hey guys johnathan yet with t LD hope
you guys doing well now I'm sure by now
you've probably heard of this or seen it
on the Internet's but before I downst
myself and a bucketful ice I want to
point out and kind of just remind us all
that first and foremost the entire point
of this challenge is to raise awareness
for ALS so real quickly ALS is a
neurodegenerative disease that attacks
both your spine and brain cells and
essentially causes your body to give up
on itself so it's pretty serious if you
want to learn more about it or donate
like I have a post those links down
below and also real quickly because this
is based essentially around water and
ice there's been some concern about
wasting water and water droughts and
things like that so I'm essentially
recycling some pool water and also I've
donated to charity water org which gets
clean water to those who need us if you
want to donate to that helped out the
water cause how about ALS everything is
linked down below
I was actually called out by my family
cuz soos Tommy also MTP Flyers that
Armando here on YouTube so without
further ado I guess I'll get to the
tagging after the fact a lot of ice
dogs barking in the background I am
calling out Mack mixing gone from ethnic
scene Gutner your average consumer and
mr. Mark Watson soldier knows best
thank you guys for watching remember to
check out the links down below and I
will see you guys later
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