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What is Apple’s Secret?

with the new iPhone 7 announced very recently Apple in my opinion is in a very interesting place they're in a place where I believe that they are very far behind the rest of the market and yet in a way it almost doesn't seem to matter their products seem to get sort of less and less innovative as we keep moving forward and yet the hype and the marketing becomes more and more impressive they put you in a place where you're really questioning before they announce a product is a color like jet black going to be enough for me to drop out drop all this cash on this brand new phone and traditionally I would say the answer is no a new color isn't that interesting and yet there's something about the way Apple does it where it almost is now a lot of you guys have seen my videos about switching back and forth between iOS and Android this video is not about that this video is not about life preferences honestly while I'm not that pumped about this iPhone the new iPhone is gonna be more than good enough for the most people out there who are gonna be buying it the average consumer it's not gonna be tech enthusiasts dream however it will be more than good enough for every single person who is pumped about Apple who's gonna go buy it because it's the new thing and then not think about it for the rest of the year or two years that they do use it so yet despite my lack of enthusiasm about this new iPhone I did almost buy one and so did almost every single other person to curate TechnoBuffalo and here's why we were watching that livestream and when that iPhone 7 promo came on with the jet black colors and even the commercials that came out afterwards whenever I found myself watching one of those commercials released by Apple I was so pumped about what they were announcing what they were releasing that I almost forgot about any of the specs the price anything to do with the phone it was just purely an emotional decision that I was going to make I was like I'm ready I got my wallet ready I'm gonna go buy this thing right now it looks that awesome same thing applies to the Apple watch that being said it's almost like the less impressive Apple's product get the more impressive their marketing and height becomes those new promos are insane if you haven't checked them out I highly recommend checking them out beautiful pieces of filmmaking and that's what they are they're like films they're like the story of the product and you watch and you're like yep I'm on board I'm totally on but I'm totally gonna get my new Apple watch and go swimming in the ocean and go running up a hill even though I never go running and this isn't to say that no other phone has never had a ad campaign I remember Droid had a pretty good series going motox had a good little commercial that was kind of fun and about making your own phone it was kind of all modular and weird with the back of the design the colors but what Apple has done is build their brand repeatedly literally from the color dancing ad campaigns of the iPod all the way up to these cinematic videos of the iPhone 7 there's something about their brand that is so consistent that it sort of been exponential the effect of drawing you into the Apple brand has been exponential over the years because they've built on it so effectively now there's obviously gonna be two sides to this the one side is going to be you either think that Apple makes the greatest campaigns and so that's why they're a bad company because they're a tech company they should be focusing on products or you're on the other side where you understand that selling and marketing is a part of business and that if this is something they're doing well that means they're succeeding as a business so props to them I kind of see both sides of the argument I don't really fall on one side it's just insane to me how strong the effect and the draw is even on people within the industry when we know very well how unimpressive the products are at least on a spec sheet or even in usage nowadays when a lot of other phones are good or even better and so that's pretty much it for this video guys let me know what you think in the comments down below are you a fan of what Apple is doing from a marketing standpoint or even from a product standpoint I'm always curious to hear give us a thumbs up if you liked this video and hit subscribe for more tech coverage and content I'll see you guys the next one thank you for watching
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