbx so yeah i'm always been fascinated by RT d and yes I've even gone online and looked at the instructions for building a life size are too unfortunately I would Wike oh all out which means machining metal parts machined metal part r2 unit will end up costing about ten thousand dollars well you'll notice I have not built an r2d2 anymore yeah I mean if I ever won the lottery Oh in a heartbeat and art beat that I would I wouldn't just have an art you I'd have an r3 and r4 and r5 but roaming around behind you there yeah exactly yes exactly so no I think bb-8 school I've got especially once I saw him roll out on stage and saw that he was a practical prop that was so awesome yeah but uh from prison Franco I want a movie on the Delta Squad the Clone Wars wasn't enough I need more a dude for the anyone that has never watched the clone wars they were better than the the prequel trilogy combined that was one of the best Star Wars things out there I watched him as I was working out here in my office and I I'm almost tempted to watch all six seasons again they were that hot to watch them now too I know you were saying that in an earlier episode ya know that really really well written really well written moving on well we kind of touched on this already from such a Mahal what do you think about bb-8 droid becoming a toy made by sheer 004 it is it you out by the holiday season I see that yeah they're hoping for it I would imagine they'll make it if they make it out by the holiday season and they'll sell tons of them right yeah and that's when the movie comes out to you so yeah disturber 18th not that I'm counting the days I I'm not counting the days rating I see the calendar crossing them off as you go yeah from such a befall of such Mahal are any of you guys going to get star wars battlefront and did you guys play the original two games I played both the original two games i hated the second one as most people did and I have every intention of getting the new one I didn't play the originals but I do intend but play this one it sounds awesome it looks great see the trailer Rosa creepo know what ya know it it's a great concept the second game just didn't work for some reason it just the first game was awesome in the second one you Roy ah what went wrong business which has happened with a lot of series I mean I can remember call of duty modern warfare 2 that was my entry point to call duty I played the jeebies out of that game I was so excited when they announced the oh mine warfare 3 I was like yes I step downs like no yeah what went wrong I don't know why I mean yes games have to evolve everything has to evolve but why change it to where you mess with the success I just I know I feel like I try new things and we've talked about this with Joey to the first person shooters where they just sort of all feel the same and then sometimes they try new things that just don't work and then they sometimes back tread on the next one but it's unfortunate when they don't work that's happened with battlefield a couple times too and I love the Battlefield games when playing them forever yeah there's some that just don't feel as good we have two separate questions that kind of unintentionally relate to each other from brezin Franco why did TB have to start make movie reviews and show all the trailers now I have another site to avoid spoilers okay well first off that the Avengers review was a very very specific incident since John got invited to the premiere we do not plan on making that a regular feature as for trailers we always put trailer in the headline so just don't click on that post but we have a question from such a Mahal where did it go where'd it go do movie trailers nowadays give too much of the actual movie away yes and no see I go going back to the sixth sense remember everyone yo after they saw the sixes Oh your minds going to be blown and I had the comic book store at that time so people always would come and talk to me about movies and they walked you know the customers came in the other Saturday after it came out there like oh man you're not going to believe the twist i looked at my yeah Bruce Willis was dead the entire movie oh you went saw last night i was like no i watch the trailers they're like how did you figure that I was like I see dead people cut to a shot of Bruce Willis yeah right Oh spoiler were in that sense it did it give too much away but I feel like okay for folks and and I know you know our readers who love the the media content the movies and stuff like that on the site Brandon and you get you to like to dig through the trailer sort of pick up on stuff but then there's people like me we're sort of like it's not a spoiler it's nothing more than saying like this movie's coming here is what its gonna be like and so I I enjoy it and I don't see it as giving too much away but I totally see where somebody who's really following it would would see it that way to make it sort of like like a game trailer you know yeah oh that's what it's going to look like that's what you know no III think you're one hundred percent right I think the average moviegoer does not pick up too much from a trailer because they aren't going to sit there and discussed it with people they aren't going to sit there they haven't been reading all the rumors you know all that stuff so yeah I when I watch a trailer I pretty much know in context everything that I'm seeing but you know be it a friends of mine that aren't into movies like i am that they have no clue right now i will say the type of trailer that annoys me to no end is comedy trailers because they involve job Cindy and evitable use the best jokes and then when you go to the movie you're like really you gave it all away yeah like every funny scene was in the commercial I hate when that happens I I haven't gone time I hate that soda mean we we're looking at like the force awakens I know Brandon you guys both worked on it and I read the article was like and it was covering the trailer sort of like frame by frame and I was like this is cool I read that and I had no I didn't pick up on any of that and so that's really interesting how people can we review trailers very differently we're like i watch him like oh that's neat look how old pond soloist yeah yeah you guys are like no look at all this other stuff and yeah well I mean like the the first thing I picked up in in the han solo SI was i looked at the background because that told me where that moment takes place I know he's in the Falcon bo and so that tells me you're saying we're home okay so you haven't been there for a while right yeah and so yeah there's I I do watch trailers very very differently than average people I fully admit it uh for man of 9900 what if one plus could make one plus two and two plus two were the two plus two could you watch Mad could reap for your trains leave floor at Philadelphia plus could be more expensive with better things on the inside with a better display do you think they can have a high-end and low-end budget phone yeah I mean that's what the rumors are suggesting that they're going to have two phones this year the one plus two and then one that'll be a little lower end and it makes you wonder if then the oneplus 2 will be a more expensive device and I mean more expensive than that like it's not even following the same model to one plus one had where it was like what 349 and you get some previous and specs so I'm wondering if you know they do a 1 plus i guess like you're saying it starts to sound like one plus two plus two yeah like a higher end one plus two and a lower end one where you just expect to pay more for the other one and then the second maybe lower end one is more you know in line with what one plus did with the one plus one if that makes any sense at all but it's 21 pluses oh well that's what the rumors suggested it seems to make sense but they did confirm that they're going to do the invite thing all over again so expect that and wait times in all kinds of stuff now from brazen Franco Sean are you hyped for battle fern or would you have preferred 1313 I am excited for bow front for those that don't know what 1313 is it was a cancelled star wars game that was going to take place in the underworld and deal more with the criminal element of the star wars universe I will love to have seen 1313 happen but unfortunately for whatever reason I guy cancelled so I'm excited for battlefront but yeah I will love to event 1313 from Shaun the man 34 will we see Google glass to at Google i/o this year and will we see Samsung or google announced a gold watch like Apple I don't see sick I mean I know Samsung does try to follow in Apple steps in some places but I don't see it doing it gold watch and as for google glass too there's nothing that suggested it's coming but Tony Fadell is now in charge of that he's the father of the ipod the guy that made nests and soul to google and so we know that they're still working on google glass but it seems to me like it might be a little too early to see it again but you know i mean these things could surprise us like microsoft had hololens right and we really nobody saw that one coming so maybe it's been you know in development secretly now from dominique weber could you talk about the TB movies channel where do you get the trailers do you work with studios or something well for those of you that don't know yet we have launched a new YouTube channel that for right now all it is is we're posting the official trailers from various movies including movies that we don't talk about on the site like we haven't discussed the upcoming in McKellen movie mr. Holmes at all but we put that trailer up by the age of adeline another movie we haven't discussed we put that trailer up as for where we get them we actually have PR accounts with most of the studios already you know we just applied for him and they were delivering the trailers to us anyway as just part of having accounts and one day I went to jobs like you know they're sending them to us anyway why not so that was pretty much how that came about but uh unfortunately it turns out in the first 30 days of having a YouTube you can't you cannot change the name from the random when they assign you so right now I can't just say you go to youtube com back / TV movies but we are putting a link in all of our trailer posts if you do want to subscribe to it and like I said it we're posting every trailer that we have access to even going back a couple weeks just to build up the catalogue of what we have on there so find it and subscribe and I think let's see we have another 23 days to go before we can change the name but we we will be doing that for quite some time from kuro u key not sure if someone already asked us since i joined the streamlight but what are your thoughts on the geforce camera from the new promo with a professional photographer yeah it looks great and I'm excited we're gonna be at the event next week where LG's can discuss it more but it's supposed to be really good in lowell I we saw some great pictures and that the only thing I have with these professional photography things is and you see it all the time you know a company releases a phone they give it to a professional photographer he goes out you take shots with whatever you know other equipment at the nicest locations possible and says here's what you can do with it and then when we come and test them you know and Joe me the regular guy with a smartphone I'm not a great photographer and so I feel like sometimes it can be a little misleading because it doesn't mean that you're gonna get those shots I mean this guy's professional he's trained that's why it's called a professional but I think hopefully we get some great shots either way having the g3 took really good pictures and the galaxy s6 s6 edge too so it'll be a you know out there for competition what's up I'm sorry I started laughing while Todd answers questions I am listening to am I I'm also scrolling through for the next question add this one made me laugh from Sean the man 34 Todd what gadgets have you returned this week the only thing I've been thinking about really is like whether or not I'm going to pull the trigger are now well watch because I really don't think I want want or need one but then I'm like I just you know there's screenshots of some apps apps coming out I think you know that looks pretty cool well actually i'll do that and return it but i haven't returned anything a little bit it just made me laugh so actually the only the only let's see the only gadgets i bought in last week or these little belkin iphone Stan charger docks that I found amazon nearly twenty bucks I wanted one for my desk and for my bedroom with I have a puppy now at home and so she likes to go after the cords that are kind of floating everywhere which is obviously dangerous and so I wanted these docs that don't usually the cords falling on the ground stuff I warned you about puppies and cords I know you did so that that's the latest gadget for a man of 9900 this kind plays into what you were saying apple sold live Apple watches you guys like it do you plan on buying this generation of Apple watches and when would the Apple watch to come out what are your thoughts do you think more sales will happen what's the future for Apple watch that's a whole lot uh I I skipped this generation so honestly waiting a couple time yeah I mean yeah ton I I'm still wearing my original pebble Todd and I both kick-started the pebble time there just is not enough on the Apple watch and also I got burned so bad by the LG G watch yeah they both yeah I I just I'm not a fan of Android wear I admit it I i want to see Apple watch mature and I want to hear a lot more thoughts on it before i plunked in any money on one yeah I want to see like when the bulk of review I mean I know early reviews are out but I want to see a bulk of reviews what kind of apps are there and stuff like that but it sounds like it's already pretty successful I mean where the estimates two million orders something like that 1 million in many other ways we've heard what a million we've heard two we depend on the analyst you ask right and we have to wait for Apple to tell us and since it's launching April 24 we're gonna have to wait until the second quarter earnings which are going to be Marty april may june after june so in july sometime did you hear what Apple watch hills are officially like unless unless Apple you know Phil's people in ahead of time we we actually have gotten several questions about if we ordered one and so for all of you thank you for asking you know but I had to choose somebody to to and through that one on from Sean the man 34 sean is your Apple watch coming on Friday know and we'll take a bustle have an Apple watch for Friday videos ours are supposed to be arriving of course there's always the chance of delivery problems but yes the the plan is that our ours will be there arriving friday morning and we will then of course be filming unboxings and everything else yeah we we actually just brought up that i guess some shipment notifications are going out from UPS today so if you did order them be on the lookout for that but really apple just gave a shipment window I mean I know it's supposed to launch on the twenty-fourth but they said between the 24th and may a so hopefully a lot arrived on the twenty-fourth including ours and we have a couple i'll be doing written review we're going to have it filmed out not the 1i bought it's a technical unit because i didn't buy one yet we'll have one out in irvine we also bought the regular apple watch in addition to the apple watch sport so we'll have a lot of coverage as soon as they come in from such a mahal off topic what do you guys do if a company wants to see you guys product for you to write about on technobuffalo i just got a request for a company as send me their product the vector cup holder which he tweeted you and I about the other day but I don't know if I should accept it or decline it I this is just a great general question for anyone that once again blogging because you will be contacted frequently about you know people wanting to send you products for review our policy and policy I've always had at every set I've worked at is you can go ahead and accept it but do not under any circumstance guarantee them coverage yeah especially if it stinks yeah I mean you may you accept a product and it doesn't live up to what they told you whatsoever and then they could always come back and go well you told me you'd give me coverage well no I can't guarantee you coverage so you can accept products all day long but it does not guarantee them cover which it also does not guarantee them positive coverage so you just have to exercise your own ethics and just simply go this is how it is and you know when you're a younger blogger and I mean in your career not necessarily a younger person but when you're a new blogger you know your fear is well if I give this a negative review another company won't send me a product trust me there are so many companies out there that want coverage you will never lack for products being offered to you yeah well stuff a lot but you do want to keep stuff in line with your coverage do you like the cup holder I saw a picture of it it's not something new and cover I mean it's just a desk accessory yeah there's not a curly but we we get pitched on stuff every day then like have you ever seen us write about anything even remotely like this yeah so yeah it's yeah it's just you have to kind of play it by ear but just make sure you never ever promise anyone coverage let alone positive coverage from an Ave 9900 what do you guys think Apple is going to show at WWDC 2015 new products updates new products updates what are your predictions that's a good question I think we'll get our first taste of iOS 9 will learn about whatever the next version of OS 10 is and who knows what they'll call it um I don't know we and I met oh I'd love to see that hopefully an apple TV refresh and if iOS 9 comes with a music streaming service to which seems like an iOS 8.4 beta which we've tried I have not tried but it's on the site if you want to read more about that I appletv refresh this point is almost a they have to yeah they cannot delay this any longer mm-hmm you know I I don't know why they've taken so long but whatever well my thought is that the first because they announced home kit which is like a software development tools for this smart home and then those products are supposed to start coming out this spring so once the products hit then they can see like now here's your hub you know if the appletv really is the smart horner smart home hub it's a lot of people think it might be well and that plays into another question we have from David DeMille what's the deal with home couture or are any products quote apple certified with home kit unquote there I don't think they're out yet I could be wrong but they're supposed to start hitting the market soon so they have the tools and they're coming yeah yeah so I I I do think that the apple TV is going to play a major part in home kit so yeah I think there has to be I want like I've started and people have asked me for like a smart home do we do much with it i started to because i said i got a puppy so i bought a drop cam down at the beach my father-in-law has a nest that i install which is really cool and then i have a smart plug for a light in my room and i gotta say it's weird having like three different apps for all these things and i have a folder but i'm excited for these kits and i hope that they're you know that there's one aptus wouldn't manage everything and i think that's what we're getting and yeah um Sean the man 34 do you think Star Wars The Force awakens will become the highest grossing film and beat out avatar at number one nothing in this world would make me happier to see average her number one spot I i am one of those people I hate avatar I think it is a horrible movie I I there I've got out and publicly said it I think it is a horrible movie I enjoyed it but I won't wash it again unobtainium that's all i have to say uh than the fact that it was Dances with Wolves with blue people but I I will never understand how that movie made that much money ever is like to do is hyped beyond anything now oh and now the fact that he has the gall to film three sequels at once mm-hmm I'm just like Cameron I'm out I'm out um I don't know Star Wars has it in it the whole problem is that films like Star Wars speak to a very specific demographic and while they'll have a great opening weekend they're in the movie industry it's called front-loaded they'll be front loaded with a huge opening weekend and then drop off like rock so the whole thing with avatar was the fact that no one had seen anything quite like it and so had legs from people speaking to other people had word of mouth going for it that's always that's going to be a tough thing to top and how titanic is the second highest grossing film is completely beyond me I remember seeing in a theater the first time I saw a trade this was pre-internet days really so I mean I was that's where you would see trailers I remember saying there I turned a an old friend of mine that was watching the movie with me I was like I don't want to spoil it for you but I'm going to predict right now the boat sinks how did you know what I just I'm that good dude oh goodness gracious um I am sorry to this person I am now you're going to try to pronounce your name its start both to first and last name start with k's uh hey guys do you think the next iPhone will include wireless charging I haven't seen any indication will I'd love to see it do something like what Samsung did with Chi and PMA support and but the only thing is i guess i don't see in an apple-like do it unless it works really well and i'm just saying that in general you know whether you agree with me or not but wireless charging is still very very slow and I feel like unless there's another way to get it to work a lot better maybe it's not going to be there yet you know it's odd I'm not that excited about wireless charging I was for a while and then you're like when you sit there with all the quick charge stuff which is great and and you're like well I could plug in and it can be charged in like you know an hour or whatever where I can put it on this pad and you know it's going to charge a lot slower than you'd start to think why would I ever put on the pad I I know I I I think someday the technology will be impressive but for right now just like I was plug it in yeah exactly i mean just get a doc attach it to a quick charger you know and there yeah yeah the doc exactly uh from such humble haul off topic you do any of you guys watch the show Silicon Valley I have not started it I want to watch it i just have not had a chance to get into it yet i have actually I caught up this week on the first two episodes and then I went back and watched the rest of last season that I hadn't watched yet it's funny I like it at first I didn't I know I know it's weird but I had started it when I was out in irvine we were watching it Roy Choi and I and and then I didn't really continue much more and then I saw it come on after Game of Thrones I was like that was funny so I mean there's not that many episodes I think there's like six and the purchasing them I thought it was funny the only thing that the kind of bothers me is working in the industry all this sort of name-dropping and stuff at first was just like like TechCrunch Disrupt and blah blah blah you know because we have to read that stuff all the time what it's funny show yeah I'll watch it somewhere I just have not had a chance yet we're going to quickly speed through a couple more questions here that are actually related technobuffalo from breads and Franco updates on the twitch channel the twitch channel is not dead we it just failed that we have so much work to do that it's hard to sit down and play a game on a camera for a while there I was playing I was doing like a Saturday morning session and I quickly realized that when only four people would show up to watch me that no one cared to watch me play video games so the twitch channel is not dead it's just going through some retooling uh from Sean the man 34 just want to say that I've enjoyed the movie news i'm talking about flow lately hope you keep posting those besides tech we have every intention to continue with that way and we're thrilled that everyone has accepted them into the TechnoBuffalo fold we greatly appreciate that from such humble hall are you ever going to have John or other tech con buffalo staff members on the TechnoBuffalo show we've addressed this before we really really want to we have a couple problems number one being scheduling conflicts number two the fact that most of the staff is in irvine so there are two hours behind and we do the show typically right when they're coming to office also they have a really horrible air conditioning problem it's not really an arrogant it air conditioning works great in the office but every time we've tried doing a podcast with them it sounds like there's a jet engine though he is mine and the problem is because they're in an optical they have no control over their conditioning they can't just turn it off right so if we can ever figure out a way to isolate a mic enough at the irvine office he'll be on the show more let's take one more question why not from David DeMille I'm looking at at a new macbook pro do you think they will refresh it in June at WWDC and should i wait did they just refresh well they just refreshed it they I actually have it right in front an so i'm using it's the new one with the force touch and they upgraded from 4th gen intel processors to 5th gen I mean I guess they can make other tweaks to it I don't see it coming back quick though yeah but it's awesome and I befallen don't feel don't feel bad if you do too final question from David demille's TechnoBuffalo going to make an appt maybe just wait and see pom-pom that's all I'm going to say on the topic right now yes we will have an appt eventually uh and that is going to do it for this week Todd do you have any final thoughts no thank you for watching listening as always we do appreciate you joining so if you want to subscribe to the TechnoBuffalo show you can find us on iTunes where we do appreciate if you write a review us that does help out the show you can also find us on Pocket cast you can subscribe via RSS feed you can listen to us on the stitcher app which means you can listen to us anytime anywhere anywhere there are podcast you can find the TechnoBuffalo show until next week I'm Sean ani I'm the editor-in-chief of technobuffalo I've been joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton hi everybody until next week take it easy talk to you later bye bye
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