- We've been talking a
lot of controllers lately,
but there's another
accessory that is arguably
even more important to your
multiplayer gaming experience,
and that's a headset.
Sony has just released
their new Gold Headset,
which it actually even
says right on the box,
"The New Gold Headset,"
the entire idea being,
to separate it from the original line.
Now what has changed since that design?
Honestly not a whole lot,
but what has changed is for the better.
Now when we're talking the
internal specs of these headsets,
things like the audio quality,
mic quality, seven point one
virtual surround sound support,
these are basically the same thing.
Because the new gold are
just more recently made,
there might be a slight improvement,
but they're basically
on the exact same level.
Where all the changes come
from is in the physical design
of the headset, and basically,
everything that can be
affected by that physical
design, the durability,
the comfort, and the aesthetics of it,
this thing is a massive
upgrade over the original line.
First, let's talk comfort.
Now the headband on the new
line is notice (headphones thud)
Maybe I shouldn't do that.
First, let's talk comfort.
Now one of the first thing's you'll notice
about the new gold headset right away
is that the headband
on it is a lot thinner,
so it's a little lighter
on the top of your head.
But more importantly,
the cushioning on it's
actually a little bit thicker,
so it's more comfortable as well.
Another thing is that while
the earcups might look the same
at first glance, the new gold
headsets are a little softer
and a little plushier,
so they actually feel
a lot better around your ear.
Especially after long
periods of playing games.
Another thing you'll notice
too, is that the button
designs on these are different.
The original gold had
this whole thing where,
the buttons were flush with the skin,
and just had a little bit
of an upraise to them.
Which, is fine, but the new
gold headset has abandoned
that in favor of actual buttons,
which, when you're playing
games and you can't actually
see what each button is,
this just feels a lot more
natural, and it's easier
to find the buttons you need.
So that's a pretty big upgrade as well.
Now, as for durability, this was one
of the biggest weaknesses of
the original gold headset.
The hinges one these things,
while mine have actually maintained,
there's lots of reports
of these things breaking
for a lot of people.
There's also the fact that a lot of it
just very easily comes apart,
like, with minimal effort.
You can just take off
this part of the headset,
and I've done that so
many times while trying
to adjust the headbands,
so kind of a problem.
The new gold sets on the
other hand has abandoned
the hinge design completely.
It's now more in line with
what the platinum headset did,
where it's just one continuous loop,
and it actually makes it
a much stronger design.
And just, in general,
more comfy like I said.
As for aesthetics, I mean,
this can vary with each person.
A bit of an eye of the beholder situation.
But, in general, I
definitely like the look
of the new gold headset a lot more.
I really like the change
to the earcup design,
which is more in line with what
they did with the platinums,
I think it just looks
better than this kind
of soft, round thing that the
original gold had going on.
The only thing I do miss
is that the old gold,
had this sort of black
and blue two-tone design,
whereas, the new gold is all black.
Which still looks good, I just really like
the blue and black approach 'cause I think
it immediately resonates with Playstation,
whereas this is just sort of,
another all-black accessory.
So when it comes to the old
gold versus the new gold headset
the new one definitely wins.
But what if you're
debating between grabbing
one of these guys or the more expensive,
Sony Platinum Headset?
Well, before, the debate used to be
that, compared to the old gold headset,
the platinum was more
durable, more comfortable,
and of course added 3-D audio
support for select games.
Which, seemed like it was worth the money.
But now, compared to the new
gold one, which has fixed
a lot of those issues, well
now the really only big
selling point is that 3-D audio.
Which, like I said, is for select games.
So if you're a really big fan
of those particular titles,
like Uncharted 4, great, cool!
This adds some cool add-ons for you,
but for the vast majority of stuff,
this is already covering most
of the things you really need
for a much lower price point.
Now before, the MSRP
difference between these things
was about 60 bucks, in which case the gold
is definitely worth
doing instead, I think.
But, the platinum has
gone down a little bit
to where the difference is
really more like 30 or 40,
which at that point,
yeah you can debate it,
if the games you like offer 3-D support,
but as far as getting audio
quality for your dollar goes,
the new gold is basically the best option
Sony's gonna give you now.
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