
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The TechnoBuffalo Show Episode #062 – Apple, IFA, Questions and more!

and welcome to episode 62 of the techno Buffalo show I'm live your to host for today Sean ani editor-in-chief of techno Buffalo com i'm joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton hey everybody how are you doing today Todd I'm good club welcome back to the US yeah long trip and yes it was it was a long trip it of course you come back right into apple mm-hmm yep i was in just for everybody for some background was in Germany and Berlin for Aoife last week sort of got delayed on the flight home sorta Florida so spent another day out there in Europe and then got back and then came pretty much right in Apple but of to get stuck in you know I was stuck in Paris so they were better yeah I mean there are worse places in earth so it was a nice that was that was okay yeah so a and you'd never been to Paris so I how does a bonus notnot that you were like where who I've have a day I can go to the Louvre right right right exactly i didn't get to see the Eiffel Tower anything like that but yeah you know how can you miss the Eiffel Tower I know I didn't think I'd have time I just sort of like nine no I mean even from a distance oh yeah good question you know I didn't think like you were gonna go ride the elevator back hahaha anybody tourist seasons I've never been to Paris oh I don't know how visible it is as you're driving around but you would think that might stick out I didn't see it so huh yeah all right then well we're going are in town anyway we're going to start with Apple okay uh so yesterday was the big annual Apple September event to introduce the iphone 6s and 6s plus mm-hmm and that had to be one of the most underwhelming two hour and fifteen minute presentations I've ever watched yeah i agree with you i feel like excuse me everybody i'm getting over a cold I feel like everybody you know in all these months we had these rumors and leaks and I mean for the apple TV 2 that in many years and and here it is you know yesterday is the big date you know the big we're getting that ipad pro the new iPhones okay we know this are kinda girly generally CS version so small updates and then and then finally the Apple TV and so we get to see everything for the first time and I felt very underwhelmed as well they said the iphones like didn't change except for everything or something like that and okay the 3d touch teams need you can dig into menus and stuff like that will move away and we'll come back to the iphones the ipad pro just an expensive huge tablet like I just don't understand 799 dollars for something with 32 gigs of storage like okay it can multitask but we were just talking about this before the show like go buy a surface pro 3 or a surface 3 and we were joking this comic it's floating around now especially was making fun of Steve Ballmer at Microsoft when he introduced the surface pro 3 or probably the original surface pro actually and how you know everybody was like what that's a stupid ipad what a dumb idea it's got that keyboard and it's got a cup holder and a kickstand you know like lots of jokes and then yesterday apple introduces the ipad pro the keyboard and it seems like people are like whoa that's awesome you know 12.9 inch screen all stuff it's like to me a surface pro 3 is a lot more powerful i mean you actually get a core i set up to a core i7 processor which means you can load all kinds of applications and full version of windows or it's just iOS so right there 799 mmm was a starting price before you add in the keyboard which is 169 dollars and the stylus which is ninety-nine dollars you're at like 1,300 bucks there just seemed to me I mean just get a macbook air so that immediately was like whatever that's correct expensive and then we get into the apple TV and again people i was looking on social networks last night are saying like oh revolutionising the TV industry ah de yada yada I mean look this to me seemed a lot like what Amazon's been doing with the Amazon tea the Roku's been doing for forever the Google is doing now with android TV released their partners you have nvidia the shield and i think they're doing a great job and now Apple comes in and does it and everybody's like whoa like maybe it'll revolutionize the industry and here's why because Apple has a huge following of developers and so they could get a lot more apps than we've seen in the past I mean there's the shield TV for example android has very few apps so that's my long-winded answer now I agree with you the to me one of the most glaring issues with the the whole presentation was where was the ipad air three the ipad pro so that they read they updated the ipad mini the release the ipad pro so now you have a low end consumer product and a high-end business driven product where is the product for this year for the mid to high in consumer right it's oh it's last year's models yeah I which is funny because they spend all this time showing these charts about how much better this iPad pro is and all that with the new a 9x processor and so it's like kicking everybody else in the stomach that has the ipad air 2 from last year and they can't upgrade it if they don't want that 12.9 in the screen or just an 800 bucks just like yeah you're right there's like no upgrade instead you just feel like you have this outdated product last year that now costs everybody else a little bit less well and i actually i had i didn't do an ipad air 2 i'm still on the ipad air i decided to skip the two mm-hmm and wait for the three and yeah i mean the ipad pro first off it's only got one more pixel ppi than the air too so on a 12 point nine inch screen it's not going to look as crisp also i don't want to carry around a 12 point nine inch tablet on a plane right you know that that any nice places it is me let me take my tray table i mean if i was just flying in some tree tables this big like yeah exactly yeah I am when I'm on a plane I always you know at some point during the flight out I'll turn they all start looking around seeing what equipment everyone's using you know be at a kindle or you know a tablet or whatever mm-hmm I have never seen a galaxy tab 12.1 on the plane you know I've never the only time you see someone with the screen that big is when they're on a laptop trying to actually do some work right you're not going to see your average consumer right now by 12 point nine inch tablet it's not going to happen especially at that price yeah because here's what I mean most of the people you see on a plane right like you're maybe playing games which I was doing with like either a 3ds or my phone or if you have like your iPad on the other tray table and you hope that you can you know finagle it enough that when the food comes by you can fit the plastic food tray in front of it and then your drink next to that I mean how are you gonna do that with it I'm just like joking around here but it just doesn't make sense to me no it doesn't because it's a it's a multimedia machine in consumption device and if you want a computer you know I would why not get a macbook air I don't get it yeah no it doesn't make any sense and just a disclaimer to everyone that that's listening to the show men of what Todd and I are saying is to be construed as the official TechnoBuffalo review we have not tight with these guys no I we've not had time with these devices it may be a great product we're just talking about the basic fact that there's the now this odd gap in the product line that makes no sense I i think the ipad pro has some great use cases I mean the stuff they showed us with the you know the showing the diagram of the human body and being able to update I think the medical update for the Apple watch was amazing yeah that's that's really cool there was some great stuff shown yesterday now but we do need to address one mind-boggling moment when the first company to come out yeah and state support for the ipad pro was microsoft which was mind-blowing to me because here you are they've been trying to push the surface but you can see now that Microsoft is very much about services to it and getting up office 365 subscriptions out there you know use it on all your devices and sort of go that route as well and then I'm sure they'll say you know it you want to do it a little better do it on a surface pro but it just it's weird to me yeah that all of a sudden you have microsoft these who are battling come out there and say hey we have you know awesome support for this and then adobe showed some cool stuff too yeah there was some very cool stuff shown right I just was blown away by the company that makes the surface and has advertised the ever living bejesus out of that thing mmm was the first company Ott's too much stage with a Polly I know I talk about a direct competitor product yeah and here's the thing too that I think is worth considering and I don't I don't know that it had I don't think it I OS 9 has support for mice right like I'm like a mouse um I don't believe so no which is for me we were talking about this in earlier episodes I've been looking for a tablet that I can actually like do work on and I think android can get me there with all the Google stuff we work on surface gets me there but the keyboard I don't like but I always need a mouse and now Android natively supports Bluetooth mice so you just know at it you've got cursor on your screen whether it's a phone or a tablet and I still can't believe that iOS is leaving that out as if to say just touch the screen all the time and that's not actually something I want to do what I'm trying to type and move my cursor around and I don't know yeah no I it was a very very odd day and as for the iphones i mean yet they were essence yeah I don't think I've I don't think I've ever owned an SI con I i have not out of choice right yeah well i lost my iphone 5 and in England and ended up with a 5s and I had a forest because that was the first i phone on sprint I will not be getting the 6s plus i just i don't see any need for it unless of course I lose my 6 plus which is not in the plans folks see I an upgrade so like and I usually I have two lines where they cycle for upgrades but I mean this is a longer conversation when we've talked about here too but I don't think I want to do these upgrades anymore I think the industry is moving away from them I don't know that I want the like a two-year contract well and kind of a free to this we have a question here from such an bahala it's very relevant to that are any of you guys interest in apple's iphone upgrade at all or are you guys going to continue to buy the iphone the way you did it before first off i don't think we have enough details on the upgrade program it's like it's like 30 bucks a month or whatever 30 bucks a month but you get to upgrade every year every year yeah i don't know i said there's there's something in there weed in here yeah it was a very odd situation so i need i need to see the full details of that upgrade program before I would even think about that being said I would rather just buy my phone outright yeah I was gonna say I'm with you I'm not big on the idea of sort of it to me it feels like I'm renting something I don't need another thirty dollar bill I'll just buy it outright yeah but I'm not sure I even want to do that i mean i guess i could sell the six and then buy this one out right for me unlocked is big at least for travel although this time i use project fire i didn't even get a sim card for iPhone another job which it was awesome ended up costing me six bucks for my week in Europe which is pretty incredible that's amazing um but anyway so I would rather not do the upgrade program because I feel like to me that's sort of like oh I'm renting the phone and they give me another one and I'm writing it and I don't want to do the contract again because I don't be carriers these days who knows where we're going to be in two years they're all kind of bumping around and then i guess i would buy it outright but it's expensive so i'd have to sell mine and I'm not sure I want to sell it then i would say i liken this to like a car leasing program yeah yeah exactly yeah I just I've never been one to lease right yeah you both our cars um I don't know it's just I don't think it's for me i don't i know i know that in the past with two year contracts carrier she's buried in that that cost that rental that $30 p every month and now it's just sort of exposed more and they have you have these options like 18 teen x the early upgrade programs t-mobile started with jump and now Apple has their own but i don't know i like the idea that their rental is a fully unlocked device though right right well i think we also needed and you've mentioned it briefly but we definitely need to address the apple TV after a three-year absence it was finally updated and actually just as i said that 94 keygen ask is the apple TV worth upgrading to that's going to be a really tough question it's there's a lot of interesting things going on there but there is nothing there except for one feature which I'll get to in a second there is nothing there that I have not seen elsewhere that one feature though is the what did they say and it backs up and puts on the closed caption I thought that was a very cool feature oh that wasn't and yes you can ask Siri to look up news and all that all they did was they took away you using your phone in your hand and put it up on the television screen yeah yeah it's the same difference but I more likely I'll end up getting what I'm the streaming guy I I have to test this stuff out that being said I see no reason to get a 64 gigabyte version I I I don't fill up my 32 gigabyte iPad i'm not going to fill up a 32 gigabyte Apple TV it's just right especially cuz it's sort of left in your home so you can scream a lot of things it's just I think the storage is what going to be four games is my guess yeah which I hi Marilee ok great they've added gaming can you imagine play and yes I know you can go on by third-party game controllers taking third party out of that do you see yourself playing a lot of games with that remote no and I think no like I'd rather just put turn on my ps4 yeah it's the that the apple TV was very definitely not a jaw-dropper and I think after a three-year absence it kind of needed to be there are so many streaming options out there now like you said with the fire TV Roku is killing it on channel selection I mean there's over 2000 channels on roku nail although some of them are of questionable quality when they're a I every week I I look at what's been added and I swear some of those icons were made and ms paint I know those kind of us yes yeah so yes Roku has a very robust channel selection only ninety nine dollars you know it does have gaming very limited I think I played a game once just to test it out and I just I don't see a lot in the apple TV that makes me go everybody has to own this right you know and if they truly were if they'd are working on the streaming service that we've heard so much about I think they should have held it until the streaming service was ready I know it's been three years another six months when I have killed them yeah I know I think it would have been more compelling to say oh and you can do this that nobody else can do and I get like you know that did TV OS the platform they're releasing the developers like we can have lots of awesome apps than developed for the TV but the examples they gave you no like Airbnb like the family booking together I don't understand why why that needs to be on the TV it seems like that's always been sort of dawn on it on a computer tablet or okay so fine you're in your living room we're guilty d for shopping like I think I amazon has proven that like a smart phone or a computer is good enough like who I mean I guess you like you can do it that's cool but who's actually going to do yeah I'm confused about and like the other app you know that was that was so bizarre and then the fact that there look how much detail you can see in the zigzag stitching on this yeah what haha why why are we talking about zig-zag stitch it I don't care yeah and guilt like who uses guilt anymore i thought that hapless in service was dead i can't remember the last time i heard anyone even mentioned guilt and then you know what we'll just close out the the apple section by thing by stating that both Todd and I thought it was the boy band One Direction coming out as like that once they lifted the curves like oh no it's one republic I don't know why we both thought it was one direction I don't know I didn't know there was like a difference I don't think I ever liked me either that much was like oh that doesn't like a played in ok we have a lot of questions about Apple and we will get to those during the question answer session but i do want to touch a little bit on etho since that was the big event last week and we didn't have a show last week so Todd you ready for this year no comment but were the big things that got you excited um I think definitely saw the trend of low-cost phones continue so alcatel had several of them halka so one touch rather had like four or five that I saw you know all that their sing are going to be under 200 bucks when they hit the market or under 250 at the high end which is pretty crazy so that was neat I didn't make the huawei event because it's a lot of running around around town so Sony was neat I thought actually I thought it was kind of weird that the Xperia z5 didn't feel like that big of a flagship upgrade and rather their 4k version of that fun it's called the premium right now all these phone names are lost in my head now but the premium version they didn't really even show it they just had it like glued to the wall which is crazy so like I was like okay the display looks awesome but like is this proof of concept or is like phone actually working like it wasn't in the demo stations ya know those very on phones not going to come out for a long time I can be wrong um you know but I feel like they might want to have done that to say like Oh first like we beat Samsung like we were we're selling we have these displays and stuff so um what else I hope I thought it was cool though that we're moving in that direction whether actually can use for hair not um I thought the gear s2 is really great I spent a lot of time with that actually Samsung gave us plenty of time with it and it the rotating bezel is really nice and smooth it's a great way I think better than storing the Apple watch I think better than the crown on the Apple watch because sure the I mean look you're gonna block the screen a little bit which is what Apple has said you know why they they put the crown on the side but it was just really smooth Tizen which which power is it was great there were enough apps not a lot but enough apps you know for news and weather and sports the one thing i'd say i'd complain about was that you still need to use it sounded like the default text messaging app like on samsung phones and i use messaging and i'm not sure how that's like google messaging or messenger whatever it is for text messaging and i'm not sure how that's going to work on the other android phones that are supported by the gear s2 because it doesn't require a samsung phone this here which is pretty neat it is important about um but they didn't give us pricing which is kind of hard to deal with because like I can't make a final I mean I wouldn't give a final until I actually used it for a long time but a final judgment unlike whether this is that exciting until I find out how much it costs like if it's 800 bucks it's not going to be but if it's a comment box I'd be like well not that great right it was really premium I think the oddest thing to me didn't Sony say they were going to scale way back on phones yeah that's the other thing they said like oh you know we've got to figure out mobile because they haven't figured it out recently and they're losing money there and so what they do this year they did experiment this is just on the high end xperia z4 xperia z4 v which i don't think is even hip verizon yet xperia z5 xperia z5 compact and xperia z5 premium or really it's called click and that's just the expensive phones yeah I know they've released a bunch of lower in phones you know if that's scaling back yeah what were their original plans yeah but I also thought it strange that HTC wasn't there I mean I'm kind of used to seeing HTC at these shows I guess they just don't have anything to really talk about right now but they have an event coming up i think that was announced while i was there right right yeah i don't know where it is though so there's that huawei like i said i didn't get to see it but that phone seemed interesting what else did you see oh I saw the Moto 360 s which was totally different because I'm used to you know covering mobile being in a motorola event and instead of metal lenovo event now because it's owned by oh no so they're like talking about gaming computers and tablets and like all this stuff and you're like we're sitting there you know me and some other mobile journalists and then they're like a moto 360 like wow this is different so then you know you rush in and you got to cover the watches and funny thing at that event lenovo has a SmartWatch i'm not sure what it's called but it looks a lot like at least under the neon lights of these in the loud music and crowds it looks a lot like the Moto 360 so I rush over to the stand and I'm filming it and I'm like this can't be in it's got Lenovo branding on and so I stopped filming a look around and there's like a moto 360 table behind so I jump over there but so lenovo has a SmartWatch to not even sure what powers powers inside so it looks a lot like moto 360 um there's a lot of you know lot of stuff going on either and the funny thing is with Aoife too is like you go to the trade show or the show floor for press conferences stuff but you're also going all around excuse me and they go I mean I think Lenovo's press conference went to like 930 at night so it's a fun show yeah good grief well we're going to jump into the questions because we are getting a ton of them and I want to get through as many of them as we can and these are all over the board folks so let's see here from Benjamin McDonald is the one plus one still a good buy for two hundred seventy dollars USD 64 gigabytes i would say so i think so i would also look at the Alcatel OneTouch three that's a really night'll three that's a really nice phone I've played with it in my hand several times I haven't actually used it for a long period of time I would look at that I think it's priced around the same but uh otherwise it anymore one plus one is fine I just a kind of you and I kind of fell out of love with it after a little while but two hundred seventy bucks is a little better than what we said ya know two hundred seventy bucks i could see doing yeah I I think part of the problem you and I have is it's real easy for us to fall out of love with phones because we owe anything shiny yeah that's great check out the moto g2 I mean it's not as size sexy but it's a little bit cheaper and I actually that's one of the phones where I'm still like that was a really grateful okay we've got a question here from brazen Franco which is a puzzler where does the ipad pro stand between the cheaper macbook air in the entry macbook pro will the air get X in favor of the more expensive and weaker macbook that's the strategy here is really puzzling because you now have an iPad with a similar screen size to a laptop but it this this is going to be one that it's going to be interesting to see how it shakes out I figure it's going to probably take two years for it to shake out I think apple is moving towards axing something I don't know what yet yeah cuz you have to wonder like macbook air and macbook are sort of right there together but i think in my opinion the macbook is just is underpowered it wouldn't it wouldn't cut it for me the macbook is a is an oddity in my opinion i think it's a beautiful computer oh it to look at it's gorgeous yeah that's nice just don't actually try to use it for anything yeah it's uh you know III just have to bring this up I'm I think Todd you and I anytime now someone calls us Apple fanboys we can just point them to this episode yeah but I normally when an ample event ends I'm like oh yo I'm really interested in getting bad or maybe that this sound like yeah I might pick up an apple TV yeah no no no and that's the extent of my interest in purchases this year right I think the blurring though presence is to get in there is probably between that ipad pro and the entry-level macbook especially considering the power they're saying that the a 9 X has versus the power we know that core m in the macbook has which I don't think is very powerful at all and I don't know what the a 9 X a 9 X is like but it is OS x and so where does that start to blend but I think those two remain right now is sort of like the borders but where where do we cross and I think that's what you're saying Sean probably next two years circus yeah we're definitely reach a convergence point yeah because the pricing is pretty similar yeah me when you when your outfit the pro with everything yeah exactly from such a halt do you think apple will still have another event in october november first off we heard a rumor yesterday that they are they are but i would say it was just simply from the amount of stuff that was shown yesterday there is not another event to happen that yeah I mostly did like something with compete shooters but i don't know i don't think so yeah I sort of it that's usually wdc think yeah it's it's gonna be odd to see what happens just be quiet quiet refreshes with like the 6th gen intel core i processors and stuff right uh from divvying chandra chandra and I'm sorry if I mispronounced your name will the new Todd I'm getting some feedback for me somewhere the heavier volume turned on turn down you are ok uh was the new Apple's new upgrade program allowed the international models to be exchanged like a person who has an indian iphone 6 who will be shifting to the US be able to take advantage of the program um i highly doubt it I actually I would I don't know because there's only so many skews of the iphone 6 and 6 plus because they have so many bands like the new ones to the 6s and 6s plus that it might might work but I wouldn't rely on it but i don't know i mean it might work it's worth talking to him to about but it might just be dependent on like yeah like it might be us only for all we know yeah that's and we would love to help you but that is such a specific use case i think you'll have to ask somebody from apple um from real for dyess uh 1 plus 2 or HTC One m9 plus hmm i think i'd go m9 i'd go i would probably go 1 plus i haven't really used it that much but one plus two because pricing and 9 + 0 and 9 plus i haven't used that one I was thinking I'm not yeah oh no guys thank you I can't give a fair answer on that but i'm guessing the one plus twos a lot cheaper so yeah if you're after prices indefinitely 1+2 if you don't care about the price i would lean towards the m9 plus because I just think HTC has such great physical design yeah yeah I love slots yes since is the only skin that I can tolerate yeah um from Britain Franco what do you expect if any of the zenfone 3 at CES 2016 uh probably I hope so that was a confusing press conference to be at it if I'll tell you what because they re announced they announced like six phones that have already been on the market and I'm like sitting there you know as a journalist because sometimes days you know sometimes these are exclusive to certain countries and stuff when they're launched I'm sitting there googling them as we go like like making sure I do I have to cover that have to cover these phones they announced one of them was as old as last CES so maybe we'll have a sin phone three because what we saw wasn't knew it are you working on something I'm more just sitting here going do we really have to start talking about see us yeah that's you but where is this your gun dog I don't know it's flying by I very start getting CES emails yep member da talk to be him that's simple months down the road yeah oh good grief from such an bahal is the ipad pro worth the upgrade from the ipad 2 or show i can serve one of the ipad air's from the ipad 2 i would say air unless you really just want a bigger screen yeah it's not only worth the upgrade then yeah I panties old yeah well I mean yes it's old it still works yeah yeah yeah looks like is it worth the upgrade certainly we saw the performance difference yesterday oh yeah I had the performance difference was amazing I need one or not as yeah oh I did I had died i cannot remember what generation this is but when i was a clean my house recently I found in a drawer or one of my old ipod touches nice and I I have to try remember which model this is because it cannot upgrade paths iOS 6.1 point2 hahahahaha what does it say like that's it they're just like you're up to date I'm white it's six point one point to it I reisen it had been over two years since I advise turns us on but there's the the model should be on the back bottom I just haven't taken out of its case yeah i also found I got to go through my drawers and find all things my original iPad Mini that's awesome yes yes I was quite excited to find i also found i don't have it on my desk right now I found my palm 7 X which still worked Wow yeah well the thing was I was like oh do I even have a charger for this I'd forgot it rain on double-a batteries oh okay someone bring me two double A batteries hey look it powered up but it's awesome can you imagine how long would um I'm sure you can figure it out how long would like an iPhone last on two double A batteries Oh Charlie like 10 minutes yeah I'm sure sigh I don't know how to do that I I'm sure some electrical expert could figure it out but that's definitely not either one of us right from brezin Franco is Apple training entered the motion gaming segment with the Apple TV you know this was funny yesterday Joey are gaming editor he he helps with the Apple events by yo editing post after they've been published and all that and he watches along so he just knows what's coming and what they started talking about motion control he's like are you kidding me because I'm gay these ayahs sure he's like look we've done this it didn't take off you know it was popular for a while it's not going anywhere because what are they doing but the whole family can have fun didn't you see ya where Joey killed me what I cannot repeat verbatim what he said it was brace a body part we've got screensavers oh yeah yeah yeah I can't believe they talked about screensavers I the fact that they brought up screen savers is a selling point for the Apple TV like High Definition recordings good grief that was something else from brazen Franco and this is one that I'm very curious about is the Apple pencil technology all behind the pen or is it like the notes split between the pen and the screen I think it has to be split um because the screen has to be able to detect you know like it was saying that you know it can tell what angle it's a door how much pressure you're applying the only way that pressure yes there could technically be a spring in there that the amount of the pen tip being pressed would tell it the pressure but I think since they said that the ipad pro had this 3d touch which is a horrible name has this 3d touch that i think it has to be a mixture between the pen and the limit pro i did want to mention one thing i found it hilarious that the only way to charge the pin is to suck power out of the tablet yes hopefully it's not that much but it's crazy I I was like okay wait a minute the only way you made this chargeable most you plug it into a device that you're already going to be wondering about how much battery life at hats yeah and and since when does all day mean 10 hours I think they're thinking like all day work day no I I know but I'm just like let's let's not call that all day and I I don't disagree yeah that's like be a quarter terabyte hard drive they sent a comfortable 250 megabytes or gigabytes I had to be the funniest naming of a size ever a quarter terabyte a good grief oh let's see here for kemet rakesh Todd does the iphone success or success plus have one gigabyte or two gigabyte of ram lots of contradicting reports all over the Internet I can tell you why there's contradicting reports because apple doesn't tell us how much for everything has usually the best way we can find this out when we find out is when a site like I fixed it does the teardown yeah me and then they identify the modules otherwise excuse me until then it's sort of up in the air no unless unless somebody gets a confirmation from Apple but Apple never talks about that either Apple never reveals the RAM on phones or tablets it just doesn't happen so yeah and like Todd said until I fix it or someone else turns it down physically we will have no clue how much RAM these devices have yeah we cut a politico matter yeah as long as it works but I mean people care so not just add it I think they're afraid that people are gonna be like but this has four gigs and this has one oh I can't why would I get one gig you know and I agree that with Apple on that front that it doesn't necessarily matter on iOS and it's the they've done a pretty good job yeah from such a Mahal Todd what was your favorite thing from Aoife 2015 and why uh the flight home know that i'd say the gear s2 i went or i guess the huawei watch which was really nice for Android wear but I technically I guess I saw that a little early and then covered it praneetha but what from what I saw have to show the gear s2 I think I went into it thinking oh Samsung's Tizen devices have been okay but you know block and then I walked away from that meeting like okay I would totally wear one of those so I think that was probably my favorite thing from breslin Franco do you think the pin will work on the ipad air 2 or ipad mini 4 i highly doubt it probably not properly yeah yeah I again I think it's all going to come down to how much of it is in the ipad pro itself compared to how much is in the pen yeah because i don't know if it did work with the other two well I again they're soo ayla looking at it if it did work with the other two they might have said that because then they could sell more pens but they might not have said that too so they can sell more ipad pro kids love to find out i'm gonna guess doesn't work properly though that would be my guess as well from anab 9900 are you happy about what you saw in the keynote or would you want something else or something different um that's a tough one yeah I think we were pointed I don't know if we were unhappy yeah I think we knew so many rumors seem to be right going into it that we sort of had a really good idea of what to expect I think I expected more from the apple TV it just didn't feel as groundbreaking and I suppose maybe that'll come later with a service that they can activate and again I haven't used it so maybe maybe a lot of this is that it felt kind of boring because we've been hearing about it for so long but once we use the products will you know be a little bit more revitalized be like okay this is actually pretty cool I can see where this is going like 3d touch is actually awesome I don't know I have using it but right now I just don't feel like I was as impressed as I have been in the past yeah um from brezin Franco uh I'm sorry Benjamin MacDonald read the wrong name there i'm using a moto g first gin and i am looking for enough new phone it's slow as a word i cannot say on a clean show my price range is 300 USD and down I want as stock experience as possible love the show the new Moto G yeah i love the Moto G a and he's not kidding he really loves the new beverage a like oddly enough i was using it as my daily driver past the review period because i was just like this one is awesome I mean I you know it's the processor and I forget off the top of my head we'll certainly probably start to get sluggish and everything as you load up apps and use it for a long time but eventually get as slow as your first gen but for the price it's pretty sweet i mean i would just go with the more expensive model which I think has two gigs of ram and then you get and then you're well under your budget there yeah definitely um let's see here from Brisbane Franco we're going to be wrapping up here pretty quick folks wouldn't be possible to get options given by 3d touch on the iphone 6 by simply tapping and holding with two different delta x for the pick and pop I think Willie's just four different times like the phone would recognize sort of as it does on Android like when you want to change the background yeah say you want to change the wallpaper you just hold down for a little bit longer I think yeah that would make sense but it's just apples sort of doing it differently and I saw a lot of people saying yes sir like well a droid team doing this squirt of and yeah for the fence but once you know if you haven't used an Apple watch or were of course touch on a MacBook and you can tell why they didn't use for such maybe maybe it works differently on a macbook pro it does it does feel like it has this extra push so it is different than that mom hold but resident I think you're right like it could theoretically seem to work that way if you just one health well just like you would move an icon around on the home screen on an iPhone why can't they just change the times like that no well folks I is going to bring this week's episode the TechnoBuffalo show to a close as always we appreciate you joining us we will be back next week till then please make sure to go to the iTunes Store where you can rate and review us by searching on the technical Buffalo show it does help the show so we do appreciate it you can also find us on pocket casts you can subscribe to your RSS feed or you can find us on the stitcher app which means you can listen to us anytime anywhere anywhere there are podcasts you can find the TechnoBuffalo show until next week I'm Sean ani I'm the editor-in-chief of TechnoBuffalo com I've been joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton hi everybody till next week take it easy everyone bye-bye
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