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Yoga Book Review: The keyboard is off the charts!

what's going on guys Ron Purita here from TechnoBuffalo and a couple weeks ago Lenovo announced a really cool and really interesting device the yoga book it's fascinating for a bunch of reasons we're going to be reviewing it today let's go ahead and get started so the first thing and probably the most standout feature to me is the design it looks amazing probably one of the best-looking devices I've ever seen the design alone gets me and a lot of other people excited from the hands to the thinness that slate black.look that it has it's superb it actually won the red dot design award in 2016 which I totally agree with the design is also partially why it succeeds as a convertible where a lot of other devices have failed in my opinion most devices are not 5050 laptop and tablet as their manufacturers might want they're usually 6040 maybe 60% of laptop 40% tablet 60% tablet 40% laptop I would say the yoga book falls in the 6040 leaning towards the tablet side it's a bit more of a tablet than it is a laptop and the reason is because the keyboard is probably one of the coolest and yet the weakest parts of the device as a whole that's not to say that it's bad it's actually really good for what it is but by no means will it replace or give you the same functionality a regular clicky keyboard what key travel would give you the keys are completely flat and light up so it looks like it's straight out of Tron Legacy which is awesome and will get a lot of heads turning once you're actually using it you do get used to it it's a bit like typing on a touchscreen I'd say a little bit better since you have a rested place to put your wrists and it feels a little more like a keyboard it's a bit of a hybrid maybe but of course you can't just rest your fingers on the keys which makes it a little difficult to remember intuitively exactly where all the keys were so overall in coolness factor I would say this keyboard is absolutely off the charts with functionality in mind however I'd say it falls right in between most tablet on-screen keyboards and most clicky laptop keyboards not as good as clicky laptop keyboards or even desktop keyboards but it is better than most on screen tablet keyboards the success of the design continues onward with the thinness when you're in laptop mode you're not going to really notice it it's super thin obviously but what's more interesting is when you flip it back into tablet mode it's so thin that even with two layers it's still about as thick as a standard tablet would be and that's why you can use it as a tablet without thinking like oh this is a lap pretending to be tablet it really feels like a good solid tablet that brings me onto the hinge which I think is absolutely beautiful it looks like a piece of jewelry and it works really well however in laptop mode like the Microsoft Surface the hinge is not as strong as I would like so when you're using it as a touchscreen the hinge does flex a little bit but you can use it for a couple touches and presses right and then there but you're not going to be leaning on it as a touchscreen device with when it's in laptop mode in regards to processing horsepower you have four gigs of RAM and you're running an Intel Atom processor I didn't notice any slowdown it's probably because we're running the Android version so that makes it a little bit easier for the tablet to power through whatever it's doing we would love to test and compare when we do get the Windows version in and see what the slowdown comparisons are like or how much you can really throw at it but like I mentioned on Android it works seamlessly the display is in 1920 by 1200 display and it is stunningly sharp in a slightly wide bezel so if you're not a fan of that that is going to be an issue for you for me I don't really mind bezels that much so it's a great viewing experience again combined with the sort of flip ability of the device you can put it in tent mode watch movies in bed it works really great for that as well and if that wasn't enough the yoga book also has another feature it comes with a pen and so when you flip it down or even just having a laptop poet and press a little button you can switch into using the pen mode so the whole keyboard disappears and becomes like a big trackpad on which you can draw with the pen and it works really well it doesn't have as many sensitivity points in something like a Wacom tablet or even as a surface book but it does have some sensitivity when you're drawing with like a pencil or something you can go from sketching and making dark lines it's a very good note-taking device but what makes it better than any other note-taking device in my opinion is that you can switch out the tip and put a physical pen tip and with real aim put a sheet of paper over the device and use it as a notebook so essentially you're making notes with a pen it's pushing through and you're having a digital copy as well as a physical copy I'm not a college student but I would imagine if I was that would be an awesome feature to have and very very practical so switchable pen tip sounds really great in theory the one issue I ran into is where do you put the other pen tip when you're not using it you got to come up with your own sort of storage solution because they don't send it with a pouch or anything like that but I guarantee you in real usage I would end up either breaking it or losing it with mechanical pencils in middle school in regards to issues with the device there are a few however they are very minor gripes number one with the volume button when you never flipped out in tablet mode and you're using it your volume buttons are going to end up either on the bottom of your device or on the top which is just kind of awkward and weird not the biggest deal but something note in addition to that when you're trying to flip back and forth between modes from closing it in the laptop and then going into tablet mode there's no lip on something that you find like with the MacBook Pro or something along those lines so you can't really slip your finger underneath so separating it is actually kind of tough sometimes and so those are my thoughts on the yoga book let us know what you think in the comments down below I'm a huge fan of it I think it's probably the best convertible device we have seen pretty much ever and I think it's almost three devices in one it's a great note-taking device it's a tablet for consumption of media and it's a laptop and I think the only place it falls a little bit short is the laptop because it doesn't have a full-size keyboard that being said the keyboard is good you can totally get used to it after a while you're just not going to be writing any novels on it but of course you guys probably knew that already let us know what you think in the comments down below we're very excited to get the Windows version and do a comparison for you guys so let us know what you want to see from that video give us a thumbs up I look forward to seeing you guys the next one subscribe for more tech content like this thank you for watching
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