what's up internet kevin here with TLD
bringing you our unboxing of the street
fighter cross tekken special edition
that we just picked up for the ps3 now
this collector's edition is fairly
simple which is pretty standard for
capcom who tends to release ones that
only cost ten dollars more than standard
six dollar price tag on a game on box we
can see that this edition includes some
bonus gems for in-game as well as an art
book comic book and a little arcade
cabinet piggy bank that players can
build once we open up this box we can
see inside two major components the
game's case which has a special design
for this edition and a bagful of all the
parts for the piggy bank for now let's
put all the parts aside and check out
what's inside the games case now it's
interesting to note that while the
special edition does in fact contain an
art book and comic book all of them are
tied together at the game's manual which
might as well count as a special bonus
to considering how rare real game
manuals are these days the instruction
booklet itself can simply be flipped
over and then be read as a comic book
with having a few little pages of art in
between where it switches back to
instructions it's a bit smaller than I
expected especially the comic book but
like i said this collector's edition was
only ten dollars more and capcom is
known for doing little small things like
this now the actual main item in the
collector's edition is the arcade
cabinet but you can see is completely
unbuilt but fairly simple to put
together using six pieces of plastic and
a number of decals it takes just a
little patience to put together and not
putting too much forces to break the
plastic and to steady hand to put the
decals in just the right place once it's
all put together i must say that it is a
pretty interesting physical bonus for a
collector's edition and a great place to
put all of your life savings of pennies
that's our unboxing of the street
fighter cross tekken special edition if
you guys haven't gotten chance yet makes
check out my last video i did an
unboxing the mass effect 3 and 7
collector's edition as always guys
things checking out our videos if you
want to be extra awesome make sure to
the like button and i'll see you guys
next time
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