
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Where It All Started

this video is sponsored by Amazon blink growing up I never really thought that much about technology we're fortunate enough to kind of always have it around now I remember not having internet but their member time before and then we got an AOL and prodigy and it was it was dial-up but it was opened up a whole like new world for me but I was always ingrained with technology the very first video ever made of that Santa Rosa MacBook Pro I didn't how think I've ever talked about this on camera actually I didn't have enough money to buy that computer I actually asked my parents if they would help me buy that computer so I remember they gave me about three hundred dollars towards it and then I was able to cover the rest and I paid them back a few months later but without their help to buy that first computer that kind of launched the John four Lakers YouTube channel I don't know if the channel would have ever like ever taken off and probably like most people watching these videos I'm family tech support I'm who my parents call for anything and that that goes back to the early days here it was kind of my role in the family and something that I loved having that responsibility and I liked that I had think that my parents could ask me to help them with so my parents have been over to to my house and I've got smart doorbell I've got cameras all over my house when somebody rings my doorbell I get alerts on my phone I have smart displays that are showing up and they like that level of security they want two cameras around the house just they could keep an eye on things when they're not around I set them up a few years ago with a bunch of echo devices so that's the ecosystem that they're in they've got an echo show in the kitchen I have a few others around the house that sort of been what they are used to so I really wasn't sure you know what to get them so actually reached out on Twitter to see what was the best I got a ton of awesome recommendations from inexpensive to crazy expensive to closed-circuit cameras had a lot of recreations for for blink so I have a couple of their xt2 cameras that I'm going to set up around my parents my parents have an older house they don't have plugs and outlets everywhere these are pretty much Wireless they can last for up to two years on two double-a batteries which is really awesome my parents aren't looking to spend a lot of money for for cloud recording so Amazon's actually gives not just them but anybody who has an xtq camera two hours of free recording that when he hit that two hour mark util record something else and will keep all the footage for a year you can do a lot with the motion it's detecting and the field of motion and when it starts recording it's got two-way communication it's relatively reasonably priced willing to a down below pricing is changing all the time but it seemed like a perfect option for them to make sure that you know what's going on is secure and then have proof and be able to see you know who is outside alright so inside of the blink x2 box I got a couple over here but it's pretty simple we've got the blink extra camera we've got two parts go together formatting it's just two screws it's made it really simple and then it also comes with your two double-a batteries for your up to two years of battery life and then the mounting screws in the box as well and that's really it's a pretty pretty simple experience to get these to work though you're also going to need it's called the sync module so you got to pick up one of these as well all right so we got all the cameras and the sync module in box it's time to get setting up and so we got the cameras all ready to rock the setup was stupid easy download the app scan the QR code on the back pop in batteries and that's really it I got everything all set up with the echo show I just had to enable the blink scale on her and then on the phone it was pretty easy so I can show you show me front door and there's a front door and I could ask to show me any other cameras that I named and they'll show me the app is pretty easy to use by default the cameras kind of aggressive with the motion sensing so I turned that all the way down I didn't want to use up my two hours of a lot of recording right away but you can pick where the things are so for the cameras that are inside I turn the motion detecting off for the one that's outside I kept it on I figured that made sense people are around the house all the time but not often coming to the front door you also get a lot of other granular controls inside of the app video quality how long you want the clips to be how long you want them kept for so everything is set up and most importantly everything is working so now my parents and check in on their house who's at the front door whether they are home and upstairs and here's something maybe going on downstairs whether or not they are away I didn't have to run any wires which is pretty nice got to worry about solar panels or anything like that battery exposed they will last up to two years so it's simple I feel safer my parents here they feel a little more comfortable and I kind of feel like a good son for doing something good for my family
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