yo guys johnathan here this is not a
tech video nor is it clickbait it has
been a really frustrating almost two
weeks now battling an eye infection
which is the reason I'm wearing shades
inside and also so you're not subjected
to staring at my face it's not this
weekend but the weekend prior I noticed
some pain some swelling it was
definitely annoying not pretty to look
at but it really didn't slow me down too
much the preceding week this weekend I
thought I was in the clear as that
things were getting better but woke up
Monday looked in the mirror and said
welp my eye is swollen half shut and it
is grosser so with that I normally
like to keep things positive and not
focus on negative but with this I think
it was one of those things where kind of
just wore me down
day after day where I wanted to make
videos and had these ideas where your
mind says one thing and your body
essentially gives you the finger now
because of that I kind of wanted to spin
things especially with the holidays
coming up and throw out a reminder it's
okay to have a bad day it's okay to be
down it's okay to be sad not
specifically focusing on me but if
you're having a bad day whoever you
watch wherever you look up to they're
gonna have a bad day too conversely with
all that said and me having way too much
time inside my own head I thought it
might be a good time to talk about
something I've never really talked about
most of you out there who know me
especially those who are close with me
know me as the healthy guy that
stereotypical LA dude is going to eat
kale drink a juice but I never really
explained how I got to this point so
this actually dates all the way back to
November 2011 I remember was
Thanksgiving I was trying to do this
Black Friday deals video but had the
worst toothache that shot pain into my
sinus and up into my eye so at that
point I knew it was time to see a
dentist from there I went ahead and got
a root canal which I was strangely
excited for just to get things fixed and
on the up and up but good god that was
just the beginning two weeks passed and
somehow things seem to have gotten worse
the pain is amplified my face is swollen
my eyes swollen so I go back get a
second root canal two more weeks pass
and same situation the dentist or the
endodontist rather had no idea what was
wrong or was going on just super
confused without any answer so she sent
me to an ENT naturally the ENT thought
it was just a sinus infection so all
they did was prescribe antibiotics at
this point between the root canals and
the ENT that quickly tallied up four
courses of antibiotics and if you could
take one thing from
video is please only take antibiotics
when you absolutely have to question
things do your research because where I
was at that point in my life I really
wasn't in that state of mind I just
wanted to feel better and that was just
the beginning of way worse problems
later to come so about four months pass
I am miserable no one has any idea what
is wrong with me or what is going on
after tons of research and looking
around I finally found this really
well-established oral surgeon and it
wasn't until then where he discovered
that all this time I had a freaking
micro fracture in my tooth also it turns
out that the roots of my teeth are
really deep so deep in fact that they go
straight into my sinus cavity now that
is awesome if I got punched in the face
because I'm probably not going to lose
my teeth very easy but in this case it
is what ultimately screwed me because
there was a micro fracture bacteria
would constantly seep through there so
no matter how many root canals or what
was done it would never get better
and eventually what ended up happening
was the infection ate straight through
my sinus cavity that is not something I
wish on anybody I remember on cold days
breathing through my nose and feeling
the air hit the root of my tooth and
being in excruciating pain at that point
the only solution was to pull the tooth
which started a completely new bag of
I remember being awake during the
process and seeing how much the dentist
struggled to pull the tooth out I guess
because the roots were so deep that
tooth did not want to come out of my jaw
the positive to that though is if it got
any worse because it was so deep in my
jaw it could have easily infected my
bone and that would have not been good
once the tooth was out that left a giant
hole straight through my sinus so they
had to do a bone graft and that would
take about a year and a half to fully
heal jumping back to the antibiotics
because of this surgery that required
two more rounds plus steroids to keep
the inflammation down the pain from that
post surgery was one of the worst things
I've ever experienced in my life just
imagine every single nerve in your face
and your teeth just feeling like it's on
fire honestly it got me to a point where
I was in a pretty dark place pretty down
didn't really make that many youtube
videos that year the pain was so
excruciating and so constant that I look
forward to being asleep because it
didn't hurt when I was asleep through
all that though my family and especially
my fiancee pearl was really what kept me
going in some strange way it was almost
this really valuable life lesson where
all the electronics
and technology in the world didn't
matter because what good was that if he
didn't feel good to enjoy things with
those that you love so a couple months
past things are getting better with my
sinus I'm making progress I'm excited
and then I start to get a really
terrible pain in my lower stomach the
best way I could describe this feeling
is that someone took a razor blade or a
knife and started scratching you from
the inside of your stomach it had gotten
so bad that the inflammation from my
stomach actually pinched a nerve in my
back which in turn caused my leg to go
numb I went back to the doctors and they
really didn't know what was going on I
thought it might be diverticulitis which
seemed weird and went ahead and
prescribed me even more antibiotics
things weren't getting better the pain
in my stomach was getting worse my leg
was still numb my ended up seeing
chiropractors and doctors and no one had
any idea what was going on so for the
next few months I said screw it I'm
gonna do some research I am going to
figure this out on my own everything I
learned everything at red pointed to a
yeast infection or Candida which may be
a little embarrassing if you're a guy
but if you've taken major courses of
antibiotics that wipe out your good
bacteria that is a serious possibility
I'll never forget it I went back to the
doctor and told him what I think I had
and he essentially laughed at me and
told me I was crazy that it was just
allergies take these it's gonna make you
feel better so I of course believed him
I took the allergy medicine I remember
was my nephew's birthday I ate cake
candy ice cream and that destroyed my
body for the next three days it just
felt like my body was led I couldn't
think I remember that Monday taking my
fiance through Starbucks and there were
maybe two cars ahead of us and I could
not remember the two drinks she was
asking me to order to save my life and
at that point I knew something had to
change so after that I gave a bread
sugar dairy essentially anything that
tastes good and pretty much lived off
vegetables in bone broth for the next
few months sure me hold my legs started
getting better the numbness went away I
could think more clearly I had more
energy it was night and day now with
that the turnaround was not all rainbows
and unicorns there was definitely some
hardship to that with that I lost a ton
of weight I remember at one point I had
gotten down to around 145 and people
were noticing it within the video
the biggest side-effect of the
antibiotics of the steroids of the heavy
doses of ibuprofen was the stomach
damage the yeast overgrowth when it gets
really bad will actually turn into a
fungal form will you'll eat through your
stomach that in turn causes toxins and
things to leak into your bloodstream
which is not fun and completely wipes me
out it's something that I still battled
to this day but overall three are strong
now I would not change anything if I
could go back in time it made me wiser
it made me appreciate things I'm not
gonna lie it is definitely a challenge
from time to time trying to go to a
restaurant and not being able to eat 99%
of the things on the menu is extremely
frustrating especially when you have a
fiance bless her heart she's been
amazing through this and again I would
not be here if it weren't for her but
now you guys have a little deeper inside
of why I am the way I am
it's definitely tempting to eat a
doughnut or ice cream or candy or just
give in every once in a while but for me
actually feeling good far outweighs that
moment of giving in because small things
like not paying attention and eating a
sauce that has a sugar in it or even
eating too late in the day to where I
can't digest it those things will knock
me on my ass for a couple days to where
I am useless if this inspires or changes
just one person out there that I am glad
I made this video hopefully my eye is on
the up-and-up I am hungry and chomping
at the bit to make some videos to look
out for those and it on a positive note
the t-shirts finally drop thank you guys
for all the supports and the love on
those if you haven't checked those out
I'll drop a link down below I love all
of you guys and I'll catch you later
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