
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The TechnoBuffalo Show Episode #076 – Apple, Smarthomes and more!

and welcome to episode 76 of the tectum Buffalo show I'm lime your to host for this week Shaun ani editor-in-chief of the site and i'm joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton everybody are you doing this week Todd I'm good it's an interesting week it is an interesting weekend one quick bit of housekeeping news to those of you that join us on the Google Hangouts especially keep an eye out next week because we may be moving homes we're not sure yet so we will put it out on Twitter and we will put it in the post for next week but just in terms of what our this video goes yeah exactly so just just keep an eye out you know they're there may be some changes coming up nothing bad we're not going away the TechnoBuffalo shows continuing so a couple things we wanted to discuss this week I know that's a surprise you because normally we don't want to discuss anything ah silence first off so Apple really adds financial reports and iphone sales were down and everyone's acting like this is the epochal their sales are up it was a record quarter for sales growth is starting to stagnate that's the thing it has everybody worried okay so growth is stagnant I folks this is something I've always wondered about even from back when I had a business and when I used to play the stock market a little bit you know everyone's like oh well sales aren't growing like they should folks there is a law of diminishing returns yeah there are a finite number of people that will buy these devices right any and Apple had some you know quarters where it was going you know year-over-year from 50 million sales to 70 million and you're like wow that's crazy and this this year I think year-over-year it was a like a 300,000 unit increase which shows the plateau there and you have to I mean look Apple you know you know we have a colonnaded Mars Apple can't go up there and start selling phones to you know a whole new bunch of people that and in the past what it did was in enter China which was a big growth market and now there's there's a lot of concerns right so ipad sales are down again and continuing to show that trend because people are like why we upgrade and there are other reports of saying look average selling price of the iphone is decreasing to you know whether that says people are buying older models which some analysts think like so they would buy the iphone 6 and 6 plus this year instead of the 6s and 6s plus or they're just buying the cheapest models so like the 16 gig iphone 6s and so there's like a concern that they're not spending as much in so Tim Cook sort of hinted yesterday perhaps the iphones are a little too expensive I don't think that are going to change anything but i think you know when you look at rumors about the iPhone 5se that could be a low cost or a relatively low cost forage phone then maybe that's sort of a strategy shift I think we're still going to see though the you know super expensive iphone 7s although yeah no I agree you know and they also announced that there's now over 1 billion active iOS devices there are only seven billion people in the world which is pretty incredible now mind you yes sir people like Todd and I who have multiple iOS devices you know I I have an ipad i have an iphone oh and my family alone my mother has an ipad my father has an iphone you know so yes there there are people that are have more than one iOS devices we're not saying that there are 1 billion people in the world using an iOS device but that's still the equivalent of one seventh of the population yeah it's pretty incredible that that's insane yeah I know androids up there to Google's published in the past one point something I think billion um but it's crazy I think it's funny though like you said there's just this confusion that seems to populate at least on Twitter I mean people are like but they sold record number of iphones how can people be so upset about this and it's just that when you start to see that slowing growth you wonder like okay the iphone for example is apple's most profitable device i think in terms of like margins and it had record profits i think for any company ever i guess for the quarter it's like very healthy right there sitting on a ton of cash question is like how long can they keep that up you know if iphone sales start to go down and always obviously so do profits and stuff like that so they're just wondering you know investors are looking for long-term growth they're not saying like you know a lot of these apps your people online or like buying and selling stocks like you know today and tomorrow just saw all the time is it when you look at a company that's long term it's like well what's app I'm going to be doing ten years from now and if it can't keep up these sales like where is it going to look next a lot people are looking like to the cars Apple car rumors and stuff like that which apparently jony ive is not happy with the design yeah that was in the news this week too it's like I guess the progress of it you know apparently the head of the Apple car is out whoever was leading it and um you know I've I guess was upset and we were talking about this briefly but you know what can he get upset about he's sort of like the head of design at Apple right so like he didn't like the way the car looked or like what does that mean isn't to me and maybe I'm wrong here but does it mean like he designed something awesome the engineers can't get it to that that state you know like other progress boundaries like they just can't physically do it or or they just don't like the looks a bit like I have no idea what that you know what he would be upset about mind you this is the same man that approved the new magic mouse with the charging port on the bottom and apparently the Apple pencil in all those countries yeah so we'll we'll take this with a grain of salt for now yeah but Jeff k asks interesting question here speaking of the number of iOS devices do you think it's more impressive than the number of Windows devices on the market I think history is against Apple i think they are destined to fall when though and that's the thing every company that reaches these sorts of heights which actually no company has ever reached these heights every company that gets huge will events mm-hmm try to say the word eventually every company that reaches these sorts of heights eventually does face a contraction it's just the way the market works and yes Apple will fall they will not collapse they will not go back to the non Steve Jobs error where they almost completely went bankrupt and he had to write in and save them but yes they will fall it's just a question of how far they will fall and as to win i don't know i think you know from the rumors were hearing about the iphone 7 and even the iphone 8 i do think they have some tricks up their sleeves that could you know put them back at the top could keep them from falling you know too soon but we won't know until we see them hmm I think enter your other question do you think it's more impressive than the number of Windows device on the market I think Microsoft has said we Windows 10 rolled out anyway that there were like a billion people using it so to me it sounds sort of equally impressive but obviously Windows is totally different sort of you know Apple was talking about iOS devices so we're talking about what's in our pockets and Windows has been I mean relatively we're not talking about Windows Phone so much but relatively just on our computers so it seems to me like very different markets but obviously that's going to change so Apple if computers are going into our pockets more it seems like well the nap will sort of has a leg up in that industry right because more people are carrying iPhones but I don't know that's again like I think part of the importance here is where is Apple going to go next and matter of fact everybody you know and you look at these markets like virtual reality Tim Cook sort of SETI's it was cool and interesting yesterday so you can see Apple going into that space and there's been a lot of hints that it will and into cars with the Apple car so I think really it's going to be about how well it executes on these new ideas and historically Apple has been very good at doing that but can it continue to to do that well well again here's my question you know all these companies are excited about virtual reality but as anyone asks the consumers yet yeah well I'm still waiting for that phone right but yeah and so that reminds me of sort of the smartphone game where it was like consumers were starting to get interested in smartphones but really weren't you know addicted to them until Apple came into it and it just it's gonna be a matter can Apple really put its magic into things and I hate the word magic an apple but you know what I'm saying click can it can it do that again and it did so with tablets right but it would need to do it with virtual reality and I think right now a key point would be to you know comment a lower cost and sort of do what Samsung's been doing because you need to show consumers what it's all about like you and I up into CES we've put on these happen you know thousand-dollar exits probably cost way more than that hook them up to multi-thousand dollar computers and didn't really impressed but you know I think at the end of the day most consumers aren't going to have that chance and so there needs to be a cheaper way to show consumers how awesome virtual reality is and Samsung send a good job of that and so Apple could potentially do something along those lines too it's sort of like the you know the Apple watch like people have been doing smartwatches but nobody was really paying attention until the Apple watch came out and you start to wonder like well what can happen make that popular too mmhmm yeah well I mean there's no question Apple still has a halo effect around it you know they may be late to a party but once they come to the party everybody goes oh wait there's been other devices like this yeah exactly yeah so I don't know it will we'll see where Apple ends up going but one thing the Apple is working on and actually has made it out of the market already is with some smart home stuff and that was another topic we wanted to touch on this week yeah that I I have finally dived into the world of smart homes just dipped my toe in I'm not as deep into it as you are yet I don't have light bulbs in all that but I did pick up an Amazon echo finally and here's the interesting thing I wrote an article during CES about how it was starting to dawn on me that smart homes were going to be more for the elderly how it could change the way they live how could do more things for them it could make their lives better let them live more independently so as some people you know that listen to the show no I live with my elderly parents you know I help them out and so I got the Amazon echo they have used the echo far more than I have they are like obsessed with it the echo is awesome when it listens yeah I shouldn't previous just it doesn't listen why it listens to all three of us with no problem what I found hilarious yesterday Todd was when I said Alexa over your speakers and your echo listen to me but listen to your wife yeah well funny thing today i was playing speaking of the echo we have a post i don't know if it went live yet but it's about Amazon's superbowl commercial and scotty moreno and out baldwin it's pretty funny it's like it's easier for it and in it there like like Alexa what say oh crap yeah I just like it's like she's gonna listen so she responds all time in like you know they're talking to her and asking her what something was and she responded while I'm typing up the story watching the video and so I have to be careful about like when we were talking or when I'm playing a video because then she starts doing stuff and scares me like all right no I mean it's a fascinating product and what my family has been using it for mostly is to listening music and because my they were never much into yo Oh going over the CD player and changing out CDs they never really got into mp3s but for them to be able to just sit there and go you know Alexa play piano man by billy joel they're loving it they are absolutely thrilled with it and so i am going to be getting some light bulbs i am going to be getting some other smart home products ill and so it's going to be really interesting to see watch how they interact especially with it because you i I've had elderly people in my life firs long as I can remember and my grandmother especially on my maternal grandmother she was afraid of technology like you wouldn't believe I mean she even on her DirecTV remote she took a piece of paper and she put it over the remote and she cut holes for the only buttons she should touch Halima yeah exactly because she she got tired of having to call me to come over and fix it for when she would screw something up so she made herself like a dubby guy that she lay over the remote that's funny but she is someone that a unfortunately she's passed but I could see her using the echo like crazy yeah because it unlike all these other gadgets and you're right we were talking about this a little bit especially at CES is like for the elderly and stuff because unlike these what previously were complicated gadgets amusing quotes here like remotes the voice control is a totally different you know area for for the elderly where they don't have to be afraid just because they're like oh like I don't get the menus and I don't get all you know all they have to do is say what they want and it works you know for the most part and I think that's what's what's so compelling and it opens it up for more people than ever before exactly you know and I I love asking you know her what the forecast is I love although i have discovered one weird thing as listeners of the show know i'm a fan of manchester united she does not understand manchester united it seems like she can only give scores for us teams and can only you know tell you when the next game is for us team she cannot grasp have you gone through he likes it happen seen if there's like a third-party plugin i did and i haven't found anything yet but i'm still doing her kind of junky yeah I could tell by the reviews yeah it was like one star although I did that I did have to laugh when I found a bingo app oh yeah yeah like were those games you can play with her I haven't done any of those yeah well apparently it's like a bingo caller just made me laugh for some reason yeah I guess you could just sit here by your silly with a bingo mark it was a bingo card at a Vigo marker and Alexa will call out that you know that's just like that that's like the ultimate cat lady sir yeah you can say that I mean hey you take that into like an old person home and they go nuts for that day they a lot yeah they good I IOUs I think smart homes you know we always look at technology as for the young and I think the smart home market is going to eventually find that I I think the reason my parents are able to use is because it's just more natural to them to speak I agree and so if smart homes continue down this particular Road I think that they could find that there's going to be a much larger market for this the only problem is of course is the you know cost for entry into the market and of course also deciding on which platform because there's multiple platforms that's the hard thing to I found like you know and when you start to think about which one links up with which and you're like oh well if it doesn't do that like I was talking about in a previous episode I have the Philips hue bulbs don't really work with my version of Philips hue bulbs don't work with home kit which is annoying cuz I'm like oh you know and that gets frustrating cuz again like we've talked about it gets expensive to you know I'm not gonna go out buy a whole new set of Philips hue bulbs exactly but exam one of the interesting things too and we were talking I don't want to say they're elderly but my mother and father-in-law you know they're actually pretty tech-savvy and they recently we had the winter storm Jonas coming through here with the blizzard and they were able to set you know the temperature at their beach house which was down the Jersey Shore which had some flooding and was right in the path of storm to 270 degrees just in case just in case the power went out and like that's super warm why would you do that but nobody's there but just kiss power went out so that it could still you know keep the house relatively warm / longer and I thought that was a cool idea and it's something you know when I bought them the nest that they used to do that I thought oh this will be great to can turn on the air conditioner on their way down there the summer and stuff but I hadn't really thought about the winter keeping the house warm remotely no of course they did they thought about it that's a fabulous use case story right there yeah I ain't and that's I'm going to be getting a smart thermostat for here in my office so because I me I'm at night there's nobody in here yo so why should I keep the heat up well I would like it warmed up before I get to you know over here in the morning so I'll get a smart thermostat and you know be able to control all that but I mean that's a granny how far r l 20 generally do they live from the sonic an hour and a half so that's fantastic yeah I need that right there is a it's a very specific use case but it's very interesting use case right ill why thing I ever really thought about furnesto yes yeah yeah well I mean how many people would but I mean that's that right there shows to me you know they're there are a lot of use cases for smart homes i think a lot of people have gone yo oh that's silly and like i said after CES you know I thought the refrigerator with the cameras in it was silly until I did find out that yes you could look at the pictures from your phone when you're at the grocery store right and that I mean look I'm not going to go out and buy a refrigerator just because it has cameras but when I was in you know and down the road when I'm in the market for a new refrigerator I might consider it yeah especially if it just becomes like a standard feature you don't how can't cost much to add a little camera yeah exactly exactly also my god that's pretty easily oh I hadn't heard the update to apples war chest it's up to two hundred sixteen billion Wow good grief has a lot of cash well let's dive into some of the questions we have here from such a Mahal do you guys believe the rumors of the iphone 5s II I think that if Apple was going to make another 4-inch iphone that would use the mini or nano name for it oh that's that's a good point yeah I don't know if there's been so many names for this very Marino's iphone 6c it was iphone 5 ye yeah i was 19 5 SD now I don't know I yeah I believe it because the person reporting on its mark Gurman at 9to5 mac and he's you know pretty dead-on with this stuff for usually so it's hard to say like I don't believe it when he's reporting on it unless you think like I saw somebody on Twitter say are they trying to smoke out like whoever is leaking it so you know like today make up the name and see where it surfaces and see like oh that's where it's coming from because I agree like those other names sound better but you know Apple's own in the past we saw the iphone 5s 5c so I think you know se would probably work to me the funny thing is though it's like it sounds like second edition right so that wouldn't that have been the iphone 5s and now we're like iphone 5s SE well I think as he I my gut feeling is as he actually stands for special edition yeah something like that right now so I don't know well we'll see but yeah I do think the iPhone 5se does exist I think so too i'm actually pretty interested i mean like i haven't used a four-inch for a long time but i would i I've been helping my dad yet uses iphone 5s which is four inch and I'm just like oh my god something again it is kinda but I don't I didn't I think there's another question about i'm using a 6p and it's a big phone and same with my 6s plus ly they're both big phones and sometimes I'm again from I'm gonna try to pronounce this Don bogus i I don't I I'm so sorry if I think of ER I think about gaming but what do you think VR can do for our daily lives see this is where I start to have problems with VR i'm not sure what VR can do and the everyday life you know I I went to some demos at CES and they were like oh look at this concert oh look at this movie those were interesting but I couldn't see myself using them on a daily basis right i think that i think on a daily situation we're looking more like augmented reality like it we have this post from Jacob who finally got to try the hololens you know I think the hololens has a lot of interesting applications via firm like the demo where they showed the woman trying to fix her sink and her father was able to draw you know turned that and all that I think that sort of use cases very interesting but with virtual reality I think the problem with VR in everyday life situations is that closes you off too much to the outside world and I like the idea of augmented reality if somebody could ever come up with a way that you could wear it on the street but the idea of augmented reality being a heads-up display you know I I thought about the situation imagine if you had access to your contacts because who hasn't walked so on you know somebody walks up to you at a conference or something and you completely cannot remember their name that'd be awesome like facial recognition Lee yeah just little facial recognition your glass good i'm sad like a third party like non official app that did something like that yeah I that that would be cool but I I don't know I in everyday life I just don't know what they can do was virtual reality that's going to make it compelling to use it all the time but i think i think for classrooms and stuff like we saw Buckingham Palace 4mm was one of Google's expeditions or something for cardboard I feel like that kind of stuff could be fun especially for students or like you know you're like reading about something a book you're like oh I want to see that he's put on like like that could be sort of daily use case or um I think it was Netflix CEO Reed Hastings I think he was talking to Andreessen Horowitz one of those venture capitalist firms and uh he was saying they were saying like where do you see Netflix in the coming like 10 20 years like where what happens wouldn't you know movies and TV shows aren't that great anymore and he was sort of referring to virtual reality early what is this next experience for movies like sitting on your couch and watching a movie is just old you know like nobody does that more and he was saying like maybe it's for reality and stuff like that so like what's the next form of entertainment and obviously that would be daily I think gaming will be a big part of that I know the answer is like what else can it do so it's like how do you consume you know TV shows and movies that way versus I mean I don't think it's like if you put on the gear VR right now you can sit in front of a huge movie screen but I don't think that's like something everybody's going to do every day and the idea though bringing vr to two films or television yeah I I don't know how much you know people are familiar with the Oh everything that's going on behind the camera I filming a movie in 360 is going to be next to impossible oh look there's the boom mic oh look there's the video village where the director sitting watching renders it's nice to me yeah I don't even think I want to be like in the movie like I mean I guess like if they if they could do it need I guess but I don't know whenever I put on VR and this is right now and I've used a lot of them you it there's something like being transferred into that other world is really fun and exciting especially for gaming but when you're trying to focus on something like sit still and watch a movie it feels very weird right now I don't know how they're gonna get around those boundaries because part of you is like why don't I just do this in real life you know like when you're sitting in a fake movie theater or like sitting in a fake couch watching Netflix on a fake big-screen TV it's just kind of strange you like the natural something about VR makes you want to move around and interact and you can't really do that with it movie screen so it's very bright and also you have to think about movie directors they're trying to frame the the frame of this picture is as much a part of the story as what's being spoken right and so letting you go willy-nilly into this world would take away a lot of the art of the film mm-hmm so yeah it's like a movies like you know it's like look at this and this is you know that's part of the art right and instead you're like oh I can look at everything and I guess who just be very different yeah look at the child extra over in the corner picking his nose yeah unless you write like I'm just thinking about it like if you think about it like a Western and you know you're riding on a horse and the main characters on this horse you really kind of like in the film with them and watching this one person I don't know that can be coming it'll just be strange it'd be very strange be very strange from brazen Franco with the iphone 6 starting at 549 and the iphone 6s starting at five ninety-nine where do you think the iphone 5s will fit price point wise what do you think is more plausible iphone 5s e with a 9 or 5 iPhone 5se with a 8 all I know is it's really hard to say five sec yeah i think i think a nine should beware apple goes and rumor has it they would it would just replace the iphone 6 you know because they're going to move the 6s and 6s plus down a notch put the 5se and at the bottom and put the iphone 7 iphone 7 plus at the top so I'd like to see with a nine because obviously you're going to have the new one in the the new phones in the iphone 7s and it brings it more on a par with the iphone 6s and 6s plus which is what we're expecting I don't know I think it makes sense and I don't know about the price but you you'd hope it goes somewhere like around you know I'd say 499 or lower if Apple really wants to cater to that market yeah it's gonna be interesting to see what happens with that huh let's see here from Jeff k are there any Android phones you guys are wanting I know your daily drivers are Apple phones but what would it take for you to switch well our primary daily phones are Apple phones i think both of us carry androids azhar secondaries yeah I guess technically so i said this couple weeks you i reactivated my project fly line in advance of why it was never on act but i put it back in the phone so that's in the 6p ahead of Mobile World Congress and then i have the a9 because i had their red one which I just think looks cool and that has one line on it so that's two android phones and then my iphone so i guess technically excu android well okay i carry the iphone 6 plus and an LG g3 and then i have my nexus 6 which has my UK sim in it but i use it as a Wi-Fi device just because i really like the screen um but the upcoming android phones hmm i don't know i'm interested in the galaxy s7 i love i love the s6 I just always wished it sort of had better battery life and expandable storage and sounds like Lisi expandable storage will be included um I don't know I really like the blackberry prive still too I just sort of I can't carry around three massive phones by tossing six because I hadn't used it until just recently just got it so it's yes I'm up probably go back to that scene I am intrigued by the g5 yeah I want to see what the heck they're doing with the g5 and the latest rumors suggest they have that special accessory slot or something and I won't have maybe vs reality stuff oh and a court project area i'm super interested in never ever happened though like google brought that up a little bit last year they said we're gonna do the demos and emporio i think right yeah yeah and I was like I killed that and I think maybe Google needs to stop speaking quite so much until they're sure of things yeah excuse me off of that yeah right off of it but yeah maybe not announce things until you're a hundred percent sure well they showed that it worked with hot swappable components and then it sort of just went think they were going to demo it somewhere and start selling them an inch never had so I guess we gotta wait until google announces one of those it wasn't it's like what was it their project was like their project x kind of press conference or Google X press conference kind of stuff it wasn't really Google and now that's a separate arm inside alphabet i think so i don't know 00 though we don't know what it's going to happen Jeff your comment your question about why is it so hard for us to block a certain commenter I see it I acknowledge it I do not want say why it's so difficult out loud because that would give other people the idea of how to do it but we do work on trying to pacquiao so I just didn't want Jeff to think that I was ignoring his question or dodging I just that's not something I would rather say why it's so difficult because then we would have 20 fake man's anyway moving on down the road here we just uh ah okay dotted actually da i was having more trouble figuring out how to pronounce your first name okay i pronounced realizing like voice got it i always appreciate when people tell me how to pronounce their names okay so let me just jump through here i'm getting a lot of one person things here uh from such a mahal what do you guys think of smart things especially since they're owned by samsung um I got no problem with them I I think it's the the same thing with you know what Todd and I were already saying though it's going to be you know okay what works with us what works with that right which platform you choose and I I don't own any smart things gadgets that I know of but you know but I mean I know I guess I guess echo Bravo works with smart things probably uh huh Ivan tried it I'd be surprised you never know I just noticed a horrible coffee stain on my cup that looks really bad on camera hey how did coffee ah how can't be out of coffee from Jeff k I wonder what it'd be like to switch facial hairs with you two oh man if I had a beard I uh which leads me to my next point are you guys going to grab a nexus phone with the price drop I have no idea how those two things connected and that's why I had to ask which agreed in my last question a beard Nexus it was such a seamless transition I probably won't buy one side I have this one from Huawei at the press conference at CES it's the gold 6p that I put the case but um the 5x is super tempting i was thinking about getting one my wife's going to come with me to barcelona for mobile world congress and i was thinking like oh it'd be really convenient if i could have her on project phi 2 and get her 5x but you can't you like a project 5 family plan and i get like so it's kind of i'd have to tell her to go sign up for project fine i was just like forget it let's get her sim card there but that's added my eye on it I was looking at getting the 5x to butt in yeah I did find it interesting I did you notice in the vegas airport that there was a machine selling sim cards by baggage claim yes that's not something you see a lot around in the US yeah yeah you see in money some of the New York airports I think Gavin but yeah a lot of airports you don't I know it's probably because they have all your national charlie yeah I found that really interest because that's some time used to seem like in Japan or England right like the major yeah but uh yeah that surprised me when I spotted that in vegas at baggage claim oh how i love and when your bags came up how long did it take them I think he came out right away over a half hour um in after we landed our bags finally start coming up around the carousel wow I was like any time now hey any old time that's all uh-uh it sucked I am a but did you fly with priority on delta I fly with priority and I think that yeah dad's gonna clean they they put the orange priority tag on my bag bad the baggage handlers never pay attention of those things huh I I think what's your choice first bag now I think exactly yeah I know that the American Airlines is real good about putting the other orange priority tag on at me and my bag should come up you know in the first batch and now the baggage handlers don't ever pay attention from mr. Sean Todd what have you returned lately oh shoot I think I did something I remember I have to return things to companies before they kill me I wasn't kings yeah I know I didn't buy them um not I don't think I return anything I had my eye on some razor keyboards and I probably would have kept that though like the chroma they had a big sale and I missed it so I had really wanted to buy and then they're like 170 bucks though no ouch yeah yeah I can't picture paying that much for a keyboard Jeff k is asking Shawn why have you returned lately um does it count if I traded it in yeah okay though I finally traded my one plus one huh so that's it I I'm not big on returning things basically once it arrives it stays here for life uh but i like it cuz you know you can go to Best Buy and I like the Apple new TV and play with it and be like yeah that's what I did I think it's a good way to play with gadgets when you can't like I don't know you check him out and see what it's all about but I unfortunately I returned it now I kind of wanted again now that the beta is live support something like that which is a couple of things I said I wanted right from the get-go yeah I know you you know your grand up buying one again probably but not for a bit because i have so many of these things first i gotta cancel cable which is you know my next thing to do now that football is basically over i'm gonna watch the superbowl at a friend's house so i actually i did a cost analysis the other day so when I left directv I was paying 150 dollars a month so I figured okay I have a hundred fifty dollars a month to play with you know and after you know my cable company getting me for overages and all that and increasing my package having to subscribe to another couple services i'm down to i'm saving sixty dollars a month so 85 of it though was by freaking cable company yeah but uh I saw yeah I'm not why will like to have been saving a hundred fifty dollars a month i'm still pretty happy with saving sixty dollars a month yeah that's pretty good yeah and it on I don't know other things speaking of like returns though I'm excited I can super excited about the next bit Robin that's coming and I hope I don't want to return it but oh yeah i forgot about that your smartphone and search the shipment middle the next month i'm hoping it comes before memorial congress uh mr. Shawn's asking what I'm wearing on my wrist it's the under armour what they call it you a band made by HTC I hold it up it's just it's pretty simple it's just you comes in the Under Armour workout box it's got a small screen I like it because it automatically tracks sleep hearts go out to you that cool though and I found if I don't get my eight hours it's you know I'm feeling tired I can't remember the last time I got eight hours yeah I got a bit early from such a baja will there ever be one true smart home platform to rule them all I think eventually it's just a question of how long it's going to take to get there that's the race right now I think it'll end up being something like Samsung and somebody on you enter google and apple or whatever but that's sort of you know the iOS android thing where it will probably be a couple but right now they're all trying to figure it out there's just so much going on it's all kind of a mess so somebody needs to come in you know almost like like the uber of taxis like and just say like here's how it's going to work and this and everybody's can do the go you know you start to wonder if it's going to be amazon just because the way i mean they don't have a lot of things besides the echo but it works so well that it needs to be a product like that where people are just like oh that's yeah that's what a smart home is I get it yeah yeah from bond voice you guys review a lot of products on your YouTube channel what do you do with these products after reviewing them the vast majority of them go back to the companies that send them to us it varies by company some companies are like no we don't want that back you know what are we going to do with it but the vast majority of them do and a as Todd was just saying you know he has some products to return to companies before they kill them so yeah the vast majority of them do go back to the companies or they go they a lot of them will end up in Oregon and we have a closet and they come out for like comparisons you know so the g4 when the g5 comes out we'll probably bring the g4 over to Barcelona with us take pictures of them side by side you know compare them and then maybe when the review is done we'll put them together to you it's sort of like a lot of comparisons I mean it it sounds awesome to have all these products and I'd never complain about it but there becomes a point where like you're like there's just so many that you don't want them all anyway you send them back because you're like you're not using them is just like collecting dust and we can't give them away sometimes you can give them a charity or something like it they're old and the company gives you permission to do that but you can't sell them or anything so right there usually it's just usually passes in the back okay then you end up my dilemma sort of it's like why we always talk that I return things like you also end up wanting a product that's yours even though you know it's a company and they might not want it back as a journalist you're kind of like I just I want something that like I own no and I want it to be all mine and I don't have to worry about sending it back or anything like that so I end up you know eventually just buying it if I like it a lot anyhow in some form ya know I generally I I end up buying the stuff i really like as well because like they prove we got the company purchased by my own iphones by my own lots of things tablets light bulbs come amazon i go for mr. Sean have you guys considered moving to California I have I almost did it's sort of always an option I guess it's always an option die just hey I have nothing against California I just I really like where I live yeah my wife my family are all here on the East Coast and I my wife works in city new york city so it's just easier for us to be here no well we are running out of time and we still have a lot of questions but i'm gonna i like closing out on a really geeky question here so from brazen Franco finished watching all 121 episodes of clone wars is it ok for me to say that it was a lot better than episode 7 um I gone on record before I loved Clone Wars I thought it was fantastic it was what the prequels should have been really um yeah I would say was better than episode 7 but you also gotta remember you had 60 hours to know those characters yeah you had a like close to two and a half hours for episode 7 and you had 60 hours to get to know the the Clone Wars characters but no the clone wars cartoon for anyone that hasn't watched it it's really really good at it makes the prequels better it doesn't save them but it makes them better well as always we appreciate you joining us as I said at the top of the show we will be changing the where the show is played in the future so please keep an eye out on Twitter as well as the weekly post that goes up but it will it will be still be through hangouts we're just going to be changing a couple things up but the TechnoBuffalo show will continue it will be us you'll still be able to ask Todd what he's returned as always we appreciate you joining us if you head over to the iTunes Store and you search for the technical Buffalo show you can rate and review us and we do appreciate that does help out the show you can also find us on Pocket cast you can subscribe to RSS feed or you can find us on the stitcher app which means you can listen to us anytime anywhere it basically anywhere there's podcasts you can find the TechnoBuffalo show until next time I'm Sean ani I'm the editor-in-chief of TechnoBuffalo I've been joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton hi everybody until next week take it easy everyone bye-bye
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