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iPhone 6s Wishlist and Android Fragmentation

what's up everyone John render some technobuffalo here and welcome dear friend back to episode of ask the Buffalo they don't know by now it was the show where I put my fat butt on this couch I answer your questions in the world to technology we got a lot this week's let's jump right in first question comes from Ed Joel Figueroa 12 who asks at John for lakers thoughts on jared leto as the joker and suicide squad at comic-con this year we finally got to see what Gary ladles going to look like as the Joker and listen I was as dubious as next person when the cast scared let I was a joker in fact that was as dubious when the cats Keith ledger so when jared leto was cast as the joker i was dubious is the next comic book of love and fan but i was equally as dubious when Heath Ledger was cast the Joker coming right off of brokeback mountain and obviously you'll know he rocked the hell out of that role but seeing a very different take on the joker that let i was doing with the tattoos and the freaky teeth and the weird scary eyes I think it sounds like he's got nailed I will say I became way more excited for Suicide Squad after I saw the trailer you haven't seen the trailer and you want to see our recap of it i'll put a link to it like in this general region to check it out next question comes from wicked for you to see who asks at john for lakers what is your wish list for the next iPhone I've been saying this as my wishlist for the next iPhone pretty much since like the iphone 5 wireless charging please wireless charging I figure it's like somebody standing outside saying it's gonna rain eventually you're going to be right and on that day when it rains you will be a genius so I'm saying wireless charging although it's probably not going to happen I think what we're going to see is force touch improved camera probably being able to record 4k increased storage size getting rid of that horrible 16 gig version i live in rumors going to stick around but I got faith that Apple is going to do the right thing and knock that sucker out make the 32 gig the entry-level model others I don't think ready to see much of difference would be improved rigidity in the outside shell it's gonna look almost identical we already know iOS 9 so all the stuff I wanted for that is just I was 10 hopefully I think definitely looking at an evolutionary staff but I do think that force touch is going to be a really nice addition it's almost like adding another button without having to add an actual button to the next VV boo share 1988 ass at john for lakers i myself have not had a pure Android device do you think vendor skins improve the experience to just add to fragmentation a little bit of both I definitely think it adds fragmentation in fact it certainly does I'm of the school that I would prefer as a consumer they have one version android looks the same across all devices but I get my companies are making their own skins first of all it's their revenue streams you can put ads in there you can bundle app you have your own app stores and things that alike so I understand why they're in there from a business standpoint from a user standpoint I don't know how useful the features are but certain they do add more feature Samsung's added a ton more than one Android actually does out of the box for the user more not is kind of up to you I do wish that Google would say ok here is the layer of Android his we built on top of it instead of make your own version of Android and put that on devices it's essentially with these skins have become their own version of Android and if Google would allow that and somehow make that work and vendors will cooperate gap skins it can be download let's say you want to download sense or you want to download you know Samsung's custom UI you can do that as well download the different UIs would be awesome and consumers kachou that they want you start at the naked version of Android you add on top of it depending on you your choice but we don't live in an attic or and last but not least water were there ass at john for lakers what is one goal that you want to achieve the most but you haven't yet uh that is a good question i'm not be talking about like business wise or personal wise from business wise i sort of a pulled back to layer on TechnoBuffalo and what we've done i'd really like to get us to 10 million unique visitors a month not page views that are probably translate to thirty forty thousand page views per month but 10 million uniques that means 10 million people came to the site that's a big number for me i never get that cut up in numbers the only just a million subscribers and that was a huge accomplishment but two million is always better getting to 10 million uniques on technobuffalo calm would be really something i could could hang my hat on and say like you know what we did it we've arrived we're one of the larger independent sides out there and that'll make you feel like I've done something personally my goal was always just to have a loving family and I'm fortunate up to have that like to travel more I'm not the kind of guy that needs millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars Pappy if I only got a roof over my head and food on my plate I'm I'm pretty happy so my goals aren't like monetary wise but I like to try and maybe do more good in the world and try and be more civically active I think I think we could all be a little more civically active you'll probably be my goals on the I'm a simple man what about you guys what do you what do you want to do professionally and personally if you could and I think you guys watching episode of ask the Buffalo hope you enjoyed until next time I am your friend and dear host jon rettinger talk to you guys next video I would like to film do you think that maybe you could do the opposite of what you're doing echo film I'm going to revoke your invitation like a vampire i'm going to say you're not invited in my house anymore
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