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Nintendo Switch Hack Orders a Ride!

the Nintendo switch is a great gaming system well when it comes to multimedia use and other apps it's kind of handicap to the moment buy a Nintendo and so we kind of got the thought of what stuff could we make it do that Nintendo doesn't really want you to do yet and of all the things we tried I think one of the most interesting was uber so the way this actually works is a little different we did last time back then one of the exploits was to go to your social network settings and go to like Facebook and there was a weird way to turn that into a browser instead something we've actually discovered since then is someone's basically may hit a server for activating the switch browser so what you do that is by going to your system settings going into the internet settings which when I go to right now go to that changer settings and then you're gonna go to your dns settings for what server it's contacting instead of automatic you do manual and you input the one I'm gonna put it in right now so once you've got that updated in your settings you just tell it to save try to connect and when you initially do it it's gonna give you an error saying that you need to be registered to use it but what it's gonna doing is pull up a new page that you go to that enables you to use a Google browser on your switch and finally once it's done loading we end up on this landing page right here now there's a couple options here like being able to go to Google or even just go to specific URLs and that's really interesting because this really opens up a lot of possibilities what you could potentially do with your switch it is extremely handicapped there are a lot of things that will not work on it but this certainly starts to open the door that previously well just wasn't there at all in your switch now in this case we're going to Oberer we're gonna actually go to the mobile version of the site and boom we get the mobile interface for uber like I said we don't location services so people can't actually pinpoint our location but instead with the mobile version you can specify a pickup address so that's what we're gonna do me whatever well set up a won't do and where we want to go and then after you've done that all you need to do is log into your account a strange thing that happens there is after you've successfully logged in you just get a blank page and it seems like it's not working but then you just back out of everything even before where the login page was and you're back to the main interface logged in and good to go okay so now we've explained how this whole thing works let's go ahead and see if it actually works what's the address we wanted to use that one and now we wait for it to log me in I think I think that work has just said yep a new device site in I wonder if they're winning like wait what the hell is that I wonder what it shows up at like on their database I confirmed it I don't know if this is coming out of my pocket or the business cuz I didn't check so hopefully business and he'll be here in three minutes it looks like it worked that's wait and see also it is like the actual updating map like I'm seeing the car on its way so even though it does have location services it knows where to pick us up so I'm seeing the full thing and it looks like he's gonna be here really quick actually it says two minutes now but they're already turning on the street I think that's him said I thought a Ford Fusion looks like right the best build American cars have you driven aboard and it worked hi how are you doing they were good yeah we're actually shooting i order you using a switch yeah we found a way to do it through this little eye kinda hidden browser thing so just kind of trying stuff out recording it now the whole point of this exercise isn't just to be like oh look at this weird dumb crazy thing we found you can do on the switch it's to highlight the fact the switch has a lot more capabilities and potential than Nintendo is really allowing it to have right now I mean yes first and foremost it is a gaming system as it should be but that doesn't mean that it can't have support for a whole lot of other apps and utilities to open it up a little bit I mean it is after all basically a tablet just really focused on gaming so imagine if you ever had the ability to play the games you like playing on the switch but at the same time you're able to take a step back and open up other things like media streaming apps which we do have Hulu for now and it would be cool to have more than that but to top that off even other useful things imagine be able to go on Yelp for uber or even just order food on it that'd be awesome
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