
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The TechnoBuffalo Show Episode #067 – Apple TV, Streaming, Questions and more!

and welcome to episode 67 the TechnoBuffalo show I'm like you're to host for today Sean ani editor-in-chief of the site and i'm joined by deputy managing editor todd hazleton everybody are you doing today Todd I'm good welcome into my apartment and he's watching the show I have a new webcam and it's very wide angle yes it is it's extremely wide angle well you'll just have to keep that much more of your apartment clean it's all a devious plan by your wife that's great she messed with the settings to get as wide a tangle as possible yeah well it is a quieter week than last week thankfully it is uh not as crazy I I don't think there's a whole lot next week either yeah I think it's finally actually slowing down remember when you're talking about this couple weeks ago I think there's been maybe one week we've gone since like before WWDC in June where there wasn't like a meeting or a big briefing or something right uh this week it's finally quiet which means of course we got to work on the reviews and all that stuff yeah it's nice to be over all the announcements but then comes the time for the devices to actually arrive oh I'm boxing do the reviews yeah all that fun stuff you know and that's one thing a lot of people don't understand is that you know be it a phone you know a phone you actually have to use for a while before you can review it unlike some sites out there that tend to review in 24 hours ahead or video games where yo Joey and his crew have to play through the entire game before they apparently i forgot to silence my iphone yeah me too but I feel like that's kind of comes with the territory it's a technical right in fact our stuffs gonna be going off yes it's muted now but uh you know it takes a while to get through all this stuff yeah I don't envy gaming we've talked about that before but i can't imagine trying to get through games babies cuz i'm not very good at gaming feel like we take me twice as long yeah that's the possibility I i I've done one or two game reviews and it does take quite a while to work your way through them and it also it's it's very different I mean I'm sure Oh for Joey and his folks it's you know they're used to but whenever I've reviewed a game it's been like I feel like it's a job and that's not why I play video games yeah yeah exactly it's I mean there's there's a lot of games like thinking about far cry earlier this year and for some the other ones I was playing like The Witcher witcher 3 um we're like there's open worlds and so many side quests and things you could do but like I feel if you're reviewing the game you kind of just got to get through it right and then maybe you can go back afterwards so yeah yeah well the this week we're going to be discussing a bit of streaming there's been a lot going on in the screaming spoons and of course the the biggest thing is the release finally last week of the new Apple TV and well we good you just go ahead and jump it and not wait for someone to uh ask the question what did I return this week what did you return this week it was apple TV I bought it on sunday i bought it sunday night because i had to go to bestbuy anyway i was at my in-laws house i had to help them work on some internet issues so i was getting a powerline networking thing and they happen to happen in stock not happened I actually did look ahead of time to see if they had it and kind of made that my trip to best buy in any case so i bought the 32 gig version i was really excited to play with it and i came home went to set it up the bluetooth pairing didn't work so that meant that you know it didn't pull in my Apple IT or my bluetooth or maya Wi-Fi settings automatically it did for you though right i think other people it worked for really well i don't know why mine wasn't working so that was like going into it i was immediately frustrated because you have to use this new remote which by the way isn't very good and you have to go through and click you know Todd dot Hazleton my whole email address um you know login I think it failed the first i'm logged in it worked the second time and then I'm presented with this home screen I'm like okay now what okay let's get some apps now I got some games the remote wasn't very good for those games i thought you know okay i could buy another third-party control or whatever which by the way if you want another remote they're 70 bucks half the price of the actual app Apple TV which is insane um that is ridiculous yeah so I was like ah man um you know just I wasn't impressed I was like okay other boxes can do this they don't cost 150 bucks but it looked nice i'll give it that like the interface my wife even is like why did you waste your money on this Lake will do what is it do we have like ten boxes we don't we have an old road cute of a grip she always likes to say like I do actually have to survive that's like her defense so I was like and we have an old Apple TV um but in any case so I was like all right you know good point then two days ago Plex came out which is awesome so I finally set up my streaming server again I haven't had one of those in years got Plex set up i'm streaming movies that i have rented elsewhere and it worked really well and I was like okay this is awesome but then reminded you know okay Plex is also on the roku to which we are you so I was like now what so last night I was uh I was finally getting back to building a pc and I needed some stuff from Best Buy and I was like you know what Apple TVs going back and I swapped it out for an SSD and some other stuff so by Apple TV you know I think it we were saying last yesterday before I returned it that mate I think it'll probably be worth at 150 bucks later on when there's apps and stuff to do but right now it's just like no you know and I mentioned this to you I think one of the silliest things to me so the new remote which is not that great charges via lightning port bread there is no indication on the remote whatsoever that it's actually charging or that it's full yeah so you just plug it in for a while and kind of go I hope it's charging yeah and the reviews i was reading were saying like oh this remotes so much better it's awesome um I didn't like it at all the the touch sensitive area was finicky OEM I changed his speeds I changes speeds of several times I just didn't like the way that it was I was sort of mousing with my thumb um you know I think Roku remote is so simple but I prefer it so I don't know i just edited 70 bucks my selling price it was like get out of here come on that's crazy well and also the fact that the click to confirm is the touch area which is at the top of the remote so it's kind of awkward you kind of like have to drag it back in your hand to get your thumb up there and to give it a clean click yeah it's just it's oh yeah and one of the things I wrote about to I like having these streaming boxes as music players for my living room sometimes and I was kind of frustrated to learn that Syria doesn't work with Apple music I don't know why I assumed it would but i did because this has a universal search but it can't tap into Apple music which is mind-blowing so then you know I'm like okay I'm gonna play this and I have to like go into itunes and type with this remote and it's terrible like even the layout makes no sense to me it's a long list of letters from left to right and you know I was entering in something on my playstation 4 last night and just like boop boop boop boop it's very easy maybe it's because of the controller but also the layout makes a lot more sense you go up down up down you know and you're typing not like a long list and by the way if you go to the end of that list it doesn't bring you back to the start you've just makes no sense so I don't know I was very just pace I I'm keeping mine simply because i am the the streaming guy yeah but it's as i always say on these shows folks this is not our official review right but i really i don't know i we waited this long for this and as i was telling you off off mic the other day you know it feels like they just finally went okay we can't wait longer we got push this out the door it feels like there is a missing piece yeah yeah it does and I think that's might be there TV service or something exactly what the heck like okay it looks great in there's apps and that part is really cool okay and I think there's gonna be a lot of really cool apps but you're just still like huh like why why did it take how long five yeah yeah I don't know it it definitely feels unfinished hmm you know and not worthy of the wait that's for sure yeah uh I think it's yeah because I think the first thing people are going to say in defense of it is well the games are there in the apps but you really once you get a hold of that controller and try to play the games it just doesn't feel right like even Crossy Road like swiping up left right it's like just that's not the way it should be done I mean maybe I'd have to buy another controller before I judge it but but and see that's the thing though that would be a third-party controller so if you're judging the apple TV on the Apple TVs merits you can't take a third-party controller into consideration right so at that stage yeah it's not good yeah and I don't need another controller to be honest I'd at this point it's just like I'm just gonna use my console right like I have all of that stuff on my console and I okay i don't have the apps but one of the things you're talking about the other day two is like yeah there's air B&B which actually would be pretty cool for booking apps are just looking at if you're going to visit another city or booking apartments but it didn't really make any sense it doesn't have a map so you can't see where the apartment is and stuff like that is I would have been better served by using Airbnb on my computer smartphone and so that to me means well why does there need to be an apple TP up and I don't think there needs to be and so then I would just go to my ps4 where maybe there's not apps but there are the games and I already have the controller and I have all the streaming services I need and that just makes more sense to me and again yeah we're not bashing it this is you know in a review i think we're looking at it so what did Apple try to do and do well in that bag boy here it's sort of like well it doesn't fit my lifestyle and I can't go into a review and say you know this is a crappy product because I don't need it well we would do that but i'm just we're talking here on the show about Lee well I really because it doesn't make sense for me tome it's plugged into my hdmi switcher but since the initial setup I know my hdmi switcher is set to either my Roku or my blu-ray player because i'm actually watching some physical media lately so I'm not even really playing with it hmm you know I just I don't know I'm not that excited by it I just I think I think there definitely was a we were waiting for something to happen it didn't happen we gotta go ahead and get this pushed out yeah and I I admit they're one of the reasons I bought is because I just want to see what was going on and I in knowing full well I could return it yeah so yeah exactly so I don't know it very odd but in general there is a lot going on in the streaming space right now of course the biggest news of the week being that not only is a Star Trek television series on the way it's only going to be on CBS all access right and I love a lot of people immediately after they announced for like why did they do this this doesn't make any sense there's a good a sense if I don't have any hard numbers on the number of subscribers to CBS all access but and for those that are outside the US Hawk explain it real quick it's 599 a month gives you access to all the current CBS shows plus a lot of archived shows back to like I Love Lucy you know Twin Peaks a bunch of other stuff they produce cheers and so on so there's a lot of content on there the thing is those CBS is the only network that went out on its own app it unlike say ABC NBC and Fox and the CW all went with hulu CBS is CBS they decide oh we gotta do our own app its nobi 599 I never hear anyone discussing CBS all access I never hear it discussed so here we are we're going to get one episode of the new Star Trek series on prime-time television which will be like a little a little taste of what you could be missing on CBS all access and then it all moves over to this five ninety-nine a month thing gee willikers you take a pop culture icon you put it behind a paywall what do you think is going to happen to the subscription numbers of CBS all access well I think they'll go up yeah exactly to me it was a no-brainer what this was all about yep but what do you think because it seemed like I mean that's what we think it's probably exactly what will happen and it does make sense to us but yesterday people seemed so angry on Twitter that like it was like they were gonna drive a boycott here's the thing when push comes to shove and it's a new star trek series all those people will subscribe so so they know it's not gonna be a big deal no it's not gonna be a big deal I mean and yes so I'm sure somebody will figure out a way to get them onto torrent sites and which I'm not condoning in any way shape or form you know so there's still going to be piracy and all that but the majority of people my father who is a die-hard Star Trek fan when he was in the Navy and Star Trek was on he and this was back in the 60s and he could not watch it my mother who was just his fiancee at that time had to watch it every week and write him a letter with the synopsis of the episode that's incredible so my mother who had no interest in Star Trek every week it rode out a full synopsis that's incredible you know this is a man that has watched every iteration of the show seen every movie all that stuff by golly he's going to pay the five ninety-nine a month to watch a new series right right there's zero question in my mind that my father will be sitting right there going chod how do i log into this new circuits coming on but does he come out is it uh January 2017 so it's oh yeah it's quite a while I here's the thing they have even got writers for it yet Wow so I think everybody should not worry for a little bit yeah and the show did receive what's called a straight-to-series order which means that most shows have to film a pilot then the pilot has protested and all that Star Trek has gone straight to series which means just start filming and go right so the Star Trek show is happening yeah okay someday we may even know what it's about but but on the flip side of things apparently during the time warner earnings call this week they have hinted at the idea that perhaps they should hold onto their shows a little bit longer before they sell them off to third-party digital platforms Netflix right and you know a lot of people are like well why would you do that because you're making money from them the thing is if you look at the numbers for the Nielsen's people that are actually watching television as it airs or even what they called plus three numbers which is three days of DVR watching post the original airing mhm the numbers last season dropped nine percent okay so there's a lot of people they're just going I'll just wait until the whole seasons on netflix and binge it right that's exactly what's happening but so time weren't that's what they're trying to fight it gets yeah yeah because it while they're making money on this one hand they're losing nine percent of their audience that's that much lower of a commercial rate they can charge Oh see I see it from the business protected but I now I understand why you're saying I think that's tough because I was saying earlier we were talking about this topic I said well that sounds like they're just not getting adjusted to the times but because I think that is what people are doing you know really i'm just gonna pinch watch it later why would i watch it now are worried about it now i watch something else hmm yeah so it yeah it will work itself into they have to lower their advertising rates because they don't have as large an audience anymore hmm so they can hold on to it for say an extra three months and collect you know maybe you launch your own digital platform maybe you know part of hulu whatever the netflix is still going to want the show in three months they may play a little rate but they would still want it so hopefully they could drive more people back to the traditional terrestrial television which is not going to happen people will just wait three extra months right in the hopes of driving their advertising rates back up yeah that's really tough i think i'm with you though i don't think people are gonna go back I think what they'll do is they'll watch something else knowing that they could just watch this later i mean i've done that to where you know oh I think I came into a game of thrones season late or something and I was like I'm just gonna wait for the season to finish and then I'm gonna binge watch it oh I don't know if it was Game of Thrones or something like that but it was the same idea it's like I'm not gonna I'm not gonna get involved with the TV show and it's just gonna come out later and it's a lot more fun to watch shows on your own schedule I think that's oh yeah the industry's going yeah yeah I know I'm I'm much happier I mean you know this morning I as you know Todd I come in early to work out and stuff before work you know and I love the fact that I pulled up hulu and there's a new episode of the flash for me there's agents of shield you know there's iZombie you know I've got all these shows that I love to watch and I can pull up whichever one I feel like pulling up right you know that's the way I prefer to consume television at this point and you know as we've said on the show many times now you know now that I'm a cord cutter and that's another thing about CBS all access with which I lost over a little bit you know I think CBS all access suffers unless you watch multiple shows on CBS or you're a hard hard-core cord cutter like myself there's not a whole lot of impetus to subscribe to CBS all access in my case i watch for CBS series hmm you know if i only watched one or two i would go and just go by the entire season through amazon or itunes because it would work out cheaper in the long run than the five ninety-nine a month exactly since i watch for shows financially it makes more sense to subscribe to all access although i haven't thought about this yeah i may cancel it in the summer save myself eighteen dollars you know why should i be subscribing when there's no new episodes yeah that's actually interesting my wife and i were thinking about doing this with cable cancelling it after football season one of the reasons we have cable here so you can just watch the football games but after that we don't really watch a lot of shows that we can't get elsewhere online you know whether it's we've been watching Downton Abbey and that's on amazon prime or anything else you know Game of Thrones for example we could just now get HBO Go where as of last year that wasn't an option either so I don't know there's an HBO now that's there's the one scream go is the one if you already happy you know HBO now is now and alone right so that's the one they should just call that this I don't know what it that was the silliest idea to name them two different things yeah just pay for it and one work so you know yeah you haven't tied to your cable yes you you fire up the app and there's a are you a current subscriber yes are you know or you click no would you like to subscribe to our on demand yeah exactly why do two separate apps I made no sense whatsoever and read it it has caused i don't know how many times I've had to explain HBO now versus HBO go to people really yeah well I mean here we are recover it every day and I was we wish one it's it's not your field of expertise I mean that's fine but ages yeah and jerrell it's just like it made no sense well let's dive into some of the questions we're getting a lot of them I am NOT going to make this a regular thing but this has gotten three uploads so that's something we're going to say hi to Luke Petrovitch please don't a lot of people get the idea it was it Luca I'm Luca Petrovich hello let's not get a whole bunch of people now requesting that we give them shout outs but how we do have a lot of questions here from Jeff k do you watch Gotham I hear the Rings are following steadily it's such a great show I'd hate for them to can it I do watch Gotham I thought this week's episode in particular and I won't say what happens in case you haven't seen it was mind-boggling they stepped up a whole lot of storylines in one quick shot I love the show but I'm also a huge Batman phonetic so even though it doesn't follow the comic canon I uh and well looka that was not an appropriate question and that one yeah guys keep the questions clean because I will just delete them and not read them and he asked it again so anyway Luca you've just lost getting any questions answered anyway um from such a ba hall hey sean how sling TV now as compared to about six months ago you know here's the funny thing I I think sling TV suits some people what I've discovered since cutting the cord is that I have zero interest in watching what i refer to as linear television which means this show airs at this time then this show airs at this time if I'm going to turn on my television I would much rather just jump into hulu and pull up something I know I want to watch than surfing a bunch of channels going as there hang on yeah that being said I think sling is a great product I think it serves a very certain demographic but I don't think it's the perfect solution for everyone I'm trying very hard not to slam sling TV because I do like the product I just don't think it's for me personally hmm i met you sling TV believe it or not um I mean I saw the demo at CES and stuff right it's interesting and for me why the big things is months and months ago they they sent me an email about as a press person they sent me an email saying you know they were adding BBC america and the AMC Networks still not there and i miss i des one thing i do miss having kept the cord is BBC america i was a big BBC america watcher but uh yeah I I don't know what's going on there I for instance we had some new cabinets put in our house and the guy the Handy band that did it for us he's a family friend he came back a couple days after we had him put the cabinets and he goes I need to talk to you about your television I was like okay and he goes when we put it up on the shelves you only plugged in one cable you didn't plug in a satellite dish or a cable box no I didn't and so he was all fascinated by the idea he had no idea what cord cutting was really yeah he had not heard of it at all and he goes well my wife yay i start explaining netflix and hulu he didn't know exactly what netflix did didn't he he's a smart guy he's a great handyman he does beautiful work for us just not his area of knowledge right ahead as I was fain netflix and hulu and all that to him he goes home my wife was k she still wants to watch ill you know she'll wanna watch her shows she just like spin sometimes like sling TV and when i showed him sling TV that really pushed him because he goes he is so tired of paying for these cable packages where he pays for channels that he has no inter step right you love the idea that they're clumped into interest areas so there's like a DIY subscription there is it he goes well what about when my kids come to visit they want to watch sports I was like by the five dollar sports package for one month right he goes I can buy it for just one month I was like yeah he goes why am I not already doing this you know so what I don't think for people like that yeah exactly so he's look he's researching it now and I may be going over and setting him up with the roku and everything else here in the next month or so nice hey uh but that's the I think that's one thing is that we also have to understand is that a lot of people don't know this concept yet right I feel like it's been so I guess it's been that the past couple years we were talking about it you know this is what's gonna happen I can't wait for this to happen then it started to happen now it's really happened it's happening and for the rest of you know the non geeks out there who haven't cared it's still very very very new even the idea of it yeah yeah I he was he was boggled by the idea that I was not pay a goes so what do you pay Roku every month I was like nothing it was like okay that's all lose mine yeah yeah no that was a shiet forgot about that conversation until we started this discussion yeah that's a perfect example of I think that there still needs to be a lot of education and this is something you will never see a network television channel discuss this oh now yeah there's no way I mean you would have to rely on newspapers or magazines or websites to run the sort of stuff and that's still not going to get to the masses right so I don't know it's going to be interesting to see where things go from Davis tap is the Roku experience better than Android TV or is it just still better i think i think i like I think it depends on what you want to do personally I love the Roku experience I am NOT a family Android TV experience I have an nvidia shield set-top box I was actually the one that wrote the review on it and from the hardware perspective i loved the shield from the software perspective which was one-half percent android TV is just not a fully realized system yet i think that's the way to put it it's just not there yeah I feel like what Google did was they created a foundation said developers you know make your apps for it here you go and it's still very like okay now like what can i do what do I do now on my android TV now nvidia stuff on at the gaming stuff that's all awesome that's really cool actually or you can stream games but if we're just getting back to the core android TV experience your kind of like whereas Roku everything's there again well for me Roku is the best option because it has all the services that's why i like it like amazon prime is a glaring one that's missing from android TV and apple TV whereas Roku is sort of you don't have that sacrifice I I cannot understand why amazon instant video is missing from those I know it makes no sense yeah it's actually given like if Netflix is there than it should be just there right but I know he's Apple you know they're fighting obviously we're Amazon's not selling their stuff and you know blah blah blah aren't they like what they would they roku's gone from amazon now is a chromecast chromecast and Apple TV Apple TVs yeah amazon did leave the roku whip i think no cuz they have a dave a good partnership that's right yeah i think that's very telling that amazon kicked the chromecast and the apple TV to the curb yeah you know now my understanding is at least with Google TV they should just be able or your Android TV they should just be able to publish the app is I with chromecast being kicked out i'm starting to wonder if there isn't something going on in the background that were not aware of yeah well they're very in terms of the Amazon TV versus the Android TV and the apple TV it seems like a very competitive landscape yeah well as long as the Roku still there but you know I do think the work of experience is better for sure from such a Mahal off topic i know this was a while ago but what did you think of the pebble time round i have not played never annoyed you know I didn't um I think I honestly the pebble time kind of just turned me off so I was like maybe next year when they have a new product so I didn't really follow time round or the steel or anything like that I heard it's nice looking though it just has big mean I saw it obviously online we covered their ports but they add an event in New York and I heard from other journalists said it's nice looking but has very thick bezels in person take that who taught you well now oh let's see moving along here to do from Bobby Delaney have any of you guys bought a google chrome audio and was it useful or just a min no I have bought it it just from the description of it alone i was just kind of like yeah yeah me too it seems like it would be useful i have a speaker you can probably see it right there for those watching the show that's uh that's pretty nice and it it's not bluetooth I forget what it is but it's like it's one of those sharing standards that never really took off and so I can't really use it unless i plug it in with a 3.5 millimeter headphone jack and so with a court so that's why i think the chrome audio is nice if i want to use that speaker again it's more just sitting there for decoration but there's a psycho sitting next to it yeah that's the echo next to it which I use pretty frequently so that's there be a good product for for this the chrome audio but I also often think like why not just get a bluetooth adapter and do that but you know considering the cost they're both cheap and I don't know I haven't used one we have it in the irvine office though and i know that those guys are using him so yeah I just I don't know I just didn't seem that interesting to me but yeah I still have like my computer speakers that are plugged in right next to me no from David Nunez what laptop do both of you recommend for students surface Booker surface pro 4 surface books just so expensive surface pro 4 I would go with but I wouldn't get the entry-level quorum model i'd probably go with at least a core i5 which is what we sent our review that's the model reviewed the new keyboard is all i can i haven't used the surface pro 4 that much we did like it i know it's a great product i have the surface pro 3 with the new keyboard and that's awesome so i think that's a good good laptop to consider if your student the only thing that's frustrating and I've mentioned this on the show is when I've been at press events and I don't have somewhere to sit down or enough space for that kickstand the lap ability is awful so just about Todd mm-hmm they have demoed to us during the launch of the surface pro 3 that lap ability was awesome yeah as he SAT there awkwardly you don't have laps or something I mean it's just it's not it doesn't make any sense in a lab so that's the one huge drawback ya know I but the size is really great it's just so small yeah I love it when people trying to convince your products got lap ability yeah but don't bring it up you know is awesome it's something it's not um from jackal Cooper I'm from China maybe a maybe I am not so familiar with Americans this is what it is Rho cool you guys mentioned it's actually spelled are ok you and it's a small device about yay big or so that I'm sorry for those of you listening to audio that it allows you to download apps to it like for Netflix or Hulu or for various streaming television services and get them to your television let's see here to do uh this is one I kinda want to address from Jeff k what do you think about the bending issue or non-issue for the nexus suitably I have a very strong opinion about this stop denying your phones exactly that's my you know folks if you take anything yo within reason you know you can't you know do it to a diamond or go a pickup truck or something with your bare hands but if you take anything and put it in your hands and put your thumbs there and go ah guess what's gonna happen LLL the same goes for the bin gate around iphone and now the bending issue issue air quotes for the nexus 6 yep folks these people are setting out to bend them yeah you don't try to bend your phone and you should be all right exactly or put them in a case yeah the the way a I've a lot of people have told me i should have to put it in case in my opinion you're you've got an investment in your pocket you know you have a value in it when you want to go to trade it in though better condition it's in the better it's going to do comic book collectors we put our books and bags we shouldn't have to but we do to protect them you know it's the same with phones this all this bending stuff these are people that are trying to make a name for themselves or they just want to get views on their videos I'm sorry it's not an issue it's not going to happen in everyday use yeah I agree it's like the tests I think the first test we're in let's use the word test nurse Lee I think there's at least some something to be said about okay you know does this screen scratch really easily blah blah blah I mean get you start to learn that stuff but only when it comes to say like when you want to see the difference between corning gorilla glass 3 in class for because those are what these manufacturers are using so you know watch that once and get used to it and then you know what you're getting or if it's coming something like the droid turbo four or two sorry just jump two years in the future droid turbo to what are its aspect where they're saying like oh this screen is like super resistant like throw it on the floor then throw it off for because that's what the manufacturer is telling you to do f yeah and then that phone actually as it turns out scratches pretty easily because they had to go with plastic to keep it so shatter resistant so it's like okay that's your trade off show me that but now if a phone company comes out and says we have Gorilla Glass 4 that's it's the same scratch resistant so don't so stop scratching it you know like on these videos and then why don't you hold a flame up to your smartphone like don't ever put these things they have explosive batteries if it whatever put them here you don't get a blow torch out every time a new phone and just you scratch your name in the back yeah and like I've never explict I've a candle on my debt like what am I gonna do just go hold this over and accidentally and be like oh man it didn't hold up i'm so pumped i need a fire resistant felt like don't do that and then don't bend them why would you like if you bend a phone it's gonna been if you try to do that like these are just stupid things that's like somebody going in a plane and saying this failed the plane drop tests so don't buy it like when are you ever gonna drop your phone out of a plane my favorite is the guys that shoot him with like 50 caliber sniper rifles yeah did anyone ever forever say you know this phone will stand up to a 50 caliber bullet know they have a coordinated just doesn't make sense to me there are a couple instances like the scratch resistance which already got into you know if it's marked as water resistant then show us that test fine but don't and these same video people will take phones aren't water resistant throw them in the water like just to say like oh who's at the bottom of the pool and then some poor guy out there is gonna be like oh it actually is kind of water resistant I won't worry about it then he throws in the water and then you know what next he's paying nine hundred dollars for a replacement he just doesn't do any service to anybody none of these videos well David Nunez disagrees with us which we are very open to people disagreeing with us sure I disagree putting a case on a phone that a company who spends millions on design should be a crime for example putting in case on galaxy s6 edge just turns it into a galaxy s6 but that's not what we're saying what we're saying is you know okay my iphone 6 plus I put it in any case because i want the highest trade-in value i can get when i go to buy my next phone it has nothing to do with how Apple designed it or anything I am protecting it from you know I earn it normal everyday wear scratches dings all that stuff so yeah I put my phone in a tank but this will probably get me you know I I spend twenty dollars on the case it'll save me fifty sixty dollars on the trade-in value yeah that's why I case stuff I think David's saying to that like there are the beautiful design aesthetics that these manufacturers and designers come up with like it's a shame you know if you had a Ferrari why would you put a Ferrari in a tank like it's a shame to hide that the nice looks of a phone which I think makes sense and I have mine in the leather iphone case but I would say my word out I can get I do this now for similar reasons is you but when I have the iphone 6 plus it just got like I wanted to do that what David what you're saying is like carrying it the way it's supposed to be carried but it was just getting scratched and scoffed and stuff like that where I was like now just looks ugly and I gotta put in a case anyway and so now I keep it protected because I don't want it to be in that situation and the nice thing about its protection is like okay the case gets scratched you have to replace it you can't do that with the body anyway yeah it's you know there are a lot i know a lot of people who like to not be used cases and i see that to know and we do David it's just that you know if you have a concern about your phone bending because there's so many reports of this out in the wild yeah notice the sarcasm there then put it in a case or by a different phone but in general I think I'll all this bending stuff is so overblown ah yes I all remember to put my phone on silent I forgot anyway section Baja off topic hey Shawn yours are you subscribed to Marvel unlimited which comics are you reading now have you checked out invincible Iron Man or they now ended or soon to be rebooted Miles Morales ultimate spider-man for those that don't know Marvel unlimited is a subscription service where you pay nine ninety-nine a month and there's over 17,000 marble books you can read ad you can read as many of them as you want I am subscribed to Marvel unlimited I'm currently going through back when Civil War launched I just read the mainline Civil War I didn't get in all the side stuff so I'm diving into a lot of the side stuff especially the spider-man side story was really interesting I'm still not sure why DC has not done something like this but that's DC but no I've not had a chance to check out invincible Iron Man or Miles Morales ultimate spider-man yet let's see we got time for one more question they just sure hear from David Nunez and 2015 would you to personally by a smart TV or non smart TV personally every smart TV software is pretty garbage except for LG's webos I would agree with you there the the the smart I used the term smart loosely os's are for the most part garbage I do like LG's webos that being said I normally the second I i just recently bought a refurbished vizio that was on a killer deal and yeah it has smart features about three minutes after it was set up i had my Roku plugged in and i was off to the races but yeah I don't know what's with the TV manufacturers and their os's they're horrible I think they can sell the software stuff could sell you know spots on there that's why they come pre-loaded with so many apps um if I was buying a TV i would not have smart TV at the top my list but it turns out you know a lot of them have those features now sort of included out of the box I don't use them I can't remember the last time I saw a TV that didn't have a smart OSN right now yeah well i bought the the screen i'm using in front of me actually it's a TV i think it was like 200 bucks and it's just the best buy insignia brand it doesn't have any smart features but i do like hey i like the fact that there are now roku tvs with ya roku just built straight in that's actually I have one here in my office I have a TCL yeah TCL and they white box some of the cable providers services in uh I think Australia and England uh sky this guy yeah yes guy has asked i branded roku pretty cool yeah i actually i finally saw a picture of a sky roku and egg I for those that don't know i'm heading over to england in a couple weeks i I always end up in a electronic store at some point to just boggle it some of the things that are popular over there that aren't popular here so I'm going to see if I can't find a sky Roku just to look at it it's just a Roku with the sky logo on it but anyway that is going to bring this week's episode to a close as always we do appreciate you joining us oh I do have a little bit of news we have submitted the show ooh the google play for their podcast listings however they are not live yet at all that is Oh real quick I know you guys may not care but thoughts on Twitter replacing the fey button to the like button i am 21 and it was almost like changing this what side of the road to drive on for me my friends that's from David Nunez I think that was a really silly decision because so many people use it used favorited as a way to bookmark stuff mm-hmm and now it's like you're giving it some sort of endorsements right yeah i i'm not a fan of it and yes manchester whoo anyway so anyway once the google play store podcasts do launched the TechnoBuffalo show will be there until then you can find us on the itunes store by searching for the technical Buffalo show or we do appreciate if you rate Rubio's you can also find us on pockets cast you can subscribe via RSS feed you can find us on the stitcher app which means you can listen to us anytime anywhere as always anywhere there are podcasts you can find the technical Buffalo show until next week I'm Sean ani I'm the editor-in-chief of techna Buffalo I've been joined by deputy managing editor Cobb Hazelton hi everybody until next week take it easy everyone bye bye
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