what's up guys Kevin here with TLD
bringing you our unboxing of the Soul
Calibur 5 collector's edition which we
just picked up for the Xbox 360 as you
can see here the collectors edition
itself is designed to look like a large
old book at first glance it looks as
though the binding is actually on the
wrong side and that the book is reversed
so it opens right to left but you
actually pull out the collector's box
itself which is a properly oriented book
now on the back here we have the symbol
for the soul series and on the front we
have the actual title for Soul Calibur 5
when we open it up the first two things
that we get to see are the art book as
well as the making of DVD now inside the
art book we have a large variety of
pictures ranging from promotional art
character sketches and just full-on
concept art for each character and in
the back of the book we have the track
listing for the soundtrack which is also
included right here now underneath the
art book we also have special
promotional DLC that comes with the
collector's edition which includes
special bonus options for the character
creation mode including dark and white
night skins and beneath that of course
we have the game itself in its normal
packaging with the instruction manual
end game thanks a lot guys for watching
our unboxing of the Soul Calibur 5
collector's edition make sure to stay
tuned to watch our unboxing the Final
Fantasy 13 - collector's edition as well
as our first hour impressions for both
games till then I'm Kevin for TLD thanks
for watching
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