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iPhone 7 Pro Features and Apple Car Secret Lab

it's nice outside today it seems like it's good weather for sitting and talking to a camera having a picnic and sharing some Apple rumors let's start with the next phone that you either love or hate and might be in your pocket come September at the iPhone 7 but sort of begins at the very sad face Qualcomm CEO Steve Malcolm who told analysts it looks like we're going to be losing a giant customer and that big customer is Apple it looks like Intel will be making the LTE chip for the upcoming iPhone 7 that doesn't mean you're gonna get like a core i7 in your phone essentially what that's gonna mean is faster LTE sneeze for you now Apple already up the LTE speeds with the iPhone 6 and 6s LTE a but you're going to get even faster speeds with Intel 73 60 LTE modem which I had to learn what that means theoretical speeds on this 73 60 are about 450 down and 100 up and also because I know you care supports for bands ten and twenty nine they're finally gonna get some that below from LTE to what the Frick is a phone gonna look like the folks at math Oh guitar are substantiating pictures that we saw from catcher which essentially showed the back of the iPhone 7 everybody assumed including us that these were just super fake pictures showing the back of the phone with dual cameras at a smart canker down below but it turns out at least you believe Mac avatar he's got a spotty record they have been spot on with some things that's actually what the phone is going to look like we talked a lot about the dual camera it should give you way sharper images and a lot of ways to focus after the fact but the big story is I think is a smart connector now certainly you can lend itself to iPad pro to accessories like a smart keyboard for example but I'm hoping it's got something to do with wireless charging up and hoping for a while maybe next let's jump to the Apple car Apple has allegedly been trolling Germany looking for a dance partner it's like that goofy kid in middle school ask everybody dance everybody's turning it down according to a Hasselblad Apple has been courting gambler in BMW just inviting them over to come help them manufacture the car because Apple has no idea how to make a car the rumor mill suggested Apple wants to use BMW i3 as the basis for their Apple car BMW was like nope Steve Paikin I got a date talks between both German Giants allegedly fell apart discussions over who will lead the project who would own the data and who would just be in charge of the whole thing Apple certainly wants that own it and BMWs Ambler were like we want we want that for me Apple also allegedly wants to integrate the software the car very heavily with their cloud software and BMW and Ambler wanted to keep consumers information private so they were just just just butting heads so here's where the story takes a little bit of a Bond villain sounding turn Apple allegedly as engineers working in secret in Berlin they really want to use the Germans expertise they're hoping they can come up with a partnership so if the next part I apologize to our german-speaking friends according to frankfurter Allegheny zu tog also known as faz apples clandestine facility employs between fifteen and twenty top-class men and women from the German automotive industry with backgrounds in engineering software hardware and sales the workers are described as progressive thinkers not sure what that means but supposedly they're progressive thinking butted up against the more conservative thinking traditional German manufacturers so no one knows what this is gonna be maybe you'll see an alpha car in like six years maybe we won't maybe BMW will make it into the slap and Apple logo on it this point who the heck knows but it's fun to speculate and talk about one thing you can't expect to feature heavily in this carpet does come to the market is autonomous crisis one thing it's been consistent this talk of apple's project tightening since the inception about three years ago and rumor started circulating out what do you guys think Apple rumors iPhone Apple car you excited not excited one of your thoughts on it video a thumbs up because appreciate it until next time I'm John rende you're for TechnoBuffalo that's the guy's next video
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