Mirror's Edge Catalyst | 5 Things That Held it Back
Mirror's Edge Catalyst | 5 Things That Held it Back
Mirror's Edge catalyst to the reboot and
sequel to the cult hit Mirror's Edge is
finally here and sadly it is one of
those games that just does not live up
to the original and here are five things
that kept it from being great first off
was the decision to make the game an
open-world setting which is something
that does have its upsides but also its
drawbacks on the one hand it makes it a
lot easier to implement things like side
quests collectables challenges which is
something this game is stuffed with not
to mention it gives players a much
greater sense of control because they're
able to go where they want when they
want rather than being forced to follow
along with the game's main story on top
of that one of the best ideas going into
this game for using an open-world is the
fact that you as a player can create
your own time trials to challenge other
people with despite this though it just
feels like Mirror's Edge is the kind of
game that doesn't really benefit from an
open-world setting or at least the way
it was implemented in this game one of
the things that made the first game so
great was its sense of fast pacing there
was a very little story very little
forcing you to wade through one thing or
another it was a very fast paced
gameplay that got you from one place to
the next and with this you find yourself
spending a lot of time having to run
back and forth back and forth over the
same areas in order to go to where
different missions start applying
different collectables and it doesn't
help that the world you're doing this in
is honestly very boring the style and
design for it makes sense for the
setting and it fits well but it just
doesn't make for that interesting of a
thing for you as a player to explore
it's a lot of whitespace a lot of the
same collectables and things that you
can find everywhere and it just gets
very boring after the first couple hours
now whether or not you like the idea of
it using an open world one of the things
that keeps this game interesting and
keeps you rooted in is of course the
core par core mechanics which is by far
this game's biggest strength it is
tremendously satisfying to play through
the game's different challenges missions
and side quests over and over again
trying to shave time off your best score
to compete with other players and it
really harkens back to this feeling of
old-school games where yes you're doing
something that is kind of repetitive but
at the same time it's really satisfying
because you're just seeing how you're
doing a little better each and every
what really messes this up though is the
fact that this game is ridiculously
buggy over the short time it took me to
complete this game I encountered all
kinds of bugs including clipping into a
wall and getting stuck between the wall
and a ladder walking on thin air and
also falling down but surviving causing
the game to checkpoint in an area where
I couldn't actually proceed so I had to
restart the entire mission all over
it didn't happen enough to make me
completely a rage quit the game but it
was definitely dense enough to really
kind of sour a lot of the experience and
make me have to take breaks every now
and then because I was just so
frustrated with the issues and while the
core par core mechanics are really cool
there is one aspect of them that was
very weird to me and that's point number
three the progression system over the
course of playing catalyst main story
there are two forms of progression that
really get unlocked some things that are
automatically given to you for getting
so far on the story and other things
that you have to unlock yourself by
spending experience points that you get
for playing the game now the gear based
rewards for getting further in the story
I'm completely okay with I actually
thought that was a good idea because it
gives you a reason why you can't explore
certain areas of the open world just yet
and it gives you new ways to complete
old trials faster and better but the XP
based progression just doesn't really
make sense in this game to me it's
become this thing now where a lot of
games that weren't RPGs to begin with
now implement pseudo RPG systems and
they just don't need them and this is
one of those situations where it just
wasn't necessary at all in fact several
of the abilities that you unlocked with
XP are things that you really should
just have right away as soon as possible
because they're necessary for getting
through some of the games later levels
like being able to immediately turn
around being able to do a roll when you
land or even double wall running the
game does make sure the main story bits
do give you enough experience in order
to afford these abilities but it just
seems like it just didn't need to be
there in the first place now point
number four is probably my biggest
problem with this game and that's the
combat system there are some cool
aspects to it in particular the parkour
style attacks where the game rewards you
for knowing how to use terrain against
your enemies and basically just for
doing cool shit in general but if you're
just standing on the ground trying to
fight enemies toe-to-toe it is extremely
boring and it doesn't help the fact that
a lot of the enemies come across as
complete idiots a lot of their AI is
extremely simple they lose tracking you
very easily all they ever really do is
walk up to you and try to swing with the
same attack over and over again and
enemies that have guns just stand at a
distance and randomly fire here and
there rather than just freely unloading
on you when it
be so easy to also it comes across like
all of them are a little drunk all the
time because the animations they have
for when they run into each other or
when you push them into boxes is
extremely silly looking and it's kind of
dumb how easy they pass out from some
attacks and to make all of this worse
unlike the first game there are parts in
this one where you have to fight enemies
in order to proceed there is no option
for running away or getting by them you
have to beat up a bunch of guys to get
farther forcing you to deal with this
game's weaker mechanics last but not
least the final point to talk about is
the game's storyline
now I actually didn't mind the basic
idea behind this game's plot I think a
lot of the ideas for the reboot for
faiths new origin for the main plot arcs
of the game were actually pretty cool
the problem is it feels as though there
was a much larger plan initially put in
place that didn't end up happening so we
ended up with a very large cast of
characters that never really got any
time to shine and never got fleshed out
there are so many characters in this
game that have interesting little quirks
or try to get characterized but then
have no screen time and no time to build
up and it just feels like there's a
whole lot of secondary characters that
don't do anything aside from one or two
of them it feels as though the game
would have been a lot better had they
cut out half the cast or at least
collapsed some of them together into one
character because as it stands a lot of
them just aren't very interesting in
this along with all my other points
really just sums up how I feel about
this game it's a lot of squandered
potential I know a lot of the points
I've been making sound extremely
negative and might make it seem like
this is one of the worst games of the
year it's not it's a perfectly mediocre
game that after some bug fixes and some
price drops can definitely be worth
picking up but that's the problem
it's just mediocre and you can see how
much potential this game had while
you're playing through it especially
compared to the first and it just seems
like at some point the dev team ran out
of time money resources or just didn't
have the heart put into it to make it
what it could have been and ultimately
after having finished it I'm not really
angry about it
I'm not salty about it I'm just sad
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