
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The TechnoBuffalo Show Episode #050 – WWDC pre-show, Google I/O Recap and more!

and welcome to the 50th episode of the TechnoBuffalo show I'm live your to host for today Sean ani editor-in-chief of the site and i'm joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton everybody excuse my squeaky mike arm as I move it there yeah right 50th sneaking up on it yeah no it'll sneak up on what this is the 50th episode yeah I know it snuck up on me next I say yeah and this is also than our longest an interrupted even though you went to California joey said you we're getting better nice now if Microsoft would just stop scheduling things on Wednesday although this week it wasn't a scheduling conflict comes just a catch up day for a situation but yes we have a lot going on right now so of course we had google i/o last week um excuse me Google will get into the second day though which I thought was very funny I you know that was so bizarre to me the second day was far more interesting than the first day yeah I feel like well we can talk about a little bit but I feel like they should have shared some of that stuff maybe on the first day I agree I agree that the first days keynote it was just too long hey when you start off with an eight minute animated video yeah that was yeah yeah that thing was ridiculous yeah yeah I just what killed me was it now I have to bring up the google maps situation okay the offline google maps yes situation so Google comes up there talking about google maps and they talk about oh you can now save your google maps offline they said now right you and I have been doing this for literally and I'm using that word correctly literally years yeah exactly years I've been saving my maps offline they actually announced it I think it was a who I oh I don't know 23 years ago well two years ago when i went to Edinburgh Scotland I didn't know what my internet connection was going to be like on my phone I had saved edinboro offline yes there was a new feature that you can do turn-by-turn directions I've searched and stuff like that right yeah but over here on my right screen where I always have twitter going Google's talking about you saving maps offline I cannot believe the people I won't name them but people in our industry who are going wow this is amazing I can't wait to try this out oh I've always wanted them to do something like this yeah and weekend I mean it's been there for a long time even in my posts that sort of talked about the the whole conference I talked you know this has been available for a while and I link to a tutorial that Google has already how to save your maps offline but yeah I mean it's cool they're just making it a lot more detailed so it's more valuable sort of sort of like what Nokia here has now with their offline you know turn-by-turn navigation stuff like that but yeah I just I that blew my mind but that was a theme throughout the day that they kept talking about features we already knew about mmm android wear for example they were talking about the new features but a lot of them were what we're already introduced in five point one point one which we already had hands-on with you know and stuff on the Sun watch and I'm not saying like we're ahead of everybody or anything like that i'm just saying that a lot of these things were already released and it was sort of a lot of it kind of came off as a recap like here's what we have now puppy whining behind me while she's staring at herself in the mirror here I i I'm gonna grab her real quick no no problem Todd I for those that don't know todd has a youngish puppy named Mabel and she is uh she can say hi everybody she's discovered herself in the mirror one of my dogs does that except I know he wants to know who that other dog is right I think that's what's going on with another dog and she does understand why it won't play with her right but uh so yeah google i/o is just now the second date was far more interesting right yeah we the a tab group so they talked about all the inventions they're working on and that came down to a radar that fits in like a wearables like a smart watch where you could just make gestures over the screen and it knows I'll bring my hand up like what your hand is doing so you could like turn your watch dial say but an invisible on they can recognize that they also had a wearable technology built into textiles so fabric and a guy on stage head he's wearing a jacket where for example you could swipe down the arm to answer a phone call on your phone which is pretty crazy okay now they partner with Levi's so like it's not just sort of a pipe dream or something here's my problem with this whole you swipe on your clothing you're going to end up with the dirt streak right there the girls not going through yeah you're gonna be like well this was great for the first month but then I answered too many calls right yeah and then they had um well so they showed project ara finally workings of the modular smartphones and um I'm not sure we had a recap on this site so I don't want to go too far in a tease of what we already talked about but the they showed the device working they put speakers on I think they put the processor on and then powered it on and then they added the cameras or like a hot swap module just right in there and then took a selfie so is one of the first times we actually saw it working which is really cool well we have a question from such a Mahal about what was your favorite that was made at Google i/o 2015 I would say it was I want to see more about this integration of wearable clothing and I because they didn't touch on it but like how's it going to handle being washed right you know are you gonna have to remove everything every time you go to wal should I don't think you can because it's like sewn into the fabric it's just exactly so it but then it's like you're right there was like a power module that they put in the pocket so I wonder if that that must have to come out even if the even if the components are water resistant which I would assume they are you know the the violence inside of a washer being banged and thrown round and hitting the side and everything else you would think would break down the components yeah definitely I mean it's like look at the lint you know who he takes something oh yeah now I mean admittedly the the jacket that he was wearing the sports jacket yeah that's probably a dry clean situation but right you know Levi's you throw them in the wash yeah right so I don't know it's going to be interesting to learn more about that project but I would say that was by far the most interesting thing to me out of the entire I oh yeah I think that in project ara because you know it's like they said from the very beginning like this we don't you know it's it's what do they call moonshot projects like we don't know if we're gonna ever be able to do this but we're going to try when they took it over from the other company that if they start working with I forget the name of it blocks or whatever and and now they're showing that wow this is actually real they showed the designs on the back of the device so you can customize it you know if your own personal look but so now I'm just waiting for it to really go on sale in Puerto Rico which they've said should be coming in the future really interesting a question here from Christopher miles do you guys think Apple has an 8 app like group working on long-term technologies or are they completely consumer focus working only on what they believe will deliver maximum profit I fully believe that they have something similar to a tab yeah I think so too it seems like it or at least you know different certainly different divisions working on these moonshots where projects like with the Apple car or something like that because if they didn't it it would be like a missed opportunity right we're google and all these other companies are in Microsoft for example with hololens would sort of undercut them so I think they do have it but I don't know if it's working the same way that Google's does words and as far as I understand a tap that you know it's like this one big group working on lots of different things where Apple I think it's probably smaller secretive groups working on specific projects well for instance the apple television set a it does not look like it's ever coming to market but there is overwhelming I you know evidence that at least prototypes exist right and that you know that it's been documented numerous times that there is some form of it in jony ive's all office right right yeah you know so maybe they weren't ever plan on coming to market with it for all we know maybe it was an in-house project right when you get people this intelligent be it at Google or Apple or any other company they can't just sit around and work on just one idea at a time that's just not how that sort of brain functions and so I fully believe that you know there's a lot of things at Apple that we will never see that will never know the thing about I'm fine with that in all of these companies i think yeah like for example we've seen a little bit about what I think Google's been doing with contact lenses and diabetes I think and and it's sort of one of those projects it's been mentioned they've talked about it but not in detail at you know I Oh with a tap or anything like that word you know who knows how long you know it's been in progress or if it's ever going to hit the market but they're sort of working on these other projects too well speaking of Apple we have WWDC next week which is the worldwide developers conference it's starting to I mean we heard the rumor we'd heard rumors that the new Apple TV the set-top box not the time not just for clarification anytime Todd and I say Apple TV from here on out unless we say otherwise we are talking about the set-top box the we had heard the apple TV is going to be shown now we're hearing according to I believe is the wall street journal but it's not going to be shown on your times may I knew is one of the 2i what at one of those the old fuddy-duddy newspapers but what what is going on with this thing has been so long since it has been updated yep 2013 i think i saw when i was looking up the other day I know I well I mean okay in general terms that doesn't seem like a long time in the world biology that's a decade yeah and I mean we saw two that home kit the devices are coming out now i'm sure they're going to talk about that in some fashion on monday and that apple TV is going to serve serve as the hub of that and i think it requires the most recent one which is 2013 but everybody was sort of thinking oh well it's going to have to be this new version that's coming out or something like that and you know it's i guess it's going to be that one for now but it kind of you know we're waiting for this streaming TV service and all these other things that seem like it requires new hardware but again i don't know maybe they can still do a software update to this other one to sort of get things going i mean as long as it's connected to your home internet right it should still be able to control your smart devices it should right it's maybe it does my power to to run you know series one of the rumored features so and its own app stores maybe i don't know yeah well actually i just looked it up let's see the last update to the apple TV was march 2012 was it really 2012 my time okay wow so there you go 1000 then he said yes i'm using the mech buyer's guide 1097 days since the last update wow are you so so I'm gonna guess it probably doesn't have enough power to do everything they want with an app store and everything so yeah that other models still has to come at some time but you know maybe the reason is that they can't announce it because there's still everybody's saying they're still trying to finalize all these deals with the cable provider since but couldn't that be pushed out as an OTA update doesn't you think or just like here's the Apple TV coming soon and it'll have apple TV streaming but you know maybe they're so worried about getting these contracts they might you know fall through that they can but it seems weird to me that they'd have this box ready to go and they can't introduce it in some fashion but it sounds like New York Times sources you know correct they're not often wrong you know what gets me is how much I care about when the apple TV is updating since it's not even my favorite streaming device yeah we were just talking about that too for those wondering the roku is my favorite streaming device yeah so but all right so that narrows damn what we're going to see next week we mean no we're not going to see a new iPad they very very rarely do new hardware at WWDC if they do it's usually like a macbook pro or something right I was thinking maybe macbook air with retina and force touch you know because the macbook the macbook just the regular macbook now with retina display has the core m processor so there's still room for that air upgrade with some core i5 core i7 chips in it just to bring it up to par with what Apple did with the macbook pro threaten enforced touch too so portrait us also is one of them yeah so very very low chance of hardware I would say so I we're definitely going to see you know the first Inklings of iOS 9 we're going to see the next version of OS 10 and whatever it ends up being called right but beyond that I just don't know what they're going to introduce on Monday yeah well I mean I think there's a lot of things we could talk about you know i'd like to see and there's rumors that native watch developments so like absolute on off the watch not just watch kid which is what we've already seen where you know you have for example today sunrise microsoft on sunrise calendar just launched the apple watch version of that and so it's like bundled with the ios app but i think hopefully we'll see these native apps come along with the new software kit for that and then you know iOS 9 like you said OS x 10.7 whatever that's going to be which apparently you know ninety five five 9to5 mac 92 fox has said many times like these are just going to be sort of like performance improvements and stuff like that so i don't know if it's going to be as drastic as we've seen in the past but um i forget what the features called but i am looking forward to iOS 9 with the new swipe swipe right to bring up a big search menu and on all kinds of stuff like that which actually was in iOS before now you pull down from the top but also to provide relevant information almost like Google now where you can have your flight information stuff like that those are what I'm looking for ipad pro i don't know i don't wanna say it's like completely ruled out like i agree that you know Apple probably won't introduce it but if they're talking about iOS 9 and sort of the multiscreen support that we're kind of expecting in it then maybe they have a chance to show it but also multi-screen could just come later you know in September at the iphone event where they actually talk about all the new features well don't forget now there tends to be the September event for iPhones in the October event for iPads right right so I don't know I don't know what they're going to do it this is one of the bigger mystery WWDC s in my opinion we just simply don't have a clue as to what's happening yeah I was really looking forward to the apple TV refresh it was kind of disappointed to see that news today because I think there was a lot to talk about their you know first home kit because those devices are coming out now there's supposed to be central hub for at all so controlling everything from this box that also serves as you know you're streaming TV that also serves as ever you know everything in the center of your home so I thought especially with all the developers in the room and they want to create the own app store for the Apple TV this would be the right place to do it so that just seems weird to me well speaking of WWDC such and haul ass do you believe the apple TV service won't be announced at WWE CM be announced later is your 4 2016 release honestly at this point I'm not sure if that's ever growing materialized discuss do you think i think it's it's got to come i just i think it's gonna be sooner like yeah this year that's just me though uh-huh I just I don't know I ain't it it's another case when you're dealing with Hollywood studios they are going to hold onto money like nobody's business right and the way Apple does business compared to the way Hollywood does business that's going to be a hard chasm to cross yeah which is just like what we saw with music action and we haven't talked about that but apples relaunch of the beats app the streaming application but apparently that's sort of why they bought beats with Jimmy I of on dates to try to get into that industry the music industry and so now they're sort of facing I guess the same headwinds and cable know and they can't just buy you know somebody to get in there yeah well there really is no magical person when it comes to that sort of stuff unfortunately but yeah I mean it seems like if they could buy the streaming TV service that CSU have it sling TV sling TV but I know it's already owned by dish right it's owned by dish so they would have to purchase dish which according to rumors may be joining forces with tmobile right so I would say that is off the table yo on the way that rumor rolls but uh interesting nonetheless well we have a bunch of questions rolling in here from such a Mahal what do you think will be announced shown at WWDC 2015 and what won't we see at WWDC well we kind of already answered that but I think just expanding I think it's going to be fairly quiet I just I think there's going to be a lot of iOS 9 Makka was 10 but beyond that at this point I think it's a I take that back there's definitely gonna be some talk about home kit yeah yeah with the first device is hitting shelves now there there's no way they won't discuss home kit yeah and hopefully I mean originally they were supposed to be rumors of this home app you know that the central app which you know we desperately need because like i've said in earlier podcast i have my Dropcam i have the nest which I mean obviously those two are together and I know their combined now but i also have a d-link like smart outlet and i had just had this folder called smart home and I go in and I have to like open up each app but I think with home kit and again I'd have to replace all these things to sort of get started but if there's just one central app that's a great thing to have because then you can just sort of get in there yeah but I don't know recent rumors now suggests there won't be so I that's one things i'll be looking for them from christopher miles the earlier excuse me the early results of does for Android M seem mighty impressive do you think Google will finally catch up to Apple in terms of standby time from what I'm saying about does it certainly seems like it yeah it looks pretty good um I know the guys in the office have Android am I haven't installed it myself personally but i think android does need that because when you look at galaxy s6 for example a great phone but obviously they put sort of the battery life on the back burner and then and put the you know the highlights on the quick charging the wireless charging and sort of you're gonna charge all the time but you know that's one of the reasons why i prefer android phablets because they have larger batteries and i know i can definitely get through the day and i actually struggled with the s6 with that so so yeah I think doze is great i'm looking forward to catching up yeah yeah exactly the same error uh let's see here we've got some other questions rolling in from dan legis do you think we will see improvements to Siri I hope so yeah I hope so too it's one of those things where you know we were talking yesterday soundhound released their new app hound beta which is crazy i don't know if you saw on the site there's a video of it and you can really say like you know sorry i have somebody vacuuming the hallway you can really say like what time will the sunset in 2021 you know two days before Christmas and it answered in like a half second and then it can also search for they showed up you know hotels that cost $99 with four stars are more near me so all kinds of crazy stuff like that and yet siri is far more limited and google now is getting there i mean a lot of things they showed now on tap is really cool where you can search right inside a web page and then core temp Cortana seems more advanced than the two of them I think in a lot of ways depending on what you're doing and so I feel like Syria desperately needs an update but I don't know yessiree most definitely needs an update but speaking of hound we have a question from Christopher miles do you think sound hounds hound digital assistant will be bought by one of the Giants and if so who my money's on Apple as Sri has the most catching up to do yeah i agree with you I'd like to see it happen I don't know yeah I mean it's honestly I think soundhound with pound is more positioned for an acquisition than some you know I enough people adopting it because it's not baked in right you know but of course there's always the chance Microsoft could buy for katana although katana seems to be doing okay on her own you know Google ok Google is pretty good i I think apple is the most likely candidate for buying it yeah one of the things I like about Cortana and Google now in some instances but I can't do it Siri is is one of those things where I'm like remind me to get this at the grocery store and it sounds so stupid because it's in everybody's like presentation right and you're like but Cortana does a really good job of that where you can really say it and she does remind you in your near a grocery store and so for example i was getting groceries the other day and i tried to do it through my Apple watch remind me to get pickles is what I said specifically and and you know like I couldn't even set the time for the reminder I was just like oh so I just open up reminders when i get there and see what was there oh good grief from such as your problems you know exactly from such a bahal hey Sean have you had any issues with your nexus 7 2013 running android 5.1 i would not know because i actually sold my nexus 7 off dirt cheap to a friend who never owned a tablet so i will have to i don't know if she's even updated off to ask her but i know i don't know anything about that anymore but we know I guess John did cuz yesterday he published a video at the Nexus 9 yeah yeah I I don't know if I've updated my nexus 9 yet or not I can't remember I did not from Christopher miles do you think apple's rumored strong-arming of labels to remove free options on other services room free streaming options will garner a lot of ill will among consumers even if Apple music is cross-platform yes yeah I think so we also have to wonder how many consumers are actually going to know that right like so if if Spotify ditches that option and I don't think it's going to happen but if they did how many actual and consumers are going to know it's apple's fault even if spotify tells them a blog post or something and even if we write about it it's not going to filter down to everybody I don't think but it is a bummer i don't think that should happen I think that's a great feature i think it's sort of one of the reasons you know probably pires ease down because you're giving people the option to free and if you don't want the ads and you pay you know 999 or if you're lucky google play music 799 and stuff like that so yeah well that's the thing though I i I'm at that point in my life where I'm trying to cut back on how much I spend every month and the idea of dropping ten bucks a month every month for music I mean yeah I still subscribe to pain door because it's the cheapest you know but even at that I'm like do I really want to renew next year oh yeah for immediate I listen music all day long and so Spotify pay for and I actually have google play music too but I use Spotify most yeah I just I don't know I but at the same time and this is why i always find so silly so many of them won't let you stream to a mobile device if you're on the ad-supported version my well but what does it matter what device i'm screaming it off as long as the ads are playing yeah that's weird that makes no sense to me because like when i'm out an irvine you know i hate listening to terrestrial radio so I'll plug my phone in and go to the car system and listen to pandora is a driver and irvine right but you know i have to pay if i want to do that that just makes so sense to me yeah no I'll be interested to see the pricing and what it offers compared to Spotify and again Spotify we talked about this last week i believe was adding new features like video content stuff like that obviously you know in an effort to bolster its services ahead of that a question here from such hall hey sean has life as a cord cutter and what do you guys think of hulu dropping Hulu Plus later this year I have not heard about that actually hadn't seen on either uh that I will have to get back to you on as for being a cord cutter I for those that don't know I live with family and last night marked one week since they gone back from a business trip I cut the cord while they were gone they knew I was going to do it surprise yeah but last night marked one week since I did it and so I asked them both you know how are you guys feeling about this they're absolutely fine with it they got the switching the different boxes and stuff I know we talked well right now right now just primarily keeping them to the Roku but they're finding so much to watch that they're not missing the other stuff at all I mean last night I got home and they were watching the to be app tu bi which I was like I remember loading that on the roku I don't think i've ever used it I don't think I even know what that is and they were like oh there's so much great stuff on here bird and we're watching the show from England called kingdom with Stephen Fry I'm like I've never even heard of that show okay and so so far so good that he had saving us a ton of money each month so i'm all for it nice have you tried the video box yet by the way i know you you're gonna do i have you fitted abhiyan I I set it up and I have done the initial like set up and all that but Nvidia emailed me the other day and asked me to hold off on getting too deep into forming opinions because they were going to be sending out new OTA update so uh yeah i'm holding off but i have set it up i speaking for the physical design i'll say i love the physical design of the box i think it's very attractive I haven't done much with the game controller yet but the extra remote that you can purchase is pretty nice although it's kind of like an extended apple TV remote although I do like I really like this it is rechargeable via micro USB oh that's nice so it's not like one of those small battery cell bad no just plug it micro USB cable into it like once a week or so and let it charge up is awesome yeah so I like that idea a lot I know the the nexus player nobody really liked it I know you didn't really like it seemed underpowered I guess was probably the main issue and so now I was super excited about this nvidia box the only thing is the motto I'd wants probably the 500 gig model mm-hmm 399 without any of the accessories it's kind of a little steep for me yeah hey uh uh it's 299 oh sorry right because 199 59 yeah 299 guy um that's a little steep for me I would probably pay 199 for that model I mean come on storage is cheap everybody knows it's not yeah well then the next I think a lot of that has to do with the gaming and that that's the next area that I've got to start for my reviews trying to see how it plays on games you know using nvidia grid and rice team and all that well it should be pretty good i mean it should be even better i guess then the the shield tablet has got the more powerful processor right right yeah so no no so far I like it though to do from aerial I'm going to try to pronounce her name palette Nick what do you think about Android auto and do you want it in your car um and the two of us with our old cars yeah I know I I Drive a 99 tile so there's not much that I'm going to be able to do with smart cars I totally want to do it now I'd have to get the you know yacht aftermarket pioneer system I think which again is expensive all these sort of boundaries if i had a car that's supported I know honda i was the first to sort of push it out i think i guess it was like last week i would totally want in my car and a lot of the new car companies i guess are giving you a choice i was with volvo on the California last week their new xc90 has a space on their entertainment system where you can use either one so yeah well whenever I'm a turbine I always were in a car and for some odd reason I think all but like two of the trips I've bended up in the Hyundai well I'm just waiting for a newer Hyundai it's gonna be in the riddle part that has to do it doesn't Honda I have a headquarters right there uh they might be I'm not sure yeah but I end up in a lot of hyundais but there you go next time maybe you know but what happens here's your sorry off off question topic or off-topic question what happens when you know rental cars they love to charge you like the extra 10 bucks a day for gps and stuff like that like when Android autos default when you get into Italy well here's the thing I can't believe that a minute still every time yeah every time I were in a car they tried to upsell me on the GPS yeah I I have a standalone gps unit I just bring it with me yeah you could do that or I just use maps like Google Maps the last two trips I've left it at home and just used I carry so many phones on me I'm just like I have google maps why am i bringing the gps with me and so i started using my phone's i'm like why is anyone renting a gps from you people yeah it makes no sense no sense I've seen people you know like when when you go to the little booth you've been to the John Wayne Airport you know where the toll booths are downstairs so i'll be there waiting for you know them to bring me my keys I'll see a worker walk by with a clipboard gain the GPS out and ready I'm like who are you people I guess tourists international tourists they don't have a smartphone in the country or something like that makes it okay now that's possible because like my gps whenever we it's a garmin modeled so whenever we update you know they try to sell you do you want by maps for other countries and so yeah if you're coming over from another country that would make sense to me because then you may not have data service on your phone you wouldn't have the correct maps in your gps quite possibly those folks i can fully understand and i certainly would not want to drive around irvine for the first time without knowing the world I was goin she but I just want to be able to tell you keep me off the 405 because i hate the 405 but yeah that would make sense to me yeah I don't know I'll have to see from an M 9900 google released an unlimited storage find for photos would you like to see if they're good if they could do an unlimited storage for google drive but maybe with a maximum file size that would be awesome that would be awesome they should do that yeah of google photos by the way I've been using it for a long time I also use apples photos I don't know I always like I'm weird you know it's like back in the day you'd have like multiple backups of your computer and now I do multiple backups of my photos at the cost of a couple bucks a month now for photos and previously I had bought into google drive but you know 12 megapixels is pretty good so all my phones that's what I usually shoot with are pretty much right there so I just use that now up to 1080p video perfect for me and photos is it's amazing it's kind of creepy how good it is it you know you click a person's face and you get all the pictures of that person or I searched hound the other day and it brought up pictures of my dog just to see if it could I searched dachshund to it found her it's just it's wild what it can do and then it creates nice little you know montages if you create if you take a bunch of photos in a row it creates a little animated gif or you know jiff if you want be technically correct little video montages automatically get creates galleries based on where you were story view it's I don't know it's my favorite by far and I love its freedom but we've got a ton of questions coming in and we're running out of time so we're going to rapid fire a couple of these from aerial palette Nick what is the best SmartWatch right now whichever one you want to pick up yeah which everyone you're wearing a pretty long Apple watch I think yes which the reason I asked that question before the next one is we have a question from dan li how is the Apple watch Todd are you still loving it I am I am still loving it I talked to Sean last night I see one of the questions here is has your purple time arrived yet mine is set for delivery for tomorrow so I'm excited to try that but they just told us yesterday the iphone app is now yet so I've been using this with my iphone of course I also carrying an android phone right now too so I'll be able to use the pebble time but Apple watch I'm really liking it a lot you know continued continued to use i still i wrote an article over the weekend one of the biggest problems is the apps i think there is a huge quality control issue actually talk to a developer because i said look the apps are there but when you open most of them from smaller developers it just sits on loading right like it barely loads the app by the time the screen turns off and that's terrible and i spent a dollar on a nap recently only for tides for high and low tides for when I fish on the weekends and it doesn't work so I emailed the developer and and I'm not going to name it late he wrote back and said well I don't own an Apple watch so i was just using the tools they made me to build it you know might hasn't arrived yet and I was like well I didn't even respond because that's just that's kind of ripping off your audience right like why are you building an Apple watch app if you don't know how it's going to work and it's like well I have this emulator and stuff and that's a huge quality control shoe but then you have you know foursquare did a really good job at loads really quickly we wrote up fantastical to recently that's a really great app and it loads quickly and it's made by a small team just one guy or two guys so those are sort of the exceptions to the rule but then you have these other apps where they're just being added in and as I found out the developers don't even own Apple watches yeah which is really frustrating as someone that's worked on quality control for websites and all that I can tell you emulators are never accurate yeah yeah so I was like what are you kidding me sergeant spent a dollar for an app that I assume you know you put in some trust here that I assume you built and you know it works it had a pretty decent rating because the iphone and that's probably one of the other problems here too is the rating so to reflect the iphone ad not necessarily the Apple watch app so you see a four or five star app you buy it and then the Apple watch app doesn't reflect that at all you know it's junk and that's so there there's fun we get answered no I agree with you though that that that's not good from Christopher miles thoughts on google mail on tap so cool that's awesome i love that you know you can be inside of a page and sort of bring it up and for me it reminds me of what you can do in google play movies and stuff where you sort of pause the movie or whatever and you can get information on the actor actress is it sort of like taps into web pages and brings you more information on that on the web page and then stuff like that so except it's like system-wide so sorry it's not just in the web page so super excited to try that from aerial palette Nick do you use Android TV I am in the process is currently reviewing the Nvidia shield which runs on Android TV i will say i have some issues with it number one being that there's no way to like creative favorites of your apps list they're just all in a big long line and whatever you've used most recently is at the front well what if i only use a certain app once a month i have to dig for it and it's not in any sort of order so that's my biggest issue with it otherwise it's fine yeah it's it's the no SI i think it could use some flourishes though that's yeah i was surprised actually we didn't hear more on that at Google i/o yeah or like here's what we're doing to change it up may God better I've never I've never used aside from in demos with Google where it worked fabulously obviously to close out this week's episode from such humble hall since Sean the man 34 isn't here this week I'll ask this on his behalf have you returned anything this week Todd I haven't yet but I did get the Apple watch strap that I had ordered that I said I was going to return so i gotta return that so that's my two-week return I don't know pebble time comes tomorrow like it quickly get rid of that or just hi I'm gonna play with that I'm actually really excited yeah mine hasn't shipped yet I'm not sure what's going to thing is though I gotta say that as I've grown used the Apple watch I really do like the hardware just like I like the Moto 360 hardware thing designs really nice and the pebble I'm not not so crazy about I kind of wish I got the seal version yeah well it's even more annoying as you ordered your pebble after I did yeah and yours he's coming I know I haven't got a show notice yet yeah that's wild that was like no I was in the second batch yeah so i'm not sure where my pebble is I would like my pebble yeah well folks that is going to wrap up the 50th episode of the techni Buffalo show which we do appreciate you joining us as always you can find the TechnoBuffalo show on the itunes store by searching forward the techno Buffalo show we do appreciate if you rate review us that does help at the show you can also find us on pocket casts you can subscribe via RSS feed or you can find us on the stitcher app which means you can listen to us anytime anywhere basically anywhere you find podcasts you can find the TechnoBuffalo show until next week I'm Sean ani I'm the editor-in-chief of TechnoBuffalo I've been joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton hi everybody till next week take it easy everyone bye bye
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