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iPod Touch Facetime Demo!

what's up everyone John rhett endure from TechnoBuffalo here one of the coolest new features of the ipod touch the addition of FaceTime thought it would be fun to turn to take a call here and show you what FaceTime is going to look like on the ipod touch using the front-facing camera and the little guy on the back let's go ahead and see if this works also has the ability now to vibrate you get ringtones so the phone rings when you're getting a FaceTime phone call kind of cool let's see if we get a phone call coming in and there it is look at that Mark Watson mr. soldier knows best is giving a phone call you can hear it ringing a little vibrate as well accept it connect there we go mark how are ya I'm doing well so mark and I were talking about it would be fun to sort of do a demonstration on FaceTime and figure each of us we're gonna make a video showing how is gonna work anyway might as well do do one together and also we asked our audiences some questions on Twitter so we're gonna interview each other a little bit could be could be fun so mark how would you start you must get that question all the time to the very short answer is no I am far far far from rich I work hard for what I got and fortunately the cool part about being a tech reviewer is that you can use the products that you buy as a write-off but no I am definitely far far from rich so mark next question I have for you you are getting married very very soon to to the beautiful Chris Starr the question that people want to know is what are you doing for your bachelor party yeah what's going to make it different from a regular Vegas trip have you got have you gotten used to same fiance yet it's we I still get it's still strange to say wife now like it just changes so quickly so fast it would be the honest answer someone offered a million dollars to my YouTube account yeah I would sell it absolutely absolutely yes yeah I'll tell you what if I was gonna make another YouTube you can't have it think very closely about what I was gonna call it the name John for the Lakers clearly I didn't think I was gonna be doing technology reviews would you sell yours for a million dollars yeah alright so I got a question do you hate each other I guess it's talking about you and me do we hate each other I I couldn't agree more I think competition drives people makes me better I'm sure that you know makes mark better and mark and I have met before met in Vegas and we've hung out here's there there's no bad feelings at all I think the more success he has and the more success anybody any other tech reviewers have give more validity to what we do I agree it's different takes on the same product so you just cuz you're filming an unboxing of the iPod Touch and I got something similar yeah that different takes on the product you know different experiences different opinions to pull from we need to when we met face to face for the first time at CES last year but we met just I I made a video the first time that I saw you this must have been about two years ago I made a video that was called tech reviewers you don't know our tech your best tech reviews you haven't heard of and Mark I think a you just started out at the time and did that we're doing us an awesome job I mean the quality the content you when he first started was outstanding that's how I first started talking I think I reached out sent you an email and then we just sort of started talking talking from there yeah yeah it's not three years ago so it's probably right about you know it's it's crazy I mean see like the the success that you've had yeah and assess other youtubers have had it's really kind of cool to see people sort of live their dreams I mean what we do I mean how cool is that I wake up I wake up with a smile every day you get to do something we love so those are all the questions that I had this is a demonstration of a face time I guess I can switch cameras and you know same sort of array of icons that you get when you're using it on the iPhone 4 you can switch cameras to to the back and you can see it's right now what's going on over there see mark switched I switched morphs got a much nicer angle and idea though go ahead and move back you can move the little picture anywhere you want yeah that was about exercise fun champ for us to just say I did hide of each other thanks for the call mark bye you
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