what's up Internet Kevin here bringing
guys my full review of destiny which is
available on the Xbox one Xbox 360 ps3
and ps4 all the gameplay are going to be
seeing here as well as my personal
experience is based on the Xbox one
version now a lot of you guys are
probably aware of the fact that this
game had a record-breaking first day of
sales as well as a very successful week
following it but the fan and critical
reception has been something of a mixed
bag partially due to the fact that
there's been some debate as to what
exact onra destiny is supposed to be now
when the game was originally being hyped
up there was a lot of talk of using the
term MMO which really the game isn't
it's got a lot more in common with a
loop grinding game like say Diablo or
Borderlands in which case the end game
content is focused on just doing the
same thing over and over again to try
and get bigger and better loot to deck
your character out with it's not
inaccurate to say that the game does
have some similarities and influences
from MMO games but the fact that matter
is is that the game definitely misses
out on that first M in which nothing
about the PvE or PvP is massive but I am
getting just a little bit ahead of
myself let's go ahead and talk about the
basics of what kind of game destiny is
what it has to offer what its strengths
are and what its weaknesses are so the
basic framework in premise here is that
players take on the role of Guardians
far-future resurrected beings who fight
for the sole purpose of protecting the
traveller as sort of sleeping God that
currently rests above the earth
Guardians take the form of one of three
different classes Titans which act as
frontline fighters and tanks offering
the greatest defense hunters who are the
most agile and focus on peer dps and
warlocks who can provide a degree of
support all of their allies as well as
having some of the greatest AOE damage
options now one of the first pitfalls
about destiny is the fact that while all
these classes are in a sense different
they all end up basically performing and
playing the same all classes are capable
of wielding the same weapons choosing
from four different primary weapons
three different secondaries and two
different heavy weapons and what defines
each class are what abilities their
particular subclasses have to offer
specifically what kind of grenades you
can use most of which are just different
forms of AoE damage some sort of double
jump ability a special melee attack
the singular most defining feature a
super move that can only be used on
occasion to deal out either massive
damage to enemies or aid teammates in
some form so once you've made your
character and jump into the game destiny
has basically three different types of
game modes to offer you've got its story
missions which are basically just one
gigantic drawn-out tutorial it's strike
missions and raids which are the main
form of cooperative gameplay and the
crucible which offers a lot of different
very traditional forms of competitive
multiplayer FPS to begin with let's talk
about the story mode which is the main
way you initially level up your
character and unlock all the other games
modes the whole thing takes roughly 10
to 12 hours to complete and while it can
be done in strike teams of up to three
players all of them are pretty easily so
lovable it's also completely and utterly
bland there's little to no explanation
for any of the game's backstory and
setting and you just feel like you're
thrown in with no idea who or what
you're fighting and why pair this with
the game's bland dialogue and weak
delivery of what story you actually get
to play through and you'll quickly
realize that plot is not one of the
reasons why you should grab this game
now the story mode is also when you
begin to realize in what ways destiny
really isn't an MMO while exploring
planets you'll be able to run into and
meet other players and maybe even join
up on the spot to tackle missions
together but unless you actually take
the time to set up a chat party there's
no in-game communication outside of
player emotes including dancing waving
pointing and sitting there's also never
really that many players on one map at
the same time so even though you can see
and run into other players all the time
the whole experience is still very much
secluded feeling now the one thing the
story mode does do and is basically its
chief reason for existing is hold the
players hand as they get introduced to
all the different varying mechanics that
destiny has to offer and prepare them
for the real meat of the game which is
the crucible strike missions and raids
the crucible is by far the game's most
straightforward feature player levels
and DPS get normalized so Gearin levels
don't really cause any major imbalances
and players can participate in one of
five different match types one of which
is domination 3 others being different
forms of deathmatch and a 5th revolving
door of match types that change every so
many weeks so far including the likes of
salvaged and combined-arms
maps are all based on worlds and areas
you visit during the game story mode
they all are original designs rather
than just sectioned off locations while
primary ammo is refilled upon every
death secondary ammo can only be found
in ammo boxes placed throughout maps and
heavy ammo is a time drop you need to
grab before other players feature to it
and if you die you lose any heavy ammo
you're carrying
honestly the crucible doesn't do a whole
lot to stand out from other FPS titles
it's nice to have and was pretty much a
given that'd be part of this game but
it's definitely not strong enough by
itself to be the reason to pick destiny
up it's a nice distraction from the
co-operative aspects of the game but
with how few modes there are to actually
play in competitive form there's just so
many other FPS is out there to choose
from now the real stars of destiny in my
opinion are its strike missions and
raids which as I mentioned earlier are
the main form of cooperative gameplay
strike missions put you in teams of
three players whereas raids put you in
teams of six and you tackle some form of
miniature dungeon low-level strike
missions are available from the start
and once you hit level 18 you can
participate in a sort of strike Roulette
mode where you get placed in a random
strike missions with two other players
scaled up to either level 18 20 22 or 24
strikes take around half an hour to
complete on average depending on what
level you're tackling with a lot of that
time focused on just fighting the area's
final boss and accompanying waves of
enemies which is pretty fun for the
first time around but once you've done a
dungeon once successive playthroughs
begin to get a lot more tedious and this
is really where Destiny's downfall comes
in my opinion the fact that the endgame
content really just turns into one
gigantic grind fest to try and get more
and more better gear and level up what
gear you have see once you hit level 20
your character no longer increases in
power from just simply gaining
experience instead the only way to grow
in power is to equip armor that has a
light value and acquiring so much light
pushes you to a new effective character
level the thing is finding powerful gear
alone isn't enough you also have to
upgrade that gear to get the most use
out of it which is done by gaining
experience while it's equipped and by
using various materials you've gathered
either by farming planets in the game's
free roam or from destroying equipment
you no longer need
now of course lieu grinders do have a
history of being pretty repetitive but
one of the things that makes that
repetition more bearable is the fact
that normally you get a good idea of
where you can farm good
whereas loot drops in destiny are just
completely wacky when and where you get
really good loot seems extremely random
and even when you do get good loot
sometimes it ends up being for a class
other than your own which you can't even
currently trade and when you find items
that need identifying the rarity might
be different from what is originally
teased destiny however does offer one
reliable way to gain epic equipment
which is to join one of currently three
different in-game factions and slowly
gain reputation with them and crucible
matches and strike missions to be able
to buy their exclusive gear which once
again boils right back down to doing a
lot of grinding as a result the whole
game ends up just becoming this process
of playing crucible or replaying the
strike missions over and over and over
also you can cross your fingers for
better gear drops or level up what gear
you currently have now one of the
payoffs of all this grinding is they get
to participate in the last in most
recent mode destiny has to offer
raids raids are basically just a larger
scale version of strike missions they
involve teams of six players all of
which are a much higher level than what
you can do in strike missions and offer
much more complex goals and a much
longer game time to complete any said
mission now in all honesty I have yet to
tackle this actual game-mode for a
couple of different reasons the main two
being the fact that first off I have yet
to muster enough excitement to actually
grind the strike missions enough to get
all the gear I need and second off the
fact that you actually need to have five
other friends that own destiny to make a
party with them first because as of
right now raids don't offer any form of
multiplayer matchmaking now I know all
the things I've had to say about destiny
so far sound pretty negative and trust
me it's meant to be but to be perfectly
honest I actually kind of enjoy what
contents here it's just that there's not
enough of it yet to really justify all
the grinding you need to do and it's
actually I think it might be fixed with
time the thing is even though destiny
has been released it's still very much
in development and there's a lot more
content that's on the way and is getting
released on a regular basis some prime
examples being the fact that the first
raid mission just came out one week
after the game was released we just got
a new game-mode for multiplayer in
rotation and there's gonna be a number
of special bounties that open up in just
the next couple of days
given time destiny just might grow into
something a lot closer to what it was
originally hyped up to be which is
something I personally do hope for but
current form it feels incomplete and
extremely repetitive if you don't mind
extreme levels of grind and are
interested in a halo style FPS with a
heavier emphasis on co-op then destiny
just might be worth picking up right now
but for the time being I'd advise
caution save your money and keep your
eyes open for what constant updates get
released and hopefully maybe even some
balanced changes to a few very important
areas like loot rates given time it just
might shape up into something being well
worth purchasing as opposed to the
current unfulfilled ingrained DMS well
that was my review of destiny if you
guys are interested in grabbing a copy
for yourself and climbing that gigantic
pile of gear then go ahead and check out
that link down in the description with
pricing and availability as always guys
thank you so much for checking out the
videos if you enjoyed it please hit that
thumbs up button to let me know it is
always appreciated and if you don't want
to miss it on more great content hit
that subscribe button as well you guys
can also follow me on twitter at Kevin
Kenton where you can hear my up-to-date
thoughts of what games I'm currently
playing and find out what games I'm
currently working on reviews for for
what channels I hope to see you guys
soon with more great content but until
then I'm Kevin Kenton and I'll see you
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