
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The TechnoBuffalo Show Episode #070 – Lumia 950, Black Friday Questions and more!

and welcome to episode 70 of the techni Buffalo show I'm I'm your to host for today's Sean ani editor-in-chief of the site and i'm joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton everybody are you doing today todd i'm good getting ready for the holiday here in the United States thanksgiving that's the day i decided to jump on a plane and fly back to the country where we escaped from that's right uh so first topic I wanted to get to you know after last week's show I you know you really you turned me around and I really I've decided that I I need to own an urbane too yeah and why are you laughing Todd because they really didn't recall it they canceled it like you're not going to sell it it was like 24 hours after the podcasts where am i gay I really like it kind of spoiler um it's cool you know I couldn't believe when we got that even yeah and so I emailed right back like okay wait is it like safe to wear and they're really good no problem and I guess what they're saying is that something i saw another article i forget who was financial times maybe saudi said like they reached out they figured out it was something to do with like the display over time wouldn't work as well as they wanted to and because of quality concerns blah blah blah you know their decide not to watch it so it must have been pretty major I mean that's a that's expensive to probably have millions of these are hundreds of thousands or thousands or whatever six well and it's not only the inventory costs which I'm sure they had you know them ready to roll because they were so close to launch but it's also the machining costs rd costed canceling a product at the literal eleventh hour is not a cheap prospect yeah it was almost like the 12th hour because verizon AT&T were already selling it at least eighteen t definitely was which is crazy and it makes me wonder like did did a carrier notice this or something like how did it get so far I didn't see consumers start to know it notice it and reviewers you know for the most part people who had reviewed it all didn't have much complain about and to be honest like I was wearing it every day it doesn't seem like a forward-facing you no problem and yet it's apparently very serious so I don't know that just that really took me by surprise when we got that email and to was like what yeah especially when it was the day after we had spent a good chunk of a podcast discussing it but c'est la vie it's what happens it's unfortunate no I just I find interesting that they definitely implied in the email that we may never see this watch right they were like you know it's not launching now and it might just never launched that is really surprising witchy and you have to think because LG makes the plastic OLED the P OLED screens so if it involves that it's something they've built but you know earlier devices have these plastic OLED screens too so what's wrong there maybe it's like the wiring I just can't figure out like how how bad this really could have been well I think we can definitely say that we know what every LG employee is getting is there you're in bonus she's all right cuz they're still safe to wear yeah exactly so there will be a whole lot of LG employees wearing urban kids but uh well unfortunate I feel bad for LG that that could not have been an easy call to make yeah now and especially around the holidays you know big time to buy these things yeah yeah exactly so unfortunate so this is the last episode for two weeks as I will be off on vacation next week but we will return after that but before we head off into the holiday season we're going to discuss a course was going to be the biggest day this week not turkey day but Black Friday yeah yeah now do you ever go out in the stores are you an online shopper or do you just ignored actually haven't shopped in the past but this year I've got my eye on just a simple TV because there seems to be so many of them for so cheap like probably 32 inch which is what I have in front of me is unbelievable how cheap the televisions are going to be this year yeah like I think you know I've seen plenty priced around a hundred fifty bucks so I would just give this I want a second one over here maybe just two I mean you could buy the TV in front of me was probably like closer to 300 bucks now i can buy two more for 300 bucks and finally sort of outfit my desk with these 30 too much things i mean my wife will kill me but that's what I just wanted to do so no better time to do I I'm running to addition to my 27 inch imac I have to 24 inch monitors but the televisions have gotten at least Im black fri they've gotten so cheap they're cheaper than a monitor which makes no sense to me I know well I feel like the monitors because they they have much sharper resolutions like Here I am with this TVs you know i'm stuck at 1080 which is okay at 32 inches sitting this close you know I can definitely see some pixels and stuff but it's good enough for what i want and i think that's why they get more expensive and they're definitely these compared to these tvs brighter right I mean but I mean it in my case you know the two monitors you know the left one is running real-time traffic reports for the site and the right one is just running tweetdeck you know so I these are not high resolution things that I'm dealing with right yo so yeah it would be great I I'm trying to figure out if I have enough room on my desk for 2 32 inch televisions but on hundred least room now of course a being black friday though I'm sure that you can pick something up cheaply that will just immediately be marked for return um but no I mean I used to do black friday yo in person you know i'd get up at like 2am and head to walmart it you know and be there at like 3am until the door busters would start at seven I haven't done that in years I don't plan on ever doing that again there is a point where you get to an age where you're like nope I'm done yeah it's almost like okay I'm willing to pay the difference and just not show up and not deal with the crowds well and the thing is there's so many on deals now them you know even if it's not the exact same model and that's one thing here's a tip for a lot of people when you're buying on black friday now in Todd's case he's fine with buying whatever you know he's just looking for screen real estate mm-hmm but a lot of times those televisions are made specifically for the black friday sale and so there they'll have the majority of the model number will be the same and then it will end with like a w or be w RB feo ends with some different letter code that's because like they've made one less hdmi port or they've done something different to it so you think you're getting the the regular model alright but you're actually getting the Black Friday it didn't cost us as much to make model right so that is something definitely to be careful for if you're heading out for black friday this year I you know the the other thing that is coming I mean folks I have to be a little careful here I i I've got some things I've been told under embargo so I can't be too specific but believe me there's gonna be some great phone deals no I keep your eyes peeled for those which is a bizarre concept to me you know it's almost like phones have become a gift-giving item and that's so odd to me because to me a phone is such a personal item yeah you know I can't imagine you know even with my parents me going here I bought you this phone now you have to live with it for two years right it's weird except for parents that might not know like you know what they're missing out on and so you give them I don't know get my Nexus 5x right you're like check it out it's got a great camera its Android you haven't used this before and then they they're like oh thanks that's really cool and I can live with this for two years because I haven't had it before but you also then you look at a kid who's like you know reading the site every day and he wants the 128 gigabyte now sis you know 6p and then you get a moto G oh well ESPN has brought some home ah but you know then then you can see where they're like then it's not the personal item it's not what they wanted all kinds of pain the blood stuff but yeah yeah no I it's very odd to me the idea of giving a phone as a gift it's just yeah it was always and then the carriers have done this for years right like they have there you know I think in the past aids on holiday deals or I remember when they'd have like the red blackberry for sale and you'd get buy one get one but it was like always with a contract so it never really made that much sense like unless you were up for an upgrade it was like okay well you can't buy a phone for somebody but that's changing now because of unlock devices where you go you spend a hundred bucks 200 bucks 800 bucks whatever it is you're trying to buy and you actually can gift a phone because it's unlocked and there's so many more options in that market now than there were before so that now it's starting to you know make a little more sense in that regard but you have to know what you're buying right like you can't go and buy I don't know the oneplus X right and give it to somebody on 18 see who might want that LTE ban that's missing like that's kind of a bad move so you have to know what you're doing and research it first oh definitely well and such a mall asks SEO is it worth it to go black friday shopping and I think I used to think it was and now i'm not talking about online shopping i'm only talking about in person shopping i used to think it was but to me the whole issue is as I've gotten older time has become my most valuable commodity I never have enough time hmm so if I'm saving twenty dollars on a television is it worth me interrupting my sleep schedule getting up going standing at a store or spending three four hours there to save twenty dollars and to me unfortunately it's really it's not it's not worth twenty dollars yeah you know because you're talking about basically it's almost a game paid four to five dollars an hour right and now and especially in the day and age you know where sales are actually happening like all year long amazon has something and you have amazon prime and it's here two days or in some cases today by 8pm you know it's kind of like you that's always in the back of my head too and I'm like okay well maybe I'll just wait something I also come up it won't be too long well and that's the thing I mean so many companies now are having a like Black Friday in July well and their sales going on 12 months a year now but you know and black friday is just I don't know it's it's become more of an institution than anything as items I don't know I'm not that the I just can't ever imagine going to the stores again I feel like and also we keep in my I think it's also like a tradition for people kicks off the holiday season shopping you know for us it's about tech but for a lot of people it's also about you know I'm gonna go jcpenney you get your sweaters and stuff like that you know well anyone that gives clothes for Christmas should be you know taking out and flogged yeah but uh oh good grief but I do you have it I I think for me you know yes I I do some online shopping and normally what i do is i pick up like some video game that i've been waiting on yeah but I don't know I usually use the Black Friday time to like think about the gifts that I want to get my family cuz I'm kind of tech guy so it's like Oh what do I get them so you know look around what's cheaper than it usually is that we've been following what do people need my family maybe it's a kindle or something like that you're like okay seventy-five bucks vs. a hundred bucks is probably now it's probably a good time but that's when I start to think about buying as opposed to like you know for myself when the only thing I really want right now so speak TV's well yeah and the i forget what retailer was it was one of the ads we looked at on that uh the fifty-dollar amazon tablets gonna be thirty-five dollars on yeah exactly it some retailers man by a stack of those just give them out of stocking stuffers yeah seriously people I've you I like the tablet I mean no it's not a powerhouse you're not going to do a ton with it but you can use as an ereader you can use it as an email ill reader you can buy a couple and leave them in different rooms of the house so you never have to carry anything around a bathroom tablet is what you're saying basically and at $35 why not yeah you know that is the one thing this because I already thought was a great bargain at fifty dollars 35 it's a freaking steal I know yeah and Roku yesterday was tweeting out that um you know their prices and they're marking down like the roku 3 by like twenty dollars for black friday and they're also marking down the roku 2 or no the roku le and the again the show's not sponsored by Roku Roku streaming i think we're going to see a lot of streaming deals this year you know streaming devices you know so if you've thought about you know cord cutting or jumping into streaming at all you know this is definitely the possibility for your year mm-hmm and we have a question here from Justin yell say I kid you not Nexus 6 is 288 for the 32 gigabyte model on newegg with this pricing drop so extreme does this drive any prospects for future phone sales you see in the future um possibly I mean I think yeah as we know android phone sales are dipping there you know I see a lot of people going on the type of station of Android no it's a sales dip I think a lot of companies you also have to remember the Nexus 6 is now considered an older phone you got the 6p out you got the 6x out by Beck CFO sure I'm so so yeah there's a good chance that you know they want a clear San inventory out or they may just realize they still have a great phone they can sell you know I does it influence future pricing I just I don't know I think it's some yeah I don't know a future phone pricing book current pricing I mean you have to wonder how our companies like you know one plus can react to that price I think Nexus 6 is probably solo for exactly what you said like they're trying to get it off the shelves it's probably you know end of life for them in regards to selling a new hardware so let's get rid of it David noonas ass what is the worst Black Friday purchase you to have ever made and Todd did you return yours I don't know if I've ever made like an actual Black Friday purchase I I've bought a lot on black Fridays some were great deals i got my folks a 17 inch HP laptop one year and that thing last I was ridiculous how cheap it was I can't remember how much it was now but nothing lasted I'm like four four and a half years Wow and that was great but what I always love is the the vacuum cleaner sales Viva they like try yo get you any oh well we're gonna have super cheap vacuum cleaners you get there it's like the most bare-bones model you've ever seen in your life and when you're my grandmother had me pick one up for it I was like so in a month when this breaks you let me know and I'll go get you a real vacuum and yeah sure enough it broke um I didn't feel bad about that one though because it wasn't for me uh I don't think what one year I bought a I bought a gamecube which i never was a huge gamecube fan i probably did not get my money's worth out of the gamecube i hated that controller I think that's the it though for me and embed Black Friday purchases my I just haven't really done black friday in the past because I just not a big fan of crowds and stuff and go to store but this year like I said it might be my first year and i'm sure i'll return something yeah probably well shifting gears a little bit you want to discuss the Lumia 950 a little bit how are you liking it so far yeah I like it um want to talk about it because I had it last week but it was under embargo which lifted on friday and i did a quick article on the site just um here it is by the way just you know five things to know about it um yeah I'm not going after other sites or anything but we got it on monday we had it till friday for me it wasn't a lot of time to to actually play with it i mean we have to remember this windows 10 so this is a lot it's it's similar it's almost identical but a lot has changed so there's a lot to play with and it's very buggy right now so I've actually been emailing back and forth with Microsoft hey you realize this is happening as a testament 15 minutes before the show you got something to finally work you don't have to say what it was but I mean that that tells you this has not been an easy process yeah and last week I was working on my blackberry preview and I thought oh this would be a lot of fun I'll work on that review in word from continuum on this which is when you know you can plug this into a dock that they provide us with the reviews has got three USB ports HDMI USB see uh in and out so under the phone and then DisplayPort kind of a heavy little break so anyway I hooked it up the computer hooked up a mouth too picky born I was trying to work and then it crashed and not only did it crash word it then read the whole Philip phone rebooted this happened several times and I've had other bugs for like apps i actually just emailed microsoft apps are like um they won't update properly in the in the app store so you know like on any phone where it's like 21 apps have updates and then like but on this like six of them or whatever two of them depends on the day will just fail either just stop it won't update and you give err so I've had bugs like that they're frustrating and I couldn't get skype and messenger to work it did work that's the one I fixed with you earlier I don't know there's a lot the problem is there's a huge potential here like continuum is awesome the idea of it of hooking this up to a display and having multiple tabs open and working reliably is very cool to me but there are so many mind-boggling things that don't make sense for example continuum crashing so if continued crashes and Microsoft is pushing this as a device where people can work that makes no sense to me I mean how could I possibly rely on it second Microsoft is pushing their apps that span to continuum so like word and outlook and other apps group me for example which is owned by microsoft you plug this into the dock and put it on my 1080p display for example and you get a full screen you know its scale so the full screen it's not just blown up but actually like a user lap well skype is left out of that which makes no sense to me microsoft-owned skype you know and they're saying that all these developers should be creating apps to span and work with continuum and yet they're not doing it for their own that that is one of the most bizarre things that you pulled me because Microsoft 8000 come on developers get ready for continuum it's gonna be awesome and then you get it and you told me how hey a skype doesn't work and i was like what yeah especially for like we use Skype every day for work so other people must yeah although i find it hilarious you you Roy and I are the biggest skype users yeah everyone else would I want to talk to him on skype I'm like log in please yeah but you Roy and I almost use it like an intercom system yeah but so those are like big things and I feel like a lot of it sort of has been either glossed over by Microsoft or other you know I don't know it's just these are important and I and I feel like as I'm working on a review I can't just sit here and bash the Holy I mean I should I really should because this is available for public review right now except i think that software updates are going to fix a lot of this and i want to make sure that you know either they're coming or they're not coming before i say you know skip on this phone entirely because other things are great this screen quad HD the camera is pretty good we have samples up a windows hello is awesome I don't have glasses I know people are having issues with that but it scans your iris so it recognizes me when the phones locked is he looking for you it says and then I just stare at it says hello Todd it's unlocked so all that stuff is really fun but just everything else is holding it back in its I know for folks that listen to the podcast I've said I just want the smallest device I can actually work from and for me this was it like I could just throw it my backpack and then sort or by pocket really would have liked the doc in my backpack and hook it up to a monitor and get worked on somewhere and now it just doesn't work right so I'm bummed also it's a great idea mm-hmm but it has to work as smoothly as possible yeah and I just can't figure out like I don't even think it's my software right because this it's the same software that everybody else has seen build I just said I'm pumped I know I I know don't worry review isn't gonna focus on that I mean I have to address these issues but i also want to talk about how amazing this could be i mean i don't know that a month from now there's not going to be some huge passion fixes all these problems and then here we are with your review saying the phone is garbage it's not you know and that's just I'm just going to extremes there I don't think it's garbage all as always i forgot to meet my phone apologize for that everyone um well let's jump into questions i can't believe how quickly the the time is flying by i thought this week was going to drag since i'm leaving tomorrow I cannot believe how fast this week has gone so far yeah oh god from David Nunez what tips would you to give it an aspiring journalists to get an internship or first journalist jump make sure that ah i'm going to try to be very careful about how I say this is amazing to me when we get young fresh writers who send us submissions that they is clear that they have not even made one proofing pass yeah I make sure that you have your basics down and I'm talking punctuation I'm talking paragraph breaks you know when somebody new is coming into the business I don't expect them to be as polished as say tates by any means but I don't expect to have to teach you the absolute basics that you should have learned in junior high English yeah so make sure that and I'm pleased no one take offense at that this is a very common problem and I think it's a probably a failing more on the schools than anything but just make sure that you've got over and over and over and it's going it shows also amount of respect you know if one typo gets through one typo gets through but if I can't if I read a paragraph and I go this could then three paragraphs you have a problem yeah i think that one recommendation I'd make is if you if you're at a school that offers classes that are writing intensive whether its history political science English creative writing take those journalism obviously I didn't study journalism I studied English but those and just write a lot I mean that's what our job is but there are all kinds of journalists video journalists photographers and writers and if we're going to hire for our staff writing is very important and video is very important so it depends on what kind of kind you want to do but I would say you know the journalism that I do definitely spend a lot of time writing well our own and show people that you right there are so many free places get a blog right nowadays you know and it doesn't even have to be online I that was something I did for year and I still do you know it's just my way of clearing my head and all that right something every single day yeah you know and even if no one ever sees it just keep writing keep and also and this was one of the biggest helps to me when I was doing some creative writing and you know people kept telling me it was stiff and all that as soon as I would get done I started reading it out loud to myself yeah and you will be amazed how different your writing will be after you hear how it I don't know the exact wording I don't know if there is an official word though what I call it is how it falls on the ear and so sit down and I don't care if people think you're crazy read your writing out loud to yourself and you'll hear where it doesn't sound natural where it doesn't flow you'll start to hear your paragraph breaks and you'll hear your punctuation in the way that you're speaking mm-hmm so yeah definitely and make sure that you at some point sit down and read out loud your own stuff and it will that'll be one of the biggest helps to you ever yeah and read other stuff too ya know what what who reads but from what's it worth will continue and be an update available for older windows phones no because it requires a snapdragon 808 or 810 right now I believe unfortunately not surprised by that unfortunately um from such an Mahal what kinds of stuff would you recommend buying on black friday weekend / cyber monday or video games a good idea to buy them yeah actually i think video games are one of the best things to purchase on black friday weekend cyber monday shopping bonanza because a lot x you know you'll see games that were just out you know within the past couple months already marked down twenty dollars pretty much any time a game comes out in the fall now I just don't bother buying it until black fri cuz i know it's going to be discounted by a third and you can pick up you know like even your old games for like nine bucks yeah so why not yeah i think video games are one of the biggest wins on Black Friday without question and then just you know whatever you think this looks like a good deal now it just it totally depends on what you're looking for let's see here did you do live from oh good grief kook con I hope I said that right uh what do you think about the Apple watch doc I haven't seen one in person yeah I have you know I haven't but we talked about this briefly on the last show it just it didn't look like the day before I wrote it up as a rumor and I was like yeah I don't know if that's real it didn't look like much of an apple product and still kind of looks like a coaster which I mean they all do so same here same songs they open i was charging yell look weird i'm more interested to see if this leads to wireless charging the iphone though because it would be a perfect talk for that too yeah why else have this stupid little thing and it's as an Apple watch gender that would have a biggity dollars but it's from such a Mahal what do you guys think of the Star Wars version of Google products um I like some of them p to the lightsaber noises on yahoo are driving me nuts I on YouTube YouTube yeah that was cute for a while and then it got really old really fast also the background picture on gmail is driving me nuts yeah it's kind of stupid tomorrow I got to take a three-hour drive though so I'm looking forward to using ways and having c-3po guide me on my route although I know I know the route by heart so I really don't need to be else but I use it anyway just so i could hear Threepio talking to me yeah i like the idea i think it's really fun that they did that yeah it's a an idea I I think some of it's a little bit of overkill because I mean like you're watching a YouTube video and you accidentally move the mouse and also you hear the lightsaber swishing sound I'm like oh come on I was trying to do that last night when I was working on troubleshooting a plex server like so I'm watching videos it's like long long enough like I gotta pause and go back because I knew you just said yeah now that it's cute but quite possibly overkill yeah also from coot con hey guys you know why the Nexus 6p has an estimated shipping date of mid mid December internationally was that the release date I don't know what the international release date is and I'm not sure you know why it was just a ride no stocks been in and out but that's a what's it looking at a month from now yeah oh this is always a good question especially towards the end of the year from David Nunez Todd and Shawn any tips for selling old phones websites that offer the most websites that sell the fastest etcetera etcetera thanks guys the two sites that i always recommend if you don't want to deal with actually trying to sell to somebody you know through craigslist or ebay is either a gazelle com or I'll amazes me how many people don't know this exists amazon has a trade-in program mm-hmm they won't pay you cash they'll pay you in store credit but I've seen them give crazy amounts of money for some phones the galaxy mega 6.3 only in white as I learned unfortunately if you had a white galaxy mega 6.3 they're given like two hundred twelve dollars right now for black they're giving 12 I don't know why um but yeah just Google Amazon trade-in and trade hyphen in and you'll be able to jump to that page on amazon and the other one is gazelle like the animal gazelle com and those aren't you know if they say they want it that's it they'll give you a prepaid shipping label and you're done yeah ebay i've used ebay 24 both options which are just terrible I mean when I done it with iphones just fighting scammers every single time and they went a lot and then but ebay has they're also their trade in they give you like the guaranteed price and you box it up and send it in to them label and everything one time I had bought off somebody my dad knew I bought a 1974 Les Paul guitar nice and I had I at one time I had way too many guitars and I went to sell it and I thought oh i paid like 454 you know I didn't know what was really worth this guy calls me up because I had my phone number you know my business number in the ebay auction yeah can you uh he read me the serial numbers off the pots I'm like what are the pop oh well you take the back panel off and you need to look at the numbers on the back of the volume control knob so I'm like oh good grief f it he was just trying to make sure they were original parts it was completely original ended up being worth my time because it sold for twenty five hundred dollars Wow but yeah I saw that was not a fun week because I had so many questions about that stupid guitar so yeah the idea of trying to sell phones oh yeah I that that's why I just like going to gazelle and going I have this phone do you want a good you want to give me shipping they won't goodbye yeah I don't have the original box I don't know where the charger when give me 200 bucks fine necklace exactly you do all that there oh let's see here to do from Bruges and Franco what do you think of the show me announcements I would have loved to get the air purifier but one hundred dollars shipping fees made it prohibitive folks I wanted you to I want you to know that actually I have a talk today with Todd about headline writing and I really really was concerned about the fact that Jacob did not mention the air purifier in his show me article headline I should have had it there you're right I really Todd you know it I your department let me down this morning by not mentioning the air purifier in the headline uh know about it okay other than the better than the air purifier which I'm still laughing about what did you think of the two new devices and where was the me five I know yeah that's I guess a mystery still cuz we're reading for that the Snapdragon 820 that's rumored to pack so we go you potentially had the you know the first time dragon 820 phone announcement uh I don't know I've never actually used as yummy phone and I'm excited to try them at some point I I think it's neat that they moved to metal and are able to keep the cost down still so they look like great devices we just gotta watch you ever sold in the US then I'd are only be a lot more excited I don't know yeah I don't get it ah let's see here to do sorry there there's a lot of questions here so I'm just quickly scanning them from Justin yell say what's going to be the must-have product this season cut the cord and TV is irrelevant as of now um I'm sorry it's not irrelevant um oh I can tell you what's going to be on everybody's the remote control bb-8 this is going to be the hottest product of holiday season especially once the movie comes out you're not going to be able to find this thing anywhere you think oh it's gonna be like tickle me elmo all over again man i should get one naryn i would say i went through the whole Tickle Me Elmo thing that was insanity oh good grief go back to the 80s and the Cabbage Patch Kids oh god for the first year of Power Rangers that was a nightmare huh I never wanted as he can't like the hottest toys I guess I don't know i don't think my parents gave me an option really your parents didn't love you that's what you should that's great what do I things to me Susanna I in the realm of electronics or really it's hard anymore for anything to be the hot item I mean they make millions upon millions and because of their their high dollar value you know you're never going to see people going nuts than yo and like that there was violence / Cabbage Patch Kids yeah and it will tickle me elmo but i don't think you're ever going to see that sort of thing but i think but like bb-8 you know the thing is that it's something anyone can play with you know it's e there's going to be a two hour over a two hour long commercial for I'm playing in theaters all over the world well they're probably going to sell a ton of those things even though it's one hundred fifty dollars dang if you do think cord cutting is irrelevant I think my wife and arrogant a quick cut while we're on that topic go for it man it's awesome from such and Hall hey sean is disney infinity 2.0 for the xbox one worth it for twenty dollars it's on sale / clearance at my local best buy in canada they are selling the toy box starter pack and the marvel super heroes started pack each for twenty dollars the only problem with infinity and this annoys me to no end is that you cannot play the play sets from 2 point 0 with three point oh you can't play the 1 point 0 with 2 point 0 and so on you gonna the figures can go to any generation but the playsets can't for twenty dollars the way i would be looking at it is you're getting two figures for ten dollars each and you'll get you know five six hours of play time i would go with the Marvel starter pack you're going to get five six hours out of the game yeah I I don't know that's a tough call because I I don't understand why they can't make the place that's cross compatible that I've had many conversations with the the guys that I havelange you know interviewing them or whatever no it's just not technically possible like come on if the figures work why can't the place that's hmm it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me but I don't know but for twenty bucks why not I'll be glad to spend your money for you such an let's see here from brazen Franco ARS technica has defined the 950 as a shirt or the wp fan crowd but a know by four others would you say the same thing Todd yeah probably I think that's probably what i'll come to you but which is unfortunate because i think i think that a lot of the features could be really cool for people and yet you know they're not yet and that's the problem so Windows Windows 10 fans or Windows Phone fans are you know okay fine they finally have a new flagship they've been waiting a long time for a one but it shouldn't have just been that should have been appealing to a lot more people because the Windows Phone base is so small I mean and I'm looking I was obviously I just finished the Privy review and I was going through the passport recently and when you think about just all the apps that are available even on the blackberry 10 platform that aren't available for Windows 10 it's frustrating I mean and these are just a few that I've noticed already on Windows 10 but like periscope and snapchat and stuff like that I mean periscope now is such a for me has been very important in a compelling app especially given the global events and and snapshots kind of fun and you just don't get those and Microsoft's just betting that and this is that they've been betting for a long time that ok now developers are building for billions of computer billion computers running Windows you know of course they're gonna build apps that scale to this and that of course is what bothers me because a Microsoft's not doing it with skype hasn't yet and be like I don't I don't know that they're sure it might be easy but so many developers have already said yeah nobody uses windows phone i'm not going to built it up or they ditch them I mean look Facebook's on board but instagram has been on beta forever and it's just that kind of problem that has stop at Microsoft's hoping it does but I'm not sure so sure you know I've SAT here for I don't know four years and I've been following Microsoft for much longer than that but for four years or so since windows phone has been available and they've been addressing this a problem and promising and promising and promising every single time and saying this is what we're gonna do this time this very do this time and it just hasn't worked so there's a very simple solution here Microsoft simply needs to loan developers to these companies yeah but they've even offered cash incentives in the past and that's how they said no faster people are definitely gonna do it cuz we're gonna pay them to do it and that didn't even work because developers rightly so I mean that's a lot to dedicate resources to an app that's not used by that many people that they then have to support and and like I was saying they can you know sure they're just gonna build the windows app and that'll work and I hope that that you know make sense except she's building the windows app like CNN like I never go into like why do I want to CNN Windows app you know like I never opened the app I screw the website and I think that's the kind of thinking that's just not working on a lot of levels yeah a quick clarification from Justin yell say sorry for the structure of that question I meant to state the irrelevance of TV major broadcast channels not cord-cutting I love cutting the cord and would never go back sorry for the confusion okay that makes a lot more sense to me I've really got to remember to meet my phone uh oh good grief well we are at the end of the time I cannot believe how fast that went today my goodness but as always we do appreciate you joining us and again as a reminder we will not be here next week we will return in two weeks I'm going to England and that I'm sorry none of you can come with me ah as always you could find the TechnoBuffalo show on the itunes store by searching for the TechnoBuffalo show and we do appreciate your rate reduces that does help out the show you can also find us on pocket casts so you can subscribe via RSS feed or you can find us on the stitcher app which means you can listen to us anytime anywhere we are trying to make sure that wherever you find podcast you can find the technical Buffalo show until next time I'm honey I'm the editor-in-chief of the site I have been joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton hi everybody we'll see you back in two weeks folks till then take it easy bye-bye
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