
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The TechnoBuffalo Show Episode #047 – Autonomous cars, AOL and more!

and welcome to episode 47 the TechnoBuffalo show online beer to host for today Sean ani editor and chief to the site i'm joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton everybody are you doing today Todd dude except for after last week's show on really nervous that we're on some people's huge HD he's so well if we are we hope you're enjoying all the the grandeur that is tated myself yeah that's uh so it's actually been a fairly quiet week hmm which is nice before the whole google i/o WWDC III every gas co thinkin's where we are working very very long hours i will say e3's press day is the worst one by far yeah we start at like 8am and i think i usually get out of here around 10pm or so it's I've covered in e3 before it was tough Oh different than other shows are my puppy here if you see me looking at that a little different than other shows because the public's there too so it's kind yeah well this year they're adding even more on stage precedence so it's it's going to be a long day very long day but we had some a couple things we want to talk about I wanted to know Todd did you ever play any musical instruments yes saxophone uh did you ever try playing your sex phone while driving I didn't I started on the trombone and then moved to the tuba so I can also say that I never attempted to play while driving however we bring this up because this week it came out that there the autonomous cars are being tested have been in a couple accidents most of them though none of them have been the caused by the autonomous driving right they have been caused either by other cars or by the autonomous cars being under the control of the drivers that are monitoring them but the the fact that Google and their report came out and said you know we've seen so many crazy things when dry down the road and you know we've seen people reading books and all that but the one that killed me was the guy goes we even saw someone playing a trumpet yeah who plays a trumpet while driving how does that even work I mean maybe in the future when these you know autonomous cars are there then you're kind of sitting there you play the trumpet all you want but yeah well you know and that's the thing that came across my mind you you once autonomous cars do become a reality which it's clear that they're going to become one you know how many people are gonna be freaked out driving down the road they're going to look over and some guy goes napping right exactly you know there's going to have to be I think some sort of label on the car right that says autonomous right yeah that's a good point we haven't even thought about that like are they gonna color code or like how are you gonna know so you don't just sit scared really was like idea exactly hey but I think one of the things because currently like when we were at CES and the audi a7 concept i think it was a drove from san francisco to vegas by itself they had to have you had to have somebody behind their wheel the whole time so but yeah i would be scary still you see someone napping yeah we are yeah I modeled over for that the second I heard about onimous cars as you know I have to drive three hours to get to an airport whenever I fly out to irvine right you know I hate that drive hate it but it's a very laid-back highway it's a dual lanes both ways hardly anyone on it it's a great highway it's just a boring drive right I'm gonna nap if I have an autonomous car i am going to be napping during that three hour drive you know somebody's got to look over the head cv and go oh you know what's happening call the police or whatever it when these cars first hit the road you're gonna have to be expected to be pulled over by the police who knows how many times right because they're not going to understand them they're not going unless there is some sort of label on them say self-driving autonomous whatever rules that say like you still have to keep your on the road and stuff like then what's the pool I mean then they're safer but they're not really more fun exactly I don't know it's going to be interesting to see how those work out but getting back to to the whole accident situation I the first time one is in a major accident we're not going to be able to escape those news right people are going to go nuts and they're gonna you know damn autonomous driving for a long time I think oh yeah unless the thing is where i was in sweden earlier this year with volvo checking out there self-driving cars and what they're doing on the front and all those whole planets like have no accent or no serious injuries in their cars by 2020 so if we get to the point where cars are super super safe anyway and not just volvo but everybody and then their self driving and then they get Maxine's but nobody's hurt then maybe you know it's a little more acceptable I think it's just so long as nobody's hurt these things yeah I think so too now I did read this week also that the first self-driving semi has been approved Dre I saw that I have mixed feelings that is that seems so much scarier because you want to semi when something goes wrong at the semi something goes very wrong has no one ever seen maximum overdrive yeah right but also I mean they they if it tips over then you've got stuff all over the road and traffic and maybe they're safer I mean maybe you can keep this semi going 35 miles an hour I feel good about that except everybody knows one of the hard things about shipping is that those guys got to make their hours right and that's where I mean I can see an advantage to because I mean I've known truckers that have pushed and pushed and pushed to make those delivery times and you know that they faked their logs they do all sorts of things you know they take drugs to stay awake all that stuff I so semis already are fairly dangerous and by no means am I condemning the entire semi industry i I'm talking about very specific cases but semis in general already scary you know because they our gigantic they you know anything goes wrong it's a catastrophe right and so now the idea of a robot driving one I'm just like you know right but well Google was sang up so I guess back to the original stories earlier this week there was a report from the AP that said there'd been four accidents since sep tember of these autonomous driving cars three word Google one was a dell fikar dlp ajay and then google like their head of the autonomous driving came out and said well actually there's going to Levin or something like that since they started the program and none of them have been at the fault of Google's cars and he was saying like look these things are safe and perhaps it applies the trucks too because a driver we have our field of vision were distracted they said any moment during daylight hours the United States 660,000 people are distracted driving something like that and so they're saying well look here is this car that has a 360 degree camera view the whole time like it's its eyes are always on the road and of course you know there's failures but yeah I don't know I mean I'm excited for the concept but I can also see where there's going to be some issues ya know but I I think that the fact that they have been in some accidents they did need to get out and you know and i'll say i almost feel like they need to say something as soon as they happen on you know hey one of our cars was in an accident today here's what the flowmetry told us so on so forth kind of like remember when that one reporter said that the Tesla your matter elife didn't live up and all that and Elon Musk came out with no no no here's all your de la yeah here's all the logs you're lyin yeah I I own I just I think maybe they need to make sure they're always out ahead of things right um from praising Franco I play the piano all driving with a ton of scar focus mostly on decreasing car road accident is it possible that insurances will also become optional and autonomous completely takes over excuse me that's an interesting question um I don't think it'll become optional but I think it if rates didn't drop you would have a really strong argument for hey you guys are ripping us off right yeah huh I haven't even seen any thats a really good point and how hard are those insurance companies lobbying against autonomous drive yeah well I don't know I it's a fascinating concept I hadn't even thought about that yeah yeah especially imagine um yo teen drivers are considered the most risky you know there was a driving he changed then he's gonna work I don't know I can't go lower if they're not even driving but they would have the ability to take over and rush basically a thumbs until need yeah I bet as long as yeah I think in the in the most the near near future as so long as you're able to take over then you're still in any insurance and all that kind of stuff but maybe in the Jetsons kind of future everything changes brazen Franco brings up another good point well a driving license even be a requirement in the future yeah like getting in the super future really i don't know i always i'm writing these articles today and i say like like today you know domino's saying you can order pizza from twitter and it's like we do we live in the future so now i'm thinking like the future future I know but until I know it's all coming so quickly I was promised flying cars yeah I still did not have a flying car always buy a plane still not the same thing yeah I I want like a Back to the Future to yo the wheels yeah go under in the whole bit you know or Lola for agents of shield one of them from such an Baja when do you think we will see autonomous cars in mass production so than anyone can buy one i don't know i'm thinking maybe by like 20 20 yeah I seems like five years out they'd start to I'm 5 10 years i don't know i think one of the problems is going to be regulation right like i was just talking about with that car that drove san francisco to vegas saline someone behind the wheel there's still like a lot of things that need to change in the government as we've seen with drones moves kind of slow at that kind of stuff but amazon how to deal with drugs for example yeah yeah exactly oak maple has a comment on the story hey I'm able for those of you will see Todd held on a mini dachshund my puppy yes she was crying the day it because dad wasn't paying attention that's exactly right but I I don't know there's so many questions with this you know it's a technology I'm very very excited for but so so many questions to still be answered right and hopefully we'll hear all them at some point but speaking of questions why did verizon by AOL yeah that was weird i mean i don't know i mean i got in i always come in super early in the mornings to to exercise before work and all that and i came in and i always fire twitter up before i do anything i'm just say there's Terry I'm like my sleep deprived or is that I can happen especially because they denied it not too long ago yeah well said like there's nothing going on and all that and then yeah I just sort of hit like verizon's making you're gonna pay four point four billion dollars for a well Andrew like what which I find interesting is about the same price doesn't he paid for Lucasfilm or marble right and it's over people saying like just under a quarter of what whatsapp is worth and like hey I like for instagrams just crazy I I think they were still there after all those remaining dial-up customers well that's what I was thinking to the rural people I mean it sounds weird but maybe I don't know but yeah I in their in their explanation and that's about as deep as i went into the news was you know they needed AOL for the internet of things and all these like buzz word sounds like what all right whatever but they do then you know they get some of the lot always our competitors TechCrunch and gadget Huffington Post and stuff like that but then there's rumors those are going to get spun off at least opinion posts so I mean aol's not just the dial-up company that we all think of but i'm not sure why Verizon needs or wants them aside from like you said I mean rural customers may be the folks that are still on Rodman but how valuable are they really we're still on dial-up my brother well I'm from such a Mahal what does verizon's acquisition of AOL and tail and what does it mean for employees and readers of The Huffington Post engadget TechCrunch in makers well I entails 4.4 billion in cash now for those that aren't familiar with these types of situations a lot of times though they'll involve stock transfers or whatever no verizon is just outright paying the owners of AOL here's 4.4 billion audios and there's like 150 million breakup fee or so I'm like I think yeah if it doesn't happen but in general the the 4.4 billion is just here you go by right which I can't see why this deal will go through and I can't foresee any sort of government regulations competing this one right but as for what it means I'm sure there will be some housecleaning I don't think however they're going to get rid of some of the most valuable AOL properties which are things like Huffington Post an engagement rumors civilly Huffington Post could go for like a billion dollars so I'd be like a quarter of the deal yeah but as for TechCrunch and makers I imagine they'll stick around but I i would say a lot of the house cleaning will be in the background it won't be as we call it consumer-facing you know it's kind of like when we talk about technobuffalo with which you the reader see that's consumer-facing the version of the site we see that's you know the the work background stuff but and engadget said yesterday they've had more readers than ever you know so there's a lot of success there and doesn't sound like anything's gonna change on their own yeah I don't think in gadget or Huffington Post or going anywhere as for everything else I don't know only time will tell but it was it's such a an odd thing you know and the thing I keep wondering about you know they say they're still you know what was a 2.1 million dial-up users something like that where are they even finding modems hahaha they probably still have them write like I don't know yeah we're do you buy movies beginners don't come with them anymore yeah the external ones I used to have an external one yeah I had an external one for a while as well and but i I just I can't remember the last time I even saw modem yeah well what do you see using a lot of pcmcia ports I think yeah one other laptops yeah the yeah the poppin arts yeah yeah which then you push it on the little black thing in the phone thing would pop out on top yeah I remember when I bought my first one of those at a i think i was in georgia I'm business I went into a best buy and the guy was like this is so cool look you push it it pops adds like some sort of James Bond thing this was the sales clerk or bestbuy I was like that's great yeah yes the early days of of the internet uh-huh I was so happy when ethernet came her Oh seriously from brazen Franco interesting question uh why not use the for billions to improve upgrade their own structure good question I think they have been doing a lot of that anyway but yeah it's there's varied when you're dealing with the corporation as large as verizon they have a situation where their stockholders expect them to acquire expect them to expand expect them to move into other fields and a lot of companies the size of verizon will have whole departments called mergers and acquisitions that are dedicated to doing nothing but this they go over and they look over all these companies and try to see what would fit what would answer problem so on and so forth yeah so expand yeah it's not an uncommon situation but at the same time yeah i'd rather see any carrier invest four billion that's just laying around into their infrastructure but i don't know it's interesting and it it was funny how many people grabbed stories of all the old AOL trial disks i saw some people you'll say their parents you still haven't round and use them as drink coasters but you get those all the time they were everywhere big nail and stores they came in magazine they came in the mail you couldn't escape them no I remember once I got one in the mail that came in like a metal 10 that was just the size of the CD I was like how much money is the drive everything yeah different like dude some would offer like 500 minutes or like 10,000 minutes oh no it was always hours hours and hours so hours and hours of free oh yeah which was all a low was good for but I I was a copy serve loyalist you yeah I think I had earthlink yeah i loved compuserve I I had compuserve AOL for a while I never got into prodigy but yeah compuserve inhale well I haven't both for a while and I stuck with CompuServe 0 the 0 days of computing so we've got some questions coming in here well we're going to dive into him here from David two mil in the rural areas there's the only options are dial-up satellite internet and verizon's data may be moving people off dial up and on to verizon's network right that's a possibility i live in a rural farming community you know luckily I do have cable internet here although it's not the most stable as Todd can attest to you know if I live further out yo and one of the surrounding towns you know we're surrounded by towns that start with green green castle green top so on and so forth yo maybe I would have more of a need for dialogue but I don't know it's interesting it might be a move to try to get some of those rural people that are there enough real people to make it worth their while that's the big question yeah I don't know Bernie if that's their strategy and they're going after your dial up and is 2.1 million then it's sort of like they just acquired customers which is what you see in wireless when you know bigger carry requires a smaller one yeah t mobile metropcs that kind of thing from such and bahal this is a story that came out this week as well off topic is it true that Windows 10 is going to be the last version of Windows well yes and the way it was phrased sort of they were Microsoft was basically saying like I think they're going to sort of go the way that Apple has with OSX like Windows 10 and then we're going to do more frequent updates and just sort of keep going and I think it was referred to as like windows as a service you know so you have windows and you just keep going with windows as opposed to going like you know like we have in the past windows XP windows 7 windows 8 was 8.1 windows 10 so I that's that's how I understood it well I think it's going to be excuse me folks my iPad keeps going off so I want to mute it um yeah I think it's going to be somewhat though like Apple and the fact that it's OS 10 I I think that windows finally got to the number 10 and okay now we're on par with Apple I don't know it's I think that's what it's going to be the like you said in your in your article Todd that it's going to be incremental updates now at this point you know it almost sounds to me like Windows 10 is going to be more of a platform right exactly like a service sort of a platform for everything to like they were saying you know obviously we already know but for phones tablets even xbox one yeah I don't know it's going to be interesting to see how Microsoft plays this out honestly I don't think your average consumer really cares what a operating system is called although there will need to be some way to delineate you know this is the newest version yeah like please install this one yeah exactly once just sit on the old one but you know when they sell new laptops with it stuff like that but it's sort of easier for Apple to do that because you know they're like oh here's Yosemite and here are new laptops for it whereas Microsoft I mean sure they can have their partners on stage but it's a little different they're not yeah amia that's one thing I answer this I don't even remember what the numerical number is for windows at this for mac OS tent this point I just know it's to symmetry okay bye I think this was Lee Apple did wisely that it gave them names right so yeah it does how nice a lot more sense yeah I i just i wonder what a microsoft might name stuff well they went from project Spartan to edge so it's not too exciting now i wonder if they'll go with breeds of dogs or monkeys or something yeah it's gonna be very uh very interesting Windows 10 mini dachshund uh from such a Mahal are any of you guys excited for Assassin's Creed syndicate nope i saw i was watching part of that announcement yesterday just the london part seems pretty cool but uh and the last one i played was Black Flag I guess the pirate run I didn't play unity I'll probably try it I don't know next week I'm excited for Witcher 3 coming out but I'm gonna be out in California actually at our around office so I won't be able to play it here but yeah I honestly I've never tried two Assassin's Creed huh I've never played one of them you know I just never been anything that looked at appealing to me so it's not that I feel there's anything wrong with what they announced with syndicate I just at this one I just don't feel like jumping into the series so but I don't know the way they were talking about it though how they want this to be a game that people talk about the future and like exploration they've done a really good job at that I mean we'd have to let joey davidson talk more to it but I thought I think I'm kind of excited for those aspects though on the site today we said I guess no multiplayer which is kind of a bummer because I always like a game with some sort of multiplayer aspect now speaking of uh mr. Davidson since you're out of town next week he will be stepping into the co-host chair too all right to host the TechnoBuffalo show with me i'm trying to get us on our longest run ever of an undirected episodes 0 0 life from David DeMille the problem I see with microsoft updates is that they don't present it people tend not to not update it yeah that's exactly it they're going to have to do something that makes you realize this is the new version of Windows 10 this is what you want yeah exactly and that's what I was saying it's sort of easier for apple with the new hardware especially heavy when you look at iphones right it's like WWDC in june and then September you know the new iphone ship with it everybody's talking about it they want that Microsoft is sort of setting themselves up to do with surface but you know we haven't really seen them do that yet but hopefully that's sort of what they continued moving forward yeah I don't know it's going to be interesting from brazen Franco on the winton topic is windows becoming a service Allah 365 if not how are they going to monetize on it well I wonder if they're just not going to in the sense that you know sell their the other apps and services through it sort of the way Apple does with Yosemite right like you don't really pay anything and not anymore free upgrade so I think they're probably going that route after I mean we know that Windows 10 is gonna be free for what the first year they said yeah I think that um they'll still sell it to OEMs but will they sell it to consumers i think is the big question right and then i don't think they will I mean as long as you'll create in that first year yeah oh it's gonna be interesting to see what happens uh from David DeMille Todd any updates of your Apple watch usage over time um I'm still I'm still wearing it so that should be that's actually a good sign of the view yeah I really don't like this green band cuz not that I really care about matching wearing a yellow shirt there just be easier to have a black band or something on it battery life against been good I'm still charging it every night but what time is it now it's 1230 my time and I'm i was up at like 645 today and it's at ninety-four percent so it's really good battery life for me i mean in that sense and again you know in my review I said that the battery life is good you were saying well you've said it you know Android wear was bad at two days and so I think it's just a matter I'm impressed because it does a lot and so for doing a lot throughout the day in ninety-four percent at twelve-thirty is pretty good but I and I want to charge it every night like I like that it's always here with the apps with the weather with my movement the only thing I gotta say is it continuously tells me to stand up right after I sit down like it's the dumbest thing I mean I was just walking around and then I sit down it's like don't forget to stand up well that doesn't work properly yeah I'm liking it I gotta say i also like i like i have we the most basic model which is cool but I sort of wish i had the steel one just looks a little more I don't know yeah but also do you I spend that much money no I don't so let's say think exactly speaking of things like the AOL deal from such a baja are you guys happy at the current state of techna buffalo meaning slowly becoming more recognized and still independent we love our independence we yeah we really really love our independence you know the fact you know as has been revealed on the the TechnoBuffalo channel we do have an investor that John took on a long time ago who is a silent partner he does not have any say and how we do things but in general óleo we are independent we you know I talked to John and the buck stops with John we don't have to go to any sort of corporate overlord we don't have to go to anyone and ask permission to do anything and yes it's a hard road to a hard road to go down but you know it life would be a lot easier with a lot more money backing us but we're making her own way and we like it that way we we like being just us yeah yeah did Todd do you have any thoughts on it no yeah I agree and I think that um you know after the news yesterday to you with with verizon picking up a well what does that mean for a gadget and gadget says you know like we're independent editorially and the verge sort of tried to say like how is that possible but the verge has you know funding from Comcast's arm to and pointed to its own article that trashed comcast has the worst company in america so a lot of feeling a lot of these companies still do have independence to some degree i mean if they're saying so i believe it but it is nice not having to deal with any of that right like we're just not a corporate culture not a corporate you know like you don't go into a huge office where there's a huge sales department and all that and for better or worse it's what i prefer i like it so yeah yeah we're quite happy being independent and we plan to stay independent for a good long time he's right uh from also from such a ball off topic i just got a original pebble in october 2014 i'm loving it so far but since the pebble time was announced it is so tempting i don't know if i should get one get it once it's available to everyone besides backers are wait a bit longer to get one well Todd and I are both backers so will we getting this month we should be getting here hopefully hopefully I so I say we can't answer that till we get have time to play with it which hopefully will be by the end of this month I I'm looking forward to it I actually I'm going to hand my original one down to my mother who's never had any sort of wearable but she likes the idea of not pulling her phone app or purse all the time I I expect her to work for about a week before she gives up uh but uh yeah I I'm done I'm out no it should be i'm looking forward to playing with that i want to see what improvements they've done i love the idea of having a color screen now yeah i wish i'd gone to steal want to be honest though because once that came out I should have switched but uh and now having the Apple watch and having the motive 360 like not crazy about going back to a plastic body watch but I don't know ma'am also from such a Mahal hey Sean which one are you more excited for Disney infinity 3.0 or Lego dimensions and why Disney infinity 3.0 two words Star Wars I'm not a I'm i liked lego by i'm i'm not on the current lego fanaticism and i'm a huge disney fan so infinity was always going to have me but adding in Star Wars just seals the deal as far as I'm concerned they're coming free Todd yeah breaking news here though I just wanted to share Windows 10 editions was just announced by Microsoft so there's going to be Windows 10 home which is the Consumer Focus desktop Edition windows 10 mobile sorry meant i was going windows had mobile that's the one for smartphones and small tablets windows 10 pro that's desktop Edition for PCs tablets and two and one it builds on the features of Windows 10 home but for the needs of small businesses for those who need to manage devices nap so I can RT Department windows an enterprise for I guess larger IT departments Windows 10 education for schools this is the problem with microsoft windows 10 mobile enterprise the same idea of volume licensing to customers and then moving forward but I'm surprised they went back to windows 10 mobile they're going like I mean it's not it was once called windows mobile Wow but that's right on topic to what we were just talking about with Apple where you have you know Yosemite and what a microsoft thing to do i'm actually really surprised by this well I wonder Xbox born is well just hang on to okay I cannot believe how frustrated that just made me okay just as Microsoft right ah nothing they that's the whole thing everyone thinks that I hate microsoft I don't I used Microsoft products for almost a quarter of a century you know I want them to succeed they are their own worst enemy you know it is never ceases to amaze me how they get in the way of themselves yeah it just seems like confusing for consumers they're going to go to bestbuy and be like wait so do I want Windows 10 home or do I want Windows 10 Pro and that's let me not had those questions asked me before especially when i worked at laptop magazine cover computers a lot more and it does confirm though the 10 home 10 mobile 10 pro free upgrades for Windows 7 Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 Windows Phone 8.1 devices for the first year after launch but still I mean all the names I thought the whole point of this and they said this earlier was it's just going to be called Windows 10 for everything and now here you go and it's out there's 10 windows 10 pro when do I mean that's just confusing I mean yes there is you know I believe it's called OS 10 server but I mean it's it's not something that you know that many people have to worry about but when a consumer walks into a store I I thought after the whole RT thing that Microsoft is my idea really you know Artie was a joke you know Microsoft I swear I I I just right I don't know what they're thinking I don't know I mean I'm actually really surprised by this because I thought it was a good idea to go Windows 10 and call it like that on everything like what's on that phone Windows 10 what's on that pc windows 10 what's all that top yeah and we're right back to where we've always been consumers if they walk into a store and they asked a Salesman what is this Mac running they can go Yosemite done now you walk into a store and you look at a lineup of PCs ego which version of Windows 10 is this ready oh well it's running home okay well is home the one where I can no that's so silly it's so stupid you know and I know a lot of our listeners I know all of you guys I know that you're going to understand this but think about your parents think about you know that guy you know in class that doesn't understand his own phone think about the average consumer that you see walking into a store they're going to be confused yep you know it's just like every time I hear somebody say oh we'll just route your phone yes I could root my phone can your parents route their phone more than likely not and that's the sort of thing that's where Microsoft is messing this up your your average consumer is not going to know what each version of windows does they're just going to say you know oh it runs Windows 10 okay that's fine but is it running if you ever watched the the british sitcom Todd it crowd no I mean I think I watched like maybe you sent me an episode or a clip or something like that but that way about soccer I know of it yeah i just watched the whole series finally on the recommendation of joey and the the way they answered the phone every single time somebody called down with a problem the first thing they would say was have you tried turning it off and on or is it plugged in yeah so yeah that's exactly although the funniest line in that whole show they were they found a but a suspicious package that might be a bomb and there was a robot trying to take care of it and the robot stuck in the guy yells down the street you know I'm working on it there's something wrong with the computer in the yell back what OS is it running he goes uh windows vista and one of them turns and goes we're going to die which made me laugh so hard I almost had to stop my treadmill Oh a Microsoft I don't know what to do for you anymore you're your own worst enemy yeah good good grief well we're almost out of time here I can't believe how fast these shows go anymore and we love doing from such an Mahal off topic or any of you excited for rock band 4 Guitar Hero live again I've never played any of them I have no plastic and so I am I'm excited i saw this setlist yesterday I guess I think this for rocking for right yeah yeah yeahs with yeah i like to those games I don't have any of the instruments my roommate had it when I was uh just out of college so that's when I played it last and I don't think my wife would um i was gonna say i don't see her going for the zombies before but i don't think I'll own it yeah I don't see her going for a bunch of plastic instruments in your apartment yeah oh you never know though she would surprise you yeah just real quickly going over here mahna I see a lot of your questions but we answered those very early in the episode so listen to the audio replay later from praising Franco I bet verizon is only interest in this 2.1 million users still using dial-up who knows I wonder if they'll even keep it running I can't be cheap to run you will you I don't know I feel like every quarter it comes out again like here's how many AOL subscribers still had dial-up like oh my goodness yeah exactly it's always shocking well I believe that is going to bring this week's episode to close as always we thank you for joining us you can find us on the itunes store by searching for the TechnoBuffalo show and we do appreciate if you were a rubios that does help out the show you can also find us on podcast you can subscribe to our RSS feed you can find us on the stitcher app which means you can listen to us anytime anywhere anywhere there are podcasts you can find the TechnoBuffalo show until next week I'm Sean ani I'm the editor-in-chief of TechnoBuffalo I've been joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton hi everybody till next time take it easy bye bye everyone
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