
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Top 5 Gaming Gifts for the Holidays!

this episode of TechnoBuffalo is brought to you by all right have a seat and listen up it is time for the holiday gift guide for that gaming person in your life even if that person is you first up we're gonna talk about one of my favorite things that I got this year these are the control freak little nubbins for whatever controller it is that you play video games on these things are fantastic you don't think they're gonna make that big of a difference it look kind of silly when you get them but when you stick them under your thumb sticks it forces you to get better and having more range of movement because it lifts up from the top of the thumbstick really gives you a lot more accuracy and precision once you get used to them plus they have convex and concave and they're super super cheap great toppings stocking stuffers stuffing stop stopping sift up stop you all know you have that annoying friend who still uses their crappy iPhone headset to play with when you're playing destiny or something online or it even worse they're using the headset that came with the ps4 or whatever it is that they're using it's awful and it really ruins the experience for everyone so everyone's different on headsets but I really like the ps4 Gold Wireless ones like I said they're Wireless which means I can run to the fridge grab something to eat or drink and since they're made by Sony they support the virtual surround sound that's inside of them which means it supports profiles for a ton of the big flagship game including destiny which is pretty important for me the Logitech g600 MMO gaming mouse is probably my favorite purchase of 2015 I got it pretty cheap on sale from Amazon but this thing is worth it even at full price it's got probably I think I counted approximately 726 buttons on it and that's a total lie but there are a lot of buttons and the programmable it's got great colors it's a very comfortable Mouse to use and I really like having access to quite that many buttons mice are a lot like headsets where you want to get something that fits for that correct person so you might want something weighted you might not but this is my pick for my favorite Mouse of the year and of course the kind of higher price tag option of the five the Nintendo 3s it has been around for a long time but damn the titles on the 3ds are out of control great fire emblem lots of indie titles with with shovel Knight you've got Mario stuff Zelda stuff Yoshi stuff Kirby stuff Donkey Kong stuff like all that engine stuff that you can't get anywhere else you can get on the 3ds so this is great too because if you don't want to rake the bank you can get a 2d S which supports all the 3ds titles except for the new 3ds titles so you can pick up a new 3ds if you want to play some of those newer titles but it's a great option for those of you travel a lot need something portable finally I would be remiss to talk about my favorite gaming stuff of the year without talking about maybe my favorite game yes destiny the taken king came out this year as well but I gotta say fallout 4 has absolutely changed my video game life if you've never played a fallout before this is a great time to get into it it's really accessible it's an enormous amount of content great story great characters great writing great gunplay great gameplay great customization for your character and it's a sprawling sprawling map it's enormous and you will get lost in it for the majority of 2016 so it's absolutely worth your buy those are my thoughts on the best gaming gifts for 2015 let me know what you have asked for from old st. Nick or Krampus for the holidays or whatever Festivus pole you are worshiping this year and let me know what you are getting for your friends who are gaming focused in the comments as well thank you guys so much for watching I'll catch you in the next video and be kind to one another and I love you all in the spirit of the holidays I just kind of want to make sure that we take a little bit of a second to stop and think about those among us who are less fortunate so I just registered this this domain it's the elf dot rehab for for all elves who maybe have had a little bit too much eggnog over the holidays a little bit too much mulled wine and they you know they need somewhere to go to kind of get their life together so I registered the elf dot rehab over on which was a great place to go do it really quick and easy to do and I used the code techno bubble oh and it got me 20 sent off so hopefully we'll have that site up and running for any Elvis you know and in need in this time of year when you're thinking domains think
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