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Monster Turbine High Performance In-Ear Speakers Unboxing & First Look

what's going on guys this is John Lanier with Texas lunch and dinner bringing you an unboxing to the monster turbine high performance in-ear headphones so I want to take my buddy psy over at monster I'd actually monster themselves for hooking me up and sending these out for review so I'm gonna bring you guys the unboxing right now test these out for a couple days and actually bringing the fool or if you let you guys know what I think of them so let's go ahead and quit yappin see what's inside the box it doesn't look too crazy as always with monster they're gonna package it really well so just gonna basically cut the little plastic wrap off and then it should be pretty easy to open up beyond that so I'm pretty excited to check these out some actually have the Apple in their headphones right now inner headphones excuse me and I'm curious to try these out compared to that so those so there's the outer part of the box this gives you an overview and the features of the headphones some testimonials right there nice packaging as always from Monster and then we get Monster turbine there and it should just kind of slide open the see if it does okay there's a little tab right here here more and then the tab should pop open so life is too short to listen to bad headphones got agree with that and again here's for the love of music a little kind of overview of the headphones the message from the main guy at Monster no elite pretty cool a little nice little read there then it looks like we got a nice little carrying case which is cool that's actually something that you can throw in your pocket is gonna not be too over-the-top not too big you can throw it in a backpack whatever you're doing a nice little addition from Monster we also get a carrying pouch so I guess we got that kind of the classy one if you're rocking those at the office and then we got more just a little pouch same little saying right that life is too short to listen to bad headphones and then we have the headphones themselves and some extra earbuds it's going to go to the accessories first so it looks like they're gonna custom tailor to fit your ear more ear buds always cool to have those and we got the warranty information an important message not to blast your ears and go deaf and on a QuickStart guide more warranty info for the turbine headphones so they give you a lot of content with this let's see what's in here what we look at the actual headphones themselves so again more testimonials and kind of everything going over the headphones themselves and then we have the headphones actually pull these up see what they look like got a nice little velvet enclosure right here so we can slide these through there alright so I switch camera angles real quick so you guys can get a little close-up of these you guys can see here's the gold-plated Jack with turbine right there you guys can see that clearly as we take a look at the actual Yurbuds themselves you guys can see red and blue right and left so I'm curious to see how these are gonna feel how they're gonna sound I'm pretty excited like I said but other than that let's the unboxing go and stay tuned for the full review to these I'll have that out posted shortly so as always feel free to subscribe and I'll catch you guys later you
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