
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The TechnoBuffalo Show Episode #055 – SDCC, New Phone Companies and more!

and welcome to episode 55 at the techno Buffalo show i'm i'm here to host for this week Shaun ani editor-in-chief of the site and i'm joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton everybody are you doing today Todd I'm good it looks like you and I are gonna be kind of busy here in two weeks yeah we have let's see we will this morning we just found about motor found out about Motorola's events on was 28th yeah 28 at 9am in New York City and that follows the 1+1 event that's going to be live like via virtual reality on the night of the 27th about ten PM eastern I think and then the 29th is the windows 10 release date so that's big day so all kinds of stuff oh I didn't realize that one was at night that's fun yeah yeah it's gonna be late so oh joy a a little bit of personal business real quick since we've talked about this device so many times on the show but I am for those of you listening at home i am now holding up my ipod classic r.i.p it has gone to ipod heaven it was a very sad day when I realized this it no longer will charge that's the problem I'd I tried multiple cables multiple chargers and nothing so it's time to break out the back up he's even back up classic right yeah so I have a backup classic because I knew this day was going to happen someday but yes on the topic we talked about the year the ipod yeah I that it kind of came out of the blue but not entirely but as I noticed one person on Twitter say yo just think back just only a few years ago the ipods deserve their own event yeah and now it's like oh we have new colors I mean the ipod touch got a pretty big update right it means get the a processor has the 8 megapixel camera now iOS 8.4 obviously with apple music and the key thing to keep in mind too is like the shuffle and nano those over on I OSU don't get apple music there yeah scriptures kind of interesting you know if I was buying an ipod right now I would definitely go with the one with that music I mean or the one with iOS just in general because you can get spotify too if you wanted or whatever you want ya know it's it's very odd that the ipods yeah and the fight thing is yo apple keeps going all yo sales are down sales really they're still selling millions of these things right yeah yeah i just i always find that funny way oh you know you hear aimless oh the ipod sales are down and all that they only sold nine million last quarter yeah and it seems like to be excuse me I mean they didn't upgrade it since what like October 2012 something exactly like that the ipod touch so to me they probably have this inventory of the AAA processors the camera modules and stuff like that you know just sitting in there so they can use them put them in these he's order by and I'm cheaper now because it's now a year old EA in fact the news this morning was at the a9 processor is now production with the TSMC and Samsung Samsung this year's its back sorry for the quick tangent but last year didn't build the AAA that was just TSMC so that's kind of interesting but um but yeah so they probably have all these chips sitting around they're like oh we should probably update the ipods announced on cost as much yeah that's my yeah exactly yeah it was interesting when you and i were trying to come up with topics for this week's episode we were like there's not much going on all of a sudden boom boom boom we haven't even gotten to the topics that we said we were great yeah but uh heading over into that direction so yes last week we were off because i was out in irvine where my ipod went to the great ipod to heaven in the sky but of course while i was out there was san diego comic-con which you know john and i went down on thursday and then i went down by myself on saturday and it it was interesting this year it was for those that don't know i used to go to comic-con back in the 90s when I worked in the comic book industry and I went from 92 to 96 I returned for the first last year or so this is my second time in the new era of comic-con and it's not what it was for sure it's farm why is it considered the new era well no problem I and that's my terminology i would say it's the new era because comic book dealers are relegated to one little area there's maybe 20 of them and that's it mm-hmm and then you have all these giants to do booze you have the video gaming booths you have the booths and you can literally count the number of comic dealers you know compared to when I went in the 90s you know it was comic dealer upon comic dealer and you could go through you know all these boxes this year was the first year i've ever gone that i had just a list of five books i was looking for i only found two of them in the years past if I took a list of comics I would find multiple copies of every single one and can have my choice and play dealers against one another Wow yeah I and one of the books was only 15 years old the this should have been a book that there were copies everywhere not a one that's interesting yeah I didn't know you could go there and buy comics too I mean I guess I know the dealers could but I didn't know that like a fan could go in there and say hey I want this oh yeah yeah yeah but that's always been the main point of this ah yes Andy it's not so much like a CEO like the way I have always thought of it as sort of like a CEO showing what's coming and you know if you got to see yes you can't just go to a booth and bison right right no funky kid that's kind and it used to be back in the 90s there actually were two parts of comic-con there was a retailer only days for the first two days and then you have the four days for the public so was a trade show at one point combined with the comic-con and and now the trade show part is gone and it's just the strict you know for the general populace to come in and see what's happening but yeah over the past several years it's turned into mainly you know hey let's promote all these movies that are coming out and all of our new TV shows and all that stuff and it's just it's kind of sad to see that's God so far i mean the original comic con was hosted in the basement of a hotel oh wow it's grown a little bit for as long as I've been going it's been in the San Diego Convention Center and San Diego is actually in danger of losing the show right now because they keep refusing to expand the convention center it's now spilled out into all the surrounding streets going down side streets and tests other pixels yeah it's it's nuts it's taken over the entire gaslamp district as it's known in that area but uh yeah it's it's sad to see it change but you know I guess that's just part of how the industry is going and actually such mb hall here asks you know hey sean how do you feel about sdcc and other kind of convention is becoming more about comic book movies rather than the comic books as compared to years past and I understand that's where the money is right now for all these companies because these movies have taken off like crazy and just as a lifelong comic book fan i would like to still see this source material be respected right yeah i mean now it's sort of like it's it's more like what like the the future of comics like what comics have become con it's not so much about the books about its exactly anyway exactly the the glory days of yo going through quarter boxes and finding you know rare gems and you know dealers having you know every dealer the room having a copy of the book you wanted i had a friend once that sent me with a list of like 80 books and she's like I don't know how many of these you'll find I came back with all 80 books why did she was like I have no idea how long it's going to take me to repay you for this because that was something neither of us had considered that I would find every single book at reasonable prices but that was definitely not the way things are anymore and it's just you know it's kind of sad and it's another thing that's really turned into is all the companies making exclusive products for the show and there are hundreds of different you know products you can only get at comic-con be it your repainted figure or you know some other little change oh really and yeah well and this is where it gets nuts this is where a lot of people started to call it line con and the reason being is that so you always hear about you like the Suicide Squad panel or the game of thrones panel those are all held in a room called Hall age right hello it holds 6502 7,000 people I keep hearing different number most people line up the night before to get in till haulage now let's say you want to get an exclusive item from Hasbro who makes all like the Star Wars toys transformers and all that you have to go upstairs stand in a line to get a wristband that wristband will then allow you to go stand in the line downstairs to actually buy your product Wow so we have apple fans basic you can spend your entire con just standing in lines and three yeah it's nuts I just I there's gotta be a better way to do this because I know if I was going out there looking for the exclusive toys and all that I mean hey i just spent all this money on a flight and a hotel i'm just gonna stand here in a line all day yeah to spend more money yeah it's pretty wild yeah it's nuts it's absolutely nuts but i'll still be back next year I can't help myself but it and now it is partially work because we do go talk to the movie studios and all that stuff about I think you like coverage that we're going to do and I did make a lot of new context this year so and we get one work be done to you right yeah we saw the HTC vive again which is cool yeah that I first saw him immoral Congress and I guess they they develop the controllers more so they're finally wireless when I was in World Congress they were all wired and I'm like no tangling myself there was a good a lot better experience funny story about that before we I didn't actually go over the HTC building the John Ralph and Brandon did but John Ralph and I had gone to a pizza parlor to just grab some quick lunch and bran was coming over to meet as well I was just down the street from HTC well they had a guy out on the street corner promoting the m9 and so he was asking people as they walk by oh hey have you heard about the HTC m9 what do you know about they asked brandon this hahahahaha and you did rm9 review for everybody it doesn't know that yeah it so he he what you know he walked by the guy and the guy goes hey you know what phone do you use you know have you heard about the HTC m9 and Brandon goes I know absolutely everything there is to know about the HTC m9 really he starts quizzing Brandon on the specs and the guy finally goes alright I guess you could probably teach that guy about the m9 more than likely it that's pretty crazy I read I to the guys credit Abby how could he possibly know that Brandon would know absolutely everything there was to know about the m9 true well these days I mean it's it's almost like it geek culture right i mean like yeah all-encompassing in some ways i mean if you read TechnoBuffalo you get the comic music 9news sorry about that sorry they're coming for you Todd yeah they finally found the dead body uh I tried to help you guys better you have a sheet that's I know we moved the body well moving on to other topics of the week I do see we have a lot of questions about San Diego will get to those during the Q&A section but moving on to the other topic of the week what is going on with every company under the Sun deciding they want to get into the phone market yeah we were talking about that earlier this week because whoa first ZTE the Saxon right right I believe accent accent not access ok essen was a was announced this week and they had promoted it with ads I think they were even on our site or you know like all over the place just calling it like the acts and brands like kind of moving away from CTE although now it's official energy to you but it's it's this flagship model right just like 1 plus did with the one plus one for a low-cost relatively low cost compared to you know off-contract galaxy s6 or something like that so that but that was like one sort of reprinting that brought us thinking like what else is going on here I mean we've seen just this week Commodore do somebody's going to use the Commodore brand / a phone right same idea I think of not 450 bucks or under that obviously the one plus two is coming we've seen the alcatel Idol idol 3 the one touch idol 3 I mean so all these companies and it seems like they're following the one plus model maybe because I mean that seems to be relatively successful every place for talking about it if you can't or you don't want a flagship you short sort of go that way but it's also the whole way the industry of shifting and you see motorola doing it with the Moto G sort of in that mid range moto X high-end not really that cheap of a phone when it's new we can get it on sale but i think it's sort of just this whole industry moving towards you know it used to be kind of common just in Europe where you buy the phone off contract and here in the States it was always like a two-year thing you know so I think it's just the signs of those a sign of the times changing but whether or not these you know Commodore phones work because you're just licensing that brand I don't know I mean we know nokia is coming back to in 2016 but it sounds like Foxconn is going to use that bread well we've got a question here from such a mahal how do you guys feel about the commodore pet smart phone hey i find that hilarious that you know the Commodore trademark has been brandied about I mean it's bounced from I don't know how many different companies right and now it's going to be going into smartphones it's just like how many people even remember the Commodore a brand name at this point that's what I was gonna sit like it wasn't I don't think it was my age group I mean might have been just people slightly older than me but my first system for example was nes so it would be skewing older and I don't know you know like how big is that market yeah for like fans of unlocked phones and stuff yeah I don't know that that was just that was such an odd choice for me and you know I I'm sure they're thinking oh well lovers of the Commodore will come over and buy this smartphone no I don't think so yes the Commodore 64 and I know we have a question about this to the Commodore 64 was my first computer Rio I have no desire to go well I'm going to be brand loyal after this many years by covered or her phone right right yeah and then what I mean sky comes pre-loaded with two emulators to right that's what I was confused about I don't know yeah I read that as well I'm just like what yeah i mean the Commodore was known for gaming as well but what I don't know it's very odd I don't know it's sort of both right yeah yeah I just uh it's i don't know but i joined i'll continue I do too i mean because I companies like 1 plus have shown that you can have success without being a major brand name right and but one plus one about in a very very smart way I mean they they created their own demand right exactly yo and they're doing a great job with you know the oneplus 2 i'm making sure that yo it's out there in the media all the time mm-hmm you know but these other companies it just feels like they go here have a phone somebody buy it right exactly and I think that's where we're gonna see the difference between brands it's sort of last and stick around in the market first as those who don't I mean like this Commodore I don't think we're gonna see a you know Commodore pet to or something like that I mean maybe we will but i don't think so i think it has to be played right and then in the same respect that that Motorola's been doing i think they do a good job i mean their distinguishing their phones with you know color choices and stuff through moto maker and the rumor is that the Moto G will have at this time which is really cool I mean if you can get all the different colors and stuff in the past just sort of been about the cases you could buy for it but yeah I think you have to you have to do something different while also offering a low-cost handset I think that's that's why these I mean no Commodore sure I mean it's different but it's also more just like the brand ya know I I don't know I I think you're right though I think for a phone to succeed there's gotta be something different about it and one plus had that you know being based on signage in mod and so many of these others though they just think oh well everyone else is doing we can release an android phone and just to be clear I'm not yes I know BlackBerry's going to be releasing an android phone that that's a very different situation than just some random company you know releasing a android phone right you know because blackberry does have a brand name recognition even if it isn't what it once was but I don't know it's it's a very odd time in the market and i right why i always celebrate competition i'm just not sure what these companies were thinking right yeah just like where's the demand for it i mean it reminds me of that wasn't there an ESPN phone like verizon sold once i think I don't even know if it was on verizon but you know it was like back in the days of the flip phones we could get like ESPN clips on it stuff it's just like what the heck is this you know so they have to do it right otherwise it's just gonna flop yeah yeah I all know it it's going to be interesting to see how this all shakes out I mean I don't think any of these companies are going to become the next samsung but the other thing is I'm not sure that a lot of these companies are competing for the US market I think a lot of them all think that they're going to go into China where you know there aren't these strangle holds quite like what we see over here right but I think there's even gotta be a point where the Chinese market goes you know we got enough phones yeah exactly huh yeah and then you have to remember that every major company you know Samsung and Apple and then everybody else are are trying to get that market share you know no matter what so you're competing against people with huge pockets ooh it's rough I don't know it's gonna be interesting me has shown that it's possible it's with low-cost phones every time someone says show me I'm just like wait who oh yeah Zomi know I know I know I'm in the wrong ah but I don't care anymore I'm told well moving on to questions and we have a ton of them here from brazen Franco i wish i had bought a Commodore x64 when they decided to raise the design of the original Commodore that was one of those things i wish i had bought two just for the nostalgia factor I've still got my Commodore 64 somewhere I just I refuse to throw it out because it was just too much fun um okay from saw ho raja what are the predictions of the for the Moto 360 to it will tell time it'll be based on Android wear yeah I I really I had taught of you got any predict no I don't know how much I mean I hope they get rid of that you know the little black bar at the bottom of the screen that was on the Moto 360 maybe a higher res screen stuff like that I mean there's got to be improvements right maybe it's in your body but I'm not really sure what to expect but maybe you will learn more during this event on the twenty-eighth means Motorola's event they could they could easily just announced the phones and that or it could just be you know like one phone like a moto x are just a moto G your honor so it's all gonna be a surprise yeah I so we were fairly sure it's gonna be the Moto G in the Moto X how long has it been since the 360 now it's been a year right yeah yeah then i would say we're probably gonna get the 360 to there yeah and not the only thought that I had is like maybe google has some kind of other event were they I mean probably not but where they sort of introduce all them like a bunch of new models but doesn't seem like it's going that way right because you see samsung's new smartwatch I forget what it's called off the top of my head but that's probably coming at etha it sounds like unless they actually do announce it with the note 5 at the river August twelfth date but that's not android wear that's Tizen so who else do you have on the horizon you know we could have a son watch two from a sous again that they're also rumored to be working on one that's not android wear so maybe motorola will just put it all in one of them it would make sense to me yeah but I don't know it's gonna be interesting and boy if we got a lot of things to cover right get in your busy day yeah it's gonna be a very busy week I always loved how they all the stuff in the same week yep they get stacked yeah I don't know there's 365 days in the year folks 52 weeks yeah yeah 12 months you can spread them out a little bit more but no no let's all jump around top of each other yeah uh from such Mahal how was your guys Prime day find any good deals I found lots of great deals didn't mean i could buy them yeah right Sean and I were both talking back and forth all the tables were going and we noticed as they were coming online like if you click on the bottom it showed like you know going live in six minutes seven minutes ago a long time line there if you clicked it a lot of them said like two left in stock right and then it would magically just changed you in stock and then oh gee willikers it sold out in seconds yeah so that wasn't cool that was not cool at all i gotta say though i'm happy that they didn't discount the new kindle paperwhite because i just bought that and i'm not returning it i'm really liking it but that would have been upset it just came out yeah I the other Christian I they did discount a lot of Kendall products I mean the fire TV sold out and hardly any time at all you know at least the number that they had planned to sell it didn't completely sell out but it's a it was an interesting day and I think that a lot of lessons were learned on both the consumer and Amazon side as to uh if Amazon promises great sales don't expect them to have enough stock yeah I mean that was the one thing it's like they said you know more sales in Black Friday and I get it like if you go to walmart on Black Friday you're not going to get all the TVs you know like they're gonna that's why people are running over each other to get a but like you're a huge online retailer how can you have two units in stock like it's in the local store where they're like spreading the ins across the entire country i I did purchase and actually it arrived just before the show I they had a deal going where if you bought a amazon gift cards you got ten dollars credit in your account you know thinking hey you're going to send those to somebody yeah I said myself that's awesome you know I bought the cheapest pack I could which was $45 and got ten dollars credit so I turned forty five dollars into 50 50 I'll do that all day long but it seriously oh good gravy uh from D Norbert's we have so much competing parent phones but battery tech didn't advance so much what do you think about the predictions and near future ah man I agree with you there battery life is the biggest problem in phones right now yeah I feel like we're you know all these companies you're saying like powerful processor but better at you know power management and you no longer battery life but then you toss on a quad HD display that's also supposed to be you know better at power management but I mean all these things consume a lot of power and so you get phones like the galaxy s6 which is a fantastic device that has a terrible battery but they add in you know Qi wireless charging in PMA and they add in the quick charge and so you know that the thought is at least Samsung's thought this time around seems to have been well at least the charges quickly or or conveniently if you know because why charging still isn't very quick but it's something that bothers me still like I hate taking a phone and thinking oh this is going to be dead in a couple hours and I'm not going to be near an outlet or what am I going to do and you know so in the past you look towards devices like the note right so I'm excited for the note 5 and I hope that that's it you know something they put a real focus on battery life and and you were just saying you're using the droid turbo now device it's sort of what advertise the last two days on a charge and I hope a new one of those is coming because it sounds like I mean we've seen the leaks Moto X moto G droid mini and some kind of other droid which would go to verizon links with the droid branding so maybe you know there's more funds like that where they're putting the focus on larger batteries but that seems to be the solution right now right just larger batteries and I don't think I mean we need to do something else and you know the people are talking about what like graphene and all these other kinds of technologies but I don't think I'm gonna see them I think you know and honestly I understand that you know the companies want to keep coming up with iteration so it looks like they're advancing any oh they can keep releasing new phones and keep getting all that sweet release money but at some point somebody's gonna have to go okay you know what folks we're gonna sit back for just a little bit and work on the battery yeah or like make the device kind of a little thicker right like my iPhone's thin enough just make it a little fatter I don't care yeah just not too fat cuz like when you put a mophie on the seat I mean the six bus it gets huge yeah I yeah John John had his phone in the battery case under the way down the comic-con and it took both of us KITT own half of oh yeah that was good times but haha yeah I just I don't know I just I keep hoping yeah I mean I know all these companies like Samsung and LG in the universe I mean every now and then you read about your university has discovered a way to you know create some odd day battery life or year long battery life but then this isn't something see tomorrow yeah yeah exactly uh moving on down the line here uh well I actually re and through this sentiment he such a was asking if I had a Commodore 64 or me guess I had a 64 I want to say I first got it in 82 I think I think yeah I was 11 so yeah 82 and then I graduated to a real pc in 86 from sahaja what do you think about mb mkbhd I never can say his initials correctly mkbhd getting the 1+2 first somebody had to get it first yeah that's kind of how it goes i think mmm you know i don't know if it's it's about hitting getting your first scherb that's cool but it's smart on the one plus side right like give it to to somebody to sort of tease in this case you tease the camera you know it's it's like we've talked about it's good marketing for one plus they kind of just are teasing each little feature as we go along leading up to the 27th so yeah but not we're friends with mkbhd a bright guy yo good for him throw not a problem uh moving on down the line now that being said of course we will like to have at 12 works uh from Robert Payton where the fact is Joey he's the best joey is RAM joey is as we described before the problem for joey is that when he reviews a game it he can't do anything but review the game because he has to look at the television screen but we're trying to work it out so maybe he'll be on like once a month so we do want Joey around Joey will be back and got any time I don't have to work with Todd let me to uh oh I'm sorry Todd I I didn't know me I'm brazen Franco technic Buffalo only needs hardcore tech top its top topics I could say this word reviews SSD motherboards DAC Dax amps to fill the void in for me you know that that's I used to do that kind of stuff yeah it's it's not that we don't want to it's a matter of time we're already in so many directions with only so many people yeah and you know when you do it you guys do it right and you gotta it's a lot of testing um I think I've talked about before but I was an intern at maximum pc back in my day so we did this stuff and we would review you know water coolers too which is really fun I love all this that but um you know in your benchmarking I think sites like a non-tech do it better and we'd have to you know hire a whole team like that and in some cases get engineered level knowledge on this kind of stuff and you know stop so yeah it's not to say that we won't do it someday but it's just it's not on the the drawing board at this very moment right but you never know things change uh moving on down the line from such and Bohol hey sean how would you describe san diego comic-con for those who have never been and should they go why are why not I very kind of described it as for if you should go it totally depends on what you're looking for you know if you wanna go stand in lines and get to know the people and friend behind you you know for several hours great I think it totally depends on what you're you're looking to do I mean if you're into pop culture it's kind of like the epicenter the pop culture year I do want bringing this up for a second so you know there were all these trailers shown at Comic Con and Warner Brothers in particular lost their minds when people leaked out what was shown on screen okay you're in a room was 6502 7,000 people in the year twenty thousand fifteen yet don't think one's gonna whip out a phone and record and yes i know that you they stay out he'll please do put away all recording devices 6500 geeks in a room somebody's going to do it yeah ed warner brothers especially on the Suicide Squad trailer they were hunting every copy of that thing down and finally after 48 hours they went okay we'll let you have it and they really sit themselves right yeah which I there's a part of me that goes was this all planned ah you know it was this a way to get a whole lot of a media attention you know but somebody they released this big long thing about you know our trust was violated and we don't know for a show footage in the future and all this and they took that tweet and couldn't put it next to the marble tweet from when the Avengers age of Ultron trailer leaked which all it said was dammit Hydra yeah right i remember that and like come on these are your biggest fans like people are excited how can you get you know all upset about I get it it's a million hundred million dollar business but yeah I I I just didn't understand that at all but you know hey we're all excited for your movie let us are ya oh oh no we're excited for your film the horrors from D Norbert what do you think about the wp 10 the market share is no more than ten percent max android and iOS is dominating the market we don't have any useful apps for WP or any new app is coming first for iOS and Android or never what are your expectations for WP 10 definitely more nom yeah so really what Microsoft strategy is moving forward some speed over you Microsoft strategy moving forward is allowing developers to create their apps that run on Windows 10 laptops and PCs on tablets and then on phones and so you can scale these apps like when you're using Windows 10 i have it on the netbook but the Photos app for example you can scale it down you like drag your cursor and make it a small window and it looks exactly how it would you know say you make it a 4-inch window that's how it would look on a on a screen a 4-inch screen on a phone and you pull it out and it like grows and you get more data and stuff and so that's their strategy they think you know Instagram is going to create this you know app that runs on Windows 10 pcs for example maybe instagrams a bad thing but say it's something like Evernote right so Evernote creates this app that runs on Windows 10 pcs and then also because it's already developed it it's the same code it'll run just in a smaller window on Windows 10 phones so that's the whole strategy and they are using that strategy in other words using Windows 10 to push apps into mobile because it's the same code so we'll see if it happens because you also have to you know like out my poor example Instagram which doesn't have a desktop app I mean it has a web browser but it doesn't have a desktop out like why are they going to build a Windows 10 app well Microsoft's answer to that question would be there are 1.5 billion Windows users out there and so if they move to Windows 10 then Instagram is probably going to want to cater those 1.5 billion users may be and then create that app that will also run on the phone so it's kind of a convoluted fishing answer and it's it's complicated but I think the strategy is better than what Microsoft has tried in the past where they just had windows phone and you had to get developers on board to create apps for Windows Phone in this case you're creating apps for Windows 10 that will run on Windows 10 for phones so hopefully it works I I'm hoping this this formula does work I I think it only benefits the market if there's another player hmm but you know the apps have been the big downfall and talk about chicken in the egg situation you know the you know people won't come if there are no apps developers won't come no people but now with this unified system the people are at least there yeah because your app will run on you know understand but it but the problem has been mobile apps yeah so you know I don't know I know I I for instance whenever I travel there's an app I use a lot called gasbuddy which helps you find the cheapest gas in the area around you and so that's a very mobile specific app a lot of the apps I use are very mobile specific exactly so I think that's going to be still a problem for windows because you know if somebody and just using guess but he is a type of example but let's say somebody wants to build a gas locator app they're not going to care about the desktop because they know it's never going to be used there right you know so i think that's that's the problem they're going they're going to have to find apps that appeal to both mobile and desktop users exactly that's what yeah that's what i was saying with you know instagram for example because like what do they needed us talk about probably not because you just use a web browser it's so will they build the windows 10 app my guess is you know probably not i don't know maybe they will I mean they have the beta for windows phone but that's been in beta for like two years yeah so but I'm excited look I mean if you if you see these Intel Atom powered tablets that can run full versions of Windows 10 it's really cool and so you think that you know Adam is also in phones like can we get a full desktop experience there I mean continuum is leading the way with that where you know you plug the phone into a TV or something and you get a full screen version of that app like I said it just scales it's like you know it's like our site when you move it depending on the the screen size it'll just scale to it so yeah it's neat it's definitely cool and I'm excited to see what they do but the new Windows 10 for phones stuff isn't expected until this fall so first we got to get to the Windows 10 launch exactly from brazen Frankel what will push Deb's to create apps for Windows 10 and publish it on the MS marketplace compared to what they do now where to set their own website or really on sourceforge github etc I wasn't aware they're doing this that could be a lot of the reason right there why they don't have users to be very blunt the walk into McDonald's walk around the the dining area and ask every person you see so what have you downloaded from github lately and most of them will look at you can go get what a shame with sourceforge in yes that's great for folks like us a on those folks that are watching or listening to the show but your average person anther has no concept what those are yeah well that's why they're doing this the new Windows Store is unified store so I mean it's just kind of like the App Store on Mac yeah the idea exactly exactly it still exists they have it in windows 8 too but I don't know if anybody uses it I don't yeah yeah yeah me either well that is going to wrap up this week's show as always we thank you for joining us you can find us on the itunes store where you can search for the TechnoBuffalo shown we do appreciate if you rate reviews that does help out the show you can also find us on pocket casts you can subscribe to our RSS feeding you can find us on the stitcher app which means you can listen to us anytime anywhere anywhere there are podcasts you can find the TechnoBuffalo show until next week I'm Sean ani I'm the editor-in-chief of technobuffalo I've been joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton by everybody and we'll see y'all back here next week till then take it easy bye-bye
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