hey guys john here with TLD I'm sure
most you guys have seen the news by now
if not Steve Jobs just passed away not
even home I just solved in these stories
and first reaction was just speechless
trying to look at maybe the story was
false or something but if you're over to
it's official Steve Jobs passed away so
I wasn't sure whether or not to make a
video or not but I just kind of wanted
to bring it out to you guys and it's
weird I mean I don't know Steve
obviously most of us don't but I can't
help but feel just knot in my throat and
still hold my stomach right now it's
cheesy but I mean Apple is allowing me
to do what I'm doing today with
technology with the iPhone with the Macs
so it's more just to pay my respects to
Steve just kind of in shock right now
I'm sure most of all you guys are I just
want to say thank you to Steve you kind
of changed the way a lot of things
happened Apple call me family or
whatever but a definitely Apple has
changed the way my life spins so I don't
care if you loved Apple or you hate
you can't deny what Steve's done the
impact he's made and it's just a pretty
sad and shocking moment so thank you
Steve I'm gonna put a little clip of a
video Matz Macintosh made a while back
so you guys do the same thank you Steve
watch the video and I really don't know
what to say there's no open is going to
get better we know he's been battling
cancer for a while and that day finally
came and I'm just pretty broken up right
now so that's looking forward you can
only connect them looking backwards so
you have to trust that the dots will
somehow connect in your future you have
to trust in something your gut destiny
life karma whatever because believing
that the dots will connect down the road
will give you the confidence to follow
your heart even when it leads you off
the well-worn path and that will make
all the
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