what's up everyone John Retton here from
techno buffalos here I'm kind of digging
doing these informal just quick update
videos it's an awesome chance to
interact and talk the guys a bit more
wanna know what you think about the
style it's not in place of the other
videos I do this it just sort of in
addition to get back to my roots and
just chat with you guys I know it's kind
of fun for me want to know if you enjoy
it so today's video I want to talk about
the white iPhone 4 it has been the
mythical beast of the tech world we've
seen it sort of and then it disappears
and is finally here and it's going to be
coming tomorrow the 28th of April so
over on TechnoBuffalo we've got a
confirmation this is from Apple's senior
vice president of worldwide product
marketing Phil Schiller who said the
white iPhone 4 is finally arrived and
it's beautiful was he gonna say the
white iPhone 4 is arrived in it's late
sorry or the white iPhone 4 is arrived
and it's average looking the white
iPhone 4 is arrived it looks exactly
like the black iPhone but white no of
course they're gonna say it's beautiful
and it's very nice looking this is an
aftermarket conversion it looks exactly
like the existing iPhone that's been out
for six months which actually brings me
to my next point everybody that was
hoping to get a white iPhone was first
announced and you bought a black one
already have you decided to wait have
you gotten to Android or Windows Phone 7
because you got upset or frustrated or
wanted to try something new
do you even care anymore that the white
iPhone is coming out if we look at
Apple's traditional release cycle we've
seen a new iPhone every June we're
almost the beginning of May see God if
that release cycle stays true a few
months with the new hardware we've
already waited you know this far why not
wait until the iPhone 5 if the iPhone is
your thing presumably if you believe the
rumors as well we're not going to see in
that life owned until September so I
think that's about five ish months so
we're kind of right in the middle there
of that release cycle I don't know I
can't see any reason why people would
wait or even would buy an iPhone right
now if you have a phone that works wait
till something new comes out or look at
some of these dual-core and Android
that are coming out it's the exact same
hardware that's been out since June it's
the exact same operating system that's
been out since June's with minor tweaks
and updates exactly the same iPhone just
in a different color if you know that
you want an iPhone 4 and you know that
you're gonna be ok with the new update
coming out certainly that's the Apple
game is you're always kinda have to time
your purchases if you don't care you
like the way the phone is now and go
ahead and buy it you're probably going
to enjoy it very much the iPhone 4 is
still a tremendous phone it's got a
great operating system certainly griped
enough about some of the things that I
don't like about it but you're going to
get a very very nice phone pricing line
is going to be the same pricing that we
see now so 199 or $2.99 on contract for
the 16 or 32 gonna be available for 18 T
or Verizon so whichever carrier you want
you can go ahead and pick up if you're a
Verizon customer probably makes a bit
more sense of Rhys and iPhone I believe
came out in February so it's been a bit
later so you haven't had to wait that
long just no sneakers if you guys care
it looks nice but just exactly the same
as what you've seen I'm not overly
excited about it
we got a hands-on time with the official
white iPhone and see if it Wow's you and
blows you away it's going to be exactly
the same thing just a different
different colour and we just wanna know
what you guys think do you care do you
not care have you ditch the iPhone
you're tired of waiting and went for an
Android device Windows Phone 7 did you
ditch your iPhone all together and go
for in the new dual core phones coming
out I want to hear from you there's
certainly a lot of good options
available I am John retro from
TechnoBuffalo and I will see you in the
next video
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