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iPhone XS vs Pixel 3: Is Google Still King? (Camera)

the Google pixel 2 is arguably the best smartphone camera you could buy for the past year with the public release of the new pixel 3 imminent we wanted to see if what many consider to be the best smartphone camera got even better on this newer model and how well it's stacked up to the latest and greatest from Apple on the iPhone 10 us of course we've got our full review of both the new pixel 3 and three XL coming very soon but before that video went live we just want to do a very quick camera of comparison between these two flagships does he just how similar or different they really are is the Google pixel still the camera king of smartphones let's find out but when we take a look at the photo samples looking at the spec sheets for both phones reveals that both camera systems on these phones are surprisingly similar both have 12 megapixel rear shooters with an F one-point aperture optical image stabilization and HDR but the iPhone has a second 12 megapixel telephoto lens if the pixel does not switching to the front is where we see a bit more of a difference between these two phones the advertised a standard lens with a 7 megapixel sensor while the pixels got dual front-facing lenses with 8 megapixel sensors in each of them with one of those lens as being a wide-angle field of view while the others just a regular old standard lens don't get too caught up on spec sheets though the big difference here between these phones is going to lie within the software really the difference between how the pixel handles photo processing versus how Apple handles it on the iPhone 10 s of course Google prides itself on its advanced machine learning its software wizardry and pixel core processing that is really given the pixel photos the edge but Apple has done a lot of work recently to catch up and with the introduction of smart HDR on the new 10s the photos are closer than ever in many scenarios let's take a look at some of these samples there's a lot to unpack from these photos and these first few shots are very close nearly identical on both phones it's just goes to show that in ideal conditions with good light both phones can produce really good results though the iPhone continues to typically produce warmer tones in most photos but this photo in particular is where we start to notice a difference between these two phones you can see a clear difference between the 10s and the pixel 3 when it comes to sharpness the iPhone is able to achieve the shallow depth of field while the pixel photo sharpens every part of the image almost to the point where it looks a little bit over sharpened losing that macro shallow depth of field effect one of the iPhones greatest strengths and weaknesses in the new 10s is the addition of this new smart HDR feature and essentially the iPhone takes a series of over and underexposed photos combines them together to produce photos with more details in both the highlights and the shadows and the pixel does this as well but the iPhone tends to do it a little bit more aggressively here's an example of that the addition of that smart HDR brightens up the shadows and shows off way more details in the vines than compared to the pixel 3 that keeps those vines a bit darker but a little bit more true to life smart HDR is great but sometime you want to see some shadows in your photos in this example of this portrait mode shot you can see the 10s as smart HDR working to brighten up the image whereas the pixel 3 leaves the shadows adding a bit of contrast which looks a little bit better this is also a great example of portrait mode on both the phones with a lot of light to both do a very good job of cutting out your subject from the background and separating those two you'll notice the pixel 3 shot is sharper has more contrast and doesn't leave the skin tone as warm as on the iPhone 10s and here's an example of where that smart HDR on the iPhone can be a little bit too much here's a low-light photo in our studio that looks a little bit more accurate on the pixel whereas the iPhone tries to brighten up the dark areas resulting in a much noisier less realistic photo and jumping back to portrait mode for a second we can see that in some cases especially in tricky situations the iPhones second telephoto lens really does help portrait mode be more accurate and provide some additional depth data that's going to be needed both shots look pretty good though not only does the iPhone give more detail in Matt's hair as you can see but also does a much better job of separating him from the background and the pixel struggles here you can see the top-left corner next to Matt didn't get blurred out though again the colors are gonna look a little bit more accurate and a little bit more pleasing on the pixel than on the iPhone quickly running through a few more samples here just to kind of show you guys some more photos both phones definitely have their strengths and their weaknesses the pixels seem to do a better job with portrait mode in our low-light tests and the super-high resumes the image from the pixel look a little bit more cartoony but it does have much more detail than on the iPhone the iPhone allows you to get just a little bit closer to your subject and in some cases the pixel just takes a much more visually pleasing photo it retains the detail and the look of this neon sign much better than the 10s did and when it comes to this shot in the car I prefer the pixels image over the iPhones just because it has a little bit more contrast a little more saturation just looks a little bit more visually appealing to me than on the iPhone that wide-angle lens is super convenient to have on the pixel and produces some good-looking group selfies and same goes for this standard selfie in the car obviously the iPhone is doing some heavy noise reduction here and we're it's going to result in some skin smoothing that is a bit much but the pixel although it's a great looking shot and provides a lot of detail is a again almost a little bit too sharp it's like you're cranking that clarity filter all the way up to a hundred percent though it does do a good job retaining both shadows and also details out of that rear window that's very sunny both phones also have their own individual software tricks about the most basic level I think the iPhone 10s and the pixel three are closer now than they ever have been before and the addition of the smart HDR on the iPhone brings the iPhone way closer to pixel three level of photos that has been before but again both cameras are gonna have their strengths and their weaknesses in different situations the iPhone 10s gives you a lot of detail in your photos and it's going to produce a really good looking photo with minimal effort though you're probably still going to want to go in there and edit the photo to get it looking exactly how you want it the pixel three takes a simply great looking photo with little to no effort on your part and in many cases in a side-by-side test it's gonna produce shots that look more visually appealing than what you're gonna get on the iPhone software processing here on the pixel 3 is good though at times it can be a little bit too much when it comes to sharpness and clarity and contrast but because it's software base I'm sure this is going to continue to get tweaked and refined over time with software updates personally for me I like to put the least amount of effort into processing and editing my photos after the fact as possible I just want the phone that I'm going to be able to use to snap a photo and it's gonna look good and visually appealing so for me the pixel 3 is gonna be my phone of choice but again your mileage is going to vary it's going to depend on what you're looking for in your photos if you really want to edit it after the fact but for me little effort pixel threes gonna be better in my case and if you guys want to take a look at these photos samples for yourselves we're gonna put a link down below in the description we've got a bunch of photos on there including some we didn't show off in this video so if you really want to take a deep dive and take a look in pixel peep check out that link down below and if you guys want to see video samples from these phones and some more comparisons between them maybe even an all-out versus of the iPhone 10s versus the pixel 3 leave a thumbs up for this video and leave a comment down below letting us know you guys want to see that so we know that's something you guys are interested in again stay tuned for our full pixel 3 review coming very soon I am Robert Rosenthal from TechnoBuffalo thank you guys for watching and I'll see you in the next one you
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