
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The TechnoBuffalo Show Episode #051 – WWDC, early adopters and more!

and welcome to episode 51 of the TechnoBuffalo show I'm live your to host for today Sean ani editor-in-chief of the site and i'm joined by deputy managing editor Todd asel t'en hey everybody are you doing today Todd I'm good that was quite an introduction sounded like it so we tell you that fresh they're coming out to entering the room boxer yeah we'll get you some intro music and pyrotechnics next week yeah Mabel won't mind that at all nope but so we are luckily in a quiet couple of days before the next event is upon us which is going to be III yeah and I saw somebody tweet a little bit ago or like a week or so ago that with a six week period will have had google i/o WWDC III san diego comic-con yeah it's insane yeah saying this is just it's a wild period it's a we always think about January sort of like the busy time because CES but really it's it happens all year round it really does named by these events yeah it's become a year-long situation now yeah you know and Comic Cons not you know as important to us as you know say WWDC or whatever but still you're we go and we do cover comic-con mail so it's yeah it's it's a crazy time period but we're off of WWDC and yeah i mean we all right so we covered it we saw iOS 9 we saw El Capitan I think those are the big announcement some beers and watch os/2 which I'm most excited for I think watch os/2 looks pretty pretty awesome the native apps for the Apple watch and all that kind of stuff they're going to open up the sensors but yeah iOS 9 and El Capitan I feel like going into it we sort of knew they were going to be I think I guess focused on performance and stuff like that we get some things but a lot of it and what I said in an editorial yesterday are things that are taken from windows and Android and stuff like that which is fine but guy and I want to make that clear by the torta I think I did it's okay to borrow these ideas but you know their crate like say for example snapping two windows side by side in El Capitan or we're multitasking on the iPad where you have the the two windows you can scroll through different apps and stuff and change one of the windows on the iPad that's something that we've seen in Windows it's fine that Apple is taking them it just also wasn't like you know groundbreaking exciting it wasn't as innovative as Apple might make it seem a lot of these features have been elsewhere I see press and Franco here says all i have to say is Metro bunch of scopes and android yet so a lot of these things were pulled from other ideas but like I said it's all good Syria need to get smarter we've said that on earlier podcasts finally she's a lot smarter you can use you know I was saying actually I think I said last week like I want to just say like remind me to get milk at the grocery store like so geolocation reminders and stuff like that and that's coming to Siri so so here even in Cortana and Google now for what here's the funny thing there were two things two tiny things that got me the most excited and that was he shake your mouse to pay you that's pretty fun which a lot of people are like whoa that's not useful I I agree it's not useful if you just run one monitor yeah when you met me or whatever look video yeah but what you sometimes have three or four you know which I have four times that I was like oh yeah the other thing was all the improvements to notes I I like he use your boats me too so I was excited about that but again there was nothing really there that doesn't currently exist in other forms and other places right and yeah third party apps was with the other thing I was just like news and the notes yeah exactly so so that's why I kind of walked away most impressed I suppose by watch os/2 because like I said they're opening up the sensors to third party apps ensure you know pebble that's one of the things they've done here and especially I guess it's the whole form they're opening up so you can add different bands that add certain things like GPS or whatever to the pebble time but I think in a lot of ways Apple sort of at the forefront in at least in the apps on watch on smartwatches I think they're doing a bit of a better job than what we've seen on other platforms Android wear is good you know the latest update but it's it's not available on the Moto 360 at which I use so I hadn't really had a chance to use a lot of the apps and then pebbles been created has a huge developer base but I just I think apple watch will be at the forefront of that even though i had an editorial I know recently so that's their trashy right now because I think one of the problems is they opened it up and actually I don't know if I talked about this on the last one but I'll give some background they opened up the the watchkit right so developers can add apple watch support to their apps and a lot of these developers were just developing the apps and for example one that I reached out to you hadn't even received his Apple watch it so it didn't even work and he didn't know that and so that's kind of like quality control issues but hopefully that all gets fixed brazen franca raises a very excellent question it's okay to borrow ideas it's shady to steal them patent them and sue the original crater and everyone else was something similar yeah yeah now so far as I know Apple has not patented a the features that were saying they borrowed air quotes right from other services and other operating systems if they were to do that that would to me honestly be more of a indictment health flawed the patent system is yeah but ya know there's there's a world of difference there for sure yeah and hopefully that doesn't happen but you look at like for example Microsoft makes a lot of money off Android because it owns a lot of the patents and google has to pay it so you know in a lot of ways these companies you don't you don't necessarily know who owns what and they've already worked out these licensing things or whatever because Microsoft originally a couple years ago is going after like all these guys HTC and everybody suing them and getting them to sign on these licensing agreements so yeah I don't know it's a dark road we're all traveling down when it comes to pens that's for sure right something needs to be fixed in the patent system and if Apple was to go after any of these pants yes I I would immediately go come on really you know that's not right but we'll we'll see what happens with all that but we have a question firm and now we got lots of questions coming in so yay from such a Mahal what was your favorite WWDC 2015 announcement like I said for me it was oddly enough no sand the shake to wake your cursor but what was your effing mind was watch watch os/2 I think that's the most exciting but I did um let me know I always nine teams great you know I always try to update to the latest stuff on my phones i haven't done Android M yet and I haven't done i OS 9 yet but i did download iOS 9 this morning so i plan to put that on Android M I'm a little more wary of because you know I just got put on the Nexus 6 and then it's sort of owned by Google I don't really like to mess around with that but I have let me it is owned by Google's are reviewing it but I have you know my own iphone 6 plus a little more prepared to put iOS 9 on that and I've been testing iOS not or the early versions of iOS almost every year last year iOS was way too buggy for me at this stage hopefully this year is a little better yeah I'm hoping so as well you know it's I I don't know it's a I find it enter here's one thing that made me laugh throughout WWDC oh and we were ailing you know i wanna say was 4 gigabytes and you know we were able to get iOS 9 down to one point something gigabytes okay is that because you found a better way to compress it or is it because there's that much less in it yeah I don't know I think ever I think it's that they're compressing it I don't know hey I just that was kind of an apples and oranges moment for me I was like you but it's good news for folks that have a 16-gigabyte iPhones yeah so the operating systems not taking all day I just saw what was it there was like a new sony phone or something where it had like 1.2 i forget the phone like 1.2 gigabytes of usable space pretty slick what are you and like i know you can put in a micro SD card in a lot of cases and transfer some apps over but it still doesn't give you a lot of room right there and you know cloud storage and all that 11 gigabytes that's a joke but don't buy that phone so we have to discuss Apple music yep you know so here's my first thought okay oh they're all yo and the artists will be posting things that are exclusively F amusement yeah for how long yeah we've heard that before we've heard that before and not just we're not just from Apple we've heard it from multiple sources yo you know artists get bored quickly they move on their contract for promotion runs out all the time yeah so I I'm just like don't even make that a selling point it's not worth it it's going to go away they're not gonna care after six months yeah I think for you know it'll probably be filled and they said like any artist can put stuff so it'll probably be filled with you know emerging artist stuff which is always good but you know I think the real attraction would be like exclusive music videos and stuff like that if they can get them but they seem to end up sort of on VEVO and stuff like that first you know are not apples gonna compete with that and plus you know the thing that Apple fails to address in this and they're like you know I think they said on stage you have all these things you have your music player and you have Instagram and you have this that you know tumblr and you follow these artists on all these things like we're gonna put them all together and they're forgetting that we like to use Instagram like I open up Instagram because that's where I want to go I don't want to open up music and then you know just get music there I want to go to Instagram where I get you know I followed the artists I like I follow photographers I like I followed my friends I fell out like that when Instagram is well it's like me and Twitter you know I I always talk about i have three monitors going in any time i have one monitor dedicated to nothing but twitter that's because i'm bringing in the entertainment news i care about the tech news that I care about the regular news I care about it's all in one place and I'm not going to open up Apple music just go ooh what's you know Katy Perry doing today right yeah no it's that's not what I want to do I want to be able to go I want to be able to see and just for the record folks I don't follow Katy Perry you know if Katy Perry goes by my twitter feed great i can go okay that's interesting but then okay there's 14 far more interesting things going on yeah and like I get there trying to make the experience more robust more like feel like you're really interacting with these artists in some way and they can they one of the big highlights are saying is he's human curated playlists right like I think Jimmy hottie avene her I forget that they I usually say I of I'll is a private one of those on stage like you know saying algorithms are stupid which is funny because you know iOS 9 is all about that in your location and stuff so you know algorithms are stupid human curation like you're at the gym you know a music engines not going to tell you you know play the right song next when you're working out you need someone that knows you're on Jim mix and they forget that like Spotify has this they have all these lists they have lists created by people if you want to go on Spotify and make a public list and share it you can and most of those lists that are shared under like moods and i think i said like i like indie chill covers and other things i listen to are created by humans there's other people other Spotify users and they have thousands and thousands of users so to say that Apple musics the only one out there you know with human curated stuff it's not true and Spotify has a ton of that and I wrote yesterday I'm excited to try Apple music because I think there's cool stuff in it BB's are not be PC but uh beats 1 radio the 24-7 radio station sounds pretty interesting although that's a free feature and I'm really interested in controlling it with seer b which is something i've wanted forever like when i'm in the car but i think i'll probably stick with spotify because of those you know i have all those playlists already i really like them has sharing features so i can easily share with all my friends it's got that facebook login and i haven't heard much about that from apple so i'll give it a try three month trial but i really like Spotify it's something I'm looking for a replacement well you know the thing is I've had human curated workout playlist for years it's called I built them and itunes chasing them on my ipod and that's kind of the fun of it yeah I I enjoyed sitting down and you know although funny quick story never ever put the main theme music from Conan the Barbarian in your workout mix because not only will you try to lift more than you've ever lifted you will try to lift the entire way track because you're that you're invincible honestly I had that music on one one time in the gym I was like I can lift anything and I couldn't yeah I I I have a lot of problems with yeah I've as I've said before i do subscribe to pandora that's mainly because i like i use it more as a music discovery right engine but in general i don't have a lot of interests in music subscription services mmm hey oh yes i am currently subscribed to spotify for three months i found a great deal where I got premium for 99 cents for every month so I was like ah sir for a buck you know why not but and i'll try Apple music for the three months will I pay for it after that I highly doubt it but we have a very interesting question from Sean the man 34 about this will Apple music be the I think he meant say the most subscribed music service I believe it will just because it is pre-installed on hundreds of millions of devices one not is my dad has never wanted subscription music but now because Apple has he wants to try thoughts that's an ex excellent point mm-hmm this is going to put a service in front of hundreds of millions of people that may have never even considered a premium subscription service yeah that's it I was saying today spotify announced that they just hit 20 million subscribers up from 15 million in January and I said you know I think people are gonna exactly like Sean said they're gonna boot up their iphone see this and be like I've heard about these premium music services unlimited I have three months free it's already here I'll try it then there'd be like wow that was great I mean there's there's no question I think once you try it most people really really enjoy it I mean you get everything you want yeah I can't say most people 20 million people out of what seven billion on earth but hey Gabbar today I think like you you know it's pretty sweet i think a lot of people are gonna what's a few billion between friends yeah yeah i think for some people they might be like oh I've heard about Spotify you know not the techies I've heard about Spotify what is that and then they just haven't really gotten into it and now you know music right there on our phone they probably dive in yeah I know in general I just while there was interesting things at WWDC it was for me fairly lackluster and I the other day I was speaking with joey davidson our gaming editor for those who aren't familiar with him and he did make a really funny joke to me about the name El Capitan oh yeah well we realized yes it is a landmark in California Joey stated it also sounds like something at frat house names their dog oh yeah exactly it does funny yeah I mean I i think i would have been better office of like Big Sur or you know I Orange County I don't know in which cousin kinds of different things we think I was talking about it might have been Roy or branding on staff to you though is El Capitan it is the mount is that face right that cliff in Yosemite it seems like maybe this is sort of just like representing it it's a smaller update to Yosemite I don't know it could be and could be on it sort of related well one other topic we wanted to touch on this week was the concept of the pitfalls to being an early adopter yeah so Todd and I have both received our pebble times Todd is not wearing hilary he's still in love with the Apple watch which is fine that's his right you know at the time Oh bad pun which was not intentional at the time the Kickstarter happened you know we both were still big pebble lovers I'm still a big bubble of our I still love it i will say that my pebble time arrived on saturday and I church tipped one hundred percent amare at thirty percent so it does not look like I'm going to get the promised weak battery life I'm going to let run down to zero which I hardly ever let anything do but i want to see exactly how far I go mmm so overall I'm very happy with the pub so far yay not a problem but then there's other early adopter situations and for those of you listening on the audio show I am holding up to the camera I have finally received my coin credit card and I have not bothered to do a thing with it I'm not going to bother to do a thing with it for those of you that don't remember the coin and rightfully so I think it was about a year and a half ago they solicited these was a long time yeah so for fifty dollars you get this card that is just a generic credit card essentially but super cheap like it's like paper yeah I'm like it's really thin yeah it is really thin and you can put up to four credit cards on it and then you can just carry this one card instead of the four credit cards well here's the biggest problem with this it's not even so much that Apple pay has taken off or Android wallet or any of those it's the fact that there's no chip in the card yeah now by next year all credit cards are going to be required to come with a when they're issued and more and more credit card readers are adding chip ability if you go to England at all they look at you like you're from an alien plan if you don't have a chip in your car it's so true Oh might have it now have them not to you Oh almost all mine avid now so the fact that this came without chip is honestly to me the biggest problem amongst many problems but that's why the biggest problem so I paid fifty dollars for this year and a half ago or however long it was I will never use it it will just go into the drawer of dead tech and that that is definitely one of the pitfalls of being an early adopter you know we get very excited about new technology when it's announced we jump right on board and then sometimes the train takes those two destinations we no longer want to go yeah i mean i got mine i used it once and i honestly it just felt like weird like I have to explain this every time I felt like and I just didn't want to do that and I was like yeah whatever I'm not using my coin card I'm because you don't want to risk right like you don't want to go out to dinner and have them come back and be like it's not running or something like that I mean it's just kind of embarrassing and so you know if they come back and see that you don't have your wallet on you then what do you do and so I feel like I still need my wallet I just well and even in the coin box if you take out the insert that everything was on me inside it says not sure where to put your cards once you've load them onto your coin toss them in here along with the card reader so you always know where they are and then you know don't lose this box so even they're saying even there well I mean they're saying you know don't accidentally throw your credit cards out yeah but you're they're trying to you know put your card seniors you're never gonna need them again situation you just presented todd is the perfect one he would still need your credit cards with you right you know even though I am I now use Apple pay and inside except at many places I also use android wallet I still carry a wallet on me i still have my credit cards with me because I've been around technology long enough to know hey something's probably going to go wrong yep and if you listen to podcast you know both of us still print our airline boarding passes nope yep well heck I still print out before I leave I print out my hotel reservation I print out my airline reservation my rental car reservation I print out all that stuff I carried in a folder with me because you never know what's going to happen you should have seen when I went to Aoife last year in Berlin that's where for people who don't know it's where samsung announces Galaxy Note stuff like that each year I printed out maps and directions for everywhere I had to go in case you know like I don't know the data network was too slow now i will say i don't print out maps anymore i I've given up on printing maps that was the I I was bull had back-to-back meetings and they're all over the city and I was like you know I need to be able to get there ya know and that makes sense you know especially in a country where you don't speak the language right you know at least like when I go to the UK you know it's not super hard for me to find someone they can answer a question for me although sometimes they look at me and go your ex and stuff from around here but no really I'm a native uh I mean back to early adopters stuff i bought the pebble time i think i opened it either I guess monday morning or something it's still been charging I don't even really played with it and I just sort of looked at it and I was like I mean the Apple watches a lot more of what I want so I just haven't really and it so does android where I think in a lot of respects the only thing it's nice is the battery life there you know I'll use it and play with it i think i'm gonna do the review i'm just not as excited as I was when I bought it right no and that's understandable you you found a new girlfriend yeah yeah we did you I mean just like screen and the build immediately like side to side and I know it's like half the price of the Apple watch it's just like not even close now someone that has not played with an apple for any length of time is not worn 1 i'm extremely happy with the puppet on right so long as I hold up for you the email i'm receiving well we've got a ton of questions coming as always we thank you for all those very we'll start with the most important question of the day from Shauna man 34 something came up and I can't stay for the live stream but had to log on and that's the usual question have you returned anything lately Todd yeah it might be that double time I got a review it i don't think i'm gonna wear it so i guess i can't return it i don't think but i could sell it ah todd todd diner well let me go through here we we've got a ton of questions from christopher miles with all the features being added to the app watch it seems Apple is taking the quote smartphone on your wrist unquote approach is that what you guys want from a SmartWatch or e or our google / pebbles notifications have more your style excellent question for me I think I'm more of a google / pebble notification hub kind of guy well yeah I think that works better because the problem right now with a lot of these and you know pebble works better in this case but the apps on the app will watch are so slow to load that it's almost pointless to ever try to load them glances are great that's when you slide up and you look at glanceable information but when you try to open an app a lot of them are super slow that the screen usually just times out and just like forget about it so until their native until they load quicker I'm more for the notification hug like for example I was I heard a song the other day and I was like oh I should Shazam this and I looked at my Apple wash and I was like I'm not going to rely on that so just use my phone because any was gonna take too long oh yeah but Apple and they actually talked about this a bit during wwcc their big bet is obviously on the App Store mean they seem to make a lot of money off this if they can create another app store another place to buy these apps then you know big bucks for them and same with if we ever see the apple TV with its own app store apples you know definitely excited that about that they're gonna push that what's always google I mean we just saw a during I oh they're talking about Spotify an uber coming so yeah I i I'm definitely more of a hub guy it's I want to be nice to have a few more features I just I see myself I you know meet odd you know if it's more than three im's long what do i do yeah i hit skype yep if i have to type anything if i have to respond to anything I'm just gotta go up forget this and pull out my phone right yeah but it is nice and also sort of you feel like you change but you know to get these alerts when I get up from my desk to make lunch or something and you know you need me I get the alert right on my wrist don't have to pull out my phone like that's that's really nice yeah it also feels like you're never need you Todd you never disconnected yeah uh from nav 9900 epic music will be going on Android do you think this will help Apple take away Spotify and also if Apple does something like this with Android what do you think will be the next Apple doing something on the Android side excellent question um I don't know I this is we had heard rumors that Apple music was gonna go on Android and I was kind of iffy on it because Apple really hasn't done anything with Android right this is going to give Apple a world of information and it's going to give them data and statistics and all sorts of stuff this was actually a really brilliant move and I think this was the service to do it with after this who knows they could open it up to any number of things but I honestly I almost be this somewhat as a Trojan horse hmm see I see it a little differently but I definitely see that take I see it as like you know itunes has always been available on PCs and this is just sort of the extension of that bringing music to everybody still and they have the foundation because beats music was available for Android so they're like okay you know let's reframe this whole thing it's Apple music and that'll hit in it too because it's already built and then we get the pc users that are on android on to apple music as an option but again they have spotify they have google play music they have our do they have you know there's a dozen services so i think we were just talking about on the iphone and the ipad and people like you know our parents they're like oh what's this unlimited music thing i want to try that you know i think that's going to happen more from ipads and iphones vs android you know because i don't think an android persons can be like what's this because it's not going to come pre-loaded yeah but no i agree what would you like to you inside and actually where did that question go there there was a great question about being pre-loaded and moved on me I that is the one thing i hate about hangouts questions is that they move around o blessed you ah there it is from brazen Franco about Apple music which breezin I I'm impressed you're able to actually put the little apple icon in there about Apple music being pre-installed isn't this antitrust material just like how Microsoft was sued for having internet explorer pre-installed that crossed my mind to i'm really really curious about how they're getting around that i am by no means an antitrust expert I know next to nothing but i will say i agree with you this does feel a whole lot like the whole microsoft internet explorer situation so how is Apple getting around that let's good question and what is it the attorneys general in Connecticut in New York than your time said today are investigating apple for antitrust with Apple music because I don't think it's for this but because there were reports that it was sort of strong-arming its way into the industry may be trying to stop you know Spotify from offering the free alternatives Pandora ad-supported alternatives but then Universal Music Group in that in that report wrote back to the New York State Attorney General said like no such agreements are in placing there's no like strong-arming we haven't talked to sony music we haven't talked to warner music and that's not going on but you know Apple did do this actually at least a judge ruled so with the ebooks case back in 2013 where it was sort of price fixing the cost of e-books so not unheard of and a trust could be coming is a concern to at least you know some people out there but i don't know if it's about preinstalled versus you know just yeah oh no it's going to be really interesting i am sure that Apple has a squad of lawyers mockery night and I wonder how different the situation is to you I mean back then you did have max and you did have windows and it was sort of this Microsoft Windows thing and today you have android though which globally is larger than iOS and you have to buy an apple product for iOS as opposed to back then you aren't buying a Microsoft product for Windows you're buying you know windows just came on these other so I don't there might be differences there once again way above my pay grade yeah its way about my bedroom idea also from brazen Frankel will you cover the pair's game weekend autumn as far as I know we're not going to have any one there in person but we will of course cover it remotely from a key cater I think I hope my apologies if I got your name wrong do you think the iPad will start selling more after the iOS 9 update not really I think the whole problem is that every iPad that was capable of running iOS 8 is going to be capable of running iOS 9 so there's not going to be like a massive need to upgrade I think it's going to be a matter of apples God do something with the iPad physically to make it a must buy once again right like if it's if there's an iPad pro because the multitasking screen splitting is only available for the iPad air 2 and then presumably the ipad air three so that's two and then presumably the ipad pro so there's three products right so maybe it'll convince people to buy the pro but the ipad air 2 and ipad air through your product i mean if it's the same functionality you're not going to move from the ipad air 2 to the 3 very interesting question from Christopher miles guys you're you're asking some awesome questions today you always do but today you're on fire from Christopher miles do you guys think apple is relying a bit too heavily on developers to build the narrative of the Apple watch with their other products they've had more of a cohesive vision with this it's quote this is a watch first debs do something with it unquote yeah I think so yeah because if you look at the basic functionality they give you it's you know Siri the time the weather your help tracking but none of the help tracking was open the sensors weren't open to developers and I would argue there's no like killer must have app for the Apple watch yet so they're probably waiting for someone to come along and make something it does you know this is like oh here's why you need one yeah not that that's a very very interesting question because so much of what is going on with the Apple watch is not from Apple itself it's a lot about what developers can do with it the very astute question Christopher moving on did you do we've got so many questions here of again from Christopher miles are you guys excited for fallout 4 you know I was talking to Joey about that the other day when it was announced I I admit I have not played fallout 1 through 3 that means that for looks interesting but I don't know anything about the narrative with you Yeah right the two games I'm playing right now or Witcher 3 and I just started yesterday elder scrolls online she's uh we good so far I'm still just playing a lauda destiny I don't know why they I don't know why that game clucked with me so much from shauna man 34 why hasn't he be hired a summer intern lately funny you should ask that a new summer intern named Niven who will be doing lots of things out in the irvine office rose this summer yeah I funny side note John asked me maybe a month or two ago when we were going through a really busy period in he goes do you think you would benefit from an intern and unfortunately a lot of what I do there's absolutely no way an intern could help me they couldn't take the conference calls they you know I wouldn't want them scheduling the post or proof reading them or whatever you know just like there'd be a college kid or a high school kid sitting across my office for me just staring at me you know for eight hours a day waiting for me to tell them something to do it that wouldn't be even the most remotely unnerving but yes we do actually have a summer intern this your name Nibin and I'm sure you'll see him pop up somewhere sometime in a video or something I met him I was out there I I am NOT a mad at me I'm just not a video internees not on camera yeah he's just a strict office intern helping us out with numerous things i'll meet him in a couple weeks when i go out there for a comic con uh from Aqib cater again hope I'm saying your name correctly i do you think apple should make a VR headset oh why not everybody else is yeah right I didn't tell you Todd I'm releasing a VR headset nice yeah to be out of her gourd yeah sure why not I'm just like well ocular who's gonna reveal their final design today in like 20 minutes right yeah i believe so so will will will see how much it costs that's that's going to be the the big deciding factor for me I honestly I don't see myself getting into VR but yeah we'll see ya games that are like witcher 3 where you can explore a huge world like that with vlr roof I'm all over it take a lot from Sean the man 34 how many apple keynotes do you think we'll we will see the your left well Kurtz will have the iphone one will have the ipad one I think it's just going to be two more yeah unless a sneak an apple TV one in there somewhere but probably just those 2i I just don't see them giving Apple TV its own yeah event I I think they're gonna stick it in in October with ipad is that strict guess folks course i also thought we were going to see it this week but yeah lot of people did for Malcolm rains do you use a tablet and if so what operating system and why well unfortunately Malcolm word the wrong people to ask because we both use multiple tablets and we have multiple operating systems I've had median Nexus 9 ipad error in nexus 9 so yeah Todd and I unfortunately are unfortunately unfortunately are in this situation where we kind need to have access to both operating systems so we have both devices on hand so yep but I'm a huge tablet user I love using a tablet see I'm not I was actually talking about that yesterday I don't use my much just at night like if I'm browsing the way before bed or something yeah brazen Franco algorithm or what power itunes genius just saying exactly what power is like everything you know is operating systems there are algorithms everywhere uh whatever but what can you do from such and behold do you think we'll see the apple TV a new version of the set-top box at Apple's October event also has ipad makes another price of it yes i do think that's where it's going to be I cannot see them going through another holiday season without refreshing it I just can't see that even if it's just like like a new processor they're not even ready just like refresh I don't know yeah yeah I just know from brazen Franco when is the Tokyo Game station I bet you're actually asking about Tokyo Game Show and if so that is in September and ron duwell who lives in japan will be attending so we will have live coverage from that show from such a mahal hey Sean how's the Nvidia shield TV box is it worth it and how does it compare to the roku or Apple TV or some other Android TV devices I will have a full review coming probably within a week I would say of the Nvidia shield TV it's not going to be overwhelmingly positive oh I will say this the hardware itself is gorgeous I have a lot of issues with Android TV software that's the bigger problem and so I I'm kind of walking this fine line and my thoughts about what is invidious issue what is Android TVs lack of features yeah yeah so I hundred channels or I didn't they say that that such stuff that's bogus as there's no 600 channels I'm sorry from such a Mahal what do you want to see in the next Apple TV set-top box more channels more channels having nabin a cord cutter I mean I hardly ever use anything other than my Roku simply because it offers the most channels and the apple TV just oh and also for the love of everything a better remote yeah well I think we've seen finatus you just that's coming right or at least reports I was terrible there's an apple TV remote somewhere on this desk I don't know where other it is good this is the single worst remote ever built I'm sorry it really is it is horrible it does not fit in your hand the quick wheel technology I don't know I hate this remote is horrifically bad blah you know Barry I want to see Syrian I think series gonna be in the next version I really do although I was surprised they didn't really talk about Syrian uh in El Capitan at all which ones like seems like an obvious feature especially with Cortana in Windows 10 from brazen Franco Sean make your VR headset out of tin foil and give it with a complimentary tin foil hat done well the time has flown by this week guys and I love as thank you to a lot of you asking really engaging questions as I said you always ask good questions but you were really on fire today and we appreciate that that makes our jobs a heck of a lot easier and of course we couldn't get to all of them but we're back here every week for ya so keep those questions coming but until next time as always you can find us on the itunes store which means you can search for the tektite Buffalo show and we do appreciate if you rain review us that does help the show out you can also find us on pocket casts you can find us via RSS feed you can find us on the stitcher app which means you can listen to us anytime anywhere anywhere you can find podcast you can find the tech my Buffalo show until next week I'm Sean ani I'm the editor-in-chief of techna Buffalo I've been joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton bye everybody till next week take it easy everyone bye bye
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