
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The TechnoBuffalo Show Episode #058 –Moto G, Galaxy Note 5 and more!

and welcome to episode 58 of the type of Buffalo show online you're two hosts for today Sean ani editor-in-chief of the site and i'm joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton hey everybody how are you doing this week Todd I'm good that is a good thing so not a whole lot going on this week but we are of course heading into a lot of things happening big one being next week we assume still folks we have to just assume because we don't know for a fact that the galaxy s6 and the s6 edge+ Boogaloo whatever they're calling it will be a Todd we cannot hear you you've needed your mic somehow I see the little mute symbol on you but so while we're way for Todd to learn technology unmute himself so yeah we've got a lot going on next week for sure and then of course we're going into September which is traditionally iphone month so there will be a lot of stuff upcoming and act okay there there he is so yes as I would say a lot of stuff coming up but right now I know Todd you want to end folks this is not an official review yet he's working on that but I know you had some comments you wanted to make about the Moto G yeah we talked about the Moto G last week and I have it here still and I'm seriously loving it it's crazy 189 dollar start price but I have the 16 gig model with two gigs of ram so I think it goes up a little bit little over two hundred bucks but it's crazy i was using the galaxy s6 and I like that a lot but the battery life wasn't great the battery life on this is a little better I've seen reports online saying like you know it's amazing and I wonder if they're using it as a daily driver which I am now and you know it plays all the games i think last week i said i want to play vainglory on it i have been so even though it's got the snapper in for 15 or whatever that it's holding up perfectly well for multitasking and everything I'm kind of showing it to everybody and then the last weekend I took it in the pool for fun because its water resistant I was taking some pictures underwater it was perfectly good there to the only thing i guess and i had mentioned this last week tues you really got to make sure the back cover snapped on you can see I just snapped it so it wasn't just now before you go in the water and really it's ipx7 resistant so that's typically for saltwater so it's really not supposed to go with a pool but I always sort of just you know test these phones take it there anyway and and trust you you can do and then the camera is fine it's the 13 megapixel same as nexus 6 according to Motorola it's not the best but it's something I'm willing to sacrifice for everything I've been using it on AT&T speeds are great all kinds of stuff the only thing is and I've been using it pretty much as my daily driver actually entirely as my daily driver last night I put my sim into the Nexus 6 because I got into the the project 5 program finally so well yeah that's coming soon and I just wanted to sort of get used to Nexus 6 real quick again get all my apps back on there I had to update it to the android 5.1 point one manually so i was flashing that last night so doing lots of nerdy stuff but then i'm going to put it right back in the Moto G I think and use project fight on that I'm just I'm really loving this phone i can't believe it costs that much I mean you can sort of get it because it's plastic and the screen 720p and you're like oh it's not the best book I don't know there's I have really no complaints with it what's the screen size on the G again ah that's a good question i don't know it off the top of my head i want to see something like 47 maybe larger yeah that's my it's great Mother's finally getting a smartphone and so we got him a 5s refurbished and I sang it up for him the other day I was like how how did I ever do this it was so tiny it's a school yeah I did have to get used to that a little bit but I was coming from the galaxy s6 which is fine look up that uh yeah I'm just curious i'm sure you would you know I'm going to England again and you know as I've discussed on the show many times I get a sim all of them over there mm-hmm from three and so I'm thinking you know depending on the screen size this might not I mean my mega 6.3 is getting pretty old at this point you know so I'm thinking maybe I pick up g and make that my yeah you travel phone on a travel phone it's great for travel and I think even like I found even at home here on this spectral yeah because about the only thing I really do when I'm out and about is like Google Maps if I need to make local UK calls you know or local UK texts and so on right so I'm just curious a ok and with Google Maps you do want a decent screen size so you can read it yes they're not like panning in all the time and all that exactly where I'm trying you know the problem is you write up so many leaks ahead of time that you're sort of like my brain is going to the leaked specs I'm like it was that the final spec yeah no I fully amazing how are you I could just go to the product page on tight that's what I did with my so i'll have it in just a second here sorry and it's the same as last year so I guess that's funny Here I am saying like it must be 4.7 that would feel really small any of these days yeah all the time five inches were huge phablet things in this feels tiny but yeah exactly exactly but speaking of phablets so you know we're hearing all these rumors about the galaxy note 5 which we presume is being announced next week I the big one of course this week was the rumor that it's not going to have a removable back though no removable battery and no microsd support yeah and that's that's kind of a bummer to me I mean sort of because if you look at it this way it's it's just they offer enough storage I'm assuming you're going to go up to 128 so if you need the storage fine get it but I think in the past no users have sort of been those our take everything with you kind of users hmm that always like I had a taxi driver once we were talking about podcasts actually and you know so he told me he was a tech fan and he introduced me to the brand anchor which we both love for batteries but the gist of the stories this is he carried this extra battery in his wallet all the time for his note I think it was a note to at the time and then I started doing that too and so you have these fans that do that and sort of that's the attraction to the note and now Samson was kind of pulling that away and I think that's I forgot to turn off my air conditioner so go ahead and would just like to continue yes so I think that's the thing that's crazy to me is that in the past you have the note users that wanted the battery wanted expandable storage and you know for the same thing the market for the galaxy s5 and that was was the same and I think a lot of people were like oh Samsung stitching that but I feel like one place they should have kept it's probably the note except i guess the trade-off and it's right off i'm sure that samsung will use in its in its speech is like oh well we wanted to go for this industrial design and people aren't saying they want expandable storage anymore and etc etc but if you look at what HTC is none they have a metal design they're able to slide a microSD card slot there no problem and then I think maybe it's it's ignorant to say that people don't want them removable batteries on the microSD because Samsung's Galaxy s6 and s6 edge sales weren't where they wanted them to be so is that the right path that they're going down and did they make another mistake here as they admitted in the past they've made mistakes sort of with with budget materials but you know this phone was probably in development long before they knew what their galaxy s6 hillsborough well here's what I was wondering though because like you know one plus is saying that NFC wasn't that important because that many people don't use ahead but you know people such as us in our listeners you know we all felt that was important right so the question is is maybe are we overestimating the importance of micro SD yeah I mean I think in some cases we are on the m9 you know the nexus 6 the gal six for the most part I don't really worry about it but on this phone the Moto G I value it because it only has 16 gigs of storage so that's going to take the bulk of my apps because when you store your apps there the bulk of its on the local storage and then micro SD I can just you know jam up with all the offline videos and music and stuff like that but you'd run out of space pretty quick at least I would with 16 gigs of storage just not enough for me they're 60 16 gigs of storage once you consider the size of the OS is nothing yeah yeah there's like nine gigs usable or something but but thankfully samsung is not going to have a CI doubt a 16 gig note 5 so they'll be probably 32 64 128 again 32 you're at you know you're in a little better place I think you can get your apps there and then you can store some music and stuff like that and again these days in the thinking for all these manufacturers is that everything's in the cloud so like yeah you save a couple albums offline but you don't need your whole library offline because anytime you have a connection then you're good to go yeah I'm with you I like to save huge amounts of music offline because I don't know what I want to listen to you on a flight or I don't know what I want to listen to you on exactly exactly and people why do you take everything with you I don't know what mood I'm gonna be in from oh yeah that's the name exactly like Oh what if I want to watch this movie at that point I don't know maybe I'm not gonna feel like a comedy and that's why my 32 gig ipad is starting to drive me nuts hmm I because you know and most with my apps on there i get like three movies onto the thing right you know so i've tried to put them on there like at the last second because I'm like okay what mood to my in at this very moment right on the same way with everything apps like games I have different like what if I feel like a puzzle game or what if I feel like an RPG or something I think I like to have as much on the phone as possible then sometimes it starts to slow it down which gets annoying no that's why i still like ipod classic I all my musics on here all my podcasts are on here you know it's great you know i just i can take everything with me and listen to it anytime I want anywhere I want right but yeah i don't know i mean the i think what i think is happening with the microsd thing and this is pure speculation you know well if you think you need that much storage we probably should get you into this phone yes it costs more right right you know and the price is far more than it would cost you to buy a microSD of the same size right exact thing microsd cards are so cheap now especially if you want to get a 64 gig it's like probably twenty-something box may be cheaper something right we finally see the 128 SAR dropping yeah exactly yo so I don't know I I think that this is somewhat of a little bit of a scam by the companies and again this is all speculation and just me speaking out of turn as I usually do but it's just beginning to feel and of course they can also look at a pond go well you guys let Apple get away with us yeah I know that's the thing but it's it's it's not that we're letting Apple get away he said Apple never gave us the choice and I think that some people might have I mean you have to wonder how many people were sticking with Samsung or these other makers because of micro SD removable battery I mean that was a that's a big argument when you go into any Android verse iOS argument you know is that oh well I can do all this with Android and then some of its now sort of being taken away yeah well we have a question from such a ball is the galaxy note5 worth it even if it doesn't have a micro SD card slot and removable battery you know as I always say with any time I get a question about OSHA I get this phone should i get that phone yo and so on it's totally up to your use case situation yeah you know I think once you decide on your OS I mean if you decide on iOS oh you have a whole plethora of choices but if you decide on Android you know just go into the store or see if it feels good in your hand does it do everything you want you know weigh the pros and cons for yourself I mean we we can say all day long this phone's better than that phone but it may not be the better phone for you yeah exactly you know I like well I would tell most people right now if you're getting an android phone you know look at the g4 and the s-sex probably right now that's what I would say but but for me and for some people now I would probably say well maybe also look at the Moto G which is not a phone i expected to fall in love with as i have so really yeah it does it depends on your use case what you want and and what the phone can do I mean this goes back to the last week to this doesn't have NFC so I actually went to go pair it with my speaker recently and I was like oh yeah it doesn't have NFC and I was kind of bummed by that but you know but in a 189 dollar phone you can kind of expect that yeah I'm like okay whatever and you know it doesn't have wireless charging you know you've got in pay for that so yeah exactly oh yeah this is reviewed I should be found and pay for this one at all but yes I don't know it's interesting I own I I think that some point the phone manufacturers are going to have to realize also that they can't continue to charge us what they've been charging us yeah you know I the price is that's starting I think we're starting to see that like you do bones or dropping in price they even look how quickly now t-mobile just discounted I don't know if the stories up on the site yet but just discounted the s6 and s6 edge by like a hundred bucks and 200 bucks so the 32 gig 64 dropped by a hundred bucks in 128 models drop by 200 bucks so actually if you're hunting mobile or shopping for a phone you go there and it's I want to say like something like 584 32 gigabyte phone and then 64 128 or price the same so you should definitely go with the 128 because they dropped the price of 128 x 200 which is incredible so there's no point to buy the 64 gave my line yeah exactly i I don't know it's I think we're going through a transition period phones you know and I'm going to be really interested to see where we are probably in like two years because one year you know the stuff that's coming out over the next year is all set already yeah the problem with and you know I guess it's our responsibility to help tell this story is that i remember when people are like should I get the new iphone or should I get last year's model because the new ones 200 bucks that's way too expensive i'm just gonna spend a hundred dollars and it's crazy to me that people don't realize they're buying these full-fledged computers that are worth 900 bucks right all right it costs the company to you wanted something to build it but the fact is it's still a very expensive product no matter you know who built it or what it is and so that's going to be a tough pill for some people to swallow when they don't understand the whole contract is thing isn't there and maybe they just buy this unlock phone but it's 400 bucks and it's still not the best out there like there you suspending a hundred bucks for the second best or two hundred bucks for the best and here we are you know just not paying any subsidies but i think that's that's the issue that carriers and you know consumers they're going to come up against united states even though it's better for everybody lower lower costs service you're not stuck in some contract you can move around carriers you can switch your phone whenever you want you know I a new one if you want to or sell this one etc I really wonder though how many people switch carriers all that often you probably not that often but you have at least the choice whereas you know there's people who are like oh man like I still have another year Suckley I have a buddy who last summer went in the pool with his iphone and used his mom's up created verizon right because he's on the family plan and there was an upgrade available and he's like I'm taking hers so I don't the payout of you know wasu for the new for another iphone so he used her upgrade and got a phone and now this year he was going to use somebody else on this family plans upgrade and and of course he can't because his mom wants that and he's now stuck with horizon for at least another two years from last year so another another one year and like you get into this forced cycle of upgrades and stick with a carrier and I feel like I'm like t-mobile CEO right now but it's true kind of like you're just sitting there waiting until you can buy another phone that's not going to cost you 900 bucks where you know you don't have to I'm sorry Todd we will never confuse you with yeah look at like you're tied down with those old carriers yeah you're wearing a barn too little magenta yeah so we have a two took them two blocks to say this let me get through this whole thing from andrew thomas i keep seeing reports that then an iphone 6 iphone 67 the 5c was considered a quote-unquote budget smartphone because it was cheaper and contract the newest apple's flagship and the 5c didn't do particularly well if i recall considering Motorola's surprising unlocked price tag for the new Moto X should Apple compete with that four hundred dollar price point for the six see do you think apple will have issues even selling its flagship set such high price going forward thanks guys oh boy well I think it would be wise for Apple to probably do something in the unlock market at a price like that but of course you can always buy these from Apple's phones you know off-contract if you want to it's just they're sort of marketed with you know depending on the carrier either these new AT&T next kind of plans or just regular to your contracts I think it would probably be smart though to have an option like that though we saw I guess the most recent reports are now saying second half of 2016 for the 60 or something like that so not for herb maybe it was first half of 2016 so not like in September we're expecting me yeah which is really weird yeah you would think they would want to get a budget leo kouda budget phone apple for the holiday shopping season yeah I think so too end but I was reading reports today sort of apple's share price has fallen a little bit recently and people are worried about you know our i found iphone sales going to start falling sort of the way ipad has and I think and they're looking at China for expansion but that's where a phone like the 6c is sort of should help in China in places like that but also here in the United States as you as you do have these new competitors like the Moto G so for example though in China huawei and show me are now are sorry reverse that show me and Wale are now the top two apples and third and those guys are selling really budget phones so Apple does need to play in that market but typically in the past it's just used its older models to do so and I don't know if that's what people want maybe they do I think it's not I'm sorry you lost me after you said how I and show me because it sounded like a Chinese sitcom I just pictured like opening credits I don't know it's gonna be interesting to see I think Apple does need to compete in the budget area especially in the emerging markets if you look at India China Brazil parts of Africa yeah Brazil certainly that's where these companies are killing it yeah the Moto G is the number one selling phone in Brazil right now and so Latin America is important India is important for all these people and if apple doesn't get into that field I know they want to protect their brand image and all that but I'm sorry if you don't get into that arena you're going to start to lose traction because as those markets do emerge as they do get bigger they're going to remember oh I love my show me yeah yeah exactly they're like oh I love this brand I've been with them for a long time i'm just going to continue buying those products i mean people do that with cars and stuff too yep like you get your first car and then you're like oh I love that you know beater Ford I had all buy a new Ford this time in yeah we've got a question from Alexandra my toes at which this is funny I was just good just like Al show I need to ask pot about this i have a galaxy samsung galaxy s5 but i need a dual sim mobile phone is the 1+2 a good choice if not what should i buy i was actually just saying her going you know i wonder if i should just get a dual sim yeah dual sim phones are awesome is the one the what the regular one plus two is that dual sim here that there's no I don't think so I think there is going to be another model with it but uh I don't think it will check like I said I've we've been covering so many phones recently it's a whoo I'm like they're good folks like Todd said it's hard for us sometimes because we've gone through so many rumors for us to recall right off I know the room you will sim and then and then there's always like us version and then an international one will have it so like we wrote up a rumor today the galaxy note 5 which will you know be announced like most likely August thirteenth in New York City there's a rumor that there's going to be a galaxy note5 duos but Samsung's almost certainly not going to even bring that up at the event so if I was you I might wait and try to see what they're doing with that the screen size is too big you know then no but this is why I've never understood and by the way if you pretty much every samsung phone that ends in duos means it's a dual sim so there's a lot of duos samsung and actually I've never had any of these phones cross my desk sometimes I see them at the events but that's really it but you have to agree why don't dual sims ever get released in the US yeah I don't know I'm trying to think none of even I was thinking like maybe the Windows Phone ones but no I don't think so because they did like a 640 in 640 XL but those the dual sim versions i don't think came to the US i don't know i think it's in other markets where people share phones and stuff like that but I I wouldn't mind playing around with one for a bit just to see what it's like yeah I mean now in Europe yo you you can they cross country borders like we cross state borders yeah perhaps that's a different reason yeah but you know with more people having a work phone and a home phone it'd be nice to throw tool to set I mean the whole part of the reason I carry two phones is one's work one's home ones also Android ones iOS but sometimes you know like say I'm going out for the evening which never happens I'd love to throw both Sims into one phone and then all I have to carry one fun with me right yeah so it was funny I did I opened up a second line I was like one will be my word moanin one will be my private line and they're both just both now it's whatever phones handy Yeah right like if I need to call John about something just like whichever phone comes out my my shoulder bag first yeah and then I my google voice number which once upon a time many years ago was my work number is now going to be active on the project five phone so maybe that'll become my work phone I don't even know anymore I didn't know you got project fry yeah no I got it I got the invite at when I saw it it was like eight o'clock last night oh I'm really excited to hear what you yeah cuz the guys in irvine have it but i don't know if we've covered it much out there i know t mobile's not john just did a thing you know a post on which carrier should you use and I know he has issues sometimes with t mobile coverage so perhaps it's not great out there but I think t-mobile supposed to be pretty good around me so yeah I'm really excited to see what it's like well we've got some other questions rolling in here from morning glory 95 so with some leaks of the new ms Lumia 950 XL do you honestly think that they have a chance of getting into the market in the u.s. there late to the party well I think the same advice for a long time they've been late for a long time but one plus was late to the party you know and look at how much it took off I I still say the whole problem with windows phone is their app store I don't care how many times they come out and say it's getting better the mindset is there that they don't have the apps yeah but the thing is and this this will help a lot as as developers make desktop apps for Windows 10 computers those they have the option to use that code to scale it right so they can scale as you would on your dust it's called continuum you can you know you drag the the far corner and make it smaller and bigger and it'll just adjust the size and if you take for example on Windows 10 the Photos app and scale it down to as small as it'll go it looks like it's about 4 inches that's exactly what the Photos app looks like on a Windows 10 phone and the cool thing about that is so you can have a nap way Twitter which just released its Windows 10 app and i'm not sure if it'll work on mobile but ideally i think that's supposed to be the idea is that then all of a sudden you can you install that awesome app on your phone and then if you use a feature like continuum where in microsoft hasn't said how the hardware will work but the leaks for the 950 XL you're referring to you have put us bc we're perhaps you like a wireless display technology you then hook that phone up to a monitor and you get the full screen experience the exact same Windows 10 app that you have on a desktop PC and then that to me is awesome and I think that's going to be the big selling point but whether consumers have already sort of shrugged off when do this phone is as dead or not is I think the real concern so they have to have this killer hardware it looks like it's going to be pretty sweet I you know the leaks are showing the quad HD display I know the back was covered but there's renders that look pretty awesome so I think it'll be a lot about that and you know if they can show you that you take your phone and you and you show up at a desk with a monitor and you know have a keyboard and mouse travel keyboard and mouse I mean those things are awesome and you have a full computer like that's pretty cool or at least a pretty good experience because outlook is one of the ones that will scale like that that's a Windows 10 app like I said photos I'd have to check on Twitter but I have Windows 10 running on my phones but I don't know if it's you we still have until like october i think until windows 10 for for phones is really ready so they might not be optimized yet but there's a lot of potential at least more than i've ever seen and the other thing is when I talked to Microsoft and meetings about Windows 10 before it launched their really bullish on people making windows 10 apps that work across them because they said you know they have 1.5 or 1.4 billion people around the world using Windows so that's that's huge and they want developers to realize that and so ya know and I think that is going to be a big point for when for Microsoft at this point yeah I don't know half and I want to just call the company windows I think I was no particle recently where the guy was calling it a Microsoft 10 and so I know I I think this is good for Microsoft but it's going to be hard for them to get over the stigma because once a idea is planted in people's heads it's the hardest thing in the world to get it out yeah it's BlackBerry's problem too yeah oh no blackberry has a lot of problems well they have a lot of problems but I think one of them was was consumers were like who uses BlackBerry's exactly from such a mahal have you guys been to the google HQ also known as googolplex I've never have of you know I haven't I've been to their new york headquarters right that's not the good things John's I know a couple of the guys and how I know I think John's been there yeah I think there was an IO up there yeah but nope Todd and I have not been I had nothing we're not cool enough from xpat rest's what do you think about the oneplus 2 OS oxygen OS you know a lot of people were facing touchscreen and many issues before with one plus one yeah um that's all the reason I'm not getting it too I think it's I think going with oxygen was probably a good move for them I mean I love cyanogen and I think that was probably a big selling point for the oneplus one but they said you know now they have more control over the updates it can push that stuff faster and if that's true and if they really do it then that could be a benefit for end users as for the actual experience I haven't played with get one yet but you know the gestures and stuff are still there looks pretty cool yeah and actually this is our last question I you're all being quiet today please if you have questions feel free to submit them from such Mahal how do you feel about the 1+2 auctioning off one plus two invites for charity I'm always good with anything done for charity I'm always good with charity too i think that's cool idea and you I don't know it seems a weird that anybody would be against that but well I think part of the problem I don't you're like paying your way up the list yeah well it's going to a good cause so yeah well the other thing is to the first couple I'm sure will arrive right on ebay and people will pay their way to grab those you know exactly I this whole invites is I I have a bigger problem with the once you get invite you're able to invite somebody else and that pushes people behind you down the list yeah it's like you you got to go find friends that own 1 plus to use your hangout in the forums or something like that I don't know yeah it's very odd I I don't quite understand why they're doing it that way but that is their right so since we actually for once are through all the questions although we have a lot of viewers so please if you have a question ask it yeah we're going into the fall uh-oh I think the thing we haven't been asked about that I'm surprised about you know we're always asked you know what do I what do we want to see out of a iphone or out of this android phone what do you want to see how the ipad this year oh boy I think I'm most compelled by an ipad pro that i can use as a work machine as sort of like that i can actually do something with like I know people say you can use iPads but for me you know i have the ipad mini and I've considered a regular ipad but I just can't really do everything that I need to do for work if I could get a real multitasking machine and I don't just mean to app side by side that would be probably the most compelling for me so I don't and I don't know what the answer is maybe it has to have you know like a desktop environments or something like that I kind of want to see and I don't think it'll ever happen but you know how you have the new Windows 10 what do they call cloud books i think they're called they're taking on the Chromebooks i almost want to see Apple go into that arena with like an affordable macbook that's you know maybe in on an atom processor until atom processor it has like a lighter version of of OSX maybe I'm crazy and it'll and I know it'll probably never happen but that's what i mean by like a work experience something i could do you know the ipad is still way too much about just plain old consumption yeah because I could get a you know like another netbook I my foot windows head on it and it's like not supported yet so it doesn't even like let me get the new full version and it's really buggy so that was dumb move on my part but I kind of want like a a new either Chromebook or war Windows 10 light machine and I'd like to I guess I've already said this but i'd like to see apple do them yeah so and I well we've got a couple questions I've come in thank you everyone from Christopher Jimenez have you ever asked mkbhd to be on the show we actually have not asked anyone outside of technobuffalo to be on the show because we have a hard enough time coordinating those of us that are in technical photo to be on show it maybe someday down the road we have a very friendly relationship with them and yeah i actually just met him at the motorola vet last week is very nice I know John's metem you know quite off I know they talk actually on a regular basis I've met him at CES once or twice very nice guy absolutely no problem with you know maybe someday him be on the show it's just at this point we have hard enough time coordinating two of us you're in the company and I might comes on pull in yeah and then your clamp top one charge this morning and yeah from I'm not even gonna try Zhi arw is HTC dead why are they so quiet uh-oh uh-oh protect me um Todd you deal with their dad I think quiet I think they because they sort of i mean they've they've already iterated on the phone but i think they kind of launched something that they thought initially was going to be really great and here comes samsung and LG with phones they're arguably better from a lot of angles and I I don't know I think they're upset by that they probably sales or way below expectations and I don't think they had anything really ready on deck to go I mean when you're a company like that how do you have to flagships and development at once like that was there 2015 flagship so now what I don't know I think that's why they're quiet probably going to try to build something else but you also have to wonder how can they spend that money I don't think so no it's kind of unfortunate please come out we like the folks at HTC we love you know they make great products you know I just we would like to see them you know the one m9 every I love everything about it except for the the camera it's like really bad yeah that's the problem with a lot of phones because you know what phones weren't meant to have cameras oh come on I think HTC should have done something better i don't know maybe they couldn't get the modules they wanted initially or something put well we have a question from X Petraeus what what do you think about nexus 5 2015 you think it will be a hit or miss or are as we know there is a moto and one plus is available in the same range I don't think google really worries about the nexus line being a hip yeah I don't think so either it doesn't seem like that's what they're going for and I guess the specs we've seen for nexus 5 2015 sound like it's sort of a mid-range phone and you're right probably you're in the Moto range though i don't think the moto x plus or what are we calling it the Moto X style Moto X pure is mid-range I think that's more flagship but the one plus yeah I think they're both I think the moto and the oneplus are both more powerful than what we're expecting from the nexus 5 2015 so then we'd otherwise look at the hallway nexus which I think supposed to be larger and sort of two flagship Nexus and I'm excited to see that but really I don't think we know much on them and we won't until probably closer the fall from brazen franco and brazen we already talked about the all that stuff on the note 5 if you want to go back and listen to the episode once it's released on the various podcast methods but also from brazen is there any there another collaboration video with Linus coming up if there is I haven't her about it I know John and he enjoyed doing it but you know honestly John handles all the video stuff and quite often I know about it once it's filmed yeah it's going to say we're sort of the editorial side of the site so we haven't always know what's going on with video sometimes we collaborate especially on like reviews and stuff but we don't really know what's going on yeah oh let's see we got time for one more here from kira Yuki what upcoming phones are you guys the most excited for and why for me I would say the Moto X pure addition I just really want to try that out um yeah geez I think I'm excited for the new at five but then I'm also kind of not excited for it because I'm one of the one of the guys that usually likes expandable storage at that price the Moto X is neat but I'm not sure I want to spend that much and the iphone 6s 6s plus i'm excited but i really want to see what happens more with iOS 9 and what's going on with force touch and that kind of stuff so i don't know i'm not none of those phones have me like whoa so hopefully it somebody has something a lot more exciting coming I don't know yeah I'm I'm kind of at the point we're like we're like the s6 it's pretty sweet and the g4 is pretty sweet and the Nexus 6 is pretty sweet even still and so like what am I like what are we going to do that really pushes this category because I feel like Moto X puters and really push it the 1+2 certainly doesn't push the category so I want to see like what's that next big step like who's going to do that no and it might not be until we see like the galaxy s7 or you know until next year okay let's not start talking about the s7 I'm saying like I feel like yes six for me push the boundaries in a lot of ways you get this super sharp quad HD display on that size of the screen works with gear VR so the gear VR thing won't be as impressive to me with the note 5 since I worked with the note or yeah the the double wireless charging Sochi and PMA I thought that was really cool the quick charge stuff is faster than ever so and the design was a big change so for me that was a big push and now I feel like almost whereas in the past the note was was the one that introduced all these new features this year it's sort of now can I just fall in line with the s6 and look more like that with the larger display new S Pen features and stuff like that but i don't know maybe Samsung has a lot of surprises of course this is a question we get quite often from sahaja why isn't John on this show a couple reasons the biggest one being that when we tried to find what we thought was a good time for the show unfortunately is at nine a.m. pacific which means he he's usually in the office well before nine but he's just starting his day so he's got lots of calls to make emails to catch up on and all that sort of stuff we don't really want to move the show later in the day because then it gets too late for the east coast so we're kind of in a pickle of when we record of course of course it's not that we don't want John on the show we would like John to be on the show and he will be at some point he's been on in the past and he will be on again it's just pretty much impossible for him to be on a regular basis from wayne glass glow and this will probably be the last question we actually covered this a little bit a couple episodes ago what do you all think about chrysler cards being heck do you think it's the downfall of having that much technology your vehicle to the point where it can potentially compromise your safety yes yeah I think it's terrifying and I think the recall sort of says how huge that is shows how huge that is so yeah it needs to be addressed yeah yeah yeah um we got time for one or two more quick ones for Manu Suresh what was your experience with samsung galaxy s2 what it was released that was actually the first samsung phone i used i believe ha i've used them on all the galaxies i'm trying to add more what that won't even look like it was it was a slab it was just a plain slab yeah but was that the capacity capacity or whatever it was on ATT or was that the first one well no I actually wait my first I used the s2 and started with a see oh I can't remember what it was kapat yeah that's the one I'm talking about yeah I was like with the metal body yeah what was that the second Jenna yeah it might have been that was a mess too yeah I like to come up that phone it was after this too but before the sky rocket yeah I can I'm dating it now added like LTE or something or is that the skyrocket turbo I don't remember hey mast who was where everything went nuts okay the last question will go out on entertainment question for Morning Glory 95 I think you've answered this on your website but what do you think of the trailers of the movie the Martian I think it looks amazing it's awesome Ridley Scott when he is on his game is untouchable when he's off his game previous it's a disaster so I I'm tentative but very hopeful no but oh well Prometheus oh the trailers look awesome and I haven't read the book but apparently that's very good I've bought the book i have not had time to read it yet yeah it's been on my kindle for each me to read it at some point but i believe that is going to bring this week's episode to a close as always we do appreciate you joining us if you want to find the TechnoBuffalo show you can go to the iTunes Store and just search on the TechnoBuffalo show and you'll find this and we do appreciate if you rain review us that does help out the show you can also find us on pocket casts you can find us on RSS feeds you can find us on the stitcher app which means you can listen to us anytime anywhere anywhere where there are podcast you can find the TechnoBuffalo show until next week I'm Sean ani I'm the editor-in-chief of the site I've been joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton everybody till next week take it easy everyone bye-bye
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