
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The TechnoBuffalo Show Episode #054 – Apple Music, OnePlus Two and more!

and welcome to episode 54 the techni Buffalo show I'm live your to host for this week Shaun ani editor-in-chief of the site and i'm joined by a deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton everybody are you doing today Todd I'm good you and I are both just like shocked that this week is ending yeah it's been a crazy week I mean I i know we say that a lot but this week especially um just busy you know we didn't have events or anything like that really is just a busy week yeah well even though the holiday falls on a Saturday for those of you not in the US the saturdays the fourth of July the celebration of the forming of the United States but even though it's on the weekend we're trying to get all this content ready so that we can all leave early on friday yeah so we can uh try it well you guys can enjoy your weekend I'm going to be on a plane you're yes you're going out to everyone whoa love flying my favorite pastime actually flying to me anymore is just this is when Sean gets to watch a movie yeah yep the disconnects period yeah when t-mobile and LC oh hey we're letting you do text messages on a plane I'm like nope nope I don't want that not happening it's true it's like when I catch up on all my mobile games and stuff like that when I can yeah well all the times when the longer flights what I'm going to Berlin and stuff we still have so many posts to prep for that so I do work on those flights but the you know the ones in the United States and they don't have Wi-Fi that much but you know I still gotta prep posted the only long-haul flight I do is my vacation one so I watch like a movie and then sleep yeah wait which I always feel bad i always take an aisle seat and at least on my flights to England it's always a to and to set up there's no somebody on the windows somebody on the aisle and I'm always like look if you guys get up just poke me shake me do something climb over me is a good luck good luck with that since I've laid out flat good I I wouldn't envy that person but anyway on to the news for the week of course the big one being Apple music finally launched yeah I'm not overly impressed yeah I wasn't at first and I'm still getting used to it i've written a couple posts and in our hands on it said the same thing i really like the sharing aspect of spotify you know my friends can create playlists i was saying my college buddies have playlist of songs we listened to in college and I said can subscribe to that and see it updated and stuff like that and Apple music so far doesn't have any of that even though you have to create a user name and account and all that that's only for commenting and liking stuff in the Connect feature which is sort of like I like to consider sort of an Instagram inside of Apple music for artists but they can really post anything they want I think yeah but there's also a ton of digging like I bring out my iphone but in the new tab I think it is you could go through that and there's music videos and playlists and everything just sort of like it's it's like the catch-all tab for everything else inside fact full music which i think is really confusing at first but I like it I actually people were saying playlists are hard to create and stuff I found it actually really really easy to create playlists I do wish there were the controls at spotify offers so you know if I'm playing music on my computer through itunes apple music i'd like to be able to control that from my phone the way spotify lets you control it from anything it's like keep playing on this device but you can control from any device apple TV doesn't have apple music yet which i think is weird so last night i was playing beats radio from my phone and i had to use whatever it airplay to the apple TV there's no like apple TV yet that does it that does seem very odd and the other thing was that actually it kind of motivated me to finally check out itunes match especially since they went to the 25,000 song when I was like you know maybe maybe I'll finally try itunes match so I fired it up and you know as you know there's a limit of 25,000 well I have 30,000 songs well it's moving to 100,000 with iOS 9 except everything well that's good because the stupid thing was it just went yeah more than 25,000 songs nope hey how about you let me pick which ones I want to move in and said I've been sitting here deleting albums I haven't listened to in several years yeah it doesn't make pots yeah nope you you have over 25,000 we don't want you yeah okay i guess i won't hand you my money yeah exactly and it's what 2499 a year I subscribe to it too and I'm not even sure why because I didn't even have that big of a library but i think it was because I just wanted to use Apple music to use itunes in the cloud and stuff and then just not worry about that which is one of the big things now with um i guess it's the itunes 12.2 bug these people that had these huge libraries and did use libraries as key melech library yeah they did you know use itunes with these big libraries now they're using iCloud backup and it's mixing everything right so they go into one album safe for bc boys and scott like taylor swift in it and the album arts all crazy now i haven't seen that but i had worked it up that that would be super annoying i I thought I'm like one album I saw the wrong album art but that's happened to me for ages yeah forever they vote yeah got an album art and especially if you know depending on where you got your music back in the day if you are using you know cos am and it's from there I've seen that kind of know those old songs they have on my hard drive so going back to to Apple music for just a second beats one what have you got so far I really like the idea of it and i've seen some reports are saying like this is are you know a huge breakthrough and stuff when it's really not it's just sort of like ham radio station yeah it's like one twenty-four seven though they did you repeat the shows i mean the the djs have said you know like if you miss the show come back from 12 hours it will replay so nothing new there but they you know it's neat it's like a free station sort of like having one satellite radio station right before the show we were talking know the one thing i don't like is especially like last night it doesn't seem to cater to like it definitely doesn't like where you are or what you want to listen to you or anything like it went from rolling stones like hardcore rap and then to like british rap and then to taylor swift and just like it's all over the place where as you know a standard radio station or even satellite radio you're like on one station you kind of get that genre of music it's nice when they play like what they feel are the biggest hits are the new hits and stuff like that because I think the songs are pretty good but you know like i said in our in our chat I think they play Taylor Swift's bad blood like 12 times a day yeah I start to wonder like what's up part of the 1989 agreement so they can get that album or what a great question from bridge and Franco is betrayal going to be just about pop music or how i like to call it trashy auto-tune music nice for my gut feeling is the beats one name pretty much implies we're going to get more channels and I think we're going to see them start to drill down into there probably will be a rock station a pop station and so on the this is just the first of what I imagine is going to be multiple stations my biggest thing I can't stand listening to djs which is hilarious since I wanted to be a DJ when I was younger most DJ's though annoy me to no end yeah so yeah I tried lit I listened through like one song break I was like nope done yeah it's not even like the song breaks to the other day they were just like talking over the album which I know is popular you know on some radio stations and you're used to that or when it's the only station or like uh huh that's not what I want you know I kind of like just not hearing a DJ talk but you know I do like like I said I like when they say you know like this is a new song like an exclusive new song or you might not have heard this and then you hear it's pretty good and you can discover music which is you know the whole value to me to Spotify and all these things the subscription services for me is to discover new music i like having an endless library and recommendations exactly a question from shawn the man 34 have you found any way an apple music to put songs offline all at once not individual i haven't played with it that much you can do albums and playlists and stuff offline but i don't think you can I don't know how you could do like all but the way to do what an album is to go into the like you know say you want this one song but you go into the album each there's the menu button on the top right of it I think and you could hit add to library and then keep offline or you could hit keep offline it automatically as your library I think so that's the best way to do it but you know one of those things I found two is the sink has been slow at least it was on the first day between my computer and my phone so like my library's weren't add up and I don't think my playlists have transferred either as of last night one playlist i made up my phone wasn't on my itunes which was annoying you know should be seamless like spotify makes it so easy and again that's why I kind of like Spotify but for Apple music I mean it's free right now if you why not yeah exactly well the other topic we wanted to touch i do see we have a ton of apple music questions we will be getting to all those in that in the Q&A session but the other topic we wanted to touch on this week was the one plus two hmm now of course the AO it's exciting that it's coming out later this month but can we talk about this bizarre announcement system they're using yeah it's been like I get it and they've said that they're doing it this way but they're just building hype around the phone by revealing a new feature here and there oh no i'm at the vr part oh yeah yeah the press conference they're having isn't a physical press conference at least that's they've told me it's what they've said it's just virtual reality so like everybody can tune in from wherever they are and where they're they're gonna hand out or mail out I guess if you sign up the google cardboard er actually it's 1 plus cardboard you know for free you just have to pay shipping and then you can tune in but i assume you could tune in with any set of cardboard and i'm sure they'll stream it so now to right there should be just a regular video yesterday I I would hope there's a regular stream but yes as to the the piecemeal method by which we're getting these announcements uh you know they're there is something in the news world and I thought I know you know this but I'm going to explain to our listeners there's something in the world known as the news cycle and what basically a new cycle is considered every 24 hours yo from midnight to midnight if you're good at your job you're going to control multiple news cycles and that is exactly what 1 plus is doing by telling us about this one part they get a set of post during one news cycle then they wait a couple days they make another announcement they get another news cycle so instead of getting one big news cycle on the day of announcement they're getting little news cycles throughout the time leading up hmm hats off till I mean it's working certainly you just building a lot of expectations yeah it is that that is where I think this could end up backfiring if this phone does not knock our socks off this could end up being a backfire on them yeah and they've said it like look they've promised or not promised but they've revealed that it's going to cost more than last year's models so you know but I think there they have a huge fan base that that liked last year's model because it wasn't too expensive and so all these fans are hearing these new parts that are coming like that the fingerprint reader us bc and all this stuff now if one plus comes out on july 27th i think it is and says like oh it's 600 bucks and i don't think it will be I don't think lurgan really yeah but people would be like what you know and yet they've they've teased all these parts leading up to then so you know maybe it's 400 boxer which is still I think a really good price or depending on the model one is more the other today we saw a leak that pointed to four gigs of ram maybe in one model so Casey yeah yeah the thing is i I'm I'm measuring my expectations on this the one plus one for me start off fantastic it's battery life went to garbage on me ooh yo and so I'm her I'm hesitant about where I'm how I'm going to land on the the 1+2 me too yeah I just the camera was never people praised the camera I didn't find that awesome and like you said the battery life for me always for me I have mine right here from the get-go was not very good so I use this as an unlocked phone and i think it was Berlin last year actually which is coming up in September and it was just dead all the time this isn't good well we do have a question from such a ball will any of you be getting a 1 + 2 why or why not the company of course will get one you know so we can do review and videos and everything else as for me personally I just don't know yeah I'm going to wait and see you know the fingerprint reader that stuff's cool and they're saying it's gonna be faster than touch ID which is impressive because touch ID is pretty quick yeah but yeah it's gonna come down to the price and what it offers over other stuff I do like buying new unlock phones and it's sometimes returning them actually let my brother use this for a while so it was kind of nice to add uh well speaking of returns right up from Sean the man 34 Todd any returns nope nope not this week okay because I haven't made any purchases really recently okay we're kind of in that low ya know I really I haven't been buying a whole lot either you know I I'm getting ready for my what's become my annual trip to the UK and I'm trying to decide which phone i'm going to take as my unlocked I mean my my mega 6.3 which actually is sitting right here has served me well for the last several years but it is starting to get long in the tooth yeah has that been updated to lollipop or anything fun hasn't though but what was funny was it turns out that I used 3 as my carrier when I'm over there well it turns out that if you don't use your phone number for six months they'll turn it off oh so I actually I i contacted Killian our writer in the UK and he went bought me a top-up card ooh and so currently this is working just so I wouldn't have to go get a new sim card yeah you know at the end of the year but uh you know thanks Gillian that that was a big help but uh yeah it's I don't know I'm gonna have to see what else in the 1+2 you know for me I with you the battery problems showed up immediately for me it didn't show up for like six seven months yo so I'm going to have to make a decision of course before then because at that point then why not just wait for the one plus three exactly you know but I don't know it's gonna be interesting to see how the one plus two plays out I'm hopeful it's a great phone but I do have some trepidations for sure yeah me too i am excited for us bc though and i want to see you know what that's like especially for data transfers and all that I mean that's really should be a lot faster yeah well to me I hate sitting around waiting for movies to transfer my phone Oh tell me about it the other I'm dying to get a 64 gig ipad I just loaded up homes for this trip I'm like 32 not good no at most I get three movies on there which I don't watch three movies but in case one doesn't hit me you know in the first five minutes I want to be able to switch to a different movie right yeah no but I don't know so we've got a ton of questions coming in so let's start piling through some of these from Sean the man 34 do you think we will see the apple TV at the iphone or ipad keynote I think we're going to see it at the ipad keynote so later probably right iPads usually knocked over i think yeah I think it's going to be with the ipad in October because the iphone can sustain an event on itself the ipad which I can't believe people still are saying how sales are lackluster for the ipad you never mind we sold 20-some million yeah slower than before because the upgrades there's an exact time we're seeing big reasons upgrade although I gotta say I've been using the ipad mini again and i miss having touch ID like I keep touching it them like oh wait I don't have that model same with my ipad air you know i have an iphone 6 plus and an ipad air which doesn't have touch ID and everyone's while i'm like why isn't oh yeah forgot but yeah the iphone can sustain its own event the ipad could probably use a little booster and so it makes more sense to me through the apple TV end of the ipad event that beans add do we really think we're going to see a new Apple TV this year we are well better yeah and it's it's time it's definitely time the apple TV I mean song felt boring to me but it's pretty boring yeah like when you load it up I just feel like I'm like what else can I do like why honor now from brazen Franco how did it meizu and I can I know usually it's every one of us still even after that video pronounces a different oh I managed to make cheap metal phones was starting to think that metal was Akron synonym for with uber expensive there's different here's the thing about metal just because someone says this is metal there are different grades of metal ooh a lot of times back in say the 50s or so a lot of metal toys and I'm using air quotes were made with a type of metal called pop metal and it looked like metal but it was mentally could bend right so it's Kathy 1010 was also big back then so until you know specifically what type of metal it is don't think that it's like ultra strong this yes this is stuff is metal it just depends on what grade of metal it is yeah and also I think it depends on the phone they're releasing and I don't know how they do it specifically but you have to consider they might be doing you know they might be releasing these phones and not making much off them and making more off the other ones and so that's why they're cheap sort of the one plus mod up things like 1 plus doesn't make much money off of each phone sold but it's popular because they sell them at a lower price yeah uh from also from Breslin Franco have you guys ordered the oneplus cardboard I have not I don't remember if I I might have tried to reserve it or something but yeah no I would also hope they would just send them to the press but yeah I'm sure we'll get that one in the office or something yeah but our development live blog that right it really cover the event like how am I guitar right the nice thing here is like I don't know if you can see it but I have a monitor to my left a martyr in front of me and then my laptop here on a stand that's connected to both of them so during an event I have the video stream up on one and I'm writing and covering it I can't do that with VR on it I guess I could just use the audio in which case you know I'm on the cardboard yeah I know I i I'm with you I'm not quite sure how they think we're going to do then like how do you get screenshots or images or whatever I know yeah it's tough for the press so that's why I hope there's a live stream to you and they should have from mr. McBee TV do you think Apple music will do well on Android that is the question I've been wondering yeah i'm curious to you especially because Google Play musics right there yeah and a lot not all but a lot of Android users are going to be idle I thing up all on my phone yeah exactly it's more I think for like the folks that are still using iTunes which like I don't know how many people were I just went back to itunes because of Apple music Brian touched it and forever I still use one of those apps i didn't even updates hey I use it a lot but mainly for podcasts okay yeah but so I hadn't but um I don't know maybe folks it's still use itunes and happen to have an android fungal do it now from Shaun the man 34 being beats one may expand to other genres and maybe talk shows should Apple just by sirius radio um it's an interesting idea as Sirius XM is not that financially healthy so it probably wouldn't be a super expensive purchase for them and then there's the scary concept of Apple having its own satellites yeah that's always just thinking cuz this is totally different snot satellite basically saying like satellite yeah yeah um I don't know it's an interesting question it would it would let them ramp up a lot faster that's for sure yeah I don't know it's a very interesting question Jon I yeah if they want to go that route it would make sense but maybe they don't maybe the only one you know like five stations or something now lets Apple they want everything from Sean the man 34 as well not sure if this has ever been asked what computers do you guys use wait what do you want to let me start I have in front of me i have a macbook pro 2015 auto with uh horse touch and then i have this windows netbook that i use from time to time and then i have under my desk a pc but it's still on a core i3 processor it was just getting too slow so it's in desperate need of an upgrade like all around though so I haven't really messed with it that much recently but those are my those are my big go tubes so windows and I I'm strictly 00 s10 at this point this is a imac 27-inch and with the modders on either side of it and then my travel computer is a 15-inch MacBook Pro which I can't I'd want to say it's 2014 it's actually jon rettinger Zolt macbook pro aside i don't remember which year was i think i was 2014 but uh yeah i used to be a Windows user for years and years and like 20-some years and then I went all Mac because I went over to the dark side I love a lot of foot windows offers and I'm excited for Windows 10 that's what actually was running on my desktop here but it was just too sluggish so we're now launches I'll probably look at at you know maybe another sort of laptop it's a little bit more powerful than my netbook but not as expensive or feature riches as my work computer here the macbook pro yeah uh from President Franco what are the odds that one of the big three Microsoft Google and Apple decide to buy out sound him for their hound AI i would say extremely high yeah it seems like i mean if it's easy to mix that tech into what they have I mean Apple I'm looking at you cuz Siri still isn't good unless you ask her about 0 / 0 yes that was pretty funny yeah uh-huh she goes into a cookie monster rant by the way if anybody hasn't done that yet yes sirree what is 0 / 0 and ask her if she has a boyfriend or girlfriend oh I haven't done that yet hope to god that that one's it's not as long but it's still pretty funny flying um yeah but I mean soundhound I think so far right it just called Hound um that that app it's just Android I think right so I don't know I mean I guess Apple could take that technology and build it into Syria I don't know how all that works now but even in iOS 9 I was using that Siri was still thumb which was up you know upsetting maybe she'll get smarter yeah sir Sir he needs some definite adult from morning glory 95 are you guys signed up for the free copy windows 10 and are you planning to try windows 10 mobile when it debuts we will definitely try windows 10 mobile when it debuts yeah I've been actually testing that on the fast track playing with it it's not ready for prime time not ready for your primary device at all but it's still pretty cool again it's still they said it's there's a big app situation there and I'm I'm really interested to see the new hardware I want you know another phone with a good camera I want us bc which i assume is going to be included because they have that continuum feature that we've talked about where you can blow up an appt to really use a full screen on it with like an hdmi cable or something but in this case it'll be a USB USB see cable to a display I assume that South are going to do instead of a small us are uh hdmi port so new hardware i think is most important and then we'll see how the software runs on that because you're gonna want the new hardware for all the features it offers iris scanning i think we've seen in rumors and I think that was actually confirmed what's it called windows hello or something it's not the like well yeah a very odd from Benjamin McDonald hey I remember when Todd went to Stockholm very sad I couldn't come are you going here again sometime wasn't that one of the car yeah I was there with volvo for to watch an accident I don't think I'll be that was like a 12 time kind of thing I don't think I'll be back soon but I'd love to go back maybe for vacation that was such an awesome way to describe that trip watching car accident what he needs folks is that it was a planned car accident to demonstrate hey i love it amazes me sometimes with the car companies are like hey let us fly you to Sweden so you can just watch us crash a car right yeah bad news my audacity had stopped recording on its own oh awesome well that's why we do the YouTube as well because then I can strip the audio out of the video so not a problem okay you mean oh well it's a hassle but we'll figure it out uh from Sean the man 34 will we see spot if I do live radio I don't sound like I don't know if they're gonna do it but it seems like it would be an interesting you know bonus to catch up and in some ways I'm not saying they need to catch up at all but I if they want to offer similar features to what Apple music said it would be cool cuz i really do like that part of apple music beats 1 yeah I don't know it'll be interesting to see if they ever do it uh from suction be Hall is it better to get a pebble time or wait for one of the newer Android wear devices that are coming out later this year um and wait honestly I mean you like double time but I have fan of it yeah I i I'm enjoying it but yeah I I just don't know I'm still not an Android wear fan I'm not either yet but the latest update made a little better and i think it's worth waiting to see what the new hardware is like that's what I would do speaking of the pebble time we have a question from bruising Franco how's the pebble time Sean I'm really interested by if it wasn't for those huge bezels around it um the bezels honestly the pebble time yes it does have huge bezels but it's no where's past original pebble um and also you don't really even see them via when you're looking at the phone I I like the pebble time I'm very happy with it so do with that as you will yeah I mean I still and I see a question from Sean the man 34 there I still have the the Apple watch still liking it and actually I forgot to charge it last night right I put on the charger but it wasn't plugged in and it's a 25-percent from yesterday at seven in the morning so it's really not that bad for battery life at least for me from Benjamin mcdonald and 2016 the EU is going to bring out a law that all phones have to be USB do you think this is why the macbook 2015 is USBC yes Boy Wonder I thought that was a law to for micro USB I might be around it is a law firm micro USB at this time that's why Apple had to come out with the adapters doctor here yeah so I hace I don't know if they do go USBC on the iPhones then yeah they that might be I'm just trying to test that water and see what happens but uh I don't know we'll see what happens let's see here from such a Mahal what is the main purpose of itune match for those who don't use it it allows you to match your offline collection with apples online collection and then they will let you upload any tracks that they don't have then you can access it from your phone your Apple TV and so on it's kind of like a cloud version of itunes sharing right with a really stupid name yeah that's why i did for a long time because the name just made no sense yeah in 24 99 a year yeah which is not horrible right also from such a mahal what is the benefit of subscribing those streaming music service like Apple music spotify google play music all access radio etc ability to listen to music anytime anywhere you want I you is Pandora personally and you know so like when I'm out irvine I don't wanna listen to terrestrial radio you know once every in a blue moon I get a car with siriusxm Anna but I don't want to listen to terrestrial radio so I listen to pandora you know when i'm driving around i listened to pandora before i go to bed it's just a great way for me to uh you know find new music that I'm not familiar with right and I like it because um I know you were sending you 3000 songs and somewhere on some hard drive somewhere I have all my songs that I had when I was younger that I ripped from CDs and stuff like that but I don't know where that is so for me these provide you know the endless library seemingly depending on who's you know available but that's why i like them from the crafting turtles do you think the Play Store app store will come to Windows Phone or neither i heard a rumor about it ah what do I think the Play Store oh I don't think so I don't think so either no I think Microsoft wants to control their own domain I saw that rumor that they were looking at android but that I don't know it seems like they put a lot into Windows 10 I think you're gonna keep doing that yeah i agree but i don't think we even covered that rumors it seemed kind of way out there yeah it's oh no from such a mahal off topic more perfect than question tomorrow is the 30th anniversary back to the future the first one well good because i love that movie and that also makes me feel old because i can remember singing it in the theater opening week say that oh that movies as old as I am I guess oh thanks for an older Todd since I Darren 44 this month uh wait heater when was your birthday would you birth it a July twentieth Oh from Brisbane Franco I just hope the 1+2 comes with the SD card slot this time you and me both yeah I don't think so I don't think so yer i agree with you i like having that still too that's why i like the g4 it's why i like to want him nine but i don't i don't know yeah I just uh I don't know I hope it does but not all of my breath yeah I wouldn't also from the crafting turtles do you think the iphone 7 will have a home button or the concept of touch sensor I don't know I don't yeah we've seen actually I think patents that have shown that the output fingerprints into this screen or fingerprint identification so it'd be cool but I feel like everybody's so used to the home button no no I guess it would work yeah I think I remembered back when the first iphone was out people showing like a touchscreen concept with that and i was like wow that's crazy wouldn't it be funny if it actually came true yeah don't and it would be interesting but that is definitely a year or more or wave for sure let's see here from Sean the man 34 heading to college I want to get a macbook pros Apple going to do the back-to-school promotions your gift Kotter gift card or iPod I can't see that why they wouldn't yeah I think they usually do that so you're waiting I would wait for it although it centro saying it hasn't started yet yeah it should it should start soon right like mid July August because that's going everybody's starting to either back-to-school stuff yeah from Benjamin McDonald i'm using the Moto G first gen and is in need of an upgrade though I don't have so much money should i wait for the oneplus 2 by a 1 plus 1 or wait for the next Nexus Nexus is gonna be way expensive yeah I wouldn't wait for that it's probably not to like October right I think that's when the Nexus actually right for some this is a tough color no we just leaked pictures of the Moto G 3rd gen and that looks like it's pretty sweet phone maybe now and it should be affordable I i think i would look at another Moto G if you've been happy with it yeah I don't know when it's coming you soon from birds and Franco do you think boo two phones should stick to debian its current state or become an Android fork like Amazon's fire or less um I like it in the current state because of their if they can still execute on the on the desktop you know plug in and get a real desktop that'd be awesome but if they need android if they want to go more powerful I'd like to see more powerful want two phones um and if that's the way they want to do it then they should go android but I like the idea of what they've sort of been working with so I don't want to see them ditch it now post an emerg Forks I mean Amazons fire OS at least on you know the phone didn't do well you don't get google play services so you have to have your own app store I don't know from such and baja were any of you subscribers of beats music before it became Apple music her to go even further back mod music which was before beats nope um I subscribe to beats music for like a monster's to try it and then I stopped is there any music service you haven't subscribed to I've never done our do I've never paid for Pandora I used songs a lot that was free lehigh food fer I still actually paid for Xbox music because again i was playing with the new windows 10 for phones build i gotta cancel laughs because now it's like apple musics you know here in three months gonna cost money i play pay for google play music spotify it's kind of a waste of money from such an bahala do you think the Moto 360 second gen will release in September just like the did last year alongside the Moto X probably it seems likely yeah uh that's from the crafting turtles we listen to the dubstep radio channel on beats 1 radio from iOS 8.4 no have it that dub dub step is not about my not my style but I think beats one is just its own channel I mean and then there's like all the playlist channels right the genres they're not live radio a little bit of housecleaning here folks before we close out for the week we will be taking next week off because I will as Todd stayed beyond irvine i will be out there to work for the week as well as attending San Diego comic-con so i will be bringing you lots of interesting photos and information from the show and although i'm not trying to get into Hall H I'm not insane elite Hall H is their biggest room and so that's where like marble although they're not there this year that's where like marble has their presentation Warner Brothers but the thing is it I think it holds 5,000 but press is not guaranteed entry so you have to line up like everybody else and largely the line for like Thursday's panels will start Wednesday night Friday's panels will start Thursday night I'm not staying overnight yes they i I've been my 40s folks I don't sleep outside four panels Hall H is actually where famously a thing was like three four years ago somebody stabbed somebody else in the I first see whoa yeah the pencil it was ya know as a pin it was a pin but yes there was a I stabbing going on Wow yeah speak a comics a question from morning glory 95 I know Sean isn't really up on current comics but is he reading or interested in secret wars basically its ultimate versus prime marble universes and it's awesome I'm haven't read them I'm familiar with what's going on I still not sure how I feel about them using the name Secret Wars akin uh you know because what's next contest of Champions this is all going right over Todd's head yeah it's making me laugh yes sir actually though they are going to release a game called contest of Champions which I looks like pleased really you can't come up with another name but yeah I know they're merging their universes and it's basically just to bring everything in line with the film's add more power to them it's working form but I'll probably read at some playing tempted to subscribe to their unlimited reading app I'd forgive what it's called but uh you have to wait like six months for that months books but there's like forty seven thousand books in the app oh wow yeah so why not uh from Sean the man 34 speaking of waiting line have you ever camped out for weight or waiting in line for a product I the closest I ever came to waiting in line I I went and sat outside the theater here in kirksville for tickets for episode 1 and after two and a half hours of me being the only person sitting out there the manager just when sold me my tickets but uh small head Living God but I've never came that for a product of you tub no now the irvine crew did was for the iphone 6 and 6 plus yeah yep they sat outside all night of the irvine spectrum apple store oh goodness gracious i'm glad they they did that not us from brazen Franco's the TechnoBuffalo Spanish version site damn that actually was a licensing deal i have not had contact with those guys in quite a while so i'm not sure but I I really I don't know if they they're still around or not alright folks well that is going to do it for this week thank you for joining us as I said we will be off next week so come back in two weeks to get your fresh dose of the TechnoBuffalo show as always we do appreciate if you go on the iTunes Store and you find us by searching for technobuffalo show rating and reviewing does help us so we do appreciate it you can also find us on Pocket Cassius can subscribe by via RSS feed I can't beat it gay and you can find us on the stitcher app which means you can find this anytime anywhere until next time I'm Sean on am the chief of TechnoBuffalo I've been joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton everybody till next time take it easy everyone bye bye
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