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The Truth (360 & 4K)

what's going on everyone John render from technobuffalo here and we are back with another state of the site we try and do things differently TechnoBuffalo we even the past sort of pulled the letter back and shared all of our stats all of our traffic history and we tried to very candidly look about what we've done right and what we've done wrong did a lot of things differently these past few months and I figured what better way to talk about we've done differently than by doing a different video I feel so weird so we are in 360 which means if you've got something like cardboard laying around put your phone in and look around at the room where we do a lot of our filming in if you're watching on YouTube you can move your phone around actually look around the room and see all of us sitting here so boobarella we're talking look around take a look at what's behind us and things that are going on because they're shooting b-roll right shooting b-roll as we speak i've got i've got ron in front of me I've got marked first Niner to my right so let's go ahead and let's start with video think we've done a lot of different things as video yeah so I've been doing YouTube videos since 2007 along a long time doing videos I sort of got into a rhythm of the way I was doing things and in a lot of ways that it started to stagnate a little bit I sort of took an introspective look at what I've been doing personally with videos I think it's important to do on any job whether youtube or anything and I started saying that we need to change up the way that we were sort of doing things are approaching videos because the oldest tree is has changed so we started doing that of me early November I think yes art is it about couple months outfits about too much yeah you should be able to see some of those changes so you saw the regular shows like ask the Buffalo and rumor roundup that initially go away you're going on hiatus hyannis just reevaluating yeah they're still there still existing and when there's something to talk about we're gonna do those shows but linked to something worthwhile talking we're not going to shoehorn them in there for any particular reason we want to mix up our sets you know I make the video sort of look a little bit different doing a lot more voiceover centric videos and trying new technologies just things that we've always kind of wanted to try this year's been an incredible year for us we pass it over millions of drivers we passed 1.1 we're on our way to pretty close to 1.2 million yeah subscribe words been great on the site technobuffalo calm obviously god we've had hurtin what's up you got a gold play button we Dave you gotta go away yeah weird nabavi by that growth has been release all this our fifth year of consecutive growth on TechnoBuffalo comrades site grows and grows it's hard to sort of have that two hundred percent growth you have the year before finishing return yes so we had about a forty percent growth this year which is really solid we sort of settled in to around thirteen and a half to 14 million page views a month and about three million uniques per month on so big big numbers obviously our goal for next year as I want to have an average of about 15 million page views and about three and a half to four million a single put us in a really nice position we're also reevaluating kind of everything that we've been doing it and the ads are a big part of of how re-evaluating the reality is I don't like abs I don't think anybody here like yeah add I feel like what what has kind of come through in video is how we feel about ads like I don't mind ads when there's something entertaining and that's what we've been going for is like trying to do something fun too long I've been trying to make her ads like their own individual pieces of content I think that is like they should be good enough to stand on their own and be whether they be a little skits or whatever we have fun with them or whatever maybe that's kind of been the thought so if we're if we're doing ads we only want to do them in a way that we'd actually watched and let you guys know at least you weren't just like hey you should check out whatever razor or should we try to make a fun entertaining we're gonna continue to do that yeah we're also going to work to put out more video of higher quality so not every video you see has ads we're have to do for videos a week that have ads but we are sort of working through negotiate how those ads would work to make it a better experience because we want it to be better for you guys we want the whole site to be better yeah and the videos to to be better so heading into next year you should see a lot of things that are different I think you'll look to see more frequent videos different styles of videos we're independent so we can how to do what we want we're gonna try sort of new angles on on both posts and videos you'll see Ron literally new Anglesey way yeah you'll see Ron a bit more on camera yeah you'll see in the a little bit more on camera so if you guys couldn't tell we try and do things differently here and that's why we give you all this information let you know what's going on behind the scenes so we're going to look heading into next year to try and fight stagnation it happens in any job and any career in anything you do something long enough but you get comfortable and sometimes getting comfortable as the detriment of the business and determine the videos and it was from a tough relation for me to sort of look inside and big maybe on the thing that was holding us back maybe the style that I got so accustomed to lose what was holding us back so we all sort of got a lot more collaborative we all started talking more brainstorming video ideas try and make videos better yeah we've got almost 1.2 million subscribers you know we want at least twenty percent of our subscribers to look at each video and that's our goal that's pretty about average for for the industry we want to forget that number up higher so videos that averaged thirty forty thousand views it should be averaging 80 90 100 that's up to us to put out better videos with new styles love to hear what you guys think things that you want to see maybe you want to see more tutorials maybe you want to see more camera gear here that Rhonda's maybe you want to see more ways to root your phone on it something that burst can do we'd love to hear what you guys want to see hope you guys enjoyed this we'd love to just sort of pull pull back to the veil yes and just show you our stats no one else does this no other site does it's kind of cool thing about being independent we can show you everything have a really kind of honest discussion so and since and since we are all here you know we can just have a very frank discussion we're like you know we're not you guys aren't just numbers on a piece of paper and like you said like not everybody gets the opportunity to do this and talk about what those numbers are and you guys are who those numbers represent so when we say like let us know your thoughts or let us know what you think in the comments like we're not a joke it's very it's very genuine like we're we're super serious like let us know what you think in the comments because we are we're reading them you know thank whoever which one of you spoiled Star Wars for me because I remember but events and we do this I particularly do this because I love it I could have sold this years ago and otherwise what I mean I'm done something different yeah I love technology I love making videos i love to be able to talk to you guys so I like first said let's have discussion if you see the comments on any of our video we respond we respond all the time I will always I'll respond from the china buffalo one I signed it and being like and I probably spawned two I mean almost every comment no matter how horrible some of them yeah some of them are really some of them really horrible and speaking of comments last thing that I want to talk about is dealing with the comments now for a long time it's easy for me to say it gets easier to deal with man those comments it really tough sometimes we already get discouraged I wasn't a little bit of a rut I think for the past few weeks yeah I think I was there with you for like a week or two minutes it's really hard Internet is a horrible place great and awful I mean but at least great and awful yes yeah but the same thing with comments like four for one or two videos like really discouraging yeah and I'm not so like I pinus guy to be like he should all be nice because I know they've got the reality of the world yeah at least isn't thinking about typing something don't type something that you wouldn't say to somebody's face right if I wouldn't say to Ron I wouldn't say it to you I try it yeah and you know what like even with even when people are like pretty awful about it I try and how would you like to be responded to you know like if I had said something awful and someone said something to me like hey maybe think about what you're saying first I think oh thanks oh it's a very little way level-headed way had to help her stop being a jerk yeah it's it's tough to do the comments and doing this for so long I always think that I get better and then I think that I finally like got some armor on yeah then someone says I'm just like rips it all right that'd be nice I know that we're still human beings we might be on YouTube but we're yeah normal dudes like you guys are so anyway thank you guys for watching you guys want to say I don't think so I mean mostly thank you like yeah we wouldn't be able to do like the play button videos that the state of the site videos that's my number one thing is like I've been a viewer for a very long time this is my like kind of first foray into the other end of the spectrum in this particular medium so I think it's is important for you guys to feel valuable you know as if you were every single time you click like it makes a difference it does it makes a huge difference in we're it not for you guys we would not be able to have this business operating as it does today so and just just from my kind of like alluding to what you said earlier which was just to keep videos fresh I think something we've done is really avoid having going to the same place as filming the same locations and so we've really like really made an effort to to pushed on will been challenged ourselves yeah close to every single day we come in you know we have meetings in the mornings or like or we're like what do we do today you know we have like three view okay but we want to do a great job in everything we don't want to fund any of them in so yeah we try really hard I know for me I and tell a story like I know I try especially lately I'm trying to approach each and every video that we do is like an opportunity to tell a story about a device and I think as you know I think that's something that you guys can expect to see a little bit more of mm-hmm agreed so thank you guys we love doing 360 stuff we're going to try and do more if you want more French on how we get 360 and where we we did will put links to yeah that's up down below so YouTube you get zero 360 on anyway guys until the next video John render I'm are percenter I think I'm Ron berita and see you guys soon oh this is weird signing off altogether I liked it
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