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Best iPad Games: Nimble Quest (Review)

what's up Internet Kevin here with TLD now for those you that normally watch us know that I normally review console games only however app games are something that we've been looking into getting into and there's been a recent example that I've been playing non-stop the past couple of days since it came out on Thursday nimble quest now this is a great example of taking a classic cell phone time killer kind of game in this case snake and revitalizing it with some RPG mechanics to make it have some more long-term interesting goals aside from just trying to get the highest score possible the basic idea is that you have a marching party of Heroes that are constantly running around in attacking enemies near them and while you can die from losing too much health you can also instantly get a game over by having the party leader directly collide with an enemy or wall just like in snake each hero has their own attack style with some similar but offering differences like a range and attack speed and as you get farther in the game you unlock up to 15 different ones to form your conga line of death and destruction as you kill enemies that can drop power-ups for short-term benefits like increased attack speed or instant use effects like freezing all enemies on the screen enemies can also drop two different kinds of currency that can also be gained as in-app purchases gems which can be used to boost the effectiveness of power-ups or can be used to help your heroes giving them better stats new appearances and sometimes unique abilities like life gained on hit and exploding upon death or coins that can be used to purchase one-time use benefits like increased movement speed or helping you navigate levels faster like skipping to the second part of the stage you've been to or letting you retry stage without going all the way back to the start although each successive use of retry doubles its cost so it should be used lightly what's really great about this game is that not only is it free to play but while there are some in-app purchases none of them are for exclusive content or anything that makes the game instantly winnable they really just save you time all you can really do is purchase currency or one special upgrade that makes more expensive gems appear the selling you to get money faster that's it there's nothing completely unique or exclusive to people willing to pay money everything can be earned by just playing it as much as you can this combination of simplicity and nostalgia makes this game exceedingly hard to put down as a time killer as this difficulty Rises more and more with each level featuring newer enemies that make it not only more important to have your conga line avoid direct collisions but also think about which way to approach to minimize the damage taken from attacking enemies seeing as how it's free-to-play I really can't think of a good reason for someone to not at least try it as even people that don't like fantasy based games will find themselves entranced by it's easy to learn but hard to master mechanics and how short a quick game can be played on the go well that was just a short review of an iOS game that I've been losing a ton of time on recently if you guys enjoyed this vid and found it helpful and want to see more iOS game reviews from us let us know in the comments and make sure to hit that like button if you've yet to subscribe make sure to do so to stay updated on all of our latest reviews and unboxings as well as follow me on twitter at TLD underscore Kevin as always guys thank you so much for watching our videos I'm Kevin for TLD and I'll see you next time
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