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What Apple Does RIGHT...

so earlier this month we created a bit of a stir with our here's everything wrong with apple video check that out if you have it I promise to be a flipside Apple has done it continues to do a ton of awesome things so here is everything right with Apple and before I jump in Apple as a first company we're gonna be dissecting in this waste we sure hit subscribe button sure notifications Microsoft Amazon Google and more are all on deck I'm hoping you guys aren't gonna want to miss them so I'm gonna get the design part out of the way pretty quickly Apple sets the design standard the consumer electronics to the string everything from phones to tablets to laptops influenced by what Apple does or is allegedly going to do next before the iPhone Android was being developed to be non touchscreen or lying on a physical keyboard it just looked like a fancier blackberry big ol home buttons on the front below the screens for better or often for worse nowadays that was all Apple while essential had the first notch every notch since it's copied Apple design language to a freaking tee and even if you're the biggest Android fan in the world you go a small like what's up head nods Apple for pushing design forward and making the competition step up their game I'm not gonna dwell too much on this I imagine most you guys are already pretty well aware of that when it comes to ecosystem I'll go on record saying no one does it better than Apple messages coming in to my MacBook Pro well sing it to my iPad and iPhone seem like cloud magic and it's not that you can't have this with Android or peace diva services like push boa you can configure a pretty similar experience but needs to be set up and often those services need to be paid for and that's kind of the beauty of what Apple offers it just works and works right out of the box and that is a huge appeal to people who just want to passively use their tech even for me someone who lives and breathes stuff there's a beauty to that simplicity now great to get to sometimes swallow extra hard and live in blissful ignorance inside apple's walled garden once you're in there the experience is was even going beyond the consumer side things like Final Cut Pro work and it worked better than the competition you check out a video John at TLD did comparing the latest MacBook Pro with Final Cut Pro 10 and Premiere Pro and I'll speak for itself I also think it speaks to the beauty of the offerings my 89 year old grandmother decided she wanted a smartphone which I fought for about two years but she won so I got her an iPhone as seen he picked it up and learned how to use it we now face time with my kids she forwards me emails and the fact that someone her age and someone my age and people younger than me can use the same OS go so it shows the power of what that OS can do and taking their products completely out of the equation what's right with Apple as an entity and I'm gonna use rough numbers here but if we say that in the US economy is like 17 trillion then Apple is equal in size to 0.5% so half a percent of the US economy and at the global economies again rough numbers about 60 trillion and that is 0.15 percent of the global freaking economy the size of Apple is crazy so let's stop and just take a break and just guess how much Apple makes per second pause the video and just leave your guests in the comments Apple makes one thousand four hundred and forty-four dollars in profit per second this is equal to five point two million per hour one hundred and twenty seven million per day or just over forty five point seven billion per year and those are based on 2016 net income figures that is a crap ton of money and it's not news Apple's a big company but if Apple was like a country I think it would stack up apples revenue is comparable to the GDP of whole frickin countries it's about the same as Israel Greece Denmark and Hong Kong so yeah apples jive freak enormous they're a for-profit company to hold into shareholders they don't have to give anything back but the sheer amount which they do give is actually pretty startling apples product Reds raised over 160 million dollars was a staggering numbers more about Apple's product right and what it does or doesn't do Dom Esposito actually did a great video while back talking about product read how Apple implements it and also how they can improve it recently Apple donated 50 million dollars to Stanford hospitals with 25 million for new main building another 25 million for new Children's Hospital when hurricanes Irma and Harvey hit Apple gave over 10 million to relief efforts they donated another a hundred million to advance diversity and tech and Tim Cook himself plans to donate his entire 800 million fortune to charity before he dies it's a lot of money depending on when you check Apple is teetering on being the first trillion dollar company in the world being such a large entity they naturally take advantage of tax loopholes a fact I'm not glossing over or excusing just stating the fact and part of their strategy is to keep a huge chunk of that cash overseas mostly to avoid taxes on it which is not cool especially if you live in the u.s. Tim Cook though announced that Apple is paying thirty eight billion dollars to bring cash back to the US a good portion of that is going to taxes and it's going to be investing the rest in domestic jobs manufacturing data centers all in the coming years so I'm not excusing Apple taking advantage of the loopholes here but I am saying that at least the company is bringing some of that money back to the US especially when they don't have a legal obligation to do so so Apple is far from perfect factory conditions are still a concern iOS hasn't really changed much over the years Siri is still way far behind the competition as I tried to objectively look at Apple I saw a company making powerful products with mass appeal that at least on the surface appears to have a social conscience if you're filling the rage inside you grow be sure to check out the flipside its argument that I mentioned at the beginning and what company do you want to see dissected next let us know in the comments down below give the video a thumbs up we appreciate it until next time I'm John render
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