May is on its way and with it a lot of
great games are coming out so let's talk
about the best stuff that's coming out
on Xbox one and ps4 kicking things off
let's talk ps4 with Detroit become human
the newest game to come out from Quantic
Dream and David cage now if those names
aren't familiar to you these are the
same people behind the games beyond two
souls and heavy rain which this kind of
brings up some debates for some people
about whether or not they really count
as games they're kind of like
interactive movies where you make
decisions in deal with QuickTime events
and see how the story takes shape based
on the decisions you've made
now agency games all cover very
different kinds of storylines and in
Detroit become humans case it's a story
about androids that are beginning to
gain sentience and start bringing up
that whole debate once again in
cyberpunk of what actually constitutes
being human and you go through the
trials and tribulations of these
characters now like heavy rain this one
is going to feature multiple playable
characters each with their different
point of view and stories that are going
on and are going to be intersecting and
one of the really interesting aspects
about this like in heavy rain is the
fact that characters can die before the
end of the story comes so depending on
what you do and how well you play the
game it's possible that some characters
won't reach the end and the struggle
change based on that now I've always had
a bit of a love-hate relationship with
the Quantic Dream games because while
I've enjoyed each of them by the end of
the game they definitely have their
flaws and problems but I've always
viewed each game as being sort of this
stepping stone into making a bigger and
better game that embraces this idea of
multiple choices in seeing the story
branch in so many ways there's no
promise that Detroit become human is
going to be that title that actually
achieves this goal but I have the hope
that's still going to do better than the
ones before it and we're gonna see more
and more interesting control over the
narrative next let's start talking about
games that are coming out on both
systems starting with the Street Fighter
30th Anniversary Collection coming out
on May 29th now growing up I was a huge
Street Fighter fan that was a big
franchise for me and really shaped my
current love for the genre and if you
grew up with it too you'll know that
there are a ton of street fair games
that were made don't be fooled by the
most recent men being called five there
are so many different versions all the
different games this collection includes
12 of them and as the original Street
Fighter five different versions of
Street Fighter 2 three versions of three
and three versions of alpha at some
point we have to put what's really cool
about this collection too is that not
only is it giving you the ability to
play through all these different
iterations and play your favorite ones
but four of them are also getting online
multiplayer support so if you're a big
fan of some of the final versions of
Street Fighter Alpha Street Fighter 2
Street Fighter 3 you can now play those
on a modern system online with other
players and some of these games did get
this treatment before in standalone
releases but for some of them this is
the first time that's really become an
official like actual option that Capcom
is giving you like for Street Fighter
Alpha like I said earlier is the 30th
anniversary collection will be making
its way to the Xbox one ps4 and also
Nintendo switch near the end of the
month on the 29th check it out next
we've got another game that is another
port situation but it's an HD remake
not a collection so totally everything
entirely and that's Dark Souls
remastered now Dark Souls is not
actually the first game in the soul
series that's Demon Souls technically
but it is the game that really caused
the franchise to blow up in popularity
there's a good reason for that it's a
really really good game and if you guys
have been curious about the series
before and just never got a chance to
try any of them this is a great time to
get an introduction to the series
because while there have been more games
since that that have made tweaks and
improvements to some of the gameplay and
just certainly have their strengths over
the original Dark Souls there are
certain aspects about that game that
haven't really been recaptured since
that makes it really still one of the
strongest titles in the series the level
design is genius the overall structure
of the world and the way everything just
kind of interconnects will just blow
your mind the first time you play
through it and while it certainly
doesn't do the best job of teaching you
all the mechanics early on upfront
it does do a great job of slowly
instilling different practices and
different just methods of ways to play
the game that makes it easier and easier
upon every play now if you haven't
played Dark Souls and you do have this
whole kind of image your head of it
being this super hard incredibly tough
game that's not entirely fair a lot of
people give it that rap but a large part
is because a core part of the game is
the fact that you're going to die a lot
by design the game is just going to be
straight-up unfair to you and a lot of
situations but it causes you to learn
and more about the gameplay through
repetition and it's honestly there's a
really rewarding experience once you're
able to tackle and defeat some of its
toughest bosses seriously guys if you
haven't tried the franchise yet jump in
on this one now because it is excellent
blood-borne aside which is kind of its
own side thing I consider the original
Dark Souls to be the best one in the
don't miss out next let's talk an Xbox
one exclusive with state of decay -
coming out on May 22nd now back when
there were way too many zombie games
coming out one of the ones that really
separated themselves from the rest of
the fold was the original state of decay
and it wasn't the most polished game out
there didn't have the best visuals it
definitely had its share of bugs and
clipping and weird things happening
visually but it was the gameplay that
really made this game shine and blow up
it was this combination of genre
traditional third-person action shooter
survival stuff but then added in
simulation aspects where you're building
bases light RPG mechanics rave character
skills and open-world exploration I did
all this so well that ended about
shining a lot of other games they're
asking for twice as much money to
purchase and while it balanced all these
different honors and mechanics really
well it was kind of countered a little
bit by how unpolished it was and so
hopefully with this next one having more
time and more funding thrown into it
we're gonna get a better experience
which based on recent trailers and
gameplay examples we've seen
looks to be the case and thankfully it's
also coming out of time that we don't
have nearly as many zombie games
crowding the market now I'm gonna cheat
a little bit on this next one because it
is coming to Xbox one and ps4 eventually
but may is the month that comes out on
PC but there was no way I wasn't atop of
this game because I'm so excited for it
and that's pillars of eternity - the
first pillars game was a result of that
time when a lot of smaller studios
started kick-starting games and looking
for fan support and it's honestly one of
the best games to come out of that
movement it's this love letter to
old-school infinity Engine style RPGs
like Baldur's Gate and it recaptures not
only that feeling but also adopts new
mechanics that honestly just work way
better as a video game than trying to
just copy something that was done in D&D
and doesn't always translate super well
now I loved this first game and it had
plenty of content before any kind of
expansions but pillars to is already
shaping up to be a much larger
experience not to mention way better
looking there
putting a lot more effort into cleaning
this one up adding tons more content
what's really cool about it too is that
whereas the first one was kind of this
traditional medieval fantasy kind of
vibe to it pillars to is still using
that same setting but it's shifting it
somewhere that has a little more of a
pirate vibe going on you have your own
ship you customize it you hire a
different crew and you of course have
your companions you build relationships
with over time and tackle the game's
huge story now a little bit of a warning
here if this is starting to sound like
something you want to check out and you
haven't played the original one yet pick
it up and play through it now because it
does have choices that might affect
stuff going on the second one and the
story is a continuation so grab that one
right now and get ready for pillars - on
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