
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The TechnoBuffalo Show Episode #056 – Hacked cars, Apple earnings and more!

and welcome to episode 56 of the Technic Buffalo show I'm live your to host for today Sean ani editor-in-chief of the site and i'm joined by deputy managing editor todd hazleton everybody are you doing this week Todd I'm good it's good week you're ready for next week yeah next week's a crazy week yes for those that don't know we've got the one plus announcement on Monday the motorola on tuesday and then nokia is doing something on wednesday yeah sounds like that'll be v are related which is interesting yeah that's not where i saw nokia going but seems like everyone's really see our headset yeah and i saw that they had been i guess for many years now somebody on twitter said this had been researching sort of VR stuff so while i came as a surprise to me i guess some people have been following nokia more closely aren't that surprised well I i'm here to announce that next week I'll be announcing the Sean tronic VR headset I mean hey since everybody else is doing it why not yeah why not so a couple things go over this week first off glad we drive older cars yeah seriously we both drive on old trucks and following news that yesterday that a Jeep Cherokee was hacked on the room I don't know what it is so bear with me um the jeep cherokee was hacked by these hackers in this wired article covers exactly how it went and i want to read this for everybody listening here we go though I hadn't touched the dashboard the vents in the Jeep Cherokee started blasting cold air at the maximum setting chilling the sweat on my back through the NC climate control system next the radio switched the local hip hip hop station and began blaring skee-lo at full volume I spun the control knob left and hit the power button to no avail then the windshield wipers turned on and wiper fluid blurred the glass that's in addition to the hackers being able to slow down the car kill the transmission all kinds of stuff and the craziest and scariest thing is that he couldn't control anything so like while the the air was turned on he couldn't turn it off and you know while the transmission was killed he had no control of the car that's irvine me the one thing they did address and that car belongs to those two hackers do they have to at any point get physical access to the vehicle to initiate the heck yeah good point didn't sound like it because I said sitting in a laptop across the country but that's good point maybe they had to first get something in there and I don't know if I caught that answer either yeah I I don't know I I just noticed my core android figures laying on his back he apparently is taking a nap uh but it gets scary I mean like if I can just go in like he's sitting he's sitting on the highway when everything like they tell him they say get to get on the highway and whatever you do don't panic and he sees like you know everything's killed out steering brakes transmission and he sees a semi truck coming up from behind him that's that to me is like like what do you do and I never really thought about it with these connected cars I always thought was connected in the sense that you know sure there's this LTE connection but it's oftentimes provided by 18 to your verizon and yeah there's bluetooth but that's direct it's within 30 feet usually an absurd to your phone like I didn't see this as like a huge problem I always thought connected cars were sort of more convenient and not something that hackers could get to and it's particularly scary when you think about cars that I've tested you know coming up like Volvo has them and stuff like that where they can pretty much drive themselves so you know while his transmissions out and stuff like that it sounds like from this article you mostly had control of the steering so you could at least get off the highway but these other smart cars they I mean the steering is controlled by the car so wouldn't the hackers have access to that too yeah they would and to be clear for everyone these were white hat hackers they have learned Jeep to this security flaw Jeep is issuing a firmware update and they will not be releasing how they did it until next month at a hacker convention so that they have followed proper procedure and Jeep was the first people they alerted yeah and I think they did this I mean they asked the wire guide you know come driving the car so you can show you it oh and the one thing that I thought was crazy too and this is terrifying they brought up an image like a video feed of themselves I guess on the in-car system while they were hacking it's so like he sees these hackers I guess they were dressed up in jumpsuits like that's terrifying man like a joker come on and your steering goes out oh if this did not require physical access to the vehicle which we do not know this is terrifying yeah I mean because you know somebody's going to release a kit that anyone can follow and do it and you could end up you know politicians could be taken out somebody that you owe money to somebody it feels you stole their girlfriend or boyfriend hey I'm trying to play a prank hey revenge porn is going to seem quaint compared to if this gets out in the wild yeah and that's horrifying I mean I'm sure car companies are not software companies i'm sure there was no way going as anyone thought about the possibility of this being hacked it's a car i'll never be hacked you know I I hope every car company is now looking at their vehicles may I hope so too you know they even showed they could lock the doors now of course he could have manually unlocked but you know suppose that there is some sort all sorted whenever I go out to her by and I end up wrinting whatever vehicles available so I end up in a lot of different vehicles Mustang last time yeah Mustang last time you know thank you to the nice clerk that gave that to me so you know there's a lot of different locking systems out there some of them it's not obvious how you can unlock them if you were to lose control of that button you know and that's pretty terrifying yeah I mean imagining you got locked in the car and they decided to drive you into a lake yeah that's who I mean and the scary thing is like even just the windshield wipers like blasting the windshield wiper fluid up on your windshield like I mean you can't see anything if you're going 70 miles an hour on the highway that's going to cause an accident or they could just want to take your brakes they could also make it so your windshield wipers don't turn on in a bad rainstorm yeah all kinds of yeah I there's all sorts of ways and talk about a black male possibility oh I'll let you drive your car again when with you in it yeah you know when you give me your PIN number yeah yeah I uh scares me like crazy and such in Baja last should we be scared that there are cars that could be hacked yes I think you should be scared guys like you you know hopefully like I said I i I'm hopeful that every car company with the connected system is currently looking at their systems you know and and trying to fix any security holes and so on but for right now i'll gladly keep driving my 99 tahoe which is as dumb as a car comes yeah you know just a long deck yeah i have a tape back I and a CD player I mean wrong edge mine does even in there although I typically use the I use a tape deck adapter to play you know i pod oh great if I taught my ipod came back to life yeah that's pretty awesome ok I plugged it into sync it one last time with hello juice was left and all the Senate started charging so I still think it's on its death the stuff medbay yeah yeah dad every week there has to be one point where I can't talk but but it's a light over now it's alive for now I'm like that Android figure behind you looks dead yeah I know I I didn't realize he'd fellow so moving on to our second topic apple earnings and while while we're talking about apple i'm going to resurrect for android guy here so apple earnings okay I'm getting really really tired of all these you go x and i'm eating air quotes you know oh they only sold yo ex million of this device is obvious that it yo its died you know folks any company i can sell millions of any product it's really hard to say that's a dying product yeah unless they're not making any money off of it which isn't true for any of those products alright that's sort of how Apple makes its money because it makes a lot of money off of each product sold margins so you look at the US and we have somewhere around over 300 million people in the country so let's say you sell three million of a product that means you've reached one percent of the country in a quarter yeah and that that's that's bad news yeah and we're talking about the Apple watch here where sales estimates depending on who you talk to you what an unless you're looking at or like between two to four million units but based on the would we say about a billion a little over a billion dollars it looks like that segment made so then you'd have to figure out the average selling price between three hundred and fifty dollars and seventeen thousand dollars depending on the watch model sold so you have to figure it's probably around five hundred dollars because a lot of them are sport models so using that math I think people are coming in close to about three million units sold which seems pretty good and one of the points I brought up in an article on the site yesterday where I said the Apple watch is six success even though i hate the apps on that I think you know there's a lot of terrible things about it still the sales figure seemed to me to show a success because you have to remember that Apple is going to make money off of app sales and stuff like that especially with with watch os/2 I mean that's a billion-dollar tens of billion dollar market for Apple the itunes app store in general so I think there's you know additional revenue from that coming in this fall and then you know this is just an early first for one-off product you know or it's not one off with the very first product gonna see more I think at an apple watch too and it's still out sold during the same time period the very first iphone and the very first iPad Tim Cook said so I think I mean it sounds like it's doing just fine we'll see and I think unlike the iPad at least where we've sort of come in this point now and there were like ten point nine million ipads sold and people are still saying the iPads tuned because look sales are down that makes sense and there's not a reason to upgrade so i think that the Apple watch though they'll probably make it easier the more reasons to upgrade as they add an additional sensors and capabilities for the apps you can do on it and stuff like that and meanwhile the ipad sales at 10.9 slightly missed i think analysts were looking for like 11.1 million sales iphones also missed that I think there are 47 analysts were looking for I think 50 was a number of 50 million and you think 47 million or whatever it was phones and a quarter is credible and a non release quarter yeah but they're looking for growth in places like China where I think we can see that that was pretty clear because Tim Cook so that was doing well but also they said they had the most switchers from Android ever and I think when you look at you know United States thats who are battling sure there's going to be switching back and forth but in China I think it's been primarily an android market thanks to all the low-cost players there so I think that's where we're seeing probably a lot of the switchers well again yeah these analysts sit around and before the numbers come out they it's almost like playing fantasy football you know they sit around and they go well I think this is Emma and they sold oh you didn't reach the arbitrary number i said so you did bad well i mean in general when you see like it's a consensus among wall street so you have like a super bullish guys and the super bearish guys they're saying like Apple didn't sell any iphones so it's kind of like a middle-range number and i think the real bulls are the ones that are just looking for china for huge expansion in other places now I we're 3 million units goes quick I mean it's a huge market what when I used to very very lightly dabble in the stock market which just to be clear and for full disclosure I currently own no shares of any companies despite what you all may think about me and apple or me and Google i do not own shares of either company but you know for instance i had walmart stock way back when and i always loved you when the quarterly reports would come out and they go well they showed growth but it's slowing there's only so many places you can put a walmart folks there there's only so many people in the country you know at some point growth will stop yeah and so they have to find other ways to offset that exactly exactly but it just uh it's enough to drive you nuts at times but well we've got some questions coming in on our various subjects here from such a Mahal the Jeep that was hacked and remotely controlled was it connected to the internet or was a hectare neither way it was connected to the internet through the entertainment system which apparently that gave them access to all the engine controls and dash controls which more unlikely like my folks have I forget what year it is best bourbon with OnStar in it and you know OnStar is able to call them and go hey your left tire left front tire pressure is out of whack yeah so there's sensors all over your car and if you do have any sort of connection then yes it's transmitting this data which means it has access to those systems yeah i'm going through it again now mmm they went through the UConnect cellular connection i guess and then change the cars firmware rewriting the chips firmware to plant their code so that's how they did which is pretty well from a brazen Franco but why does a car access to the internet even mobile time you know that that's a great question and it's because people have you know what I love is where you keep fighting again distracted driving and the more I get in these cars the more I feel like I'm getting in the cockpit of a spaceship yeah my Mustang had more buttons on the steering wheel than I have ever seen in my life thingamabobs yeah sit and yes I'm driving I'm like yeah maybe if I drove this for a month two months I would learn your words the volume control but in this little bit of time I kept going wait whether it's low I bear watch the road exactly you know and so I just I find it interesting that we keep putting more stuff into cars yeah you know I'm sorry I don't think cars need a entertainment hub yeah and to answer a bresson's question there the why do they have internet plans I think a lot of them do say you know you can offer a hot spots your passengers connect or you have Spotify or Pandora in the dashboard or you want traffic or to search for points of interest like a nearby gas station stuff like that also if you can do with your phone but it's just built into the cars entertainment system and then the carriers you know get you on there their plans or you pay for it when you get the car now uh because I that's all I need my life is yet another your another cellular playing yeah me because I don't have enough from Sean the man 34 do you see a lot of Apple watches in the wild interesting note I see Apple watches on a lot of older individual 65-plus Sean have you been idea knees people maybe they aren't that old and I think you're being a little rough on him I see nah like three or four in the wild already yeah yeah I've seen a few in the wild especially like when I was in airports i saw one or two at comic-con you know walking around so yeah that they're out there I just it's not like I say him every day yeah but I don't know it that's an interesting no I do find I find that interesting that you're seeing it on over people that's that's something I wonder about because like my father is a complete technophobe I i'm just now I'm he is his first smartphone has arrived I did not let him take it on this road trip because I need to set it up and I needed time to actually sit down teach him what he going we got him a refurbished iphone 5s okay and we we got him a big heavy duty case because my father drops things like crazy but this will be his first foray into smartphones so everyone wish me luck trying to teach him that but uh most people in his age range which he's 60 he'll be 69 this year most people in his age range are yuh technology I don't understand uh so I'm gonna be curious i would love to see a breakdown of the different graphics of who's buying apple watches yeah me too i would cast a skew younger let's just yeah uh-huh that would be my guess too but Bo we hit we have at least some anecdotal evidence of going to older folks so that's interesting from brazen Franco what have you returned this week Todd nothing and i still have my kindle paperwhite which i'm loving which would probably have been the gadget that i returned yeah i'm already when i finished one book i'm on the second one I'm yeah I like a lot you're you're letting us down Todd I know I gotta start returning stop letting my wife down well how about for next week you just go buy something just just you return it yeah just to return it well that was sort of that was my kind of plan with that thing was like oh like maybe I won't like it I'll return it but I love it so uh format to nucci hope i pronounced that quickly do either of you had to either of you who have used the galaxy s6 over a longer period of time have you started to have any of the issues that apparently plug the phone IE RAM management touch with slowing down etc I have actually not even I take that back i think i held in the sex for like two minutes uh have you heard of any no I haven't well I don't use touch squeeze after the review period i put on my apex launcher but a lot of other people like other launchers so and that and that's just fine i know another in other galaxies devices they seem to slow down over time but one of the things that I know has sort of been a complaint was just in general android 5.0 ex had RAM management issues and stuff like that so I know AT&T I think all of the carriers actually have updated to android 5.1 lollipop so that should address a lot of it but I haven't really noticed that my only did my biggest complaint with that phone remains the battery life and to such a degree that I don't really like using it as a daily driver because you got to keep it charged I actually I had a question for you Todd I saved this up for the podcast so we're hearing these rumors about samsung and sony both having events in august as opposed to a tifa like they normally do yeah do you you remember back when CES had a lot of phone announcements that everyone moved away from that to their own events to mimic apple well for whatever reason people started moving into Aoife you think we're seeing another mass exodus from a trade show two individual events I'm sorry yeah it's starting to look like that because we saw like you said there was a moment carry or she used to have their announcements to see us and everything and then that everybody broke away from that and then we started to see if it got super busy like last year was his busiest ever everybody had something there so it was nuts and now it sounds like yes like you said Samsung might have something maybe Sony earlier Motorola's next week it's good news for us it gives us a little breathing time we don't have one event where we're going crazy but I think it's bad news for Eva where all of a sudden you know the trade show itself where maybe there's not as much importance to put on it and I'll be interested to see how that what happens in February to with Mamoru Mars because these are big shows but people aren't going to go if there aren't big enough at least the press like the reason the press go to these shows is because we're there the big announcements but if there aren't any announcements and what do you do and I remember a couple years ago I used to go and I think fans who have been reading I guess for a long time garmin nuvi phone was a device i think that was announced but otherwise i would go for like the first galaxy tab I think that was like the only product announced so we saw like this huge you know run up into last year and maybe it's their people were backing away which I think it's probably smart of Samsung to have this phone get it on the market get people hyped about it and then the iphones can come out versus that people can start buying it versus last year a couple years ago where they sort of come out at the same time and then people are like oh like which one do i pick you know the thing is though if Samsung moves the note 5 and the the note edge plus shiny version whatever the whole name is if they move those out to August Naab which would be an obvious move to try to beat the iphone right do you really think someone that's interested in the iphones gonna go oh I can't wait another month for the iphone but this one's here now no I don't think so but I think maybe they just want as much press coverage and all that kind of stuff leading up into it you know all their marketing all kinds of whatever's it reminds me of like I keep thinking remember I don't know I think you'll remember this when I was on my honeymoon people were like are you ready to go back whatever it I was like yeah cuz the iphone and the note i guess at the time the note 3 had both hit the market now I was super excited to go play with them you know at the same time and now we'll have a little spacing but I think it gadget enthusiasts like all of us here are the ones that would be like oh well maybe I'll go with that or the other I mean people that are hard core android or hardcore iOS right no of course if you're if you're a hardcore enthusiast then you're going to go with whatever it's not based on timing that's for sure right but I just I find it interesting that you know we're now hanging these rumors of Sony phones also inagua yeah well Sony's got a difficult battle ahead i think that I mean they Xperia z4 for example was hardly a flagship z4 vie for verizon finally that's the quad HD display that I think is a comparable flagship but they really need to get out there in front of everybody somehow so I would just say this sooner the better maybe that's why they're doing it well what got me about the Xperia rumor was you know the Sony's been saying oh we're going to try to focus our mobile division to try and make a profitable and all that and we get a rumor in one day of for new Xperia phones yeah oh yeah we've heard that before from Samsung and the likes like oh we're going to narrow down and instead of releasing a hundred phones they release 99 yeah i just i don't understand what's going on but yeah i'm going to be really interesting what happens with Mobile World Congress if the if the phone companies are starting to move away from the trade shows we might see Mobile World Congress take the next step yeah from d Norbert what do you think about IOT internet of things as we are more and more connected data mining is kind of scary and hacking too um the other thing that concerns me is somebody who tests a lot of Internet of Things I am currently fighting a battle of trying to keep my self under my data cap I actually am trying to go I'm the only one home for like a week I'm trying to use like no internet for a week at my house so that I have a built-up surplus when they do return yeah as for data I don't as worked up about data mining as a lot of people out the main reason being I'm at the age where I know my data has been collected if you ever google my name enjoy the pages and pages and pages of data on me yeah my father for some reason is just flabbergasted and whatever he tells you know he talks to somebody like an old printer whatever he you know if you google Sean there's like two fifty thousand results on him I don't know why this fascinates him but it does there's so much data out there on me that I just I don't care there's nothing exciting about me yeah why I think the thing that is like you know google or apple an apple oasis like we're not collecting that data I don't but you know when they start to save like well we know what kind we know how you like your house like the temperature we know what time you go to bed cuz your lights go off and stuff like that like isn't that kind of scary and I think so especially for hacking or or so do you hacks in and then they know you know when you're not home I per member when foursquare was sort of at the center of a thing where people were checking into restaurants and stuff and so these these thieves would know when they're not only oh he's gone so let's go rob them I mean then I think that could become sort of the problem here but again if it's can I get a connected house let's assume you have a connected security systems here like do something they turn it off um but I'm excited about the the connection the Internet of Things and you know doing controlling my washer and dryer one day and stuff like that the thing that I that I don't like with data mining stuff is is the health information and you know I I guess I my Apple watch is feeding it back to my appt all the time but you know at one point where where is it where do we have this line where it's like oh you can't get health insurance because you don't walk enough then we know that thank you don't exercise enough you clearly have not taking care of yourself so this is how much your health insurance gonna cause that kind of stuff for ease me you know because if you just kept that private then nobody would ever know that I can see in general though data mining just it doesn't yeah okay like I as we've talked on the show I'm a big believer in loyalty programs and I wrote an article about that not too long ago on my personal blog it somebody was like but all the data you're giving away i don't care so what if you know i stayed in marriott for eight nights good for you now give me my free upgrade give me my upgrades yeah yeah okay so i've given up some data but i'm going go to England again this year for vacation and not pay for one night of a hotel and I'm there for eight nights yeah which is awesome but I mean I think there's also generational divides here between like our parents were my parents are probably slightly younger than your parents but we have you know our parents who at least minor would never give that kind of stuff away then awesome or like yeah well it's kind of easy i get the free upgrade or i'm just going to log in with my facebook account i don't care if they get my profile picture to you know say my kids I don't have kids but the next generation where they're just going to be like will dekha jo I'm just going to log in to everything I don't even what's privacy that's kind of the scary thing to me between the CEO say 60-year break yet people that really cared about privacy to people that never knew what it was almost in that form now I I don't know I I just don't worry about it I just good the way I look at if somebody really wants my data they're gonna get it whether or not I've been date of mind I it's just what every that's the cost of it did they pay you get convenience in return for your information mmhmm yeah exactly some people don't think it's worth it some people do some people don't care some people do a movie on to lighter fare from shauna man 34 do you guys listen to any other podcasts I listened to a ton I don't listen to any I listen to what's long we loved cereal cereal those it that that's really the only other podcast you listen to yeah that was like the first one that I actually like listen to you and kept going with no man i listen to smodcast how did this get made tell em steve-dave what say you occasionally check in with Aisha Taylor's WTF with marc maron this american life oh I took it back i listened to this american life here there there's something yeah views of the news yeah I listen to a ton i listen to a lot of them when I'm driving I listen to well I will say this like an hour and a half podcast may take me all day to listen to because I have a you know a dedicated button on my play and stop button on my keyboard so like when I'm between editing posts I'll hit play for two minutes yeah well while I'm moving stuff around okay now i'm editing i posit yeah right right it was just an entire day but I guess sometimes I'll listen to BBC World Service but that to me was I used to listen to it on the train and it was a radio show so to me if it's technically a podcast now I still consider it like internet radio now I I'm a big lover of podcast I i used to i haven't had it for ages i used to have my own personal podcast which train to host a podcast by yourself for 30 minutes was never thought but in general i just i'm a big fan of the entire idea podcasting so I listened to as many as I can nice uh from such an Mahal what apps you mostly use on your android iOS device um what you a you know I've been open my own screens over gmail and feedly yeah Twitter for sure gmail constantly Oh weather com app group me because I talk with my friends and the google photos app those are probably my baby spotify concert hangouts i use hangouts a lot skype i use some that's about it for massive ones that like when i'm traveling then i use like flight track american airlines app tripit yeah stuff like that google maps i use google maps constantly went to Google Maps I ever tried ways yes I use ways when we're driving to the beach cuz the traffic is crazy I tried it I was not a huge fan oh really I like a lot I don't know why I just I didn't then thrill do it for some reason i think i prefer just having a set path yeah and said and it does kind of bother you like you know obstacle head like car on the shoulders like I really get it yeah I don't know oh let's see here we've got a bunch of question so let's try to get through I saw this came in earlier from brazen Franco when we were discussing his these hackers hackers could release a kid to attack your Carney so the NSA already has the kit oh then I say has everything but not overly concerned about that uh let's see oh from Sean the man 34 Todd being you live in NYC kinda uh have you concerned having no car and just using uber when I did live in New York City I moved I'm literally just across the river but I moved out a year and a half ago I did not have a car now I have a car I still use uber all the time I do when I'm in the city and i also use taxis in the city it really just depends and i'll use uber here though it's cheaper than a taxi is i'm in jersey city to get you know if I want to go to the mall or somewhere close by and i drive if i'm going to the beach or something like that you no longer trip so I need they are you still go to a mall do you go there for your morning power walks haha well let's see i went to the mall I go there like when I need something like oh you know I'm going on a trip I need to get some new dress shoes or something like that cuz trust she's not easy on amazon yeah i know i agree i'm trying to find a new wallet and actually when Joey convinced me to buy a Wii U which I eventually sold because I was one of didn't play i loved it i didn't play it enough i went to the mall and got it there sort of like instant satisfaction if I know it's there then I'll go get it yeah living in a small town though i just i order everything oh yeah how far away is the mall for you the closest mall 90 miles uh I think gars is three minute in three minutes in hoover so it's like a four dollar ride ya know I'm 90 miles from the closest mall ah speaking of online shopping have you heard about this and folks is not paid uh have you heard about this new site called jet com no I haven't done by the same guy who I think he started like diapers calm and which was eventually bought by amazon well now he's back with a new startup which it's kind of like a wholesale club but online huh and the more you purchased the more you say but he guarantees that everything is priced the same as amazon if not lower Wow and it's fifty dollars a year to belong but he's already got a ton of coupons out there for like a free 12 months with your first purchase free shipping over thirty-five dollars if you give up the right to free returns you'll get a bigger discount at checkout wow it's KY interesting i minus stuff is it all like groceries and stuff like it's all like household for now it's mostly like household goods although i haven't dug that deep it like that the explanation video had like televisions as well and intercept so i don't know it's kind of intriguing it's an interesting concept yeah this conversation brought to you by gedcom know this as of right now TechnoBuffalo shows still not taking advertising uh from saw Raja do you guys root or jailbreak I do not I don't it's mostly out of laziness thing i did when i when i played with phones like a lot more or i was tweaking stuff and now I just we're going through phones but i guess i should say i played with them less cuz i had more time to to but now we're going through phone so frequently i don't own the phones you know a lot of them so they have to be sent back so i'm not going to route or anything some of the guys in our in our office both rude and jailbreak the phones they own yeah for me the iphone like the most i'll do these days because i rely on like i have two primary phones or sim cards one's going through review units one stays in the iphone and for me it's sort of like a work phone even though it's not but it sort of is so like I needed to be at least like not messed with at least buggy as possible even though I have the beta the public beta of iOS 9 on it and I know that routing and jailbreaking isn't always buggy or anything like that but just for me I just don't want to mess with it you know something could go wrong when I'm doing something yeah in the kitchen ya know I I just for me it's a lot of laziness and also i just i don't have a whole lot of motivation to yeah i don't have you know like it's like I know that I could do all these things with jailbreaking you know with the city or whatever it's called and I did used to jailbreak like I said on my iphones and used to route and stuff but now I'm just like ah yes I want to do it I really care I don't know I'll just put on a custom launcher that I'm happy from such a Mahal what is your galaxy note 5 wish list keep an eye on technobuffalo later today yeah uh from Sean the man 34 has t be considered doing more how to's guides and help post instead of just news yes that is a frequent discussion the problem is the amount of news that's done how to's and that sort of stuff they take way longer to write so it's a matter of we can get out three news posts or we can do a really quick how-to yeah and the thing is they could be hit or miss for us I mean some people aren't sometimes you'll do something like oh I was interesting so like i think i did how to install iOS 9 probably did the beta recently and sometimes it's people just you know you can see there's not a lot of interest in it so you're like oh well i guess they didn't care about that how to so then you gotta try to figure out which how to using people care about we had one that the people loved it was like how to cut your sim card and that one did well and the other one stone so it's always sort of a time balance thing to like is it worth the investment to do something I forgot to bring i haven't mentioned this to anyone so my parents were finally switching from sprint to t-mobile and they joined my camp since i already had one so when I went to get their sim cards and it's been a long time since I went to get a sim card you know they're now coming with all three sizes no I didn't yeah it hurt it's a pop out and then you just keep the excess part around so in case you switch the phone that uses a bigger one but you've got all three sizes of sim card in one sim card and so sweet so you can always even go larger you can go larger by what you do is you go ahead and you place it back in the frame mm-hmm because i accidentally popped the Nano out right when I needed a micro I was like oh boy I hope this works and all I did was when I put the when I got the sim tray out i put the micro size in and then I dropped the Nano in the the punch-out hole and slid it into the phone at work fine Wow yeah because i bought the adapters before and these days i mean the only phones that really use micro as opposed to nano usually it's a slide in and you can usually slide in the nano just right and get it to work right well that's at least you get to keep a guide essentially yeah that's pretty cool yeah I thought I was really a great idea I don't know why someone didn't do it sooner hmm yeah I rarely I don't get sim cards anymore I just have my two personal ones right exactly uh we'll be wrapping up here in a second from brazen Franco worldwide or states only for jet com I actually don't know you'd have to just go there and check I would my guess would be states only but I really I don't know I i discovered it yesterday afternoon i actually Rory Troy you messaged me about I guess it's only been open like this week interesting so it's really new is really new uh from Sean the man 34 Todd what are your thoughts on be me one week later oh I haven't used it we were using it back and forth actually trying to figure out how to get it going Sean and I I haven't used it since but maybe I should load it up I don't know it was a pretty cool i don't know if people use if it's new social network and you kind of instead of taking a picture and sort of blocking you know your view the ideas you just sort of hold it to your chest it it does the short video clip beeps when it's done and then posts it I think I didn't like about this though is that I couldn't see my own clips until somebody else saw meadow knows their reactions weird yeah uh from this will be the last question of the day from such from Baja have any of you guys signed up for google project phi and have you got an invite i think all of us have signed up for project by i don't think any of us have gotten invites you think I think the office did because they have a SAP out there but we don't have it you and I no no we're we're we're left out in the cold yeah it's so cool that's all right it's better for us you don't need another plan exactly uh tell me about it man uh going to into the t-mobile store to set my folks two lines I was just like I don't want to be any er there's gonna be the sim card to let me leave yeah but oh well that is going to bring this week's episode to a close as always we appreciate you joining us up such an apologist said Jetta Jetta calm is states only I would know because I'm in Canada and every time I visited says it looks like you are in Canada jet commas us only thank you so that's i'm sure i'll expand i mean amazon was an international when it first opened but anyway we thank you all for joining us as always you can find us on the itunes store by searching for the technical Buffalo show and we do appreciate if you ran review us that does help to show out you can also find us on pocket casts you can subscribe via RSS feed you can find us on the stitcher app which means you can listen to us anytime anywhere basically anywhere there are podcasts you can find the technet Buffalo show until next week I'm Sean ami I'm the editor-in-chief of the site and I've been joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton bye everybody till next time take it easy everyone bye bye
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